HYDRA by Robby Richardson - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

Customer Frenzy

(4:00 pm – 6:00 pm)


“Thank you my friends,” the man waved as Joel and Kyle slammed the trunk of the man's SUV.  “Jesus, I didn't think we were going to fit all that stuff in there!” Kyle nodded, “yeah well luckily he’s gone.”  Rolling in the U-Boat, “does that guy always say that he’s in a hurry Kyle?”  “ALWAYS my friend,” rolling in through the sliding double doors.  “Hey Kyle,” Joel walked past him as he turned to Ashley.  “Hey what's up Ash?”  Ashley pointed to a woman standing by the counter.  “This woman needs help with folders.”  He smiled and walked towards her.  Expecting a simple job, his mind was already preparing for other projects.  He needed to get started on disassembling that desk and assembling those chairs too.  His thoughts had stopped, when the lady asked an unexpected question.  Dressed in a brown coat with long black hair, she smiled sweetly at him.  “Yes, how many folders do you have in stock?”

Freezing slightly his mind had seemed to jam like a wrench had been thrown into it.  “Y...you mean like bulk?”  She nods, “yes how many folders do you have in stock currently?”  “A lot,” he replied as the lady frowned.  “Well, what's a lot like the exact number?”  Furrowing his brow, he shrugged replied simply, “hundreds.”  “They’re solid colors right?”  He nodded and replied, “good!  I need about six hundred.”  His head drooped slightly in shock, “how many was that again?”  The woman smiled and repeated, “six hundred.  They’re ten cents right?”  “Y...yeah,” she smiled again, “I’ll also need various colors too.”

Six hundred folders was not an easy order to fulfill.  So, Kyle decided to first check with Keith.  Finding him on the ladder, “Hey Keith have you started to separate a pallet for Back to School folders?”  Keith shook his head, “We're not doing that this year?”   “Shit,” he said softly.  He was going to have to look through the entire Office Supplies section to find six hundred folders.  “What's the matter Kyle?”  “This lady up front wants six hundred of them.”  “Six hundred,” Keith repeated nearly dropping the box in his hands.  “Yeah and I don't want to give her six hundred loose folders.  I need to give her boxes, so that’s why I was...”  Keith shook his head “no, we started to put all that stuff in the warehouse.”  “So, are you done with the ladder? I’m going to have to check top stock?” 

Descending the ladder, Kyle took it with an appreciative “thanks.  I'll give it back in a second.”  Rolling the ladder towards the wall of folders and binders, he began to pull boxes down.  “Wow, we actually have six boxes!”  He smiled at the ease of his search, when he noticed Bethany walking out the store.  Tears in her eyes and her face was red like a tomato.  Furrowing his brow, he whispered “where the hell is she going?”  “Are those it,” came a voice from below him.  The woman had clearly been watching him.  “Yeah,” bringing down the boxes two at a time.  “Let me grab a dolly while you go pay for them.  Why don’t you bring your car...”  “Well, are you going to let me see them?  I'm not buying six unknown boxes without seeing what’s inside?”  

Opening one of the boxes, he saw her reach in and pull out a folder.  “And how many of each color?”  “Twenty five in each box and four colors to a box.”  She began to wave the folder with a slight frown.  “They're not really durable!  I don't know if they’ll last long with my students.”  “Well, they’re ten cents each...”  The woman glared at him, “and what is that supposed to mean?”

A bit confused Kyle began, “Well they’re ten cents each.  They’re not going to be the most durable folder.”  “So, you aren't standing by your product?  You can't guarantee me that they’ll last.”  “Nothing lasts forever,”  the woman rolled her eyes.  “I understand that!  I need them to last an entire school year.”  Seeing where the woman was going he decided to repeat his previous statement.  “Well like I said they’re only ten cents each.  They're not going to last...”  “So, they’re cheap huh?  You sell them at a cheap price, because you know that they will fall apart!  I'll have to come back in here and buy ANOTHER six hundred folders from you.  How can you sell a product, when....”  “Miss, it’s not my product!  I just work here!”  Shaking the folder at him angrily, a slight wild eyed look crossed her face.  “You're lucky too, because if I didn't need these folders by tomorrow!  I wouldn't have you go and waste my time like that!  I've been standing in this store for almost an hour and...” 

“Excuse me, but its been like fifteen minutes at most.  I found them really quickly actually.  I thought that it was going to take longer.”  The woman shook the folder harder at him.  “So, now you're saying I can't tell time!  Is that what you're saying?”  “I didn't say that...”  “Bring these boxes up front and load them in my car.  I'm going to see the manager about this!”  Stunned in disbelief, he watched the woman storm away.  “Whoa Kyle, what the hell did you say?”  He turned to see Joel standing next to him.  “I didn't say anything!  She's insane!”  “Well then you better not help her anymore.  Why don't you go help that guy in shredders while I handle this.” 

The sun was setting fast in the sky, and he still had so much work left to do.  At least, he would be able to take his lunch break soon.  A nice refreshing smoke did sound wonderful.  “Are you here to help me with the shredder?” Kyle nodded to the elderly customer with graying hair and a massive bald spot.  He wore thick coke bottle glasses, and his face sank like a bulldog.  “Yes, what can I do for you?”  “Well, I need a shredder...a good shredder.  The other one that you guys sold me broke down after a year.”  Kyle gave a soft, “oh...did you get the protection plan?”  The man shook his head, “I don't believe in that sort of crock.”  “O...k,” Kyle said starting to explain the different shredders to the man.  It seemed to drag on for hours.  Every question that could ever be asked about shredders seemed to escape the man's mouth.

“I think I'll take this thirteen page one.  The name brand one and not the Clips knock off.”  The man shook his head, “I'm not falling for that again!”  Sighing in relief Kyle said, “that’s great.   I'd also recommend getting these oil sheets.”  “Oil sheets,” the man repeated.  “Yeah, they'll keep the blades slick and...”  “What are you saying?”  Kyle paused not liking, where the conversation was going.  “Well if you keep the blades oiled up it makes the shredding smoother and helps the shredder last longer.  I'd also suggest getting the protection plan too this time.  That way if something does go wrong you just get your money back and...”  “So, what’re you saying?”  The man's face was stern as he peered into Kyle's eyes.  He was like a rattlesnake preparing to strike.  “Well, I'm sure you don't want the same thing to happen...”  “Are you saying the same thing will happen?”  “What...no, I’m saying that...”  “So, why offer me a plan?  Why offer me oil sheets if this thing is just going to break again in a year?”  “No, I'm not saying it will.  Although, it could you know?”  “NO, I don't know!  If this is gunna break again why the hell am I going to buy it?  What's the point of having a shredder?  I could just pay someone to shred my files for me then.”

Trying to take a different route, “well sir if you don't want the shredder.  We have a contract with Iron Mountain shredding.  You can just bring your paperwork here and...”  “OH SO THAT'S YOUR LITTLE GAME HUH?”  Kyle gave a loud and confused, “WHAT?”  “You sell us products that break down, so you can add on these little extras.  Extras designed to milk the customers for everything you can get out of them.  Eventually, we just start coming in regularly to drop off paperwork to shred.  Supplying you with a constant and permanent money flow.”  Kyle's utter confusion and bewilderment as the customer advanced on him.  “I bet you get this all the time don’t you?  Don't stand there and shake your head like this is the first time this has ever happened.  You scam people out of their money on a product that you can't guarantee will last.  So, innocent people like me get suckered into...have you no shame?  How do you sleep at night knowing the con you're pulling on people?”  “LOOK, I JUST WORK HERE OK?” 

The man stopped his advance.  Retreating several steps back he looked shocked as Kyle shook with rage.  “I make minimum wage at this job...minimum wage!  I can barely eat, and I can't support myself on this job.  What do you want from me?”  The man seemed to have been taken aback from Kyle’s outburst.  He straightened up and swallowed several times.  “I'm sorry son.  You're right...it's not your fault.”  And to Kyle's utter relief the man gripped the shredder and walked towards the cashier without so much as a backward glance.

“I'm done,” Kyle said storming to the break room.  Feeling something tug his arm, he saw Joel had grabbed him.  “Kyle what the hell is going on?  Why is everybody shouting at you?  You're lucky Ron didn't see it.”  “I don't care Joel I'm done...fucking done!  Everyone is fucking crazy here!”  Joel gripped his arm again, “Kyle have you gone on lunch yet?”  Shaking his head, “no but I'm done.  I’m leaving and going...”  “Listen Kyle you need to calm down ok?  Look take care of that guy right there see?”  Kyle turned to see an old man waving at him to come over.  “Look he has shelves, simple shelves ok?  Then go to lunch come back and take care of those chairs and that table.  That will take you awhile and then the day is over ok?”  Groaning Kyle gave a frustrated, “Fine...”

Approaching the man who could have been the previous customers distant cousin.  “Hey sonny,” the customer exclaimed as Kyle tried to put his best false smile on.  “Hello sir, what can I do for you?”  The man held up a box of plastic filing shelves.  “Are these the only kind you have?  I'm looking for something more decorative and durable?”  Shaking his head, “no sir I’m sorry.  Those kind of three tiered shelves only come in plastic.”  The man nodded, “that's what I was afraid of.  So, can you help me find something to hang this up then?”  “Sure,” making his way to aisle four.  “These are 3M products.  They should be able to hold it up.  I mean it can't weigh that much.  These hooks here can hold 5 lbs that should be...”  “Where are the wood screws?”  The man had cut Kyle off which seemed to be common practice around here.

“Wood screws,” Kyle repeated unsure that he had heard the man right.  “Yeah, it says on the box that you need wood screws to hang this up.”  Deciding to throw the man's comment away he continued, “well these should hold it up.”  “Hold on...hold on son, it says on the box that I need to use wood screws.  So, where are the wood screws?”  “We don't have wood screws.”  The man's eyes bulged, “you're sold out!”  “No,” said Kyle trying to hold in his exasperation.  “We don't sell wood screws.”  “So, how am I supposed to hang this up?  It says to use wood screws.”  “These 3M Command products are what we sell and...”  “Wait...wait....how can you sell a product when you don't have all the pieces?”

Dumbfounded Kyle stared at the man his mind exclaiming “is he serious?  Is this really going to happen again?”  It seemed that his mind had even given up.  Kyle stammered, “I...well...I...these will do the exact same...”  “If you mention those damn 3M products again!”  Feeling his body growing weak he gave an almost defeated, “well that's all we have sir.”  The man seemed to shake with anger, “I am baffled...ABSOLUTELY baffled!  How can you sell a product that you can't even use?  It just stuns me.  How come you do not sell wood screws here?”  “Because we’re an office supply store we’re not a hardware store.”  “So, I have to go to a hardware store to buy wood screws for a product that you sell because you can't...”  “We are an office supply store not a hardware store!”  “That is not the point!  The point is that you’re selling a product that you can't even...”  “Arthur,” came a woman's voice as she made her way around the corner.

“Why are you shouting at this poor boy?”  The woman was his wife and gave him a stern look.  He seemed to falter on the spot.  “They don't have wood screws here can you believe...”  “Well of course they don't Arthur!  They are not a hardware store.”  “But they sell a product that...”  She turned to Kyle clearly not listening to her husband.  “I am terribly sorry son for the trouble he has put you through.  Come Arthur we are going!”  The man's face turned red with anger, “but how am I supposed to hang this?  The instructions state...”  “Yes, yes Arthur but they don't sell them.  And yelling at the poor boy is not going to produce them for you.  Do you think he has them hidden?  Or that he is going to produce them from thin air?  You're making a fool of yourself.” 

And with those last words Kyle heard her voice die away.  He smiled and gazed up towards the ceiling.  And said loudly, “now that was funny!”   “What was funny,” Kyle turned to see Rebecca standing behind him holding a large banner.  “Jesus Rebecca, I wish people would stop sneaking up on me like that!”  Ignoring him she smiled, “Having fun?”  “Yeah loads of fun, I haven't been yelled at this much in a long time.  It's actually really funny now that it’s over.”  She smiled holding up the banner, “so how does this look?”  He read the banner, “Clips Employee Hall of Fame.”  Smiling he glanced up at her, “it's perfect!”  Her cheeks went pink, “Keith and I have been talking to some of the other people.  They love the idea.  Jose especially liked it.”  “Jose is here,” she nodded.  “Oh yeah, he's been her for a couple hours now!  You should ask Ilene if she will help us with it?  She just walked in like thirty minutes ago.”  “I guess that is why Bethany went home.”  “Bethany,” laughed Rebecca.  “Yeah Bethany you know...”  She shook her head, “oh Kyle!  You’re always late on gossip aren't you?  Bethany was fired.” 

“Joel,” Kyle found him pricing label makers.  “Hey man did Bethany really get fired?”  Joel gazed down at the price tags, “she was.”  “What for man, whose gunna scan for shipment and everything?  I still haven't even finished boxing the ink and toner from this morning and...”  Joel gazed around making sure the coast was clear.  “Alright listen, what I’m telling you can't leave between you and me ok?”  “Joel, it's me man.”  Lowering his head he whispered, “she was stealing money from the tills.”  “Stealing...she wouldn't steal from the till man!  She places the money in them almost every morning.  I mean, I help and...”  “Yeah well, the tills you do aren't short twenty dollars.  The tills she does are short all the time...”  “That still doesn't prove that she was...”  “She brought it back.”  Kyle repeated, “brought it back?”  Joel nodded, “all the money that she had taken.  She brought it back...over three hundred dollars.”  “Oh...my...god...”  Joel nodded, “yep she kept it all in her car.  She brought it back when Ron threatened to prosecute her.  She was terminated right after.  She's probably stealing from Portillo’s too.  Ron is unsure whether he wants to warn them.  She handles their money too.” 

Kyle had never expected her to be stealing from the company.  Ron had stood by her and considered her the best of the team.  However, he wasn’t able to dwell on Bethany for long.  He stared at his cell phone and saw that it was six o'clock.  His heart had leapt for joy, because now he would go on his break.  However, normal people would consider this a time to eat.  He considered this a time, when he could catch a well deserved nap.