HYDRA by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

An Ally In Samira

(2:00 pm – 3:00 pm)


The sun was still high in the sky as Kyle made his way out the sliding doors.  The parking lot was still packed.  “Well at least it'll take forever to get everything,” he said making his way to Portillo’s.  “Yo Kyle,” he stopped hearing his name being called.  He scanned the parking lot for the source.  “Kyle right here man,” he saw a white Acura and made his way over.  “Cody what're you doing out here?  I thought you and Brandon went on a lunch date?”  Cody shook his head, “just came out for a smoke.  This is my girlfriend Tiffany.  She works at the Portillo’s over there.”  Kyle nodded at the black haired beauty, “Hey Tiffany, is it busy over there?”  She smiled replying, “always!”

“So, what're you doing out here?” Kyle huffed, “I have to go get Ron a hot dog and soda.”  Cody laughed, “oh that's rough man!  He has you running all over the place huh?”  Rolling his eyes in frustration, “I know!  How much longer are you staying?”  “About an hour,” “alright I'll see ya in there!”  Kyle turned to walk away, but Cody stopped him.  “Hey Kyle...don't go taking forever now.”  Pinching his fingers to his lips Kyle laughed, “I'll try man but no promises!” 

Portillo’s was always a mad house.  Kyle waited in line grabbing Ron's soda and hot dog with only relish.  “God that's so fucking weird,” he muttered glancing at his watch.  Surprised that only twenty minutes had passed, he shrugged taking a seat at an empty table.  He gazed around and to his surprise saw Gene about to exit out the doors.  He spotted Kyle giving him a small little wave.  “I still need to speak with you when you get back.”  Kyle nodded as Gene disappeared out the doors.  “Ugh,” he sighed pulling out his phone to rummage around Facebook for awhile.  He gazed at Ron’s food purposefully letting it get cold.  He returned to his phone whispering softly, “fuck him!  I should cough all over his hot dog.”

“Jesus Kyle what took you so long,” Kyle handed the brown bag to Ron ten minutes later.  He snatched it out of his hand and took the soda with a slight aggressiveness.  “It's Portillo’s Ron.”  Ron looked at his watch.  “It's nearly two thirty!”  Kyle shrugged, “well I came as fast as I could.”  Ron eyed him suspiciously before leaving for the office.  “Kyle,” rolling his eyes at the approaching new Assistant Manager.  The woman that had been sitting on the phone, while he was getting his head chewed off.  She had gorgeous brown eyes and appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent.  She was nearly as tall as Joel with a smile similar to bleached white pearls. She extended her hand, “Hi my name is Samira.  I'm the new Assistant Manager.”  He lazily shook her hand, “great...nice to meet you.”  He already felt his body starting to write off her friendship.  Management never seemed to like him anyway.  What was the point anymore?  “I wanted to talk to you about a couple things.”  His thoughts began to debate, whether he should tell her about his intentions.  Maybe he should just go tell Ron right now?  “So, I noticed that you seem to be the go to guy around here.”  He nearly choked on his own words,“Excuse me?”

“Well, I guess everyone around here says that if something is needed to go to you.”  He shrugged unsure about where she was going with this.  “I heard two days ago you single-handedly emptied out the entire warehouse of 11 pallets.”  Kyle gave a weak smile and rubbed his neck nervously.  “Well, it was more like thirteen, but whose counting right?”  She giggled a little before continuing, “well you had to put them all right back after just pulling them out right?”  Furrowing his eyes Kyle gave a, “um yea?  Ron thought that he needed them...”  “I see that you ran out to get Ron's lunch twice, handled the furniture, and have to assemble six chairs today.  Well, I was talking with Greg and Rebecca from Copy and Print.  They say you help them out on projects all the time even taking care of UPS for them.  Is that true?”  Kyle nodded as she asked, “do you handle Easy Tech too?”  “Well, I can check the computers in and out.  I can also help with the diagnostic stuff, but they won't let me do that often.”  She nodded, “You're a great worker.  You haven’t even taking your thirty correct?”  He shook his head, “I take them much later near closing usually...”  She seemed so genuine as she gazed at him.  He added with a grin, “taking a little nap.  So, what’s up?”  “Well, I’m just letting you know that the Employee of the Month hasn't been picked yet.  How many times have you gotten it?”  He shook his head, “never, but I don’t...”  “Never...you're kidding me?  Well, I am going to talk to Ron about that!” 

“Look Samira, I appreciate what you're saying.  You have to understand that me not getting Employee of the Month is a running joke around here.  None of the management like me, and if you want to stay on Ron's good side then...” “Nonsense Kyle, absolute nonsense I'm going to talk to him right now!”  He shrugged as she continued, “Do you like working in Office Supplies?”  “Uhhh,” was all he replied.  “How would you like to move to Copy and Print?  Greg and Rebecca say you're really helpful.  Needless to say, they can use the help over there.”  “Samira, Ron is not going to move me.  I appreciate what you're saying and trying to do, but Ron hates me!”  “That's ridiculous, we appreciate everything you do!  Ron, Ron can I ask you something?”

Ron had emerged from the office.  He was pulling up his pants looking extremely pleased with himself.  He waved his hand, “later Samira later!  I have to go with Gene on a walk through again.”  Samira didn't seem to give up, “would it be alright if we moved Kyle to Copy and Print?  We could give Ilene more hours that way.”  Ron seemed to freeze in his spot.  Kyle had to turn away unable to watch.  “Kyle...Copy and Print?  No, no, no, I have lots of work for him right where he is!”  Samira began to protest just as he pleaded, “please Samira don't!”  She returned her gaze to him, “nothing is going to change, but I appreciate what you’re trying to do.  Can I go disassemble and build all that furniture now?”  She nodded, “I'm going to keep talking to him.  It’s unfair how they treat you, and the things they say.”  He was about to speak, when she moved past him to talk with Katie.

“Kyle,” came a woman's voice.  He turned and saw to his surprise Ashley coming through the double doors.  She was Katie’s replacement for the afternoon cashier shift.  Ashley had gone to the same high school as Kyle had.  She had even taken a few classes with his sister.  “Hey boy,” she said.  “Hey girl,” he said mocking her right back.  “How is the boyfriend?”  She smiled replying, “how's the girlfriend?  So, what's going on?  Anything I should know, before I go put my stuff away?”  “Yeah, I'll fill you in.  I thought you would be starting at 12?”  She shook her head, “Today our my classes.  I couldn't come in until two thirty.  I called and asked if Katie could stay later.  So, I'm taking some of her hours tomorrow.” 

They both walked back to the break room.  Knowing that he was going to have to head that way anyway.  He told her about Carol getting fired, Jimmy quitting, Ron's odd behavior, being called a sexist, and didn’t leave out any details.  The only thing he left out was telling her that he would be quitting today.  “Katie said you're a sexist?”  Kyle nodded, “Can you believe it?”  “I'm shocked,” she exclaimed. 

Reaching the break room, he stared at the sink.  It seemed like ages ago that he was patching up his wound.  Hearing a loud snapping of fingers. he turned his attention back to Ashley.  She was pointing to the small adjacent office.  She mouthed barely above a whisper, “who is that?”  He rolled his eyes nearly forgetting about,  “the new guy.”  He walked over to the small office and leaned in, “Tristan right?”  Tristan was staring at the computer screen watching training videos.  “Yeah,” pushing up his glasses as Kyle outstretched his hand.  “Name's Kyle, so how's everything going?”  “Pretty good, but has there always been this many videos?”  Reflecting on his own personal training, he smiled almost fondly at his once held innocence.  “Yeah man...it's a real drag.  How are the tests?”  “They're stupid and contradict themselves!  I can't keep it all straight.”  Laughing, “yeah I had someone help me. Listen, I'll come back here and check on you every now and then ok?”  Tristan nodded, “thanks...are you in Tech?”  “No, Office Supplies...so you're the new tech huh?” 

He nodded again as Kyle returned his gaze back to Ashley.  “Alright, I gotta get back to work.  Lord knows I got enough to do around here.”  Making his way to the warehouse as Ashley yelled, “see you upfront!”  Laughing he replied, “yeah watch how fast I go!”  The afternoon lull had at last come to the store.  Finally being able to wrap the pallets from this morning and move Carol's precious tables into the corner.  Soon his mind wandered over the idea that everybody had been telling him.  The idea of writing a book about his experiences in retail.  After all everything that happened to him today was literary worthy already.  The truth was that there were so many stories.  How could he possibly fit them all in one book?  Could he even write about all the employees he worked with over the years?  What Clips needed was an Employee Hall of Fame.

“A hall of fame,” he whispered while loading boxes onto the U-Boat.  A sort of legacy that he could leave for the current and future Clips employees’It would also be a great addition to the book.  The problem was he wasn't a comedy writer.  Although, he did have to admit that the idea was starting to grow on him.  CRASH...the plastic tote slammed onto the U-Boat.  What would happen to these stories when he quit today?  Would the current employees keep them alive?  Would the future employees ever know about past employees like TJ?  The employee that continuously called off for losing his grandma.  He began to laugh remembering how TJ was terminated after loosing his twelfth grandmother.  “That was like his go to excuse.  Oh, my grandma died again can't come in!”  He cleared an entire pallet before making his way to the baler. 

Still lost in his own head, he began to prepare an actual bail.  His thoughts now wandering over his idea for the Clips Hall of Fame.  Would his fellow workers enjoy the idea?  Would they ensure that the stories and workers withstood the high worker turn over rate?  “Probably not,” he whispered to himself pulling the steel wires through the rusted machine.  What about the stories that involved him?  Would anybody let the new employees know about him?  Would they care about the Hall of Fame like the others did?  Should he make one or at the very least start it?  After all, what did he care?  He was going to quit today right?  “Oh my god,” he paused leaning against the wall.  Was he serious about that?  Was he seriously still considering quitting today? 

The double doors opened with a BANG!   “Kyle,” came a soft voice from somebody he had not expected.  “Keith,” he asked softly.  Keith chuckled, “Where are you?”  He emerged from behind the baler.  Keith was short, skinny, and had been in gymnastics for many years.  His brown hair sat flat against his head similar to Moe’s from the Three Stooges.  His face was scrunched up with blue eyes that fit the definition of kindness.  “How's it going Keith?”  “Ron sent me back here to give you a hand.”  “Oh good, I haven’t seen Brandon in a long time!  I still have to put up the book bag display.”  Keith laughed, “yeah actually Ron was just complaining to Joel about that.  Joel told him that you were taking care of it.  Oh by the way, you're also needed up front.”  “Figures, um...well, I cleared off two of the pallets so far.  So this U-Boat is office supplies.  This one is tech, and I'm trying to get this bail done.  I'm gunna take up a couple boxes of book bags before I go.  Maybe that’ll get Ron off my back?”  Grabbing the dolly, he began to fill it with boxes of book bags.  “So, Keith I'm putting in my two weeks notice today.”

Keith started laughing as he began to pick up where Kyle left off.  “What's so funny?”  “Kyle you say that almost every time I see you!”  Kyle grabbed a box of book bags, “Why does everybody keep saying that?”  His words fell on deaf ears as Keith replied, “but after Sunday's meeting I can't really blame you.”  “I was actually just thinking about all the stories and shit that have happened in this place.”  Keith nodded, “yeah if anybody can remembers all that crazy stuff it would be you.  After all, you are the writer right?  Well if it helps you wouldn’t be the only one quitting soon.”  Kyle tilted the dolly back, “What do you mean?”  Keith smiled, “I got an interview for another job and if I get it I'm out of here.”  Kyle shook his head in disbelief, “damn!  It seems like the whole family is breaking up.”  Keith nodded, “yeah Ilene too!  She already put her two weeks in yesterday.  She’s going to work for some real estate agent or mortgage broker.  Either way we can find out later, I think she'll be in at five.”

Wheeling the dolly out the doors as Keith dragged a U-Boat behind him.  Kyle was now more determined about the Hall of Fame.  “Hey Keith can I ask you something?  What would you say if I made a sort of Clips Hall of Fame?  You know to honor the greats that passed through these doors.”  His U-Boat slowed as he asked, “Who would be included in it?”  “Like TJ for instance,” Keith began to laugh.  His tiny body shook slightly, “God he was funny!  Karen used to come up to me all the time and say, ‘TJ called off again.  His fifth grandma died today.’”  “She knew man!”  Keith nodded, “how could she not right?  He had like four grandmas die in a month!  You know Kyle you should write a book on that stuff.  The Hall of Fame idea is good for us.  This store and these people is a book that would sell!”  Kyle nodded in agreement, “I can't lie I’m thinking about it.  So, would you support the Hall of Fame?”  “Why wouldn't I?  I love the idea!  Let me know if you need any help!” 

Kyle and Keith parted ways when they arrived up front.  Maybe everyone was right?  Maybe he should write a book about his experiences in retail?  Wheeling the boxes to where the book bag stand was going, he noticed Samira and Ron.  They seemed to be in a heated discussion by register number two.  Ashley smiled as he approached her, “Keith said that you needed...”  His words faltered as Ron and Samira approached him.  “FUCK,” yelled his mind.  Samira smiled when she asked, “Kyle may we have a word?”  Ron had a look of upmost disgust as Samira handed him a sheet of paper.  “Kyle, Ron and I are happy to give you the Employee of the Month Award.”  He shook his head in utter confusion and disbelief.  He felt his face fall staring at them both, “You’re...you're joking right?”  Samira smiled wider and shook her head, “no!  You emptied out the entire warehouse of all those pallets just to pull them back inside.  Not to mention everything else you do to keep this place running.  I daresay it’s the least we can do!  Also, I’m looking forward to working with you.  I think you and I can get things done around here.”  Ron never said a word even when Samira handed him a twenty dollar Clips gift card.  Samira took the paper back, “I’ll hang it up in the break room for you ok?” 

Smiling he watched Samira leave as a soft, “wow” escaped him.  The disbelief on his face still clear as he turned back to a frowning Ron.  Ron’s face looked like somebody had passed gas and left him trapped in the room.  He was frozen and visibly upset.  “Kyle,” he said softly staring at him as if trying to gather his thoughts.  “Can I ask you something?”  Unsure of where this was going, “um...”  “What happened Kyle?”  Furrowing his brow in confusion, “excuse me?  I don’t follow you Ron.”  “With my hot dog, it was all relish.”  “Y...yeah...that's what you said.”  “It was ALL relish.”  Kyle nodded, “yeah...only relish.”  “No, I said everything BUT relish.”  Trying to recall the event he shook his head, “n...no, you didn't Ron.  You said only relish.”  Ron crossed his arms in exasperation, “Kyle when in the hell would I ask for only relish?”  He shrugged, “I don't know?  I thought it was weird myself, but that’s what you said.”  “Kyle, you need to listen more!  I specifically said clear as day that I wanted everything BUT relish.”

Clenching his teeth in a forced calm Kyle slowly replied, “no...Ron...you’re mistaken.  You said only relish.”  “I'm not gunna sit here an argue with you about this Kyle!”  “Fine, can I go back to work now?”  Without waiting for a response, he stormed back to the boxes of book bags in complete frustration.  “Kyle,” came a familiar voice from the side of him.  “Heard you finally got Employee of the Month way to go man!  That Samira is pretty cool huh?”  Nodding, “I'm gunna like working with her for the next two weeks.”  Joel’s face fell, “What do you mean two weeks?”  “Joel, I told you that I'm quitting today…didn’t I?  Anyway, I just have to find the right time.”  “What about the bills and shit?”  “Well, the lease is almost up anyway.  I'll just move back in with my parents until Amy and I get an apartment together.  Besides you're moving to Texas soon anyway right?”  “Yeah, I just didn't think today was going to be the day.  Now, I need you to quit goofing around and do some work!”  Joel stopped dead in his track and posed like a football player stiff arming another.  “What the hell was that?  Whose the one goofing around now?”  Joel smiled, “It made you laugh!” 

Pulling out of his back pocket, the plano that Joel had given him earlier.  He began to go over what he would need.  “HEY KILLA,” trying to hide his frustration.  He turned to his mortal enemy, “yea?”  “I'm gunna pull my truck around tell Joel to go unlock everything.  Can you also grab Keith to help you guys?”  Ron threw on his gray coat and headed outside to get his red pick up truck.  “Hey Joel,” he yelled watching him approach the Customer Service Desk. “You have to open the dock door for me!”  Waving his hand in acknowledgment he shouted, “I heard just go I’ll be back in a minute!”  Kyle was about to head back, when a customer with thin John Lennon like glasses approached. “Hey son, where is the ink in this place?”  “You walked past it.  It's directly behind you.”  Turning around the man gave a confused, “but all I see is Post-it Notes.”  “Yes, they’re behind them in the next aisle.”  “Are you sure?”  Rolling his eyes, “yes there’s the sign hanging over it...see?”  “Can...can you show me?”  “REALLY,” yelled his brain but with a small wave he gave a forced, “follow me.”  Walking twelve feet he said, “This is for toner.  This one over here is for cartridges.”  The man smiled, “OH...I'm sorry you meant behind them, behind them.”  Wagging his finger at Kyle, “I got you boy!”

Shaking his head, “what was there to get?”  Turning to the front, he saw Keith next to Ashley.  Making his way towards the front, “Keith we need to go back and help Ron load up his truck.”  Holding up a binder he nodded, “be right there.”  Kyle turned and saw an old man walk in through the sliding door.  “Hello son, I was wondering if you guys still had floppy discs?”  “Floppy discs,” he repeated unsure if he heard right.  “Well they’re discs and...well, I dare say you probably have no idea what I’m talking about.”  Kyle nodded, “No I do!  I was just unsure I heard you right?   Um, can you give me a second to think?”  He began to examine the Technology side, “That's a really good question.  I think we...”  CLAP…Cody had appeared slapping his hand on his shoulder, “What's going on Kyle my boy?”  “I'm trying to remember if we have floppy discs.  I don't think we do.”  Cody had a wicked smile spread across his face.  His eyebrows raised mischievously as he gazed at Kyle.

“You’re looking for floppy dicks sir?”  Feeling like he had crashed into a wall Kyle had to take a moment.  “Yes, do you have them?  I know they’re really outdated, but I figured...”  “Of course we have floppy dicks sir!  They’re over here, but I'm afraid we don't have many.”  Cody made his way towards the multi-media aisle.  Kyle had to stay and watch this.  It had taken him almost an age to be convinced of what he was hearing.  Soon, he found himself struggling to contain his laughter.  “We got these small floppy dicks here.  However, these dicks here are the ones that you are probably talking about.  We got black floppy dicks and multi-colored ones.  Are these good sir?”  Kyle wasn't sure if the man understood what Cody was saying or just didn’t want to address it.  “I'll take these black ones.  They’re the ones I'm used to.”  “I remember using the black floppy dicks, when I was a child.  They’re really outdated and probably the last we’ll ever get.”  “Thank you young man,” the old man replied as Cody made his way back to Kyle.  “Dude that was worth all the bullshit that I put up with today!”  Cody looked like he wanted to take a bow.  “Well, you looked like you needed a laugh.  You better go back now, before Ron starts to freak out.”

Two minutes later, Kyle and Keith arrived in the warehouse.  Ron’s boisterous voice sounded relieved, “Oh good, you guys are here!  I was just about to page you two.  I thought you might have forgotten.”  “No, Keith was helping Ashley.  I was helping Cody with...”  “Fine, fine I'll go get some rope while you two load up the truck.”  Why did he even bother responding to Ron?  He should have known that Ron wouldn’t have cared.  “Hey Keith, I got an idea.  Why don't you load them as I hand them to you.”  Keith seemed relieved and hopped down into Ron's pick up.  The work passed in an almost dull crawl.  Shelf after shelf piled up in the cargo bed as Keith said, “It's kinda funny that he’s doing this?”  “Why is that?”  Keith shrugged, “well it's just...they’re not his shelves to sell.  Think about it, Ron's the manager of the store right?”  “Yeah...”  “He doesn't own the store right?”  “Yeah, where are you going with this Keith?”  “He doesn't own the store he just manages it. These shelves he doesn't own them.  They are not his to sell they belong to Clips.”  “It's not that they are going to ask about them or notice them missing.”  Keith laughs, “that’s true!  I just think it's funny.”

“Froggy,” yelled Ron coming around the corner with a ball of twine.  Tossing the twine to Keith, “this is all that I could find.  Tie all the stuff up really good now!  By the way, Kyle you still need to move the rest of the chairs back down to the bottom shelf.”  Nodding as Ron continued, “and try to keep them all organized and together.  The more room on top the better.”  “You're just doing this to give me more work to...”  “Did you say something Kyle?”  Handing a shelf to Keith he replied, “yeah I did.  Can I have a word with you later if that’s ok?”  “Sure,” Ron said adding quickly, “you come find me when you have the time.  Let me know when everything is loaded up.”  And with that Ron turned heading out the double doors.  Keith looked at him suspiciously.  “I told you I'm putting my two weeks in.”  Keith's face fell, “I didn't think you were serious though?  You always say that!” 

RING...RING...RING... Kyle's phone started to go off.  “Of course I'm serious after a day like today who could blame me?”  Picking up the phone and expecting to see his girlfriend, he was surprised to see an unrecognizable number.  “Hello,” he said as he handed another shelf to Keith.  A man's voice said, “hello is this Kyle O'Reilly?”  “Speaking,” he replied as the mysterious voice continued.  “Hello, my name is Larry York.  I am the Field Operations Manager here at Allied Global.  I see that you put in an application to us correct?”  Kyle exclaimed quickly, “yes I did!”  “We would like to call you in for an interview for tomorrow say 11 am?”  “Yes, I will definitely be there,” Kyle took down the address in his phone.  He thanked Larry York one more time before hanging up.  “I can't believe I got an interview tomorrow!”  “So, I guess that means...”  “Yep, today is definitely the day.”  Hoping down to the truck, he began to help Keith tie all the shelves to the truck.

“You know Keith it's funny.  I worked here three years...three whole years!  I always wondered what it would be like to finally reach my last day.”  He gazed up at the sky and leaned on Ron’s truck.  “You know I didn't think it would ever come.  I'm going to miss ya Keith.  Who else is gunna educate me on Dr. Who?”  Keith laughed tossing him the ball of twine.  “You know you could actually watch the show?”  Shaking his head, “too weird for me.  Also, it’s been on for like over twenty seasons too.”  Keith nodded, “over twenty great seasons!”  Kyle smiled tying the twine around a loose shelf, “that’s up for discussion.” 

“So, where’s this new job at?”  Shrugging he gave a, “don't know.  Although, it's with security. So, it's better than this.  All you have to do is walk around and stay awake.”  “Sounds boring,” “that's good!  I like boring.  Boring means easy money.”  “You got any funny stories from your old security job?”  “Not enough to write a book on...”  Cutting him off he smiled and said, “Oh, so are you gunna write a book on just Clips then?”  Shrugging Kyle threaded the twine through a hole in another shelf.  “It's growing on me I will say that.  You know you should go into security too.  It's a lot easier than this.”  Keith immediately shook his head, “look at me!  I'm scrawny and frail nobody would want me.  I couldn't secure a playground.”  “You could do armed security.  My relief showed up with a gun...granted that's why he got fired but...”  Keith held up his tiny hand, “wait he was armed?”  “Well, he wasn't supposed to be.  He kept it hidden.”  Throwing the roll of twine back to Keith, “`So how did they find out?”

“That's actually a funny story.  I worked third shift at a truck depot that was surrounded by a forest.  My shift partner told me that the guard shack was ransacked by raccoons throughout the night.  He found one posted on the glass like a Garfield on a car window.  So, he brought a gun with him the next week.  Well, he went into the bathroom and accidentally left it in there.  He couldn't break the door down, because it was made of this thick steel.  He tried to get a locksmith, but being overnight he couldn't.  So, he had no choice.  He had to get a Lieutenant to open the door.  Needless to say, he was fired the next day, when they discovered it.”  Keith laughed, “wow that's funny!  What about the morning guy would he help?”  “FUCK NO, he was a dick!  He would shut off the power to the shack at night.  So, I would have to sit in the dark all night.  It's too bad that I wasn't the idiot he thought I was.  I just had to switch the breaker back on.” 

Hopping off the truck Keith stared at all the shelves tied together.  “Wow that's crazy!  Did you ever confront him about it?”  “Yeah on the like fourth or fifth time that he did it!  I drove up and saw him in his car like always.  I started to confront him about it, but he just drove away.  He never said a word to me...ever!”  Keith shook his head in confusion, “and you want to go back to that?”  “It’s a totally different company...”  “AH, I see you guys have finally finished!”  Kyle nearly jumped out of his skin, “Jesus, Ron you scared the...”  Ron had cut him off as usual.  “Ok, I’ll drive this out to the scrape yard.  Kyle I need you to do those chairs over there.  Also, take this damaged furniture out to the curb too.  Bethany just signed them out.  Get Joel to open the door for you.” 

It took nearly an age for Kyle to climb back up through the overhead door.  Keith had to give him a hand as he struggled to his feet.  He chuckled, “not as spry as I was in my younger years.”  They both laughed as Ron opened up the side door disappearing behind it.  “That mother...”  “What Kyle,” asked Keith with an inquisitive look.  “He just said to get Joel to open the side door!  If he was going to just open the door himself.  Why the hell did I have to climb up through the overhead door?  If I had cut myself I would need a tetanus shot!”  Keith smiled, “that's Ron!  Come on, I'll help you with the chairs.” 

Moving to the chairs, Kyle felt more like an ant than ever before.  “So have you thought anymore about writing a book on retail?”  “Jeez, you know everybody has been going on and on about that today!”  Keith placed a chair on the bottom rack, “you should Kyle!  It's a lot more relatable than the one you are writing now.”  “Kyle,” exclaimed Joel as he entered through the double doors.  “Joel, what's up?”  “Dude you need to put up that display of book bags!  Gene is on my ass about it and is coming to talk to you about it.”  Kyle sighed, “I'm sorry Joel I only have two hands.  I had to...”  “Look...I hate to sound like Carol, but you have to finish one job before you...”  “YES MOM!”  “I'm serious Kyle please go finish the book bag display!”  “But Ron said...”  “Kyle look you know me and if I’m telling you that it needs to be done then it...”  “Alright, but if Ron yells at me...sorry Keith.”  Moving past Keith, he descended the ladder with an angry grumble.  “Ron said something about you needing to talk to him too.” 

Kyle and Joel exited the warehouse, “I got an interview tomorrow with Allied Global.  I can’t wait to put in my two weeks!  I know it’s not a smart move, but I'm putting all my chips down.”  Grabbing his arm, “Kyle...I need you to listen to me ok?  This is not your friend talking.  This is your boss talking ok?  We’ve lost Carol and Jimmy today.  More is about to happen too.  I can't be sure yet, but something else is going to go down.  And this store can't afford to lose you.”  Throwing Joel's