Happy Dick'n by Adam Zend - HTML preview

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July 3 – Della moved in, I moved out, thank God.  I’ve gained 13 pounds.  I’m stressed to the max.  Someone went into meds room and stole $20 bucks from my wallet.  Reported to house parents, I’m sure they really give a rat’s ass.  Hell, it was probably one of them that took it.

“Simon, June the nineteenth, your question to Henry concerned space beings.  Do you believe in space aliens?”

“Henry never lied to me, as far as I know.  If he says they exist, then as far as I’m concerned there are little aliens flying around the galaxy.”

“Have you personally seen, or been in contact with an alien?”

“No,” I replied.

“On June twenty-forth, twenty pills were taken.  Did you steal those pills?” Doctor Lerner asked with a concerned look on her face.

“Yes, I sold them, I needed the money.  No one got arrested,” I said, pleading my case.

“Simon, June thirtieth, you refer to lesbians, niggers and spics, why do you feel the need to use such language to describe others?”  She stopped making notes on her pad and focused on my face.

Shame flushed onto my face.  “Out of fear I guess, to make me feel superior over them, cause sometimes I feel insecure,” I replied honestly.

“Why do you refer to the children’s psychiatrist as ‘Doctor Quack?’  Am I to make the assumption you hold little regard for psychiatry, Simon?”

“No, some like you are okay, but some are just as nutty as their patient’s.”  I said candidly.

Doctor Lerner stared at me for a moment, wondering whether to believe me or not.  “Let’s proceed.  On July second, you discovered Henry was black; how did that make you feel?”

“Until then, it never crossed my mind.  Made me think, how many whites and blacks would stay racist if they knew their guardian angel might not have the same skin color they have?”

“July third, after your twenty dollars was stolen, you implied it might have been the house parents.  What was your feeling toward them?”

“They were a couple of burnt-out-losers, just like I was.  When you’re stressed out, it’s hard, very hard, to care for others.  I didn’t love myself back then, which makes it hard to love others,” I said letting out some inner truth.