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Vikrant’s Diary

November 2017, Army HQ, Gulmarg

The door was tapped on. I immediately kept diary in my bag.

I look inside to see if he was Vikrant. I perched on the chair without saying anything. He advanced in the direction of the chamber. He approached me and put his palms on my cheeks while wearing a civil outfit.

‘Still angry?’ Vikrant inquired, concern evident in his voice.

I sighed and replied, ‘No, I’m not angry anymore.’

‘I’m sorry, baby,’ his face softened.

‘It’s all right,’ I assured him.

Then, out of the blue, he seized my wrist and said, ‘Come with me. I want to show you something.’

I hesitated, saying, ‘Sorry Vikrant, but I don’t want to go anywhere.’

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Vikrant, however, was insistent. He commanded, ‘Be silent, and follow me.’

Curiosity got the better of me as I asked, ‘Where are we going?’

‘Come on,’ he said with a playful tone.

‘All right, wait.’ reluctantly, I muttered.

Vikrant’s next request intrigued me even more, ‘You must close your eyes first, though.’

‘Why do I have to close my eyes?’ I questioned.

‘No inquiries, just follow my instructions,’ he replied. So, I obediently closed my eyes.

Vikrant continued, ‘Keep them closed till I say.’

‘All right.’

As Vikrant lifted me and started moving, I could sense the chilly air and snow beneath my feet. It was evident that we were ascending a slope, and the frigid temperature made me shiver.

After a while, we reached our destination, and as soon as he let go of me, I slowly lowered myself onto the snow-covered ground.

The mystery of this surprise weighed heavily on my mind as I anxiously awaited the big revelation.

‘Now gently open your eyes,’ he whispered in my ear.

I was totally mesmerised when I first opened my eyes. I noticed that candles were organised in the form of a heart “Pranali, I love you. Will you marry me?” was written. My attitude totally changed. I felt better than ever. I listened, ‘Pranali,’ by Vikrant. I turned to face him. He squatted with his right palm on a ring.

He enquired, ‘Will you marry me?’ I’ll never forget that event.

He finally understood how I felt. He finally started taking our relationship seriously.

What was my response? Absolutely, “yes.”

194  In the Arms of a Soldier We kissed till our spirits merged before he put a ring on my ring finger. The weather was chilly. He had icy cheeks. But had a warm breath. The ideal time to show affection.

The next morning when Vikrant left for his duty, I was alone in our room. Vikrant had promised me that when he returns he will take me to explore the Kashmir.

I quickly remembered that it was my opportunity to continue the diary reading. So I removed it from my bag and started reading.

“Our friendship began to grow slowly but steadily. We found ourselves talking every day, and I realized that I was conversing with Pranali more frequently than with Nimrit. Talking to her became a delightful habit.

On the other day, Colonel Sharma, a seasoned officer with a wealth of experience, conducted the briefing. He painted a detailed picture of the security landscape in the city. The challenges are diverse, from organized crime to potential terrorist threats. It was a sobering reminder of the importance of our mission.

We spent the morning scrutinizing intelligence reports and maps. Every piece of information was a puzzle piece that could potentially save lives. Lieutenant Aryan’s analytical mind shone through as he made sense of the data, while Major Rajat’s tactical insights were invaluable.

In the afternoon, we embarked on a reconnaissance mission.

We navigated the intricate streets of Kolkata, blending in with the city’s vibrant flow. The people here have a resilience that’s both inspiring and humbling.

As the sun set over the Hooghly River, we returned to our base, ready to continue gathering intelligence and planning for the days ahead.

I had just returned to my room and was in the process of freshening up when my phone suddenly buzzed. I quickly picked it up, and to my surprise, it was a call from Pranali.

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‘Hey Prano, how are you?’ I enquired.

She tiredly retorted, ‘Not well.’

‘What happen?’

She told me the whole tale, concluding, ‘Today is really worse.’

‘What? So, where are you now?’ I questioned.

‘Still 2 kilometres away from my apartment.’

I replied, ‘Wait there, I’ll come get you,’

‘No no, there is no need,’ she declared.

‘Are you sure?’ I asked


‘Okay then’

After a few moments of silence she questioned ,’Hey, where are you right now?’

‘Room. Then why?’

‘Will you kindly join me on the terrace?’ she requested.

‘Okay, but why?

‘Come no’, she said innocently.

‘All right. Just a moment.’ I marched towards the terrace. The stars were brilliant. The moon had a distinctive glamour shine.

‘Ok, now tell me.’

She enquired, ‘Can you see the stars?’

‘Yes, they are beautiful, but not more so than you,’ I said to flirt with her.

She laughed and said, ‘Ha.. ha., joke of the day.’

‘No, I’m not joking.’

‘Oh, okay. Thank you,’ she said.

During our conversation I heard a voice of a guy saying, ‘May I drop you?’

196  In the Arms of a Soldier Pranali answered him, ‘No thanks.’

I heard him urging, ‘Come on, I’ll drop you.’ It was making me uncomfortable.

‘What is going on, Prano?’

She told me, ‘Hold on a second.’

It got me worried because I thought something might be wrong. We ended our call after I heard her shouting, and that made me even more uneasy. So, I made a decision to go and check on her.

But when I reached the motorway where she was supposed to be, she wasn’t there. That raised serious concerns. So, I traveled towards her apartment. When I arrived, I found that the entrance was locked from the outside. That was a clear sign that something was definitely not right.

I contacted my group and asked them to help me find her phone number. They informed me that Pranali was out in the woods, far away from the city. When I got to that location, I noticed an old house. She was inside that house, as my team had informed me.

I tried to open the door, but it was locked from the inside.

I had no other option but to break it open. Here’s where it gets intense—my instincts told me that as soon as I entered that building, someone might try to attack me from behind. And you know what? My instincts were right.

When I turned around, I saw a man pointing a stick at me. I quickly grabbed that stick and, well, let’s just say he tried to fight me. But it was like a warm-up for me. I hit him on the forehead, and he passed out.

One woman was unconscious when I spun around and found her in the corner of the room. I realised she was Pranali when I got near to her. She had a terrible appearance. She had rope ties around your wrists and legs. I was done then. That was enough to bring me to a full simmer. No one can harm Pranali because I am Captain Vikrant Shergil of the Para Commandos. I made that idiot

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aware that the human body contains 206 bones, all of which can break at once and cause excruciating pain.

After that I brought Pranali to her apartment. While she was unconscious, she was saying, ‘Please help me; stay with me,’ even though I had already made the decision to leave. I therefore made the decision to remain.

In the morning I narrated the complete story to her. She was still afraid so I decided to take her on a date.

After returning to the Army headquarters, I took a moment to freshen up and then opened my wardrobe. The choice of what to wear left me in a state of confusion. Eventually, I settled on a pink full-sleeved shirt.

With my attire sorted, I headed to Pranali’s apartment and gave her a call. Soon, I felt someone place their cold hands on my shoulder, and I turned to see Pranali, looking elegant in a long pink anarkali dress that perfectly matched my shirt. I proposed that we travel on her Scooter, and she agreed.

Our first stop was the theatre to watch the movie “Pixels.”

Later, we ventured into the Royal Bengal restaurant, where I had the pleasure of indulging in my favourite dish, Chicken Kolhapuri.

As the evening unfolded, we explored the beauty of the Victoria Memorial Museum, and finally, we found a cosy spot on a couch in the garden to relax and enjoy each other’s company.

‘Can I ask you something?’ I asked

‘Yes of course’.

‘Are you dating anyone?’

‘No,’ she abruptly retorted.

It made me so happy that I said, ‘All right’ with a sigh.

‘So, any ex?’ I inquired once more.

‘Yes, I did have one,’ she replied. That broke her heart. She narrated me the story how her ex, Shiv cheated on her.

198  In the Arms of a Soldier After some time she asked me, ‘Do you have any girlfriends?’

‘No,’ I replied.

‘Any ex?’ she enquired.

I answered, ‘I had one.’

‘What happened then?’

I narrated the story of Kriti to her. And I also told her that I am still a virgin.

After enjoying each other’s company i returned to HQ.

In the quiet solitude of that night, I found myself deep in thought, sitting alone on the couch, gazing at the state around me.

It was a moment of reflection, and my mind couldn’t help but wander to Pranali. What was it that set her apart from the rest?

Why did I feel an inexplicable urgency to protect her when she was in danger? I would like to believe that I would act the same way for anyone, yet there was an unmistakable personal connection that seemed to transcend mere duty.

Our conversations had a unique quality about them. It wasn’t just a friendship; it felt like there was something deeper, something unspoken but profoundly understood. The word “love” fluttered on the edge of my thoughts, but I quickly dismissed it. No need to dwell on that, I told myself. What was undeniable, however, was the depth of feeling I have for her. I didn’t want to witness her endure suffering in any form.

Being the partner of a military individual is no simple task.

It’s a life filled with uncertainty. The concept of consistency seems elusive, and the normal rhythms of life can be disrupted at any moment. My duties often involve high-risk missions, and predicting how much time I can spend with her becomes an exercise in uncertainty.

My mind drifted to my mother, and I remembered how she endured my father’s lengthy missions. She would stay up all night, sometimes going days without a proper meal, and tears would flow endlessly. I couldn’t bear the thought of Pranali going

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through the same anguish. What if I embarked on a mission and never returned? It was a haunting possibility I couldn’t ignore.

No, I couldn’t let Pranali suffer through the trials that military life could bring. I resolved in that quiet moment that I would do everything in my power to protect her, even if it meant keeping a distance. My duty was to safeguard the ones I cared for, and Pranali was no exception.”

I again kept the diary in my bag when I heard door knocking.

‘Let’s go,’ said Vikrant pointing towards the army van. I entered it and our journey began.

As I exited the army van, the cool mountain air touched my cheeks. The snow-covered peaks that towered majestically in the distance caught Vikrant’s attention as he stood next to me. He appeared to have returned to a location that had great value in his heart because of the mixture of pride and reverence on his face.

He muttered, ‘Kashmir,’ his voice tinged with yearning. It feels like a different home.

‘Pranali, I always wanted to bring you here, to show you the magic of this place,’ Vikrant remarked, his eyes glistening with a mixture of happiness and devotion.

I leaned on his shoulder, mesmerised by the peace of the situation. ‘Vikrant, it’s breath-taking. I can see why you have such a strong attachment to Kashmir.’

He grinned while keeping his eyes on the horizon. ‘I spent a lot of time here performing my military responsibilities. Beyond that, though, this location taught me the true meaning of fortitude and the strength of love in the face of catastrophe.’

I turned to him out of a piqued curiosity to learn more about the depths of his ties to this place. ‘Let me know, Vikrant. Why did Kashmir move your soul, exactly?’

He inhaled deeply, a range of emotions visible in his eyes.

‘Pranali, Kashmir is a place of paradoxes. Although it has experienced instability and conflict, it also possesses a rich culture

200  In the Arms of a Soldier and unshakeable resiliency. The resilience with which the locals have persevered in the face of hardship has made an imprint on me.’ I paid close attention as he spoke, mesmerised. His speech radiated a profound appreciation and a connection to this land that was deeper than the surface.

Vikrant continued, ‘Kashmir taught me to appreciate the beauty in the middle of chaos. To take comfort in solitude, to treasure relationships that endure even in the face of uncertainty.’

Vikrant firmly and consolingly gripped my hand as the sun sank, spreading a golden glow across the valley. Gratitude and affection could be heard in his voice as he remarked, ‘Pranali, being here with you in Kashmir feels like a completion of my journey. You are now a part of my story and the rock that grounds me in the middle of the storms.’ I started crying as I realised how deep his remarks were. Not only were we witnesses to Kashmir’s beauty, but also to the beauty of our own love, which had grown and flourished in spite of difficulties.

We embraced the core of our relationship at that time, surrounded by the echoes of Kashmir, a love that took power from the land’s resiliency and the unbreakable tie we had created.

Vikrant and I sat in peace, taking in the magic of Kashmir as the day gave way to darkness and the stars started to adorn the sky. It was a part of our adventure that will live on in our hearts forever.

The peace of the area permeated our souls, providing a haven from the tumult of the outside world.

A piece of Kashmir was engraved in our souls as we said goodbye, helping us navigate the upcoming storms. No matter what difficulties we encountered, we were confident that the echoes of this enchanted region would reverberate within us as a reminder of the love we had discovered and the inner strength we possessed.

And so, hand in hand, we embarked on the next chapter of our journey, hearts filled with the echoes of Kashmir, ready to face whatever lay ahead with a renewed sense of purpose and an unwavering steadfast love that would withstand the tests of time.

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We returned to the army camps as the sun set, leaving the valley in a warm glow and taking Kashmir’s soul within us as a gentle reminder that love, like the mountains that stood tall, could withstand any storm.

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