Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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I n the weeks since Liam finally became involved

with Aiden, he discovered that his newfound love

came with a number of friends that couldn't be

ignored. Which was strange for the young Wahjee as

he'd never been particularly fond of anyone other than

Dakota. He viewed his interaction with the entire

gang, much like he would any kind of science


It was one thing to develop a relationship with

Rosalie and Vanessa; they were after all Shays'

mothers. Danny was an annoyance because he was the

human equivalent to Dakota, though far more

irritating. Lisa came hand in glove with Danny; she

was his mother after all and had been of some benefit

to Aiden as he grew up. But then there was Evan and

Bob. Shay actually liked Evan. He liked the man's

ever-positive outlook on life and his unapologetic

fashion sense. So he was understandably confused

when he wandered into one of the many Starbuck's

expecting to have a few moments to himself when he


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discovered Evan nursing a latte that was being

watered down with his tears.

"What's up?" Liam asked sitting on the sofa next

to his friend. "Can I help?"

"No one can help." Evan sniffed. "Bob and I went

to get tested and I think I'm positive."

"Ev, you aren't positive." Liam could speak with

authority. While Wahjee couldn't do anything about

human diseases or illness, they could see when

someone was affected if they concentrated on the

person. Evan's aura showed no sign of illness.

"You can't know that." Evan sniffed. "Bobby was

called and he was told he was negative, but when the

clinic called me, they left a message for me to come in

on Monday." He almost wailed.

Liam looked around hoping they weren't causing

a scene, he was in enough trouble with everyone as it

was. "I'll get Aiden to check it out now. He doesn't

need to wait until Monday."

"No." Evan shook his head. "I don't want anyone

to know. I'm so ashamed of myself, I was sure I'd

always been safe, but somehow I must have slipped


The only thing Liam could do for his friend was

to be there for him and hope the man would get

through the weekend. He tried to be upbeat, after all

Evan wasn't sick, unless you count his messed up


On Monday, Liam found himself in Bulge sharing

Evan's mixed set of emotions. "Evan, you have to be

true to yourself." Liam was sitting on a high stool in


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Bulge watching Evan unpack a new shipment of


"But I might have been positive. It was so close."

"No it wasn't close. You're always safe. The fact

that the receptionist has a crush on you has nothing to

do with your health. The man is a freak to have scared

you. But you really should have listened to the rest of

the message. He did ask you to call him at home and

he did give you his cell phone as well."

"It was a sign and besides Liam, I made an

agreement with God." Though Evan had to admit, way

down deep, that he really should have listened to the

rest of the phone message. His weekend would have

been a lot more fun.

"You made an agreement with a mythical figure."

Liam sighed. "If there is a God, do you think he or she

would want you to be anything less than what he made

you in the first place?" Liam asked.

"I don't know." Evan sighed with all the drama

he could muster. "What about you, how do you feel

about the whole being gay thing?"

"What's there to feel about it?" Liam asked. "I'm

gay, I've always been gay. I've liked boys since I first

saw Tommy Miller's peepee when I was eighteen

months old. When I was two I saw Aiden Mac

Ruaidhri, he was fourteen and all gawky and geeky,

but damn, I thought he was the most beautiful boy in

the world."

"Oh my sainted aunt, you saw Aiden when you

were two and set your sights on him." Evan fanned


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himself with a nearby hat. "Tell me everything." He

leaned forward.

"It was at a kind of school my step father was in

charge of. I wasn't really supposed to be there, but for

some reason he decided I had to attend even if I was

only two."

"Oh, like a church school. I went to one when I

was three." Evan said as he clapped his hands.

"Something like that." Liam shrugged. "Anyway

Aiden was there. He was on the carpet for something

he'd done or refused to do, I'm not sure what. And he

was in my father's office getting told off in no

uncertain terms by the old man and a couple of his

henchmen." Liam giggled. "They were all old farts as

far as I was concerned."

"What did Aiden look like?"

"Kind of aloof. I mean he had this face on him

that showed no emotion at all. His eyes were focused

on something across the room and it was apparent to

me, and I was only two, that he wasn't listening to one

word that was being shouted at him."

"Oh I know that face." Evan giggled. "I've seen it

lots of times."

"Yeah, I've seen it to." Liam giggled. "Especially

when he doesn't get his own way about something."

He looked at Evan, "The point I was trying to make is

that you are either gay or you aren't."

"But I made a deal." Evan said. "I'm negative."

"You're weird, that's for sure." Liam giggled.

"And you're flaming to put it mildly. But you aren't


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straight, not even close, no matter what kind of deal

you made."

"But I can stop being gay." Evan tried looking

away for a moment. "I really can try at least. At the

meetings they say that all of them have been able to

straighten out." In his distress, Evan had found a

group called Emissaries of the Divine, a group that

swore they could "straighten out" men and women

who were gay.

"What they meant was that they've all developed

a technique for living a lie and making a mockery out

of their lives. No doubt not only ruining their own

lives but the lives of everyone even remotely close to

them." Liam shook his head. He got off the stool and

walked over to Evan, putting his arms around the

taller man and hugging him close.

"Evan, I'm not going to tell you what to do. No

one can do that and I mean no one, including your

little Emissary groupies. You have to decide for

yourself if you want to be Evan Lilly, flaming queen,

or some heart broken shadow of your real self." He

kissed Evan tenderly but with all the skill he'd learned

from Aiden. "Let me know what happens." He said

before slipping out the door, leaving Evan breathless

from the kiss and envious of Aiden Mac Ruaidhri.

Liam walked down the street, aware of the

members of the high council who had suddenly taken

an interest in the shops on Davie Street. Like he was

too dumb or young to realize that they were spying on

him. He'd effectively blocked all of their attempts to

magic him off the street. He was more talented than


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any of them and they now had it confirmed. His

mother had called him today at school and suggested

he stay away from the house for a few days. His

father, or rather Cecil Taylor, was on the rampage.

He'd found out about Aiden and he wasn't a happy


Unable to concentrate, Liam had skipped school.

He'd stopped at Bulge to visit with Evan and

hopefully convince his friend that gay was the way to

stay. Aiden was on a business trip to Toronto so he

was temporarily out of reach by both Liam and the

Wahjee freaks. Liam figured he could hide out at

Aiden's apartment without either Aiden or his father

finding out.

Aiden, who proclaimed to rarely if ever use

magic, had secured his apartment with an effective

locking spell. Effective to most, but not to Liam, who

laughed when he discovered the spells, right before he

removed them. He was going to have to bring Aiden

up to speed with some of the more modern methods of

safekeeping spells.

It was rather exciting to be in the apartment by

himself. Liam moved around making changes as if the

loft was his and not Aiden's. He figured he could

change it back before Aiden came home. First he

relocated the television and then not liking that, he

used a bit of magic and made the screen larger until he

was satisfied that it suited the space better. The sofa

was next. It had to be one of the hardest damn sofas

Liam had sat on in his life. He had to wonder about

the Italian asses who sat on their Italian designs. They


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must have some kind of padding that American butts

didn't have. But he liked the lines of the sofa so he

made it two feet longer and in place of the foam that

was inside, he had memory foam appear covered in

duck down. It took a couple of different spells to make

it thick enough for his satisfaction. Now he could

spread out in comfort. He added three down filled, silk

covered throw pillows.

Liam threw himself on the sofa, head on a plump

pillow and surfed the channels on his large screened

plasma television. This was much better. There was a

chill in the air though. This apartment was always

chilly. Liam sat back up and looked around. If he put a

direct-vented chimney up through the ceiling, cleverly

disguised to match the support beams in some way, he

could have a modern looking fireplace, perhaps one

that could be viewed in both the bedroom and main

room. Liam jumped up to search the Internet for the

design he wanted and the specs for installation. Magic

was one thing, but stuff as important as a gas fireplace

that could burn down the building or worse, needed to

be magicked properly.

Finally satisfied with what he'd chosen. Liam

placed a fireplace in the wall of windows that divided

the living room from the bedroom. He made sure it

was properly installed and even had a gas fitter and

inspector in to check it out. Both were fellow Wahjee

and didn't mind the interruption of their day.

Anything to please young Liam Taylor and piss off

Cecil Taylor, the much-disliked Grand Wizard.


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"Thanks guys." Liam said, beaming with

pleasure. It would be something that Aiden could keep

if he wanted to. He hoped the man would understand

the advantages to having something as practical and

romantic as a fireplace.

A fire lit, clad only in one of Aiden's silk wraps, a

bit on the large size, but one he'd worn recently so

there was the advantage of scent, Liam lay on the soft

sofa and watched the fire flicker behind the glass

protector. He was nodding off when a knock on the

door followed by a key turning and the door sliding

open, had him jumping to his feet, clutching the robe

to his chest.

"Oh Liam, I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting you."

Vanessa stepped inside, Shay in her arms. "Seamus

has a bit of a fever and I wanted to ask Aiden some

family medical history before I start to worry." She

laughed nervously and looked around. "There's

something different about the place."

"Yeah, I'm here." Liam grinned. He held out his

arms for Shay and kissed the boy's forehead. "I

suspect he's teething. He's the right age. Did you

check his gums to see if they're red or swollen?"

"No, I never thought…" she looked embarrassed.

"You think that's all it is?" she asked.

"I don't know. Hey Shay, do your gums hurt?" he

asked the baby.

Shay smiled a lopsided grin and gurgled a

response. He took one of Liam's fingers and pulled it

into his mouth biting down hard.


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"Ouch." Liam laughed. "I guess that's his answer.

He's teething. I bet some baby Tylenol will help. Your

mommy will make things all better L'll Guy."

"Can you stay with him while I run to the

drugstore. He's been crying non-stop for hours, but for

some reason as soon as we got on the elevator, he

stopped. It was almost like he knew we were coming


"Sure, I'll watch him." Liam smiled down at

Shay. He watched Vanessa walk out the door and slide

it shut. "Okay Shay, I need to get some pants on if

your mommy is going to be hanging around here."

Liam carried the baby up to the bedroom placing him

on the center of the large bed. Shay laughed out loud

when Liam made a light show on the ceiling for him

to watch as he found a pair of Aiden's sweats and

slipped them on. He was going to use the bottoms of

the silk robe, but he'd tried them earlier and they were

too long and looked ridiculous. The sweats at least

were meant to be baggy.

"Okay, that's done. Now what?" he looked at the

baby. "I know, we'll rock in the rocking chair in front

of the fire." He laughed. "Oh, we need a rocking chair,

something that your daddy will accept, nothing too

granny like." Liam picked up Shay and carried him

back to the living room. Shay watched him intently.

"Now let's see." Liam was at Aiden's desk,

searching for rocking chairs on the Internet. "We need

something Italian in design, ridiculously expensive

and uncomfortable. Your daddy will like that best. I

can fix the comfort part, don't worry."


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When Vanessa returned, she found Liam rocking

gently in a white leather designer chair in front of a

fireplace. Shay was sleeping soundly, his small hand

clutching one of Liam's fingers.

"You two look so comfortable." Vanessa said,

taking her coat off. "I never knew Aiden had a

fireplace and a rocking chair." She sounded surprised.

"It's been here awhile." Liam shrugged. A couple

of hours must count as awhile. Shay seems to like it. I

think his fever is down a few degrees."

"Rosalie is out of town. I just didn't know what to

do." Vanessa looked away, she wasn't quite telling the

truth. She thought she and Aiden could have a

mother/father bonding moment over Shay who wasn't

feeling well.

Liam looked hard at her and she knew that he

knew what she'd planned. "Aiden is out of town for a

couple of days on business. You should have called

him, I'm sure he has his cell phone with him."

"Oh, I never thought…." Her voice trailed off.

"What are you doing here if Aiden is out of town?"

her voice accused as she tried to turn the tables on


"I'm staying here for a week or so." Liam said.

"Aiden knows." Well he didn't know, but he was sure

to find out once Vanessa had a minute to herself.

"You're only seventeen, you should be at home,

not staying with a man twelve years your senior." She

began her rant.

"Just a minute. I'm eighteen on Saturday and

frankly it's none of your business if I'm staying with


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Aiden." He smiled to take the sting out of his words.

"Aiden needs someone in his life who cares about

him. And he needs to have someone to care for. It

works out for both of us. And don't worry, I know all

about his hang ups and his stupid rules that he thinks

he lives by." He snickered. "I think he's broken every

one of them in the few months since we met, at least


"Please don't hurt him Liam." Vanessa pleaded.

"Aiden, Aiden doesn't love easily. He's never loved

anyone before. If he does fall for you, he'll do it with

everything he has."

"The last thing I want to do is hurt Aiden in any

way." Liam continued to rock Shay, kissing the baby's

head every now and then. And then looking at

Vanessa with eyes that were wiser than his years,

Liam said. "I've wanted Aiden for almost as long as I

can remember. It's kind of a family thing. I've needed

him for my own safety and sanity. I desire him for my

emotional well-being. I love him for that which is

truly Aiden Mac Ruaidhri, the part of him that no one

sees and few know. We may hurt each other

emotionally every now and then, but it is our destiny

to be together. I will always love him as he will

always love me." Liam let the words he spoke sink

into Vanessa's subconscious self, before muttering a

few words of a forgetting spell that would make her

forget he'd spoken them, but would allow her to know

the meaning of the words in his relationship with

Aiden and perhaps knowing this, she would cut them

some slack.


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"I think it's time to take Seamus home." Vanessa

said, taking the baby from Liam's arms. "When you

talk to Aiden tell him we're sorry we missed him."

She smiled, placing a small cap on Shay' head.

"Would you and Aiden like to come over on Saturday,

we could have dinner."

"I'll talk to him. I don't know his plans for the

weekend." Liam stood up, his arms felt empty without

Shay in them. The buzzer rang and Liam went to

answer. "Hey."

"It's Dakota and I have food." His friend called


"Come on up." Liam beamed at Vanessa. "I guess

I get to eat tonight. I think I need to go grocery

shopping, Aiden doesn't know what that big steel box

in the kitchen is for. He thinks it's a water cooler."

Vanessa laughed. "I think it has to do with his

childhood. From what I gather, his mother wasn't

exactly motherly and they never had much in the way

of food around. She'd buy what they needed on a day-

to-day basis, if she remembered. His father thought

that the three basic food groups were rum, rye and


Liam laughed. "I guess it's up to me to show him

that we can keep actual food in there."

"You know Liam; I think you may be good for

Aiden. He needs to have someone around who really

cares for him and not just in a sexual way, but his

physical and emotional needs as well."

"Thank you Vanessa." Liam flushed with

pleasure. "I'm going to do my best. I may be young,


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but I know what I want and better yet, how to get it

and value it when I do."

Once Dakota arrived, Liam locked the door and

then put a spell on it so that no one could get in

despite having a key. He wanted to relax with his

friend in front of the fireplace without interruption.

Dakota was already kneeling on the floor with the

pizza she'd brought. Liam added some paper towels

for napkins and grabbed them both a cold beer from

the fridge, grimacing at the fact it was some kind of

imported crap that Aiden thought tasted good, but as

far as Liam was concerned tasted like piss. At least it

was cold. "So my little stud muffin, what brings you

up to my apartment?" Liam drawled in his best

imitation of Aiden.

Dakota snorted beer and laughed when she

recovered. "I knew you'd be hungry and thought I'd

visit. Besides, I've always wanted to see what this

place was like." She looked around. "It's kind of cool,

sort of like an old movie set. Hey you never said you

had a fireplace."

"All the better to fuck in front of my dear." Liam

said while wiggling his eyebrows. "I think I need a

furry rug there though." He made a mental note to add

one as soon as his friend went home.

"I can't stay long," Dakota began still giggling.

"My mom thinks I'm at the mall. It is a school night

you know."

"How could I forget." Liam sighed. "It's not like I

don't have half the free world reminding me. You'd