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Something Worth

Waiting For

July 2017, Newtown, Kolkata

It was 7pm. when someone ranged my door. ‘Is Sid back? Has he forgotten something,’ I wondered. The only way I could learn the solutions was to open the door. When I opened the door to look around, a tall man stood there holding a sizeable arrangement of roses. Instead, he purposefully concealed it. He was carrying one suitcase as well.

‘Who is he?’ My inner voice said, ‘He is definitely not Sid.’

‘Who are you?’ I questioned.

He responded, slowly stepping back from the bouquet to show his face, ‘Your boyfriend.’ I couldn’t comprehend what I was seeing. He was actually my spouse. You got it correctly—

Vikrant was standing there holding a sizable bouquet—possibly

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numbering 100 roses. I had broad open eyes. I took a few strides backwards.

‘Is he actually present? Or is this just in my head?’ I thought to myself.

He entered and shut the door after him. I still couldn’t believe he was standing so close to me and asked, ‘Vikrant, are you really here?’

He replied, ‘Yes Prana, I am here.’ I started sobbing in relief.

He dropped a bouquet and his luggage as I squeezed him tightly.

I began giving him a really ardent kiss. My perceptions all left me. He held of my neck with his right hand and my back with his left. He drew me even nearer to him. His tongue was battling with mine in my mouth. That one kiss was the culmination of the suffering buried deep within our hearts. Even though we were both silent, our lips were speaking.

‘Please don’t abandon me once more.’ My lips encountered his and said, ‘I can’t live without you.’

‘Yes, Prana, I won’t ever abandon you.’ His lips said to mine,

‘I am only yours and you are only mine.’ We kissed for at least fifteen minutes. It took me just long enough to become aware. I let go of him and took two steps away. He moved closer to me while carrying a bouquet and a suitcase.

He handed it to me and said, ‘This is for you, my jaan.’

I said, ‘Thank you, Vikrant, for coming here,’ allowing a few tears to leave my eyes. I requested him to rest on sofa. I sat next to him and kept a bouquet on a neighbouring table. I gently seized his visage.

‘What’s up, Vikrant?’ I noticed some alterations in his features.

His beard and hair were both very lengthy. His cheeks were more red now . His blue irises still had the same glow, though.

‘I am just fine. Tell me, how are you?’ he asked.

‘I’m fine, too.’ He put his right palm on my thigh and relaxed.

‘Sorry for everything, Prana.’

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‘For what?’ I questioned.

‘I walked away from you. When you needed me, I wasn’t there. The suffering you’ve endured as a result of me.’ He felt bad and said, ‘So sorry for it.’

‘Vikrant, you shouldn’t feel bad. I am not a regular man’s partner. I am a Para Commando’s partner. This means that I will encounter these circumstances frequently in my life and that I must grin while handling them.’

‘Thank you, Prana,’ he said with a grin and I nodded.

‘So how did the operation go?’ I asked after a few brief seconds of silence.

‘The mission was fantastic, but a terrible thing occurred after the mission,’ he said.

‘What are you saying?’ I questioned.

‘As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting shadows over the rugged terrain of Leh and Ladakh, my team and I were poised for a mission laden with complexity and danger. We had received intel that Pakistani troops had infiltrated military bunkers in the region, but the situation was further compounded by the involvement of the Lashkar-e-Ghazi terrorist organization. It was approximately 7pm. when we commenced our search operation, unaware of the challenges that awaited us.

‘The weather added an element of unpredictability to our mission, with thick fog enveloping the landscape and severely limiting our visibility. This atmospheric obscurity would soon prove to be both a bane and a boon.

‘The terrain guided us to a cluster of houses where we discovered what seemed to be discarded items concealed between the boundary walls of neighbouring homes. Suspicion hung in the air, and our mission had taken an ominous turn.

‘One of my fellow soldiers pointed out, ‘Sir, look, there are some footprints here.’ It was the critical juncture we decided to follow those tracks, unknowingly leading us into the heart of our adversaries.

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‘However, the enemy lay in ambush, fully aware of our movements. Suddenly, their gunfire erupted from inside the homes, and we found ourselves caught in the open with no immediate cover. The situation grew increasingly perilous, and it was evident that our foes had planned and executed this assault with precision.

‘In response, I ordered my soldiers to seek refuge behind nearby trees while we exchanged gunfire with the enemy. Our covering fire provided some protection, but the battle was far from over.

‘The terrorists had honed in on three specific houses, and my team was poised for a decisive move. We breached the rear doors of these homes, plunging into the unknown, where darkness and danger coexisted. The tactical and strategic training of my team came to the forefront as we navigated these treacherous interiors.

‘Amidst the chaos and the intensity of the battle, I spotted a terrorist attempting to flee. My training and instincts guided me, and I took my shot, incapacitating the adversary. It was a chilling moment, but there was no time for contemplation as the battle raged on.

‘Realizing that they were losing ground, the terrorists launched a final, desperate assault. They detonated explosives within all three houses, leading to the tragic loss of nine of my comrades. I raced to the scene in hopes of finding survivors, but the aftermath was a scene of devastation, and the fallen soldiers left an indelible mark on my soul.

‘Within the dimly lit aftermath, I heard a faint voice, which drew me to a severely wounded terrorist, the very one I had incapacitated earlier. I kept my weapon trained on him as I sought information from our adversary, unravelling the extent of the tangled web we had entered. His admission confirmed our suspicions: "Lashkar-e-Ghazi."

“Who controls it?”

“Maqsood,” was his response.

‘I yelled “Maqsood” again and shot him. Ram Gopal, our signalman, notified our headquarters of the circumstance.

164  In the Arms of a Soldier Retaliation-fuelled flames tore through me. At this point, my only goal is to murder Maqsood and eliminate Lashkar-e-Ghazi. I don’t know who this murderous Maqsood is, but he needs to get ready because Captain Vikrant the tiger is coming for him.

‘As dawn broke on the following day, we stood resolute and prepared for the challenging task ahead. We were divided into 20 teams, each assigned to reclaim the vital bunkers. I assumed command of Bravo Company, well aware of the arduous nature of our mission. The militants held the high ground advantage, positioned atop the hill, and the odds were stacked against us. To maintain the element of surprise, we made the strategic decision not to use helicopters, instead choosing to cover the 77-kilometre journey on foot.

‘With determination etched on our faces, we embarked on our gruelling journey towards the enemy’s shelters. We reached our destination, and through the lens of my binoculars, I could observe their positions. Yet, the timing was not yet right; we needed the shroud of nightfall to cloak our actions. My soldiers stood prepared, their resolve unwavering.

‘Despite the biting cold wind that turned the weather unfavourable, our unwavering spirit kept us moving forward. As dawn neared, we found ourselves within striking distance of the enemy, who remained blissfully unaware of our presence. The moment had arrived, and I gave the order to encircle and capture them. But the silence was soon shattered by enemy gunfire. We sought refuge behind the protective embrace of large boulders, forced into a defensive position against their tactical advantage and numerical superiority.

‘With no other recourse, I commanded a frontal assault, and my team provided covering fire as I led the charge from the rear.

Two of my brave soldiers stood at my side as we executed our strategy, infiltrating the bunkers where six enemy combatants were entrenched. We were only three, but our determination and courage carried us forward. Hand-to-hand combat unfolded in the

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close quarters of the bunkers, and through unwavering resolve, we emerged victorious.

‘After retaking the bunkers and eliminating the enemy threat, we triumphantly raised the Indian flag atop the slope. Our signalman, Ram Gopal, swiftly communicated our success to headquarters, marking a momentous achievement.

‘The following day, fortified by a night of rest, we forged onward, marching to reclaim the second bunker and then the third.

The other companies, Charlie and Alpha, also accomplished their respective objectives. With determination, unwavering courage, and a united spirit, India emerged victorious in the battle. The tri-colour flag fluttered in the wind, a symbol of our success and unwavering commitment to our homeland.’

‘That’s great,’ I said, quietly and attentively taking in the entire narrative. I kissed him and told him, ‘Vikrant, I’m so proud of you. Oh, apologies, I meant “Captain Vikrant”,’ I said.

I was shocked when he said, ‘Actually the thing is I am not a Captain in the Indian Army anymore.’ I let him go.

‘What are you saying, Vikrant?’

‘I’m no longer Captain Vikrant,’ he said again.

‘But why?’

‘Because now... I’m Major Vikrant Shergil,’ he replied.

He announced proudly, ‘I got a promotion Prana, and now I’m Major Vikrant Shergil.’

‘Vikrant, congratulations! I’m so happy for you.’

‘Thank you.’

‘But I’m perplexed. Why did you claim that a horrible incident occurred following the mission?’ He remained silent for a short while longer before continuing the narrative.

‘We began our journey back to Headquarters, the three victorious companies marching together. We formed a 49-man military unit, a formidable force bolstered by our recent

166  In the Arms of a Soldier achievements. As the sun descended on the horizon, we decided to establish our camp for the night. Our chosen location was near a waterway, and we decided to set up two camps to accommodate the troops. One camp, consisting of 25 soldiers, was positioned on the hill, while the other camp, housing 24 troops, was established by the riverbank.

‘Despite the prevailing calm, a sense of unease still hung in the air. I took a moment to rest in the hillside shelter, contemplating the remarkable events that had transpired. In the stillness of the night, our peaceful respite was suddenly disrupted.

‘Shortly after midnight, our world was jolted by an unexpected earthquake, and its seismic waves shook us from our slumber.

When I attempted to peer outside, I was met with a disorienting sight—the surroundings were enveloped in a thick shroud of falling snow, and fierce winds howled through the night. Darkness held sway, and our world became an abyss of uncertainty.

‘In the morning light, the astonishing revelation awaited us.

Our second campsite had disappeared entirely. A mystical surge in water levels had wrought havoc on our camp, sweeping away not only the tents and supplies but also the 24 soldiers who had been stationed there. It was a scene of utter devastation. It was then that I discovered a deformed body, roughly 50 kilometres from our campsite.

‘The most unsettling aspect of this discovery was the impossibility of identifying the body. It lay scattered in pieces, with internal organs strewn across the terrain. In the absence of visual cues, we were compelled to resort to blood tests for the purpose of identification.

‘Pranali, can you imagine the profound sadness that overcame us? The previous night, those very troops had celebrated their hard-fought victory, rejoicing with song and dance. Yet, their jubilation had been ephemeral, crushed by the capricious hand of fate.

‘One haunting truth continues to torment me—the fact that Maqsood remains alive because I was unable to exact retribution.

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I firmly believe that the war will only conclude when I carry out the task of eliminating Maqsood and dismantling the purported terrorist group, Lashkar-e-Ghazi.’

I did not respond.

After a short while, I said, ‘Hey Vikrant, do you know that Nimmi resigned from her job?’

‘She sent me a note. She is a mature woman, but I was angry at her at first. She is wise enough to know what is best for herself, and I appreciate that.’


My inner voice said, ‘Nimmi is such a lucky girl to have a brother like him.’

‘I still have some news for you.’ Actually, I’m on vacation for 30 days. I have to return to Kashmir and report myself after that.

because Kashmir is where I am currently posted.’

‘What? So, will you abandon me again?’ I innocently asked.

‘Sorry. But I’ll be secure. I won’t be close to any boundaries.

We’ll stay in touch constantly. I’ll phone you every day.’ I was upset because I believed that he would never abandon me again, but I was mistaken. Everything will be fine until and unless Pakistani militants cross their limit.

He asked, ‘You know something?’


‘When I get back next time, we’re getting married.’

‘Are you serious?’ I asked overjoyed as my eyes lit up.


‘Promise?’ I was joyful once more when he said, ‘I promise you that just after a few days and I will be completely yours. You know what, I’ll set up and arrange Nimrit and Shivam’s wedding before my vacation is over,’ he continued.


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‘Yes. I’ll talk to Shivam and then his family tomorrow. If everything goes well, I’ll set up their wedding.’

‘That’s fantastic,’ I responded.

‘Hey, look at what I got for you,’ he said giving me his bag.

‘What?’ I took the bag he gave me and I opened it.

‘What’s this?’ He purchased the poultry, rice, and basic biryani masalas.

I responded, ‘Understood.’ He pleaded and I nodded.

He followed me to the kitchen and said, ‘I’ll also assist you.

He didn’t assist me at all, to be honest. He constantly bothered me.

But everything about him—his voice, his presence—made me happy. I proclaimed as I entered the dining room, ‘Your biryani will be ready in 30 minutes.’ We talked for a short while.

The biryani was prepared after 30 minutes. Its fragrance permeated the entire room. Vikrant’s lips began to produce a lot of saliva, indicating how much he was craving the food. I said as I handed him the food, ‘And your biryani is ready.’

When I intervened, he was just about to take the first mouthful.

‘You are aware that I pledged to feed you with my hands. So please enable me to fulfil my promise now,’ I said. ‘Sure,’ he smiled in response. I began feeding him food. His face indicated that Biryani had been amazing cooked. He was content. He was happy. So, I was happy.

At that time, he ate like a tiny infant. A young child was visible inside a ruthless para commando. A few tears broke free from my eyelashes and rolled onto my chicks. Vikrant caught it. “What happened,” he questioned as his eyebrows shot up? I said, ‘Nothing,’ while shaking my head. He gave me an assent and began to feed me. I’ll never forget that lovely time. I thought,

“This is what I’ve been missing for the last few months.”

We made the decision to go to the terrace after supper. It was a cloudless night. Numerous stars were visible to us. We both simultaneously referred to it as a ‘shooting star’ while looking at it. ‘The stars are lovely, aren’t they?’ I said

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He put his palm against my cheek and replied, ‘Yes, but not more than you.’

‘Ohh, really?’ I laughed.


The melody ‘Tumse milke, aisa laga tumse milke, Armaan hue poori dil ke, Aai meri jaan-e-wafa’ was playing when I took my phone out of my pocket. We began dancing the famous Salsa style, which is typically seen at events or dance clubs. We were totally engrossed in one another. We embarrassed each other when the performance was over. We stood there in silence, sensing the warmth and air of one another.

‘I think I should leave now,’ Vikrant said.

I tightened my embrace and said, ‘No, please stay with me.’



‘All right, I’ll stay here.’

‘Thank you,’ I said.

He gently scooped me up in his strong arms, carrying me over to the bedroom, where he gently lowered me onto the bed. As the night settled in around us, the ambiance was serene and intimate.

We decided to indulge in the simple pleasure of watching a romantic Bollywood film together, and that in itself was enough to kindle a sense of shared affection and desire.

The movie played on, but as the storyline unfolded on the screen, another narrative began to take shape in the room. The romantic and tender moments between the characters on the television served as a catalyst for the emotions building between us. Our gazes locked, and an unspoken connection deepened with every passing moment.

The magic of that night didn’t lie solely in the cinematic love story; it was the love story unfolding right there, in our hearts and in our shared glances. As the film reached its climax, our own story was about to begin.

170  In the Arms of a Soldier To respect the intimacy of the moment, I’ll spare you the more explicit details, but suffice it to say that our love expressed itself fully that night. It was a night of passion, tenderness, and a connection that transcended the physical. It was the kind of night you remember for a lifetime, one that imprints itself upon your heart and soul, etching every detail into your memory.

Afterwards, as the world outside fell into a peaceful slumber, Vikrant held me in his loving embrace. The feeling of being enveloped in his arms, with the rhythm of his heartbeat synchronizing with my own, was nothing short of pure serenity. It was there, in the safety of his embrace, that I felt as if I had found my sanctuary in the entire universe.

As the sun’s gentle rays peeked through the curtains, I stirred awake, finding Vikrant still in a peaceful slumber beside me. He looked utterly charming and serene in his sleep, and I couldn’t help but watch him, not wanting to disturb his rest.

With a careful, noiseless step, I left the bed and prepared myself for the day, taking a refreshing shower to start the morning.

When I returned to the bedroom, Vikrant had awakened, and his eyes followed my every move as I entered the room. I couldn’t help but smile at the adoration in his gaze.

In a playful gesture, Vikrant reached out and gently caught my hand, pulling me down to the bed beside him. I inquired with a hint of mischief, ‘What are you doing?’

He simply responded with a charming smile, ‘Romance.’

I laughed at his unexpected response and playfully protested,

‘Leave me,’ and he released his hold on my hand, allowing me to sit up.

As the morning progressed, Vikrant and I had the delightful opportunity to meet Shivam, who had chosen to marry Nimrit.

The prospect of their union was heart-warming, and their love story had swiftly progressed. We engaged in a conversation with Shivam, discussing the impending marriage.

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To our delight, he was more than willing to embrace the journey of matrimony, and his enthusiasm was mirrored by the approval of both our families. The green light from their loved ones made the process surprisingly swift, and their marriage was officially and joyously celebrated in a relatively short span of time. Love had triumphed, and a new chapter had begun for Nimrit and Shivam.


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