Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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W hen Aiden woke the next morning, he had

come to a realization, either consciously or

subconsciously, he wasn't sure, which, but he knew

without doubt that moving to Toronto wasn't going to

be the answer to his restlessness. Maybe it had been

when Liam had rushed to his rescue, though how he

thought he'd be able to deal with anything too harsh,

naked and wet, Aiden didn't know. But it was the

thought that counted and Liam did have youth on his


Doing something he never thought he'd do, Aiden

checked out of his hotel, cancelled his appointments

for the day and his flight for the next day, and then

popped across the country to his apartment.

Because of the three-hour time difference, Liam

was sound asleep when his lover arrived. Aiden stood

beside the bed for a few minutes memorizing the

beauty of the man who slept wrapped in the duvet, a

stuffed turquoise and white cat in his arms. His red

gold curls sun kissed from the morning sun, Aiden


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couldn't help but reach over and touch the silk of


"Hey" Liam stretched at Aiden's touch, not really

surprised to see the man he loved standing beside him.

Neither one noticed the stuffed cat disappear. Liam

because he hadn't known it was there, Aiden because

he was so used to it being around the red head, he

rarely noticed it. "You popped." He giggled.

"Actually witch boy, when I teleport, I don't

make any audible sound." Aiden was removing his

suit, taking time to do it slowly and suggestively.

"Unlike others I know."

"Not me." Liam threw back the duvet and

wiggled his eyebrows. "Come and join me, its all

warm and snuggly."

"Don't mind if I do." Aiden slid in beside Liam;

he might as well give in to what ever it was that was

that was pulling the two of them together. Goodness

knew when he'd feel this way again. Or if he even

wanted to try and find someone other than Liam. The

kid had a point, they were destined to be together, if

for no other reason than the fact that everyone was

trying to keep them apart.

Aiden was barely home twenty-four hours when

he was being harassed by Lisa to release Daniel from

an imaginary bond. Why he had to be responsible for

Daniel's fantasies was beyond him. On top of that he

had Liam firmly ensconced in the loft and not about to

move. Finally to get Daniel's mother off his back, he

agreed to have a party for him, his mind working a


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million miles an hour as he planned how to release

Daniel from his imagined thrall.

"Aiden, I think having a party for Daniel is a

good idea. But having a party for Daniel and being a

bitch to him is a bad idea." Liam was sitting on the

kitchen counter, his legs folded in front of him in the

lotus pose.

"Do you have to sit on the counter?" Aiden asked.

He was at his desk making phone calls to arrange his

friend's surprise party.

"Yes." Liam sighed. "Are you going to invite

anyone from Daniel's work? I mean it's his 30th

birthday party, maybe he has some friends there."

"Good idea." Aiden smirked. "I'll invite his little

buddy Susan."

"See, that's being nice." Liam was pleased. "Are

you making up official invitations or just calling


"Calling them." Aiden said, dialing the phone

again. "You should go home to your mommy. You've

been here long enough."

"You know you like me here." Liam said as he

moved off of the counter. "I give good head."

"So you tell me." Aiden smirked. "But you're still

an amateur."

"That's not what the guys on the football team

say." Liam threw himself down on the sofa, still in its

comfortable state. Aiden hadn't objected too

strenuously to the change.

"Tell me you didn't." Aiden sighed.


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"I didn't. I just wanted to see what you'd say."

Liam grinned and flipped on the television after

magicking the remote from its place on the floor.

"Don't you have homework to do?" Aiden asked.

He winced when the remote hit Liam's fingers.

"Did it." Liam turned the television off. "I'm

bored. I want to go dancing."

"Have at 'er." Aiden replied, making a notation

on his computer. "There, everything is all set for

Friday night." He looked satisfied as he sat back in his


"I'll bartend." Liam offered. "I make a great


"Whatever." Aiden sighed. "I'm having the

caterer set up Friday at six. Everyone should arrive

starting at eight."

"I'll be here." Liam stood up and stretched. "Are

you going to The Odyssey tonight?"

"I don't know." Aiden looked at Liam. "You do

know that we're not in any kind of relationship, don't


"Whatever." Liam drawled, imitating Aiden as he

turned and headed for the bedroom. "I'm going out."

He announced, looking in his section of the wardrobe

for something to wear to the club.

"Not on a school night dahling." Aiden laughed.

"But good try."

"I go out on school nights when I'm at home."

"Then go home." Aiden huffed, heading for the

kitchen. "You're too young to be in a relationship of

any kind. You're in high school and I'm not. I'm


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damned if I'm going to ask you to go steady. I'm just

not that kind of girl." He swished for a couple of steps

making Liam burst out laughing.

"You know, when you're here and not with the

gang you're different." Liam appeared in the bedroom

door way dressed in a spandex sparkle tummy shirt

that was tight and provocative. There was six inches

of glowing white skin, an obvious pierced nipple

complete with golden ring and then slung low on his

hips were worn blue jeans, inclusive with highly

priced, but well placed slits in the material. It was

apparent he wasn't wearing any underwear.

"Jesus Christ Liam, what the fuck are you

wearing?" Aiden managed to gasp.

"Duh, club clothes." Liam picked up his jacket

off of the stool he'd draped it on and slipped on his

shoes. "Don't wait up."

"There's no fucking way you're going anywhere

dressed like that." Aiden began.

"Aiden, you aren't my keeper." Liam tried to

reason. But he'd gotten the reaction he'd wanted to


"You are living here in my loft. I think I should

have some say over what you wear when you're going

out." Aiden began realizing how ridiculous his words

sounded, but unable to take them back.

"Yes daddy." Liam giggled. He walked up to

Aiden and put his arms around him, resting his head

on Aiden's chest.

Aiden's arms pulled the boy even closer and he

kissed him twice on the top of his head. "I know that


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sounded stupid." He said quietly. "You're driving me


"Good." Liam wiggled. "Now do you want to go


"The answer is still no. You have school


"Who says we have to go out." Liam moved out

of Aiden's arms and twirled around. "I have it on

good authority that someone has a state of the art

sound system."

"I've heard that too." Aiden smiled, going along

with Liam. "And some not bad music as well."

Liam nodded toward the sound system and music

filled the loft. It was something close to the steady

beat of a club mix, but better sounding in the loft

space. Another nod and the lights disappeared, to be

replaced with Liam's trademark electric sparks

dancing on the ceiling and up and down the walls. He

turned the fireplace on low and began to move as only

someone with years of dance lessons and a love of

music can.

"Shit Liam, you know I don't use magic in the

loft." Aiden began as he started his own version of


"But I do." Liam grinned and leaned in to lick the

side of Aiden's neck. As he danced closer, his legs

rubbed up and down Aiden's in his own version of

dirty dancing. A version that had Aiden sweating with

the heat the young boy managed to create between the

two of them as the music wrapped around the room.

"You are some dancer." Liam whispered against


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Aiden's neck. He put his one arm around Aiden's

neck, so that they were both face to face. Aiden

laughed and claimed Liam's lips for his own.

The music continued, only now they could feel it

deep inside them both as they moved to the beat,

Aiden following Liam's lead, hands roaming, fingers

touching, hardened cocks with a life of their own,

rubbing against fabric. They were both lost in each

other when the phone began ringing. Aiden ignored it.

Liam nodded and the phone stopped ringing. Aiden

slapped his ass, but kept dancing. The dance was now

less a dance and more a seduction.

The phone rang again and this time it gave a puff

of smoke and exploded quietly in a hundred pieces.

Aiden shook his head and laughed. "Witch boy,

you're buying me a new phone."

There was a barely audible pop and Frances and

his wife Marcie were in the loft. They saw Liam and

Aiden dancing. Always willing to dance, Frances

pulled Marcie into a well-rehearsed dance, complete

with intricate dance steps.

Aiden was the first to notice the intruders.

"Apparently we're having a party." He said to Liam

and turned the red head so that he could see his cousin

and his wife.

"I didn't invite them." Liam said. "I want to fuck

you, tell them to go home."

"Ahhhh, witch boy. I'm going to fuck you, cousin

or no cousin." Aiden began to dance Liam toward the

stairs leading to the bedroom.


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Suddenly there was silence, the lights were back

on and Frances walked over to the Aiden and Liam.

"Sorry to drop in on you like this, but I did try and

call, twice." He looked at Liam. "Hey cousin, you're

looking good. You too Aiden."

"Hi I'm Marcie, it wasn't my idea to barge in on

you guys." She looked embarrassed. "He's usually

much more polite."

"Hi Marcie, goodbye Marcie." Aiden put Liam

over his shoulder and headed up the stairs to the

bedroom. "Make yourselves at home and then go

away, we're busy." He shut the bedroom door, only to

find himself and Liam back in the living room. "No

fucking magic in my home." He glared at Frances.

"It's bad enough that witch boy doesn't take no for an

answer, but damned if I'm going to let anyone else get

away with it."

"Aiden we didn't come here to dance or to annoy


"And yet you've done both."

"I thought you should know that the High Council

is on the warpath about Liam's status. Rumor has it

that they have put out a, well hit, for a lack of a better


"What the fuck are you talking about?" Aiden

asked, his body suddenly cold. He headed to the bar

and poured himself a drink. "Liam will get you

something to drink. He likes to play hostess." Aiden

waved his glass and sat down on the chaise, preferring

it to the soft comfy sofa.


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"I told you there was talk. Well, there is a faction

of the High Council who frankly doesn't like Cecil

Taylor. Liam was in line for the position his father

holds. It's a hereditary position, though matriarchal.

And of course the candidate must have stronger

powers and abilities than the rest of the council. You

should know all of this, you are Wahjee after all."

"I try to forget." Aiden mumbled. "It doesn't

seem to be working." Liam was walking past him,

having given his cousin and his wife each a drink.

Aiden pulled him down so he was holding him on his


Liam snuggled close. "Frances, I've told you

before, I can look after myself. There isn't anything

they can do to me no matter how hard they try."

"I've heard that Brad Chambers has taken the

contract. You know he's the son of Zane Chambers

and you know that Zane Chambers has always been

slightly crazed."

"Brad can't do much to me at school. Even he has

to live by the rules there. I mean every spell turns back

on the spellbinder three fold. I don't imagine it would

be pleasant from some of the stories I've heard." Liam

shuddered remembering.

"I agree, he won't try anything at the school. But

Liam you aren't always at school. For instance you're

here with Aiden right now and could be vulnerable."

"Frances thanks for the warning. Marcie, it was

nice to meet you." Liam stood up and walked over to

where the other two sat. "It's time for you to pop back

to wherever you came from. And Frances, a warning


140 Magical Moonlight

here from me. After you leave I'm putting an

enclosure spell on the loft. It wouldn't be a good thing

to try and pop back in. Unless you like being reduced

to muck and floating in another dimension until

someone cleans you up."

"Liam, don't do spells you aren't ready for."

Frances cautioned. "You don't know what harm you

can do."

"I know just what I'm doing cousin. I think you

and the rest of the Wahjee have underestimated me."

Liam smiled. "Call and use the elevator the next time

you come." He blinked three times and muttered

something Aiden couldn't quite catch. The smell of

ozone was in the air and Frances and Marcie were


"Well wasn't that special?" Aiden drawled. "It's

always nice to have the relatives over."

"Now where were we?" Liam asked, returning the

room to its former darkness. He made his clothing

disappear as well as Aiden's before launching himself

into Aiden's arms with a triumphant yell.

Aiden laughed, catching his naked red headed

witch just in time. "We need to talk." He muttered.

"Later." Liam suggested.

Aiden must have agreed because he began to

carry Liam to the bedroom. There would be time later

for a discussion on how to protect the man in his arms.

For now all he wanted to do was to make love to him.
