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T he Beckoning of Kashmir

November 2017, Airport, Kolkata

I was seated in the reclining chair at Kolkata Airport at 2am Why?

Because I had a flight to Jammu at 4.35 am. Even though it wasn’t a vacation, my excitement was at its highest. Because I was finally going to meet Major Vikrant Shergil, my Para commando boyfriend, after five hard months.

A female next to me yelled ‘Soham’ when she saw a man coming her way.

That man shouted back, ‘Meenal,’ with equal intensity.

‘Perhaps they are a couple,’ I guessed.

They might have recently reconnected. She arrived to fetch him at 2am. with a large bouquet in her hand. They gave each other hugs. Their eagerness to meet was evident in their excitement, which ultimately made me remember the day I first met Vikrant.

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I boarded the aircraft and found a spot. The flight was about to depart. My enthusiasm grew as the minutes ticked by. My anticipation for meeting Vikrant was growing. A lady sitting next to me questioned, ‘Is this your first time on a plane?’

‘No, I had only gone a few times,’ I retorted.

‘Oh, I see. You appear incredibly delighted. Do you intend to meet your partner in Jammu?’

‘What?’ I questioned a little eagerly, ‘How did you recognise it?’ She chuckled. ‘Simply assumed.’

‘Oh fine’.

‘Actually, I’m heading to Jammu to meet my boyfriend.’ When asked if he was a soldier too, she replied, ‘No, he’s an instructor.’

‘All right’

‘I’m Jasmine.’

‘Pranali here. Nice to meet you.’ We became friends instantly.

Friends, having genuine friends is one of life’s most priceless possessions. Our journey is only meaningful if we have friends, and having real friends can mean the world. They are the ones who back us when we need it, stick by us no matter what, and rejoice with us when we succeed. Hopefully, Nimrit, Sonal, Shivam, and Pratik will turn out to be some of my closest friends.

Jasmine questioned me, ‘So how did you meet for the first time?’

‘He is actually my friend Nimrit’s older brother.’

‘Wow, sounds interesting.’

‘Same question for you.’

‘Actually WhatsApp played a major role in the formation of our relationship,’ were the responses I received.

‘How?’ I excitedly questioned.

‘He is a schoolmate of mine. Since then, he has had feelings for me. But he never told me about it. After a year, he sent me

180  In the Arms of a Soldier a WhatsApp message, and our love tale officially began. Our friendship is currently distance-based. Therefore, our only communication is through WhatsApp. Thank you WhatsApp, hashtag.’ She got absorbed in perusing the article. WhatsApp was also crucial in the beginning of my love Jasmine enquired, ‘Can I have your phone number?’

‘Of course’. We swapped phone numbers.

She grinned and said, ‘I’d like to hear your love story someday.

Now that your eyes are looking red, I believe you should get some rest.’

‘I appreciate your thoughtfulness and care.’ I closed my eyes, but I couldn’t help but think of Vikrant.


Jasmine woke me up by saying, ‘Pranali, wake up—we are now in Jammu.’

At 10:35am after a six-hour flight, I eventually arrived in Jammu. The city of Jammu is renowned for its breath-taking natural beauty, extensive cultural legacy, and spiritual importance.

The city is encircled by snow-capped mountains, undulating hills, and lush woods as it lies in the foothills of the Himalayas.

The city’s picturesque scenery is further enhanced by the Tawi River’s winding path through it. Several ancient temples, including the well-known Vaishno Devi Temple, which draws millions of visitors each year, are also located in Jammu.

The vibrant, busy local bazaars provide a glimpse into the city’s extensive cultural history. Discovering Jammu’s historic sites, taking in its bustling street life, or simply taking in its breathtaking natural beauty will leave visitors in awe and surprise.

Jasmine gave me a bear hug and said, ‘I’d like to meet you again.’ She stepped inside the waiting taxi. I made the decision to eat breakfast at the neighbouring hotel so that I would be alert.

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‘What makes this place unique?’ I questioned a server.

‘Rogan Josh Mam’

‘I had never heard of it before, what is it made of?’

‘A well-known meat dish from Kashmir is Rogan Josh. A special combination of Kashmiri seasonings is used to flavour the spicy tomato and yoghurt sauce in which the tender meat is slowly cooked.’

‘Okay, I’d like to give it a shot.’ I bought it. I eventually heard the mayhem behind me. I looked in that direction to see that a select group of friends were commemorating a birthday.

Navigating the unfamiliar streets of Jammu in search of the Army Headquarters proved to be a daunting challenge. The city’s layout and the military base’s concealed location added to the complexity. Streets bustled with activity, and the bustling traffic did little to ease the situation. But with determination, I persevered, asking for directions and relying on landmarks.

The anticipation of reaching my destination and reuniting with Vikrant fuelled my resolve. Finally, after a series of twists and turns, I managed to locate the Army HQ, a triumphant moment in my quest to find him.

As I walked, I could see the Army Headquarters looming ahead, just 3 kilometres away. To cover the remaining distance more quickly, I decided to hop into a rickshaw. The ride took about 10 minutes, and as we approached the Para SF Army Headquarters in Jammu, it became evident why this location was known for its heightened security.

The headquarters was a fortress of secrecy and protection, designed to safeguard highly sensitive military operations and personnel. The exterior of the building was unassuming and practical, with a straightforward layout that emphasized functionality and security. Thick concrete walls enclosed the area, and high walls, along with a perimeter fence, created a formidable

182  In the Arms of a Soldier barrier to keep out unauthorized individuals. Throughout the premises, armed soldiers were stationed, maintaining a watchful presence.

As I approached the entrance, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of trepidation. The formidable structure and the intense security measures were intimidating. I wondered how I would go about finding Vikrant in such a place, amidst all these security measures.

My uncertainty was compounded when I reached a large barrier at the entrance. I stood there, feeling somewhat lost and unsure of my next steps. The army officer stationed there noticed my hesitation and decided to halt me from entering further. My journey to reunite with Vikrant was met with its first challenge: gaining access to this highly secure military establishment.

The army officer sternly told me, ‘Sorry, ma’am, but you can’t enter inside.’ I felt a bit disheartened by this roadblock.

But then, he seemed to recognize me and inquired, ‘Actually, I’m here to meet Major Vikrant.’

‘Wait, are you Pranali Sharma?’

‘Yes.’ It puzzled me how he knew my name, as I hadn’t introduced myself.

With a warm smile, he revealed, ‘I’m Manoj Patel, and Major Vikrant is a close friend of mine. He mentioned you.’

I couldn’t help but wonder what Vikrant had told Manoj about me.

Still slightly bewildered, I stammered, ‘Aamm... Where is he now?’

Manoj informed me, ‘Actually, he is in Gulmarg.’

I was taken aback by this revelation and couldn’t help but exclaim, ‘Oh no,’ while hiding my face in embarrassment.

Manoj quickly assured me, ‘Don’t worry, bhabhi ji. Captain Sreesanth is heading to Gulmarg today, so I’ll inform him to bring you along.’

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I was grateful for his thoughtfulness and expressed my gratitude, ‘So thoughtful of you.’

He encouraged me to enter the premises and said, ‘Please enter. I’ll ensure it’s all legal.’

I was relieved but couldn’t help but ask, ‘Will it be legal?’

after being stopped earlier.

Manoj reassured me, ‘I will handle it. You just need to get checked out.’

I agreed and allowed the female officer to check my luggage.

Once everything was cleared, I was granted entry.

Manoj kindly said, ‘Please don’t mind, this is our duty.’

I replied with understanding, ‘No, absolutely not.’ The journey to meet Vikrant was back on track, thanks to Manoj’s assistance and Vikrant’s connections.

I walked in and begin learning more about the Army HQ. The headquarters’ interior was created to meet all of the requirements of the Para SF soldiers, including housing, management, and training. Modern training facilities included offices, barracks, and mess rooms in addition to a shooting range and obstacle courses.

A high degree of security was also present at the headquarters, which had access control and surveillance cameras in place to safeguard the soldiers and their gear. I questioned, ‘Where are we going?’

‘I’ll show you a place to relax so you can wait till Captain Sreesanth is prepared to leave,’ he said. I walked in the room.

The room was compact but tidy and spotless. I put my bags in the corner and sat on the bed.

I heard the pounding at the door which woke me up. I let the door open.

‘I’m Captain Sreesanth, hello ma’am.’ I said ‘yes’ when Manoj asked if I wanted to accompany you towards Gulmarg.

‘So let’s get going,’ I said, picking up my bags. I was 300

kilometres from Gulmarg. So my trip would take nine hours.

184  In the Arms of a Soldier I muttered, ‘More 9 hours until I meet my boyfriend.’

‘What, ma’am?’ It was humiliating, I said, ‘No nothing.’

We were moving forward. Because I wanted to learn more about the location, I chose a window spot. Awe-inspiringly gorgeous Kashmir, also known as the ‘Paradise on Earth,’ is situated in the far north of India. The region is well known for its picturesque views, undulating hills, verdant woods, snow-capped mountains, and serene lakes. The valley was dotted with charming cities and villages that were encircled by orchards and terraced fields.

The roadways had sharp drops on either side and were winding and narrow. I was treated to breath-taking views of the nearby mountains and valleys as the bus ascended higher and higher.

Although the trip was lengthy, the breath-taking landscape we passed through kept me entertained. Small towns and villages we passed through had residents going about their everyday lives. As far as the eye could see, tall trees and acres of colourful flowers could be seen.

The air grew crisper and colder as we drew closer to Gulmarg.

We were nearing our location when I spotted the Himalayan mountains’ snow-capped peaks in the distance. When I closed my eyes, I dozed off.


‘Ma’am, get up. We have arrived in Gulmarg,’ a voice said.

He was Captain Sreesanth.

‘Oh, sorry.’

‘It’s all right, ma’am.’

We finally made it to Gulmarg, a breathtakingly gorgeous valley encircled by towering mountains. My eyes glowed at the scene. Captain Sreesanth helped me carry my luggage and said,

‘Let’s go, ma’am.’

‘Thank you.’

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‘My pleasure, Ma’am,’ he kindly replied. We got to the army camp. Captain Sreesanth commanded, ‘Wait here, mam.’ He ran across another soldier and struck up a conversation with him. He returned to me once more.

‘He is Rithvik, Ma’am. You’ll be taken to Major Vikrant by him. You keep your luggage here. I’ll instruct someone to maintain it in the proper location.’ I expressed my gratitude to Captain Sreesanth. He was a big assistance.

‘We should leave, Ma’am,’ Rithvik replied. I went after him.

I was merely scanning the area to try to capture the beauty of Gulmarg in my mind’s eye.

Rithvik replied, pointing at Vikrant, ‘There he is.’ His uniform was on. He wore a camouflage combat outfit, black combat boots, and a load-bearing equipment belt as part of his uniform, which also included a brown beret with the Para Commando symbol.

The Para Commando costume is a representation of the elite rank of these soldiers, who go through extensive training and encounter difficult situations on a regular basis. These soldiers’ pride and dedication can be seen in their uniforms, which represents their constant readiness to protect and serve their country and its people.

He held a binocular in his right hand and a Tar-21 rifle in his left.

With a playful grin on his face, Rithvik answered, ‘You meet him, ma’am, I’ll go.’ I approached Vikrant in silence and gave him a back embrace.

‘Prannnaahh…,’ he said with a sigh. He recognized my touch.

‘Are you here?’

‘I came here to meet you, Vikrant.’ He said nothing at all. He turned to face me and gave me a passionate hug. Tears started to form in my eyes and flow out of my checks. Finally, the wait was over. After waiting for five long months, I finally met him. I was holding him.

‘Why Prano?’

‘I have no idea. I just wanted to meet you.’ After a brief pause, he said, ‘I love you so much, Prano.’

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‘I also love you.’

‘Come along, I’ll introduce you to my senior,’ he said.

I got to know Vikrant’s peers, elders, and commanding officer.

I was overjoyed to finally meet them. Captain Manish, Vikrant’s closest friend, was also present; in fact, it was thanks to Captain Manish that I learned the meaning of true love.

In Vikrant’s room, I walked in. As anticipated, everything was orderly and clean at their home. ‘Here, you can relax,’ said Vikrant.

I cried out, ‘Vikrant, I have to tell you something. It is significant,’ I said. He seated next to me while supporting my head.

‘What’s going on, Prano?’

‘You know Sid?’

‘Yes, that’s your team leader. Right, and he was present at Nimrit’s wedding as well.’


‘What about him?’

‘He proposed to me a few days ago,’


‘Yes. I told him I didn’t like him,’

‘Good. So tell me, what is troubling you right now.’

‘I love you. I want to get married to you as quickly as I can.

Such behaviour aggravates me. I’d like to move in with you. I want to be by your side.’ My face was touched by Vikrant’s fingers. He said, ‘I can comprehend you,’ trying calming me down.

I replied, removing his hand from my face, ‘No you not Vikrant.’ For some time, we were both quiet.

‘I need to get to work. When I return, we’ll resume. Till that point, relax.’ I remained silent. He went. After a short while, a woman carrying my luggage entered the apartment. After thanking

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her, I climbed into bed. As I glanced around the room, my eyes fell upon a diary resting on the table. My curiosity got the better of me, and I picked it up to examine it. On the hardcover of the diary, I noticed the name "PRANALI" neatly written. Intrigued, I couldn’t resist the urge to open it and began reading from the first page.

“Hey, it’s Vikrant Shergil. Major Vikrant Shergil, actually. I am in Kashmir, and after a tragic day, I’ve finally managed to carve out a moment for myself. So, here I am, writing this diary entry. To be honest, I’ve never really been one for keeping a diary.

So, why now? Well, when you’re in the business of putting your life on the line, you tend to create special memories with special people. Memories you never want to forget. Memories that bring you joy and nostalgia when you think back on them. That’s why I’ve decided to start this diary.

Back when I broke up with my ex because she didn’t want me to join the Indian Army, I swore off love. I told myself I’d never let myself fall for another girl again. But then she came into my life. Pranali Sharma – a simple girl with simple dreams from Mumbai. Yet, she had a tremendous impact on my life. She loved me wholeheartedly, cared for me, trusted me, and ultimately made me fall in love all over again. So, I’m determined not to forget a single moment we’ve spent together. Hence, this diary. Let’s get started.

The Siachin mission was a success, and we managed to complete it with minimal losses. We were able to push back the enemy incursions into our territories and even captured two terrorists alive, a significant achievement. What’s more, they provided us with valuable information. One crucial piece of intel was that they weren’t Pakistani militants but members of the terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Ghazi, led by Maqsood.

After completing the mission, I made my way back to Kolkata.

The first thing on my agenda was to meet my dear younger sister, Nimrit. I informed her of my return, and she said she’d bring her roommate along to introduce me.

188  In the Arms of a Soldier I thought, ‘No big deal.’

My comrades and I arrived in Kolkata early next morning.

Captain Manish, Lieutenant Aryan, and I were warmly welcomed at the Army Headquarters. The camaraderie within our team is strong, a bond forged through countless missions and shared experiences. I know I can rely on them in the days to come.

The next day, we started with an orientation session, led by Colonel Sharma. He provided valuable insights into the security situation in that region and the key players we’ll be working with.

The challenge is clear, and our mission is to maintain peace and security.

We conducted our first reconnaissance mission that afternoon, venturing into the heart of Kolkata. The streets were alive with activity. It’s a place filled with vibrant energy, but we must remember that our duty is to safeguard it.

The day concluded with a debriefing session. We discussed our initial findings and started formulating a plan. I’m grateful to have such a dedicated and competent team by my side.

The next evening, after fulfilling all my duties, it was finally time to meet Nimrit. I dressed in a pair of grey trousers and a light pink formal full-sleeved shirt. My golden Sonata watch adorned my left wrist, and I grabbed the keys to my Ciaz before heading to Victoria Garden.

Upon arriving, I noticed Nimrit and her roommate were already there. I removed my sunglasses to get a better look at her roommate, and to my surprise, she was even more stunning than my sister. She had long, wavy hair, almond-shaped, deep black eyes, lips as red as a rose, a cute snub nose, sharp jaw line, and fair, milky skin. She looked like an angel, dressed in a pink top and blue jeans, more beautiful than any angel from heaven.

I approached them. Nimrit said, ‘Bhaiyya,’ and gave me a tight embrace. I questioned her, ‘How are you, Nimmu?’

‘I’m good, bhaiyya.’ She questioned, ‘You?’

‘My little baby, I’m just fine,’ I said.

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She pointed at her roommate and said, ‘Bhaiyya meet my friend, Pranali.’

As I approached her, her nervousness was quite noticeable.

We greeted each other and then moved to the yard, where we sat down on a couch. Nirmit began sharing details of the past three months, and I reciprocated by explaining the details of my mission.

However, what bothered me was Pranali’s silence. I had a strong desire to make her open up and learn more about her.

Nimrit excused herself, saying, ‘I’ll be back in a minute,’ and went to where the kids were playing nearby.

‘She really likes small children,’ I said.

‘Aaaaayaa, you’re right,’ Pranali replied.

‘By the way, may I ask you a question?’ I inquired.

‘Of course,’ she replied.

‘Why were your hands trembling when we shook hands?’

I regretted instantly for asking that question.

‘I’ve never met a soldier before, you know. And…’

‘What ?’

She overheard that.

I repeated my question, this time somewhat curious, ‘Heard what?’

‘That… you people are completely heartless, lack empathy, and would kill anyone without hesitation.’

I believed she had heard lot of bad things about us soldiers.

So I decided to clear all her misconceptions and the rumours she had heard.

I asked her, ‘Tell me about yourself.’

‘I’m from Andheri, Mumbai. I received employment at the Engineering Company in Kolkata after completing my computer engineering degree at VJTI in Mumbai. I had to relocate from Mumbai to Kolkata as a result. I’ve resided in Newtown for the

190  In the Arms of a Soldier last two months, sharing a room with Nimrit. For me, Kolkata metropolis was completely new. But Nimrit was very helpful to me in the beginning.’

‘Great,’ I exclaimed with a grin. There was a brief stillness.

‘Can I have your phone number,’ he unexpectedly inquired. I think she was not expecting this from me.

She replied after a brief silence, ‘Yes sure. 935905….’ And provided me her phone and that’s how everything began.

In the stillness of that night, I found myself seated beside my friend, Captain Manish, on the couch. Our conversation turned to the well-being of Nimrit, and Manish inquired about her. I reassured him, ‘she is doing fine,’ a brief and casual response.

Manish then reminded me of my upcoming meeting with Nimrit’s roommate, Pranali, and asked if I had met her. I confirmed,

‘Yes, her name is Pranali Sharma.’

However, as I spoke of Pranali, I couldn’t help but admit something more. ‘But you know what, she is cute,’ I remarked, appreciating her charm and presence.

Manish was taken aback by my admission, responding with a surprised, ‘What?’

I clarified, ‘Yes, she is an attractive girl with beautiful eyes.

Passionate and lovely.’ There was a pause, and Manish couldn’t resist a playful question, ‘Can I refer to this as love at first sight?’

I chuckled and replied, ‘No, bro, not at all. I am just saying that she is a cute girl, and nothing else.’

Manish continued, ‘Yeah, yeah,’ but my thoughts remained on Pranali.

Before we concluded our conversation and returned to our respective rooms, I felt compelled to express something more. ‘I just feel I want to know her more. I want to make her my friend.

That’s why I took her phone number,’ I declared.

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Manish acknowledged, ‘She is really special then,’ prompting me to question, ‘How do you know?’

His response was insightful, ‘Because she is the first girl you are referring to as cute. Otherwise, I see you breaking the hearts of thousands of girls by ignoring them.’

We shared a hearty laugh before parting for the night. As I closed my eyes, Pranali’s face remained etched in my mind, a thought I couldn’t escape. The intrigue and curiosity about her had taken root in my heart.


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