HYDRA by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

2 Week Notice

(3:00 pm – 4:00 pm)


Kyle made his way to to the book bags and saw a mobile display already there.  “No shelves,” he muttered to himself.  He would have to go back to the warehouse, but he didn't feel like making that walk.  He wanted to at least get everything started.  To show that it was at least being worked on.  He withdrew the paper from his back pocket and began to scan it over.  He needed to bring out some hooks as well.  He tapped his finger to his chin staring at the warehouse down the aisle.  “How many boxes are still back there?”  Folding up the planogram, he prepared to head back to the warehouse.  He was stopped by a voice he thought was gone for the day.  “Excuse me,” he glanced to his left to see Gene making his way towards him.  Clutching a large red binder to his chest this time.

“Kyle is it...”  “Yes Gene, you know who I am.”  “I meet so many people it's hard for me to keep track really!”  Rolling his eyes, “I just wanted to ask if you’ve read this?”  Holding up the red Clips Safety Book he replied, “no I’m too busy.”  Gene thinned his lips and gave a, “mhmm.  No wonder you were walking down the ladder wrong.”  “Well, that book is more for medical emergencies.”  Gene straightened his glasses, “and would you know how to handle a medical emergency should it arise?”  Kyle shrugged, “it depends on the emergency.”  “But if you hadn't read the book how would you know what to do?”  Sighing slightly as he repeated, “it depends on the emergency.”  Gene straightened his glasses eyeing him suspiciously, “what if someone was having a seizure.”  “Well, I would try to catch them, so they don’t hurt themselves.  I would then try to clear everyone away give the person room.  I would make sure their was nothing around them that could....”  Gene shook his head, “that's wrong Kyle!  You need to put something in their mouth.”  “Actually, that’s an outdated method.  You're not supposed to put anything in their mouth anymore.”  “Well the book says...”  “That books is outdated.  What date was it printed...”  “That is none of your concern Kyle!  If the book tells you that you need to put something in their mouth then you do it!”  “Well that's fine Gene, but the book is outdated.”  “You are not a doctor Kyle!  If the book says to do it you do it!  I'm putting this in your report that you need medical training.”

Kyle's mouth dropped open as that familiar boiling sensation filled him up.   His mind began to cheer him on, “what do you care?  You're putting your two weeks in anyway.”  His lips began to move, “Ok, Gene it’s not my fault that the Clips Safety Book is outdated.  Second of all, you wanted to know what you do, and I was telling you what to do.  If you would have let me finished I would have gone on to say...”  “Ridiculous Kyle....ABSOLUTELY ridiculous, I'm going to speak to Ron about this!  I have never...NEVER...had a worker talk to me like that...NOT EVER...in my entire career!  I would think with a paying job you would show a little respect to...”  “Minimum wage...minimum wage makes me show you respect.”  “If you don't want to work here Kyle there’s the door!  You can leave, and we’ll find somebody who will work it.  Never in my entire life...” 

Gene stormed away barely able to contain his rage,  “Jesus Kyle what the hell was that about?”  Rebecca had made her way over to him.  Her face dropped in shock as Kyle ranted, “fuck him..fuck this job...fuck them both!  If I knew Ron was free now I'd put my two weeks in this minute!”  Rebecca placed her hand on his shoulder.  “Kyle you need to take a deep breath ok?” Seconds passed and then Greg came over, “Hey Kyle?”  Feeling his heaving body slow he replied, “Greg what's up?”  “Can you watch Copy and Print?  Rebecca and I want to go on lunch.”  Kyle nodded, “Sure you need me to do anything for you guys?”  Greg nodded, “yeah actually!  If you could that would be great!”  Kyle nodded, “show me what you need.”

Making his way into Copy and Print Greg said, “I just need you to cut these announcements here in the machine.”  “That's it,” Greg nodded, “there's over two hundred of them.  So, it's gunna take you awhile!”  “Sure Greg let me just go tell Joel something real quick.”  “Guys I'm going on lunch,” Rebecca shouted as Kyle moved to the Customer Service Desk.  “Hey Joel, CPC is going on lunch right now.  Afterwords, I need you to open the back door.  Ron says I have to take out the damaged merchandise.”  Joel was about to speak, when he was cut off by a customer.  Tall and lanky like Joel with a blue Cubs hat he asked, “Hey do you know how to do UPS?”  Nodding to the man, “of course, but Greg can help you over in...”  “I'm not working with that idiot!”  Kyle had to do a double take on what that man said, “E...excuse me sir?”  “Yeah, you heard me!  I'm not working with that moron over there!”  “G...Greg,” asked Kyle unable to believe what he was hearing.  “Can you help me or not?”  “Y...yeah,” said Kyle realizing that the man was not not joking.

Never gazing or looking in Greg’s direction, the man acted completely oblivious to him.  A few moments later Kyle handed the man his UPS receipt.  “Thanks...at least someone here is competent.”  The man never gazed back, “Greg did you...”  “Yeah,” he said in his soft hangdog expression.  “What’s his deal?”  Greg shrugged, “I can't remember, but he hasn't liked me for a long time.  Although, he keeps coming in asking for work to be done.  He doesn’t want me touching his orders.  What he doesn't know is that I still do.”  Smiling Kyle gave a soft, “that's funny man...go ahead and take your lunch.  I got you covered here.”  Greg nodded in gratitude and left Copy and Print.  Shaking his head in complete confusion, he watched his friend head to the break room.

“Sir, can you help me with UPS?”  A large man with the body of a pear and unshaven face had approached him.  “Yes sir,” he replied as the man waved a package at him.  He made his way to the UPS station again, “got the sticker and everything for ya!”  He scanned the sticker, but the computer seemed to glitch.  “Huh,” is all that he said staring at the screen.  Making sure all the cursors were lining up, his next scan was again unsuccessful.  “What seems to be taking so long?”  “It's weird, when I scan the barcode the computer isn't putting in all the information.  I just used this computer like thirty seconds ago, and it was working fine.”  “Well is there somebody else that knows what they’re doing?”  Trying not to be offended, he returned his gaze to the man, “no it's not a matter of knowing what to do.  The issue is the computer and program are not working.”  The man sighed, “well maybe because you don't know what you’re doing!  Is there somebody else that can do this?  I am in a real hurry here!”  Scanning the barcode again the same issue came up.  “No sir, I know what I am doing.  Like I said it is the computer that’s not working...oh wait!” 

Kyle saw that only half of the information was added this time.  “Fuck,” he whispered to himself but quickly added, “don't worry sir!  I'll be done in one minute.”  Taking the package, he began to type in the information as quickly as possible.  “You know if you don't know what you're doing.  You need to stop pretending that you do.  I don't have time for this.  Can you just print my receipt, so that I can go?”  Kyle groaned silently, “sir I promise I’m almost done.”  “Well, I think that I should get something for being so patient with your incompetence.”  Raising his head in confusion, he gave a frustrated, “Like what?”  The man seemed to sputter on the spot as his cheeks bulged like a bullfrog.  “Well...well...well...how about a coupon for ten percent off my next purchase?”  He returned to the computer screen, “we don't have...”  But was cut off immediately when the man said, “you’re right that was ridiculous to ask.  I wouldn't come back here ever again to use it.  I should get something now!”  “Ok sir, I'm just finishing the last line here and then you’re free to...”  “Oh free to go, because of you I'm going to be late.  I should get something now!  Hello...hello I'm talking to you son!”

“Yes sir, I'm just finishing up....”  “Don't you think I should get something for you wasting my time?”  Typing out the last number Kyle muttered, “and I should get a lobotomy for you wasting my...”  “What was that?”  Raising his head, “I finished sir.  I'm just printing it out...”  “Well I should be compensated for my lost time right?”  Shrugging as he was more confused than ever.  “Sir, I can't give you anything for free.”  “Well, what about this?  How about this backpack here can I have this?”  Kyle gave a look that read, “Are you serious?”  “Don't give me that look, let me have this book bag!”  “Sir, that’s a Swiss Army backpack it’s over 80 dollars.”  “Fine, how about this calendar here?  This Michael...Buble...how about that?  Can I have that?” 

Reaching down and pulling out the receipt, “here you...”  “Can I have this...ring this out for me?”  “You want to buy this cal....”  “Have you not been listening to a word I have been saying?”  “Sir, do you even know who Michael Buble is?”  Groaning the man shouted, “WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?”  Face red and body shaking the man stared at him gripping the Michael Buble calendar tightly in his hand.  “So, you want a calendar...for free...of a singer that you don't know, because the computer...”  “I want the calendar, because you’re sitting here wasting my time!  I have places to go...I'm taking this!”  Seeing the man about to leave Kyle gave a quick, “why don't you speak to the manager sir?”  He pointed at Kyle wagging his finger, “you know what boy?  That’s the smartest thing that you have said!  Why should I be wasting my time with you!  I should be speaking to a person in charge.”  “All for a calendar...”  “ALL FOR WASTING MY TIME!”

Standing perplexed by the UPS computer Kyle couldn't believe what had happened. “Well that was a first,” came a voice from the side of him.  “JOEL, don't do that you scared the shit outta me!”  Joel smiled pushing his silver glasses back on his face.  “You know if that guy wanted the calendar so bad he should have just bought it.”  Shaking his head, “you know Joel I think that was the first time I’ve ever seen that.”  “Seen what,” Kyle gazed at his friend, “that guy wasted more time arguing for that calendar than I spent typing.  He didn't even take his receipt.  I mean, if he wasn't going to take it he could have just left.”  Joel laughed clapping him on the back, “yeah but that was funny!  A good story for your book huh?”  “Joel, I'm thinking about it.  It doesn't mean that I’m going to do it though.”  “What about the Hall of Fame that you’re working on?” 

Laughing Kyle gazed at his friend, “just an idea I had!  Something you know to keep all the people and stories alive.  Think about it, we're dropping off like flies!  We had something special here.  We were like a work family, and I loved it.  That’s why those stories should mean so much to us.  However, Ron won't know what he has until we're all gone.”  Joel nodded, “to true my friend!  Well, if you need any help with it let me know ok?” 

“Excuse me,” a woman with blonde hair like fake straw approached.  “Yes, how can I help you?”  “Yes, I had ordered announcements and Greg promised they would be finished by now.”  His head almost rolled off his neck, “right...yes!  I was about to start cutting them, and I had to help another customer.”  The woman frowned, “so they’re not ready yet?”  Joel seemed to sense the woman's frustration and retreated slowly leaving Kyle in the dust.  “I'm going to finish them right now for you.”  “But you don't work in this department.  I want Greg...”  “They’re both at lunch, and I’m covering for them.”  The woman's face seemed to fall even lower.  “Well, I want Greg or that other girl to do them.”  “I can do them for you right...”  “No, I need Greg to do them...get him for me!”  Holding up his hand as the woman's eyes seemed to pop with a rising anger, “he’s at lunch.  I don't know where he is or how to reach him.  He'll be back in twenty min...”  “I don't have time for that!  He said they would be ready and I need them this...”  “Miss please, I can do them for you no problem!”  The woman huffed angrily, “very well!” 

Kyle retreated to the announcements and began to cut them.  It took a little extra time to make sure they cut straight.  After thirty were cut perfectly, he made his way over to the woman.  “Here you go, I just wanted to show you how they look before...”  “Wait, this is wrong!”  Not expecting that he did a double take, “I'm sorry?”  Greg didn't make mistakes.  “They’re not cut straight,” he gazed down at the announcement cards.  “I assure you the laser said...”  “They’re not just look at them,” taking one of the announcement cards.  “I don't see anything wrong...”  However his mind seemed to add, “except in this picture you're smiling.  Which I can't imagine you being a happy person.”   His mind fell silent under the woman's deadly stare.  “They’re crooked,” gazing at it again.  He shook his head, “no miss they’re straight look...”  He even brought out a ruler and repeated, “look...straight...”  “No they’re not!  Are you blind?  You need your vision checked if you can't tell those are not straight.  You ruined my announcements!”   

“I assure you the ruler and laser say they’re...”  “They’re slanted...LOOK!” He gazed at the announcements closer, “if they’re not straight then it’s so negligible that I can't tell.”  “Now these are gunna have to be redone!  I don't have time to keep coming back and doing this!  You need to fix them.”  Trying to keep his temper calm, “ok where is it uneven?”  Snatching the card, “here...here...and there look at that!”  Shaking his head at the near perfect cuts he couldn't help his look of utter confusion on his face.  “Miss I assure you they’re...”  His words faltered under her near murderous stare.  “Alright, I’ll straighten them out.”  Heading back to the mechanical cutter he had no idea what to cut.  Lining up the red laser, he decided to make the tiniest of cuts.  Pulling them out he gazed down at the cards.  If they looked crooked before now they looked lopsided.

Wanting to shove them in her face, he held his tongue.  Bringing them back with a fake smile stretched from ear to ear.  “Here you go miss...”  “JESUS CHRIST...look at them now!  They’re even worse than before!  I can't send these out they’re ruined!”  “I told you they were straight miss!  The ruler and laser said they were straight.  I think you want something to be wrong, because Greg isn’t here.”  “No, I want someone who can cut a straight line!  That's something you learn in preschool.  How hard is it to cut a straight line really?”  “There’s no reason to be mean miss.  I am trying to help you out.”  “I want Greg!  Get me Greg right now!  I want you to pick up the phone and call Greg!”  Raising his hand to his forehead he rubbed it softly, “miss, I told you Greg is at lunch right now!”  “Do you know how to dial a phone number?  Do you know how to work a phone?  Or did you miss that in training?  Do they not teach you that?”  “Miss I have told you...”  “Why are you still standing there?  Why are you still standing there?”  “Miss...”  “You're STILL standing there!” 

The woman's yelling must have gone arena loud, because Joel came around the corner.  “Excuse me miss, I'm the CSL.  What seems to be the problem?”  “Yes thank you, I want Greg to help me.  Can you please go get me Greg?”  Joel turned to Kyle who muttered, “They're both at lunch.”  Joel gazed back, “I'm sorry they’re at lunch.”  “I understand he is at lunch.  But can you get him, so he can help me.  After that, he can go back to his lunch.”  Kyle glanced at the clock on the register.  “Miss, he'll be here in ten minutes.  You can just wait for him if you want.  It would take me over ten minutes to cut the announcements anyway.”  “OH NO, you’re not ruining anymore of them!”  Joel picked up the card and frowned.  “Well, look at them Kyle they’re crooked...obviously crooked.”  “SEE I TOLD YOU,” Kyle raised his eyes in utter exasperation.  “I KNOW they're crooked Joel!  She wanted them cut again, and I kept telling her they were straight before.”  “They were crooked before young man!”

Joel turned back to Kyle, “call Greg he’s in the break room.”  “THANK YOU,” she yelled at the top of her lungs.  Kyle called the back room, “Hey Greg?”  Greg's soft voice replied, “yeah?”  “Hey there’s a customer here, and she’s demanding to see you about the wedding announcements.  I told her you were at lunch, but she...”  Greg sighed, “yeah she's a little mental.  I'm coming up now.”  Kyle smiled and hung up the phone.  “You see...Kyle...you see how much easier this would have been if you just called him in the first place?  It doesn't take a genius to use a phone!  Can't cut in a straight line...can't use a phone, it's a wonder how you manage to breath without an instruction manual!  I was beginning to think I was going to have the same problem with you Joel.”  Kyle was about loose it opening his mouth with a “you know what miss...”  However to his surprise Joel cut him off, “Miss that is completely uncalled for!  Kyle here has been nothing but polite to you.  And the only thing that you have done is insult him.  He has been courteous and professional with you.  If Kyle says the cards were straight then I believe him.  The attitude that you have shown him is completely uncalled for.  These cards are ruined because of your bias towards his competence.  He has tried everything to help you, and you’ve shown him nothing but hostility.  And with this hostility, you’ve taken another employee and ruined his lunch.  Now, I will ask you to not insult my workers.  So, we can resolve this situation for you.”

The woman looked speechless.  It seemed that nobody had ever talked to her like that before.  Hitching up her purse, she gazed at them both.  “I...will...be back.  Tell Greg to have them ready at 5pm.”  Joel seemed to straighten himself up, “I will tell Greg to knock ten percent off your order for the hassle.  I will personally make sure that they’re done.”  The woman turned speechless as if Joel's words had no affect on her.  She seemed to glide out of the store too perplexed to even walk.  Greg made his way up front and was surprised to see no customer.  “Tha...nks Joel...”  He nodded at Kyle, “She had no right to talk to you like that!  Absolutely no right at all!  Greg...”  Greg turned to Joel, “hey you can go back.  Can you just please make sure these announcements are done.”  Greg nodded, “I might as well come back now.  I'm already here.”

“Listen Kyle just go in the back and get a drink of water.  Can you just calm down and finish the backpacks for me?”  Kyle nodded and retreated towards the break room. “Kyle...Kyle...” came a voice from Rebecca running towards him.  “What's going on?  Keith said you were getting your head chewed off by...”  “It's ok Rebecca.  I'm a big boy I can  handle...”  “No that's shit!  You don't deserve people talking to you like that!”  Kyle shrugged, “it happens everyday.  Thanks for coming to my rescue though.”  She smiled widely, “well of course!  I gotta watch out for my work boyfriend.  You protect me, and I protect you.”  Feeling a bit uncomfortable he gave a, “yeah...of...course.”  Shaking his head as he prepared to leave.  Although, her hand had gripped onto his arm, “listen Keith told me about the Hall of Fame idea.  You know the one you want to put on the wall and well...I'm down.”

“Yo...you what...”  She smiled and moved the hair out of her face.  “I'm down, what do you need?”  “N...need,” he repeated as she nodded, “yeah!  I want to help out anyway I can.  I want to be a part of it.”  He smiled, “I could use a big fancy banner.”  Rebecca smiled, “I got it!  I'll work on it right now!  I'll tell Greg too.  He'll love the idea!  Well, I better go get started I’ll see you around ok?”  “Hey Kyle...”  Rolling his eyes at what seemed to be the phrase of the day.  He saw Bethany up front waving to him.  “Hey come back here right now!”  Glumly, he walked back to the front seeing Bethany grinning from ear to ear.  Her wire rimmed glasses sliding down her sweating face.

“Yeah Bethany, what's...”  She grabbed the hand of the person next to her.  “Hey, I wanted you to meet my boyfriend.  The real love of my life.”  It took all his strength not to burst out laughing.  Bethany’s boyfriend was the definition of scrawny and frail.  So frail that it made Keith look like a superhero.  The man was the exact image of Isaac from the movie Nutty Professor 2 minus forty years.  Dressed in a Portillo’s uniform, “Kyle this here is Floyd.”  Floyd smiled as Kyle shook his hand, “ni...nice to meet you Floyd.  I expected you to be...taller.”  Bethany frowned, “well not all black people are tall Kyle!”  “I didn't mean anything about it.”  Seeing the mismatch in their body types, he could feel the laughter growing in him.  “It's good to meet you man!  I'll see you around.  I wish you guys nothing but the best.”  Floyd gave a widespread cheesy grin.  His face contorting into a mass of wrinkles.

Nearly sprinting away, Kyle began to laugh.  In his laughter, he nearly collided into Joel.  “Whoa, watch where you're going!  What's so funny?”  “Did you see Bethany's new boyfriend?”  Joel smiled, “yeah he reminds me of Milhouse from The Simpsons.  You would think he would have a shattered pelvis if she went on top.”  “God Joel, I don't need that picture in my head!”  They began to laugh even harder, “I had relations at a party with the...”  “Oh my god Kyle he does look like Isaac, but he's not as old!”  “What's with the mustache too?  It's like a pedophile mixed with an out of work 80’s porn star.”  Kyle gave one final grin, “Joel that was very oddly specific.”  Joel pointed to furniture, “looks like somebody needs help.”

Kyle turned and felt his body slump in dismay, “oh no!”  He turned back to Joel who asked, “what is it?”  “This guy...I can't STAND this guy!”  Joel laughed, “You have worked here too long man!  You know too many people.  What's wrong with him?”  Rolling his eyes Kyle gave a, “you wanna come with and watch?”  Joel nodded and they both headed towards the man.  A squat man with a black mustache the size of a push broom.  He grinned widely waving his hands at them.  “Boys, boys, thank you...yes, great service my friend!  I am looking for a table and a filing cabinet.  My wife...you see, she is having a dinner party at the last second.  I need a fold up table.”  Wagging his finger at the both of them, “and I remembered you guys sold some.  So, I figured why not do both...kill two birds with one stone huh?”  Kyle gazed up at Joel, who gave a confused look back.  But Kyle made sure his eyes read, “oh just you wait!”  “Well sir, the only tables we have our these over here.”  He moved to the large plastic fold up tables that Clips had no place for.  They stood vertically against the wall.  “No more,” he asked with a frown.  Kyle shook his head, “no these are just demos and...”  “No more,” he repeated.  “No these are the only tables we have.”  The man waved his hand at the table, “pull it out for me will ya?  Yeah lay it out for me!”  Kyle and Joe stared at him, “well how can I decide if I want it if I can't see it?”  They pulled out the table as the man waved his hands like he was laying down asphalt.

“Yeah just like that...stretch it out...yeah...good...good!”  Making his way to the now long table, he examined it like he was buying a new car.  He gripped the sides and shook it violently.  “It seems like it will hold everything.  I'll give you twenty dollars for it.”  Knowing that it was coming Kyle had already been prepared for it.  “Sir, the price is $99.99.”  The man shook his head in disbelief and waved his hand over the table.  “This table can't be that much!  I'll tell you what I'll give you thirty.”  “No sir, the price is not negotiable.”  “I need a table right now.  People are coming to our house this instant.  I'll give you fifty...fifty dollars.  Now that's fair!”  Joel saw where this was going and decided to chime in.  “Sir, I am a manager and the price is firmly set.”  The man pointed to a filing cabinet, “well I am buying a filing cabinet too.  You see this one is $199.99.  How about I give you two hundred for both?”  Kyle smiled seeing that Joel was starting to understand why he complained.  “No sir, you can't negotiate prices here.  This isn't a flea market it's...”  The man nodded and held up his hand, “yes..yes of course...”  He turns and points to the office chairs.  “What if I bought a chair too?  Would that help with...”  “Do you need a chair,” Joel asked cutting the man off.

“Yes, I could use a chair.  We can all use a good place to sit down, am I right my friend?”  Kyle shrugged not sure who the man was talking to you.  “Sir, I'm afraid you're not understanding.  All prices in the store are final.  It doesn't matter what you buy.”  The man nodded clearly not understanding, “but I need these items in a hurry.”  Kyle crossed his arms with a small grin watching Joel’s frustration build. “I understand, and we can go get these items for you as quickly as possible.  I just need to know what to get you.”  The man stared at both of them smiling widely, “I am sorry boys.  So sorry, my apologizes.  I shouldn't be talking to you about prices.  I should be talking about purchasing with the lady up front.  She’s the one that handles all transactions.”  “No it doesn't work like…”  The man rested his hand on Joel's arm laughing widely, “forgive me.  I am sorry.  I talk to girl up front.”  Kyle started to laugh at Joel’s frustration, “I am a manager sir!  Ashley is just the cashier.  She has no say in...”  The man cut him off and pointed to the items he wanted.  “I need this big table here!  This filing cabinet and I’ll take this chair here.” 

Kyle gripped Joel's arm as he began to protest.  “Joel just leave it and come help me find this shit.  You’re not going to win trust me.”  Joel’s mouth closed slowly as Kyle said, “don't worry sir!  We'll have that stuff up front for you in no time.”  “Good, I go up to talk with woman.”  The man retreated without a backward glance.  They headed towards the warehouse as Joel seemed very irritated by the situation.  “Man, what the fuck?  How many times do I have to explain to him that this is not a god damn flea market?”  “Now, do you see why I complained?”  Joel nodded beginning to look for the file cabinet.  “Yeah man, you weren't kidding!  Is he always like that?”  Smiling Kyle gave a loud, “Hell yeah!  He's always in a hurry and always says the same thing.  He needs it now and haggles every item.  Then when he sees he’s not getting anywhere, he leaves to talk to someone else.”  Gazing up from the file cabinets, “so when we don't change the price he doesn't buy it right?  I'm basically doing all this for nothing.” 

Wagging his finger Kyle gave a laughing, “no he does!  Ron always gives him a ten percent discount.”  “No wonder you want to quit your job.  God that's frustrating as hell!  Did you even see which chair he pointed at?”  “OH SHIT,” Kyle groaned loudly.  “No, I forgot I’m sorry.  He just pointed to a random chair.  Hold on, I'll be right back to help ya!”  Making his way out the single door and through the breakroom.  He stopped, when he saw the new guy Tristan organizing top stock.  “Tristan,” Kyle said watching the new guy fumble with all the filing folders.  “Hey...Kyle right?”  “Yeah...what...what’re you doing?”  “I'm organizing all this stuff.  It's an absolute mess in here! It's a wonder how you find anything.”  Ignoring his comment, he approached the ladder. “Why are doing that?”  Tristan leaned over the gray step ladder, “well Ron said that I should get familiar with Easy Tech stuff.  I saw this area next to it, and it just bothered me.”  Shaking his head Kyle gave a, “Tristan you're wasting your time and energy!  You know how many times I’ve tried to keep those shelves organized?  It's a fruitless endeavor.  You'd do better just to drop and fill all that.”  Tristan shook his head, “I'm kind of perfectionist.”  Laughing Kyle began to walk away, “yeah well working here that won’t last long!” 

Making his way to the chairs, he grabbed the assumed tag the customer had pointed at.  Gripping it, he saw coming out of the bathroom his arch enemy.  Ron hitched up his pants standing like a king observing the peasants tilling his field.  He gazed up at Tristan, “How’s it going Tristan?”  “Fine just organizing the file folders and...”  “Fine that's fine, make sure we keep those organized this time.  Lord knows mid-stock always seemed to get screwed up in this place.”  Kyle grumbled to himself, “really?”  Ron began to walk by and his eyes fell upon him.  A look of pure disgust filled his face and taking a deep breath Kyle decided to go for it.  “Hey Ron, I was wondering if I could have that word with you?”  Ron stopped in his tracks and gave a false jovial smile.  “Sure killa...what can I do for you?”  Breathing hard as his heart began to race he said, “I'm putting in my two week notice.”  Someone had once told him that life was nothing but a series of moments.  That everything in between those moments was a sort of filler.  This was one of those moments.  After several uncomfortable seconds, the smile wavered slightly.  He was sure that confusion was filling Ron’s head.

It was as if he was torn.  There was clear joy at Kyle finally leaving.  However, a certain sadness seemed to be hidden.  A sadness at the fact the he was loosing his punching bag.  The moment seemed to speed up as Ron gave a firm, “ok killa!”  Watching him leave, Kyle was unsure as to how he felt.  Was Ron too stupid to realize what happened?  Did Ron not believe that he was actually leaving?  Did Ron even care what would happen to his store?

“What's up with you?  What took you so damn long?'  Joel was pulling down a large table just