Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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W ill the meeting of the High Council come to

order"? Cecil Taylor stood at the front of

thirty-five council members. He was on a raised dais

made from a solid piece of rose quartz. He waited for

the murmur of voices to quiet and all attention was

focused on him.

"It has come to my attention that Zane, black

wizard of lower Vancouver, has broken his convenient

with our council and allowed his son to be trained in

the dark arts." Cecil paused for effect.

"We are meeting here to come to a decision about

a suitable method to deal with this event. Brad

Chambers, the son of Zane will soon graduate and be

released into the world. We don't want a repeat of

what happened with Zane five years ago."

"The fact is Zane Chambers parents were killed

by the previous council." Someone stood up, shouting

this fact into the air. "It stands to reason that Zane

Chambers is within his right to demand retribution."


Magical Moonlight

96 "But to defy the council, that cannot be allowed."

Cecil began.

"The council had made decisions based on wrong

information." Someone else shouted. "And the result

was the death of two of our talented witches. It is time

that this council takes the blame for what its

predecessors did."

"I disagree, as the Grand Wizard of the High

Council, I feel that Zane Chambers and his son should

be stripped of their powers." Cecil began.

"Since you are unable to control your own son,

allowing him to seek pleasures with one Aiden Mac

Ruaidhri, son of Jack and Margaret Mac Ruaidhri of

the clan Mac Ruaidhri…" the words resonated

through the room bringing everyone to silence as they

realized that Cecil Taylor had no idea what they were

talking about.

"EXPLAIN YOURSELF." Cecil roared his

displeasure, shaking the walls and bringing an icy

chill to the air.

"Liam Taylor, the child you have raised as your

own, is no longer a virgin in any way or manner. He

no longer can assume the role as Grand Wizard should

he qualify in when the time comes." The words were

spoken in the silence that had followed Cecil's


"He is the lover of one Aiden Mac Ruaidhri, the

son of Jack and Margaret. He came to the attention of

the council ten years earlier when he refused to

assume his position, disclaiming all things magic."


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"Aiden Mac Ruaidhri has had many lovers, he

never keeps them long." Someone laughed. "If Mac

Ruaidhri has taken young Taylor to his bed and kept

him there, then Taylor is one interesting young man."

Everyone laughed.

"Young Taylor has said that he will challenge the

requirements for Grand Wizard when he is ready for

the position."

"You are either virgin or you're not." Someone


"That's the point. Who cares? Virginity does not

increase one's powers."

"That remains to be seen doesn't it?" The

question hung in the air.

The meeting continued, Cecil Taylor's temper

was at the boiling point but he remained outwardly

calm. He found it hard to believe that Morgan was not

aware of what her son was up to. That meant not only

was Liam deceiving him, but so was his wife. Their

marriage might be in name only, but it was still a

marriage by the laws of Wahjee. Perhaps he should

have looked more closely at who had fathered the

spawn he'd been forced to raise. "ENOUGH," Cecil

Taylor roared, silencing for a moment his audience

that consisted of the Grand Council as well as senior

warlocks, for Wahjee were a long lived race, almost

twice that of humans. "The boy known as Liam Taylor

will do as he is told." The words spoken quietly, yet

heard through out the vast meeting hall.


Magical Moonlight

98 "He's no longer virgin." A voice spoken from the

back pointed out. "He cannot assume his rightful place

at council."

"And I'm to think that you buffoons are all

celibate." Spoken with a definite snicker in tone, the

room silenced as all eyes turned to Aiden Mac

Ruaidhri who stood tall, impressive in his formal

black silk robe, an aura of power haloing his entire


"Mac Ruaidhri, you aren't welcome here. You

made it clean a long time ago that you wanted nothing

to do with Wahjee politics." Cecil didn't hide the

sneer he felt at the sight of the man who had

desecrated his ward and son.

"I go where I wish Taylor, no one can keep me

from attending a Wahjee council meeting should I

wish to do so. I'm here to warn all of you to keep

away from Liam Taylor. He is under my protection,

the protection of the Mac Ruaidhri's, the rightful

Kings of all Irish folk, be they magic or human or

even Wahjee. Know this well, my father may have

fucked up his heritage, but like all fuck ups, it came

back to bite him in the ass three fold. Gentlemen,

you're looking at the result. I WILL PROTECT


AND WHITE LIGHT." The words reverberated in

and around the hall as Aiden faded from view. He

didn't need a puff of smoke or other theatrics; his

power was felt by all of them. A power that until now

had been kept away from their knowledge. Of course

the very oldest and wisest of the Wahjee knew, it had


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not only been foretold centuries before, but something

they had been waiting to see before they allowed

themselves to return to the dust of the earth.

