Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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T hings were touchy between Aiden and EJ3 as

Aiden referred to Daniel's boyfriend. But

knowing he was doing what had to be done, Aiden

made the effort to personally invite the guy to

Daniel's surprise party. It was the least he could do.

His old friend was going to need some support.

Liam contented himself with running interference

between the caterer and Aiden, making sure that there

were no major arguments. While at the same time,

attending school and doing his best to avoid Brad

Chambers. It wasn't easy on all counts.

Aiden was bitchier than usual. Liam hoped it was

just work, but he suspected that Aiden was worried

about him despite his assurances otherwise. It hadn't

helped when Morgan Taylor had appeared at Aiden's

office the day before to confirm that Brad Chambers

indeed was out to get Liam and insisting that Aiden

keep him close. Not that he wasn't going to, but

somehow having Liam's mother order him around,

made the idea less desirable.


142 Magical Moonlight

To make the week more tense than usual, the

preparations for Daniel's surprise party were causing

problems. Aiden had invited some of Daniel's

coworkers and Liam had discovered through Lisa,

Daniel wasn't out at work. He tried to get Aiden to

cancel the invitations, but the older man refused. It

was then that Liam began to get suspicious, that Aiden

was planning on outing his long time human friend.

"Just make the drinks and keep out of it." Aiden

said. He was pacing around the apartment adjusting

the decorations and generally annoying Liam. "I know

what I'm doing." And he did know, but he was

nervously uncertain that his plan to disenchant Daniel

might have been better had he just used good old-

fashioned magic.

"Sure you do." Liam snorted. "Hey did I tell you

that fuckin' Chambers set fire to my locker?" He had

planned on keeping the information to himself, but

Aiden needed to focus on something other than the

arriving guests.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Aiden turned and faced

Liam, his anxiety over the party forgotten for a


"Don't have a hissy, I lost a bunch of stuff that's

all." Liam shrugged. "Dakota got them all on video

though, so she turned in her camera to the principal

and they're all suspended. They might even be kicked

out. I mean the school could have burned down. Brad

could lose his year."

"It's going to make things worse." Aiden paused.

"Fuck, he's going to make this all your fault. Assholes


ER Bryant 143

like that always do." He ran his hand through his hair

making it stand on end. Liam reached over and

smoothed it back in place.

"I'll deal with him." Liam stood on tiptoe and

kissed Aiden on the nose. Your first guests are


The party was well advanced. Music played

loudly and Aiden was feeling the affects of too much

beer and not enough oxygen. Liam was busy behind

the bar, but not too busy to keep watch over Aiden as

he made his way through the crowd of dancing and

talking people, playing the ever-attentive host. Daniel

had arrived earlier, pretending surprise. It was

apparent that Bob and Evan had let him in on the


Liam knew things were going too good. He

wasn't sure of Aiden's plan, but no doubt it was going

to be a big and bad one. The downstairs buzzer

sounded over the music. Liam was about to answer

when Aiden appeared from nowhere and spoke into

the intercom.

Expecting to hear a drum roll, the red head

watched the loft door. And then things began to unfold

in slow motion. It was weird, Liam watched Susan

appear, Daniel greet her, Aiden wrap his arms around

Danny and kiss him, Susan's shocked face, EJ3

punching Aiden. It all happened too fast and too slow.

Liam debated whether he should interfere but then

decided it was the Aiden Show he'd stick around and

pick up the pieces. What had taken hours and days to

prepare was over in minutes. The room cleared


144 Magical Moonlight

quickly, each person willing to jump on Aiden and

give him a verbal kick. Liam watched and made

himself a chocolate martini. He was going to need one

or maybe more than one.

Aiden stood silently watching them all troop past

him. He barely moved. It was just so surreal. Daniel

was a human, not Wahjee, but still he'd been his best

friend for more than half of his life. And now it was

over, all to make him give up the idea that they would

ever be together. He should have done something

about Daniel's fixation years ago, but he hadn't

bothered. He was a selfish son of a bitch for caring so

little about the feelings of the human who had been so

close to him. And now he'd virtually destroyed him.

Again he wondered if perhaps magic would have been

the better answer.

When the last person left, Liam closed and locked

the loft door. He made a motion and muttered a few

words making the loft presentable again. It wasn't

rocket science and he knew Aiden wouldn't notice the

magic. The man in question stood in the same place

he'd been standing when everyone left.

Satisfied that the loft was returned to normal,

Liam put his arm around Aiden and led him to the

sofa, sitting him down, but saying nothing. There

really wasn't anything much to say. Liam had to agree

that Aiden's methods worked. Daniel no doubt, would

turn to his new boy friend, too stupid to realize just

what Aiden had done for him. Lisa would

conveniently forget she'd been begging Aiden to do


ER Bryant 145

what he'd done and the rest of the gang would forget

all of the good things Aiden had done.

There was a knock on the loft door. Aiden didn't

move or acknowledge the sound. Liam sighed but

went over to the door to answer it. "Hey" he said to

Evan, who stood in the hallway.

"I couldn't leave you two with all the mess."

Evan began. He looked around at the immaculate loft.

"Oh, it's been cleaned."

"I work fast." Liam said and shrugged. "Why are

you really here?"

"I want to talk to Aiden." Evan looked sad. "Do

you mind if I come in?"

"Come on in." Liam stood back. "Aiden's on the

sofa, but he's not saying much."

Evan walked over and sat down on a chair he'd

pulled close to Aiden. "Aiden, honey, I know I'm the

last person you'd expect to do this. But I consider you

a friend. I may be flaming and seem like I don't have

a care in the world, but I see what you do for all of us.

I don't say anything. I figure you have your own

reasons for keeping things quiet. But I see. I see how

much you care and how good you are." He reached

out and put his hand over Aiden's. "I know what you

did tonight, you did for your friend. It was probably

the only way he'd wake up and smell the coffee and

get him a life. I know it and you know it. Hell,

probably anyone who really knows Daniel will figure

it out eventually. I just wanted to tell you that you did

good. Sometimes a little pain is needed." He got up


146 Magical Moonlight

and kissed Aiden's cheek while he gave him a quick

hug. "I'll leave now."

Liam walked Evan to the door. He could see that

Evan's eyes were wet and he gave the man a hug.

"Thanks Evan. Aiden isn't himself right now, but I

know he'll appreciate what you said."

Liam waited for Evan to get into the elevator

before he shut the door to the apartment and securing

it once again. He turned to where Aiden had been

sitting but he wasn't there any longer.

"Aiden?" Liam questioned, looking around.

"I'm in here." Aiden lay on the bed, the book he'd

given Daniel open on his chest.

"Here, give me that. You don't want it getting all

sweaty." Liam laughed and put the comic back in its

plastic sleeve.

"It doesn't matter." Aiden sighed. "If I was doing

something good for him, why do I feel like a shit?"

Liam resisted rolling his eyes; instead he crawled

up from the bottom of the bed and pushed into

Aiden's under arm, wrapping his body partially over

the taller man's.

"What are you doing?" Aiden asked.

"Cuddling you." Liam said. "Making you feel


"I don't cuddle, but it does make me feel

marginally better." Aiden admitted.

"Daniel will come around soon. You guys have a

lot of history."

"I don't want him to come around. I want him to

get a fucking life. If he wants Edward Jackson the


ER Bryant 147

third then let him have the bastard. It won't last, but

then what the fuck does?" Aiden pushed away from

Liam and sat up, his feet on the floor.

"Aiden, come to bed." Liam knelt on the bed,

wrapping his arms around his lover.

"I don't want to." Aiden stood up and walked into

the bathroom. He stood for a moment looking into the

mirror, not liking what he saw there. And then he was

gone. Breaking one of his hard and fast rules, Aiden

Mac Ruaidhri had used a spell to disappear from the


"Fuck." Liam said. He had no idea where in hell

Aiden could have gone. The man never used magic.

He hadn't used it in years. How did he even know a

transport spell? How did he know one well enough to

be sure that he'd actually appear somewhere and not

be partially in some fucking wall?

Liam looked around the bathroom, looking for

something that would give him a clue as to where

Aiden might have disappeared. There was nothing, not

even hint of Aiden in the air. Only the very strongest

of wizards could transport without leaving a tell tale

sign of some kind in their wake. He was impressed.

There was more to the man than he'd realized.


Liam shouted in the air as he turned around and

around in the marble walled room.

"Liam, is there a problem?" Frances was standing

beside him.

"Fuck, I thought I put a spell on so you couldn't

do that." Liam griped.


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"You did, but I cancelled it." Frances shrugged.

He looked around. "Where's hubby?"

"Aiden is gone, vanished, vaporized, disappeared,

transported." Liam kicked at the vanity and stalked

out of the room.

"Oh is that all." Frances followed his cousin.

"How did the big party go?"

"It sucked. Everyone is pissed at Aiden and he

thinks he's lost his best friend."

"Well, he's probably gone somewhere that would

make him feel better. Any ideas?"

"Duh, if I had any ideas, I'd be there." Liam

paced like a caged lion. "Go back to Toronto or

Victoria or where ever the hell you go, I'm not in any

danger, I'm just choked with Aiden."

"I know you are." Frances put his arm around

Liam. "Why don't you go to bed? Aiden will turn up

sooner or later."

"I just don't think he should be alone right now."

Liam threw himself on the sofa, putting a pillow over

his face. He sighed with all the drama a teenager could


Frances smothered a snicker. It was apparent that

Liam wasn't in any danger, he was going to head back

to his wife. "Cousin, let it be. Aiden needs some time

to come to terms with what he set in motion."

"Why do I hurt inside? It was Aiden who came up

with this stupid idea. He should have realized it was

going to hurt him." Liam moaned.


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"Because you love him. It comes with the

territory." Frances put his hand on Liam's shoulder

and squeezed. "I'm heading back to Marcie."

"Yeah, thanks for stopping by and if you don't

mind, put that spell back and double it. I don't need

any other Wahjee dropping in."

"What about Aiden?"

"He can let himself in. It's his place. You know

spells won't work against him."

"Just checking." Frances grinned before he too,

disappeared with an audible pop.

Liam stared at the spot his cousin had been. He

was good, but still there had been the usual sound of

him leaving. Aiden hadn't even made a small sound.

Liam wasn't sure even he could transport himself

somewhere in complete silence. "Stupid man." He

mumbled looking around the room. And then he had

an idea.

Taking a chance, Liam transported himself to

Shay's bedroom. The room was in darkness, with only

the smallest of night-lights glowing low on the wall.

Liam saw a baby monitor on a dresser near Shay's

crib. It had a silence aura placed on it. Sitting in a

corner on a rocker too small for his large frame, was

Aiden. He was holding Shay wrapped in a blanket,

rocking silently in the room. Their eyes met. "I was

worried." Liam whispered, his voice barely audible.

"You needn't." Aiden replied, just as quietly. He

continued to rock his son, his hands larger than life as

they held the bundle of warm sleepy baby. "It's funny,

the feelings that I have for this small bit of Wahjee. I


150 Magical Moonlight

didn't think it was possible to feel like this." He

looked at the baby and then at Liam. "Do you think

my parents felt even half of what I feel when they held

me? And if they did, when did they change and begin

hating me?"

Liam had no answer for that question. He

couldn't conceive of any parent hating their child.

"We should go, Rosie or Vans could come in here any


"I know, I just needed to be with him for a few

minutes." Aiden stood up and laid the baby back in his

crib. "I didn't mean to run off like that."

"You did what you had to do." Liam shrugged. "It

wouldn't have hurt though to let me know where you

were going?"

"But you found me." Aiden smiled. "I knew you

would." He bent down and kissed Shay on the

forehead. "Come here."

Liam walked over and let Aiden wrap him in his

arms. He saw Shay smile up at the two of them, the

spell vanished from the monitor and then he found

himself washed over with the familiar tingle when he


"Hey, you transported me at the same time?"

Liam laughed and looked around. "Where are we?"

Aiden hated to remove his arms from around

Liam, but he did. "We're in a favorite place of mine.

Somewhere I used to like to go to when I was a kid. It

hasn't changed a lot. It's one of those places that seem

to be in some kind of time warp."


ER Bryant 151

"With a little help from a certain Wahjee." Liam

added and snickered. "I can feel you all around me."

"Perhaps." Aiden shrugged. They were in a grotto

of sorts, formed by the twining of thick and thorny

blackberry vines. So thick that even in the winter

months, Liam knew that they'd be invisible when

inside. It was rather comfortable considering where

they were. A fallen tree provided a perfect backrest

when sitting. Aiden pulled Liam down so the red head

was sitting beside him. "I found it when I was six. It

was smaller of course then, but so was I, it was the

perfect hiding place. There is an entrance just small

enough for a kid to crawl through over there. Believe

it or not, we're only a few hundred feet from the house

I grew up in. The house backs on a ravine. This is part

of it."

"How often did you come here?" Liam asked. He

leaned against Aiden, shivering in the night air.

Aiden magicked a thick fleece comforter and

wrapped it around the two of them. "I was here a lot.

Day or night, it didn't matter to me. No one could find

me no matter how hard they tried. And believe me,

both my parents tried. Neither one of them had any

idea that I could transport. In fact, I doubt they even

know now." He grinned to himself. "When they were

at the end of their rope, I'd make sure I was found in

my bed sleeping. It drove them crazy, each one

blaming the other one for not checking my room. That

was before I learned to defend myself against them. I

suppose some Wahjee or another had a good reason to

make sure Wahjee children couldn't use their abilities


152 Magical Moonlight

against their parents. But there are parents that should

never be parents."

"You figured a way around it didn't you?" Liam

asked. Impressed with the amount of natural ability

Aiden had in him at such an early age. No wonder

Shay showed it to him a few hours after he was born.

He was his father's son after all.

"Yeah, I did." Aiden chuckled. "I wasn't very old.

I think it was a self protection instinct that broke me

away from Wahjee inborn tradition." He looked down

at Liam. "Are you still cold?"

"No, it's nice here. Weird but nice." Liam looked

around. "It's kind of like a closet or something. Lots

of kids hide in closets."

"Not at my place they didn't." Aiden shuddered.

"Closets weren't what I'd call friendly places."

"I used to hide in the closet at the bottom of the

stairs." Liam said. "I could move right into the back

where all the old coats were, you know the ones that

no one ever wears any more. I made a little nest out of


"Other than the obvious reason, why were you

hiding in a closet." Aiden asked.

"Let's just say Cecil Taylor is a bit of a freak. It

was better to hide than to submit or worse, turn him

into the roach that he is. I knew I could do it too. I

used to practice when he was sleeping." Liam yawned,

doing his best to smother it. "This place is so cozy it

makes me feel all relaxed."

Aiden laughed. "It relaxes me to the point of

sleeping too."


ER Bryant 153

Liam waved his hand and the grotto was lit with

dozens of tiny electric sparks. "It's prettier this way."

"You know, I'm beginning to like these flying

bugs you throw around." Aiden loved to tease Liam;

he knew what buttons to push each and every time.

"I don't use bugs." Liam laughed; he knew what

Aiden was up to. "Take us home. I'm going fuck you

silly tonight."

"Poor little witch boy is delusional." Aiden

huffed. He turned Liam's face up to his. "Thanks for

being there for me tonight. Don't think I don't know

how you kept things from combusting." He sighed. "I

probably shouldn't have done it the way I did, but shit

Liam, Danny needs a safe to fall on his head before he

wakes up and smells the coffee."

"I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't

have. You're a big boy; you have to make your own

decisions. But I will tell you this. I'll always be there

to pick your ass back up. It's my destiny." He sighed

with drama to take away some of the seriousness of

what he said.

"Some how Liam Taylor, I kind of like that idea."

Aiden leaned down and kissed Liam with tenderness.

As he kissed him, he transported the two of them back

to the loft, landing with a thump outside the apartment

door. "Shit Liam, you put back the protection spell."

He rubbed his ass.

"Sorry, but you do have a key." Liam giggled.

"Not with me." Aiden glared.

"Well open it with magic."

"No, you know my rules."


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"It didn't stop you a couple of hours ago."

"That was different."

"Oh for crap sake, you're such a big baby." Liam

stood up, mumbled a cancellation spell. "Come on, we

have like forty five seconds to g