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W hispers of Longing

September 2017, Newtown, Kolkata It was time after the marriage of Shivam and Nimrit. Vikrant moved back to Kashmir. The distance between us had stretched like an invisible thread, connecting two worlds that seemed impossibly far apart. While I stayed in the busy city of Kolkata, wishing for Vikrant’s presence with each passing day, he was stationed in the rough terrain of Kashmir, performing his duties as a soldier.

Our phone discussions, where the sound of his voice carried echoes of the love we shared, gave me comfort as the days stretched into weeks. But the pain of being apart kept gnawing at my heart, serving as a continual reminder of the distance separating us.

I sat at the window one evening, taking in the familiar views of Kolkata as the sun started to set and shed a warm golden glow over the city. Fragments of conversations, children playing in the

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streets laughing, and distant traffic sounds were all carried by the soft air.

My fingers longed to call Vikrant’s number so I could hear his voice and briefly overcome our great distance as I thoughtlessly traced the contours of my phone. But a voice inside pleaded with me to be patient, reassuring me of the significance of his obligations and the sacrifices he made on our behalf.

My phone buzzed, waking me out of my daydream as the evening started to wane into the embrace of dusk. As soon as I saw Vikrant’s name flashing on the screen, my heart skipped a beat as excitement and eagerness surged through my body.

‘Hello?’ I responded with a voice that was tinged with both joy and longing.

Vikrant’s voice resounded across the line, calling out ‘Pranali’

with a tone that mixed affection and exhaustion. ‘I wish I was there to hold you tight and watch the sunset with you right now’.

Despite the pain in my heart, a smile tugged at the corners of my lips. ‘You are missed, Vikrant. I feel incomplete without you at my side every day.’

When there was a little lull on the other end of the queue, I could feel his longing and see a reflection of it in mine. ‘I know, Prana. Trust me, I share your sentiments. But we must persevere, for ourselves, for one another, and for our dreams.’ His remarks struck a chord inside of me, reminding me of our shared ideals and the goals we had set for ourselves.

Our love deepened during those times when we were apart due to distance, fuelled by the difficulties we encountered and the power we found in one another. I could almost feel Vikrant’s presence beside me as we spoke, as we shared the specifics of our days and the dreams that glistened in our hearts, as well as his consoling touch and unfailing support. Our chats connected our souls and provided a haven in the midst of separation by transcending the limitations of physical separation.

174  In the Arms of a Soldier As the night grew darker, stars started to shine in the soft sky.

We discussed our dreams and goals as well as the journeys we planned to take once we were back together. Weaving a tapestry of love and tenacity, the cadence of our talk danced to a song that only our hearts could hear. I found comfort in that chapter of yearning and hushed promises.

Our love overcame the limitations of time and space because it was strong and uncompromising. I knew our love was stronger than any barrier that attempted to keep us apart in those moments when the world outside of us seemed insignificant.

The room’s emptiness became less oppressive when I said goodnight to Vikrant. Our relationship, fostered by our steadfast support and innumerable chats, gave me reason to hope. The path ahead might be difficult, but armed with love and resolve, we would confront the obstacles together, unwavering in our goal of a future in which our souls would once more entwine.

Days became weeks, and weeks became months, yet our relationship remained solid. Each chat turned into a lifeline, a priceless thread that united us despite the great distance separating us. We communicated over the distance by sharing experiences, tears, and laughter. But as time passed, the longing grew stronger.

I yearned to look at Vikrant, to feel his presence next to me, and to tightly hug him. The separation weighed heavily on my heart, an ever-present reminder of the sacrifices we both made for the greater good.

Sid’s unexpected request left me curious and slightly apprehensive. When he inquired about my availability for the upcoming Sunday, I turned my attention toward him and responded with a simple, ‘Yes.’

However, his next question, ‘Can we visit Victoria Garden?’

intrigued me further. Sid’s request seemed out of the ordinary, and I couldn’t help but wonder what he wanted to share, prompting me to inquire, ‘Of course.’

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His reply only deepened my curiosity. He revealed, ‘I wish to share something with you, but this is not the appropriate forum.’

This cryptic statement left me pondering the nature of the matter he wanted to discuss, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of mystery surrounding his request.

In response, I agreed to meet him at Victoria Garden on Sunday, acknowledging the need for a more suitable setting for the conversation he had in mind. As I confirmed our meeting, my inner voice echoed my thoughts, questioning the enigmatic revelation Sid was planning to make. The anticipation of what he wanted to share began to build within me, and I found myself counting the days till our meeting, eager to unravel the mystery he held.

At 5pm. on Sunday, Sid came to pick me and we headed to Victoria Garden. In the garden, I could sense the emptiness. Why was that the case? Yes, as it was the second occasion I had travelled here alone. The first was the time we chose to meet. However, he left to queue towards Kashmir without even informing me.

This is the location of my first encounter with Vikrant. I proposed Vikrant here. And right here is where I gave him my first kiss.

This location serves as a symbol of our affection. But at this point, Vikrant was not present.

As we arrived at Victoria Garden, I felt a mix of anticipation and curiosity, eager to uncover the mystery Sid had alluded to. I turned to him and urged, ‘So tell me now.’

However, Sid’s response left me puzzled. He seemed hesitant, struggling to find the right words. I pressed him, my patience waning, ‘Sid, could you please be clear?’

Finally, he mustered the courage to convey his message, and his words left me stunned. He confessed, ‘Actually, Pranali, I’m not sure where to start.’

Intrigued and perplexed, I implored him to continue, ‘Okay, Sid, please be clear.’

176  In the Arms of a Soldier And then came the revelation that I hadn’t anticipated. Sid revealed, ‘I’ve known you since you joined this business. I looked at your biography, and guess what? Now I love you.’

His confession left me in disbelief, and I could only manage to utter a bewildered, ‘What?’

‘I love you, Pranali. I love you so much. I desired to be near you. I desired to cooperate with you. I therefore requested dad that Nimrit be promoted and transferred to Bengaluru so that I may fill the vacancy. After Priya, you are the only girl I adored, Pranali.

And I believe that we were meant to be together. We share the same interests and passions. Our interests are similar. This is an indication that our relationship is meant to be, and...’

‘I have a boyfriend,’ I began to feel awkward around his words, so I said it. He was in total shock and asked, ‘What?’ I informed him of my connection to Vikrant. He believed that Vikrant and I are merely friends. ‘I cherish Vikrant. I adore him so much, and our relationship is very serious. Sid, you are a decent individual.

I like you a lot. However, that does not imply that we can be a couple for life. Even though we share the same interests and passions, I am meant to be Vikrant’s wife and your... just friend.’

He remained silent for a short while.

‘So you’re rejecting me because you love that soldier who isn’t with you.’

I asked. ‘What do you mean?’

‘He’s going to be on missions all the time. How can he grant you his time?’

I said in a stern voice, ‘You are going too far.’

‘Pranali, this is the reality. He might be an excellent soldier, but he will never make a decent boyfriend. Because he himself doesn’t know whether he will survive in his mission or....’ I slapped him, which got everyone in the garden’s notice.

‘Enough, if you mention Vikrant once more, I’ll murder you.

Don’t compare yourself with Vikrant. You’ll never perform on his

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level. Vikrant can adore me more than anyone else on the planet, including you. Believe that.’

I went home after leaving the yard. I erred in my judgement. I ought to have informed him earlier about Vikrant. He was sorely missed by me. I was anxious to see Vikrant. I wished to talk to him. I wished to embrace him. How then could I? ‘Shall I travel to Jammu? Yes, I ought to visit Jammu and inform him of Sid. I told myself, ‘I should tell him that I want to marry him as soon as possible.’

The following day at work, I couldn’t find Sid, but his confession of love was still fresh in my mind. However, I made no immediate effort to reach out to him or understand the situation.

Instead, I decided to take some time off to sort through my thoughts and feelings.

I headed to Mr. Khanna’s office and submitted a request for six days leave. It was a significant step for me since I had never asked for time off in all my years at the company. Mr. Khanna granted my request without much questioning, sensing that something important must be happening.

I also felt the need to confide in Sonal. I informed her about the unexpected revelation from Sid and the emotions it had stirred within me. Sonal, understanding and perceptive as always, admitted that she had sensed something like this might occur. She assured me that it was essential for me to sort out my feelings and take some time for myself.

With my leave approved and Sonal’s understanding, I began planning my trip to meet Vikrant in Jammu. The first step was booking my flight from Kolkata to Jammu, which I managed to do swiftly. I deliberately kept this trip a surprise from Vikrant, wanting to see the joy and surprise in his eyes when I arrived.

This trip was my way of finding some clarity about my feelings and a chance to reunite with the one person who had always held a special place in my heart.

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