Luna by Kayla Smith - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

After they left using their teleporting power everyone met in the dining room and discussed what the building looked like and since Clarisse was the only one who was able to see inside she was the only one talking. “It’s three stories high, it looks like a broken down warehouse and only one way up or down. It’s on the left side of the building and the entrance is on that side as well. They have two guards at the entrance and they are heavily armed with weapons.” She paused and looked at Alana and Monika before she continued, “I don’t think it’s nothing you three can’t handle” aiming toward John as well, “I mean with your fire power and everything, and Monika you need to keep in mind that you need to relax your mind in order for your levitation to come.” She stopped to leave room for others to join in and when they didn’t she went to go on but was interrupted by Sebastian.

“You mean you’re going to send just three of us in at once to try and take out two guards who are heavily armed with guns and expect them to come out of that alive?” he stopped to look at Alana and realized she was on board with the plan as well, and it made him angrier. “You can’t be serious? Even before I found out she was my mate I wouldn’t want to put any of you at that risk, you could die!” he finished shouting. He was so upset his fangs were starting to protrude from his mouth, until now no one has seen his fangs and he felt a little embarrassed with himself for getting so upset and letting them show. But he went on as if nothing ever happened, “I want to be there too. Nothing can kill me I’m immortal now and unless they are heavily armed with wooden stakes I think I have a better chance of survival than any of you, I’m sorry but I’m going and there is nothing any of you can say or do to keep me from being part of the first group in.” with that he went and took his seat next to Monika and picked up her hand off her lap and wrapped it in his.   

“He is right, of course, he can survive most things apart from fire and wooden stakes to the heart, and he will be part of our group in, as well as Clarisse.” Alana said as if realizing that she either can’t win this battle or that he really is right and he will be an asset to the first group, either way Monika was happy he was going to be there with them.

Alana was talking with John; he was the true maker of the strategies of how things were to get done. After they were done he spoke. “This next group will go in through the basement, they will go up right to the door that is locked and you will use your powers to open it. Be aware that it is locked for a reason and you should take the appropriate precautions and use whatever powers you have to defend yourselves. Make sure you bring a heavy supply of potions and spells, and Wolfsbane. We cannot be around that stuff it is lethal to us.” He finished by indicating him and Alana.

“The Second group is going to be Peter, Jessica, Sean and Jacob. We won’t start until sunset this way we will not be seen so easily, make sure you all wear your black fighting gear. Now if Sam and Robert meet us at the Park at one then we won’t go until sunset, but if they don’t then we will go right in, do you guys understand. I will call you all if they do or do not show up. As of now I want you ready for one, and if they show up then we will go in at six.” Alana said.

“The next group will include Maia, yes I know she isn’t quite eighteen yet, but she is ready and we need everyone; also Jack, Zack, and Annabel will go through the back entrance. The rest of you will go in behind us I will be with Alana and the first group. Every one understand what their assigned to?” John finished.

“Yes.” Everyone said at once.

“Good now go eat and get ready for tomorrow. Monika I think you should try practicing tonight with Sebastian.” John said as he looked toward her. She nodded and they all got up and left the room.

Sebastian took Monika to the garden to practice. It’s not just a garden, it has a huge yard, and that’s where they usually do their combat practice. He made sure to get her where he thinks it will be easier to get her fear and anxiety to come out. There is this spot in the back of the yard that is surrounded by trees and since it was getting late that meant it was getting darker and harder to see. He knew that she would not appreciate his technique on how to gain control over her powers at first but she will thank him for it after.

“Ok, I need you to practice throwing fire balls at me, don’t worry I’ll move, and if you hit me then you just rid the world of one more vampire.” He joked although it wasn’t funny.

“That is so not funny Sebastian. I could kill you and that would devastate me. Is there a practice dummy I could use?” she asked looking around as if she intended to find one.

“There is one, but I don’t think it would help. I understand that you’re worried for me, but a fake dummy doesn’t really do it for most people.” He paused after seeing her face and he felt bad for it, so he came up with another idea, he will get the dummy and sneak up on her from behind which should frighten her enough to call on the power. “Ok, I’ll get it.” And he waved his hands in the air and called for the practice dummy and poof it appeared in front of them. “Now concentrate, and think of anything to get your power to want to come to the surface.”

Her jaw hung open and she couldn’t believe what she saw. “How did you do that?” She asked a little curious. “I’ve never seen anyone do that before.” She couldn’t keep the awe out of her voice.

“It is a power that I seldom use because no one here has this power. My mom called it the gift of summoning, and I don’t think anyone knows or at least remembers I have it. The only time I use it is in battle, I never use it to train, because it’s cheating against my opponent and I don’t like to cheat.” He gave her a breath taking wink and then said, “Ok now concentrate”

She just pictured the day she first realized she had it, when Sebastian got attacked, and there it was in her hand, a bright red and orange fire ball. She threw a few of them to see her aim and she hit the dummy right on, once, twice, three times in a row in the same spot. “Ok, I guess you don’t need any practice with that. What did you think of to make it come out?” He asked curious.

She looked up at him and blushed a little thinking what he would think when she told him that he was her inspiration. She still couldn’t get a grip on the fact that the guy she had a crush on since the first day she laid eyes on him was meant to be hers, and she shouldn’t feel so shy around him, but she wasn’t used to having that with anyone. “I thought of the day you were attacked, I couldn’t let it happen to you again and I refused to watch it replay in my mind. What I really need help with my levitation.”

He looked at her and studied her. She was breathtakingly beautiful. He thought about it over and over again how he got so lucky to have a strong and powerful witch such as Monika as his mate. He knew it was meant to be since they were little he and her were always together and he felt the pull of them since he was six, but to see her now and feel the pull stronger, it just made his heart soar. He always thought that she was gone, and he would have to find someone else to fill the void of his mate, and he was so glad that he didn’t have to. He just didn’t know what to make of having to share her visions, is that something that is normal, and how does she handle seeing them. It takes so much from him just to see what she is seeing he couldn’t picture having to see them himself. You must have to be strong in order to endure what she has to every time she sees them.

“Penny for your thoughts, vampire boy.” She said playfully after seeing him study her in a way that was making her uncomfortable.

“I was just thinking how lucky I am to have such a great person in my life as my mate. And I was also thinking about how you are so strong, because it takes a lot for me to see your visions, I can’t imagine what it is like to be the one who has to see them first hand. I was also thinking of a way to get you to use your levitation power.” He added almost as if he forgot all about her training.

She looked at him and smiled a warm and sincere smile and it melted his heart. “It is not so hard to handle my visions as it is to handle someone else’s. I saw my mom’s vision earlier today. And it was so strong it knocked me to the ground. I was levitating above her and my father when she got it. I wasn’t expecting to be able to see other people’s visions. As long as they are not getting them near me I’m fine. I don’t even know how far away they have to be in order for it not to affect me, but I need to find out.” She paused thinking of her vision and then continued “She wanted to leave me here with you and the rest of them.” She motioned to the compound that has now become her home again and a single tear slid down her right cheek. Sebastian sensed her pain and went to grab her in a hug and he wiped at her cheek to dry up her tear. She took comfort in his touch and his embrace and let him just hold her even though she was ok again. And she continued to finish her vision. “My dad was the one determined to take me away and erase all memories of this place and who I am. I can’t blame him I guess because he thought it would be better and safer for all of us if I was gone too, but in fact it hurt me more than it helped. Look at me, I’m going into battle tomorrow and I can’t even control my own powers how am I supposed to help anyone if I can’t do the things I was born to do.” She stopped as she realized she had herself as well as Sebastian high in the air.

“I think you control them quite good actually, considering you have me high above the trees and I didn’t even realize I was moving until you stopped.” He chuckled a little and brushed her hair out of her face and looked into those beautiful brown eyes, that he loved so much. And then he leaned down and kissed her. He was expecting to fall to the ground but instead he felt them fall on to a bed. He pulled away from her and looked around and realized that she brought them to his room.

His room was nothing extravagant; he had light blue walls with a picture of him, his mother, and father on one wall, and a picture of him and Rebecca on another. He will never forget that day the picture was taken he had found her in the back of the garden crying because she was upset, but for reasons he didn’t understand until now. She was crying but couldn’t remember what for and he tried to comfort her and he succeeded, they were playing and his parents took a picture of them playing in the sand right before she was getting ready to leave with her parents.

“Why did you bring us here?” He asked me as he shook himself out of the memories he was in.

“Because no one will come looking for me here, Clarisse and Alana have been giving me the eye that says they need to talk to me and I don’t want to be interrupted.” I said and then pulled him down and continued to kiss him. He complied and threw all the passion and love and longing he has had for me since as long as he could remember.

“I love you Rebecca, I have loved you since I knew you before and I love you even more now.” He said to me in between kisses.

“I love you too.” Was all I said and we were lost in each other.

I slept in his room that night and when morning came I teleported to my bathroom so no one would see me. I heard a faint knock on the door and then heard it open. I waited to see if anyone would say they were there but I didn’t hear anything. I was about to call out to see who was there when I heard a loud bang and things being thrown all over the room. I was very freaked out and didn’t want to risk getting caught in the bathroom half naked so I teleported back to Sebastian’s room and startled him when I just dropped in.

“What is the matter? Are you ok?” he asked startled by the look on my face.

“I was in the bathroom, and I heard someone come in, and then I heard my stuff being thrown everywhere and a lot of banging and before they could catch me in the bathroom half naked and unprepared to defend myself I came right back here. I’m worried who would be looking for something in my room, and what would they be looking for?” I said in sobs in his chest as he rubbed my back and try to console me.

“I’ll go and check your room and you stay here.” He told me.

“No. I can’t I want to see who it is. They could still be there if we teleport back there they will be caught, if we go through the door they have a better chance of getting away.”

“You have a point, ok let’s go, but first throw on some of my clothes, as much as I would love to see you naked all day, I’d prefer if I’m the only one who sees you that way.” And he tapped me on the butt as he went to his dresser and pulled out some sweats and a t-shirt. Although it was big on me he thought I looked sexy in his clothes.

When we got to my room, it was trashed. My clothes were thrown all over the floor my drawers from my dresser were open and emptied out on the floor as well. My bed was flipped off the box spring and the sheet and blanket were thrown off as well. “What could they have been looking for? I don’t own anything except clothes and a few pictures, and Annie.” I said looking around at the mess that was my room; and when I seen his face at saying Annie I said “She is my doll that I have had forever, and I just found out recently that Alana had given her to me.” At that I rushed to my closet and saw that my closet was a mess as well. Everything that was hung up was taken down and thrown everywhere. 

I searched high and low and couldn’t find my black box with Annie in it. I got up and out of the closet and ripped apart my already broken room looking for it. I’m going crazy; I know I left it in my closet. I told myself. Where could it be? “Where is she? I had her in my closet. What would they want with an old doll?”

Sebastian looked at her and wondered the same thing. He really didn’t have a clue as to what a person would want with an old doll. Unless it had something of value, but a doll that was as old as her and she not realize its value. “I’m not sure what would be of value in it but maybe you should get dressed and we bring this to Alana’s attention. She could know what is valuable about it.” He kissed her on the top of her forehead and let her get dressed. As she was dressing he asked her “Is that the only thing you notice is missing? I mean until you clean this you probably won’t know but from what you can tell?”

I thought about it and looked around the room and didn’t see anything that would be missing, but like he said I wouldn’t know until I cleaned this mess. “No I don’t see anything that would be missing. I’ll clean it later and find out after that.” She said as she pulled her shirt over her head. After I was dressed in my black fighting gear I went with Sebastian to go speak with Alana. We found her outside in the Garden sitting by the pond on the left. She looked as if she were lost in thought and hated to disturb her, but we were on edge, and I couldn’t understand how someone got in the compound without setting off the alarm.

“Alana, I’m sorry to disturb you but we have a problem.” I said as they approached her.

They told her what had happened and explained that Annie was the only thing missing and they had no idea who did it. Then they proceeded to ask if Annie had any value other than the memories that they both shared with her. And she shook her head no stating “It was a gift from my parents, I wouldn’t know what they hid in her and weather they hid anything in her at all. I’m sorry honey that I couldn’t help, but I’ll have Sean and Jacob check the border and see if there is a sign of a breach. I don’t understand how someone could have gotten in and out without the alarm going off. But I will definitely check it out.” With that she stood up and walked towards the house again saying to get ready because it was getting closer to the time we need to head out. We both nodded our heads and went to gather the others.

I went to find Clarisse and tell her what happened. She was shocked as was Alana but she didn’t know anything neither. So instead of dwelling on something that I couldn’t solve today I decided to put all my anger and frustration towards getting rid of Raph and getting my parents back. I felt a new sense of power running through my system and wondered what it was from, maybe I was just able to tap into it whenever I wanted. Good I thought as we were walking down the dining room; it should be labeled the meeting room since that is all it is used for.

When Clarisse and I got to the dining room I found Sebastian immediately without even trying to find him. I just felt this surge of electricity and looked up to see him staring at me as I found his eyes. He met me along the way of me walking towards him and whispered in my ear that he needed to speak to me alone. I nodded my head and told him that we could talk after Alana speaks with us.

The meeting with Alana was short. She just went over everything that she discussed last night and thankfully she didn’t announce the intruder in front of everyone. I didn’t mind them knowing someone broke in, but to have them all know that I still carried around a doll like a little girl was something I didn’t want anyone knowing. I felt Sebastian loosen up his tension beside me and I wondered if he was worried about that as well.

“Monika your powers are expanding I felt your power before you even entered the room. What happened?” He looked concerned and she did feel more powerful but she didn’t know why.

“Nothing happened; I just made a vow to take care of Raph before I took care of the intruder.” I said as if that was a normal thing to say, and in this case I guess it is normal.

“Something else had to have happened, you didn’t give off this type of power before, but I guess that is for another time.” He said as he took her hand and guided her out and into the weapons room. “We need to arm you even though you have your fire power under control having weapons at the ready is not a bad idea.” He said as he went to the daggers on the wall. He picked up a few small ones and bigger one, and handed them to me. I held them in my hands one by one and threw them at the wall. They all hit their targets as if I was an expert. The bigger one was lighter than the smaller ones; I didn’t ask the name of it because I didn’t care it was light and glided through the air better than the other three I just threw. I looked over at Sebastian and he had a smile on his face, he must be proud of me.

“Ok I have weapons and my powers, what are you taking with us, since you wanted to be part of the first group with us.” She said after seeing him unarmed.

“Oh honey don’t you worry about me, I have my weapons and my powers.” He paused momentarily and then said “dagger.” And the dagger in my hand was now in his.

“I love that power. Why can’t I have that power?” she asked envious of him.

He smiled at her and said “How do you know you don’t have that power if you never tried.” He said it to tease her, but he himself felt more powerful today as well and he figured he should have her try it.

“Ok. I’ll try it. What do I do, just think of it and call it?”

“No, you have to think of it in detail, and then call to it while the image is in your mind.”

I thought of what I wanted, desperately wanted I pictured my Annie doll every little detail to the old beat up doll, her eyes, hair, clothes and her box that she lays in. “Annie.” I spoke loudly but not loud enough to be yelling. And I almost dropped it when I felt it land in my hands. She was lying in the box the same way I left her. I looked up at Sebastian and could see he was as surprised as I was. “I did it.” I said shocked and excited at the same time. “I really have Annie in my arms, I’m not dreaming?”

“Yes you did. If that is what Annie looks like then I’m sure you do; besides her name is written across the box, so I’m to assume that is your beloved Annie.” He said playfully. “Maybe it’s because we connected last night and we share each other’s powers but I haven’t been able to levitate or conjure fire in my hands, although I don’t think that would be a good thing if I hold fire in my hand.” He said chuckling. He looked at me with so much envy and love. We truly are a perfect match.

“Now I’m unstoppable.” I said. “With my ability to conjure fire and to summon what I want; we will definitely defeat the weres tonight and then, after all this is done we can complete the ceremony and be truly mated. Because there is nothing I want more than to be by your side for the rest of my life.” I said looking up into his eyes. I leaned up and kissed him passionately his lips parted to allow my tongue access to explore. Then after a few moments we went to the meeting room. I refused to call it the dining room any more since we never truly dine in here, we’re always meeting and talking about what we are to do next, what is going on and whatever else we need to do in there besides eat.

“I’m ready to kick some werewolf ass, let’s take down this bastard for taking my parents away from me and turning you two.” Monika said to Alana and John.

They must have sensed my stronger power because they just stared at me with a knowing look. Then looked at every one else and said “Ok, I guess we are ready, let’s do what we talked about. Remember we go in at six unless Sam and Robert don’t meet us at one. I will call Sean and let him know if they showed up, and if they didn’t I want everyone there within ten minutes do you understand?”

A collective “Yes.” Went through the room as everyone understood what Alana wanted.

“Ok, I am taking Monika and Sebastian as well as John. Clarisse you have to teleport to us as soon as you get the call saying they didn’t make it and from there we go in.”

“Ok.” She said. And then got up and went to Sean.

We left shortly after the meeting and Alana made sure she pulled me aside and asked me if I had gotten any new powers because it is hard to miss the power flowing off of me. “It’s a good thing we were in the room too because they would have known it was coming from you, and then you would have gotten bombarded with questions. By the way what new power is it that you received?”

“Well I don’t know what it is called actually but Sebastian calls it summoning.” I said in the hopes she wouldn’t know he had that power as well.

“Oh yes, I remember when we were little you had that gift, I forgot all about it because you never use it. Why is that?” she asked him accusingly.

He looked at her in disbelief, how could she think I would purposefully keep my powers hidden from her? He tried to keep his anger under control as he said “I don’t use it while I’m practicing because I think it is cheating, I could win any fight that way and I would rather not win by doing that. I practice that power a lot on my own when I’m in the training room and weapons room. I just call for the weapon I see and it’s there in my hands ready to throw threw the air. I use it in battle all the time and I always win.”

Alana stared at him in disbelief. “You didn’t win last time when you went out with Monika. She saved your life.”

Why was she being so mean? “Um we are not fighting each other here. Alana why are you giving him the third degree? It’s not like you didn’t know. No one else here has that power so there was no one else to train with him with it.  No can we please go?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean for it to sound the way it did I was just wondering why I haven’t seen you use it. Please forgive me, I just overreact a lot lately and I can’t figure out the reason why. It must be the change that is having that effect on me.” She said looking slightly embarrassed.

“It’s ok Alana I know it’s a lot of stress you are forgiven, I wouldn’t dream of keeping anything a secret from you, you are my leader and I respect you as such.” He said to her and she smiled at him sweetly as if to say sorry again and thanks in the same smile.