Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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J ack, if what you say is true, we'd know about it."

Margaret Mac Ruaidhri was in the kitchen making

dinner. While her husband sat at the kitchen table, a

bottle of cheap whiskey and a half filled glass on the

table in front of him. "There has been no liaison

between Aiden and any other Wahjee, something like

that would be hard to keep quiet."

"I'm telling you, I felt it." Jack glared at his wife.

"It was the same feeling I had when Mary's kids were

born. Though I have to admit I don't feel anything

now. But for a few hours, maybe two, I knew there

was another of the Mac Ruaidhri clan in the world."

"Do you think you should be drinking?" she

asked to change the subject. He was one of the few

Wahjee who suffered from the affects of alcohol. She

hoped Aiden hadn't inherited his father's trouble with

human substance abuses. She wasn't sure what Aiden

was up to, but whatever it was, he didn't need his

father's interference. Jack had done enough damage to

the boy when he was growing up.


160 Magical Moonlight

"What the fuck does it matter if I drink? I'm dead

either way." Jack shrugged before swallowing the

contents of the glass and pouring more. "You'd think

with all the Wahjee's abilities, they'd have come up

with a cure for this evil disease. He was referring to

the cancer that ran rampant through his body.

Margaret sniffed and turned back to the stove

where she stirred the pot of stew she was making. Jack

had, as usual, conveniently forgotten the fact that you

get back three times as much evil as you put out. His

cancer was just retribution, as it was the Wahjee way

to make sure evil was repaid. Not that he'd admit

anything. He was too stubborn or too stupid to do that.

"Mary and the children will be here for dinner, put

that drink away."

"I'll drink what I want and when I want in my

own house, woman." He grumbled. "I want you to

find out what your son is up to and why I felt the

presence of another Mac Ruaidhri. He won't talk to


"And you think he's going to suddenly have a

change of heart and talk to me?" her voice was filled

with scorn at the idea. "Aiden is no fool. He lives by

his own set of rules. No doubt you were drunk the

night you had the feelings of another Mac Ruaidhri

being born. Even the high council has no knowledge

of such a birth. I know you've checked."

"They wouldn't tell me shit if their mouths were

full of it." Jack pushed back his chair with a screech of

wood on linoleum. "I'm going to the garage."


ER Bryant 161

"Fine, go to the garage. Maybe you should stay

there while Mary and the children visit. They don't

need to hear your drunken ramblings about our son."

"Our son?" Jack spit on the floor. "I fucking wish

he was never born. It's because of him the high

council won't allow me the use of magic."

"You did that yourself, Aiden had nothing to do

with it. You abused the privilege of magic and you

know it."

He looked at her slyly. "I will have my power

back sooner than you think, old woman." His laughter

was evil, sending chills to all who heard it, as he

stalked to the dark garage, a place where he liked to

hang out in and meet with the few friends he still had.

Jack chuckled to himself as he thought of the plans he

and Zane Chambers were making. Zane was powerful,

he'd restore Jack's power and together they'd show

his good for nothing son just who was the power

behind the Mac Ruaidhri clan. The moment Aiden had

been born, the balance of power had shifted, though it

had taken Jack almost ten years to realize this.

Goodness had been born of evil, creating a force more

powerful than any evil power Jack could summon. It

hadn't sat well with Jack at the time and it still didn't.

He constantly looked for any way he could to reduce

Aiden's status in the eyes of high council. So far he'd

been able to discover nothing and it pissed him off.

Margaret watched him disappear through the

door. She waited for a few minutes to make sure he

was genuinely gone before she allowed herself to

relax. He needn't worry about her shedding a tear


162 Magical Moonlight

when he finally succumbed to the cancer that was

eating away at his insides. She too had felt it when

Aiden's son had been born. That it was a son, a

grandson, was something she wasn't prepared to ever

reveal to the man she'd been forced to marry. Or the

fact that Shay was Zyndaix. And how that son had

been made to disappear from Wahjee watchers, that in

itself had told her someone powerful was watching

over him. For she knew her grandson lived, she knew

that deep inside of her. She sent a silent prayer to the

powers that be, that her son Aiden and his son would

continue to be under the care of the person who loved

them both. Adding as she always did, that she hoped

someday to meet her grandson and the person Aiden

loved. And that her son would forgive her for his

childhood and understand that she'd done her best to

keep him alive until he'd reached the maturity of his

powers and was able to fend for himself. It hadn't

been easy, but she knew it had been worth it.

Across town, Aiden and Liam were sitting on the

sofa in the loft staring at Shay who was sitting

precariously on the floor surrounded by pillows. "He

looks like he's going to fall over any minute." Aiden

whispered, as if somehow speaking out loud would

knock the boy backwards.

"He just needs to get his sense of balance." Liam

assured him. "It says in the book that he should be

able to sit on his own at five months. That doesn't

mean the moment he turns five months old he can

immediately do it." Liam wiggled his fingers at Shay

who smiled at him and gurgled.


ER Bryant 163

"But he's my kid, I'm sure I could sit up by

myself at his age." Aiden leaned forward, prepared to

catch the baby should he fall.

"How would you know?" Liam giggled. "No one

can remember what they were up to at that age."

"No one wants to. I mean all the kid does is eat,

sleep and poop." He stuck his tongue out at Shay who

blew bubbles back at him.

"He does more than that." Liam laughed. "Don't

you Shay?"

"Da." Shay answered.

"Did you hear that? He said Da." Aiden crowed.

"I heard." Liam smiled at Aiden, lightly punching

Aiden on the arm. "I wish I could have let him keep

his powers. It would have been great to see how he'd

develop them at this age."

"It would have been too dangerous for him."

Aiden's face was unreadable. "When I think of what

could happen to him, I'm sorry I agreed to Vanessa's

demands. But when he's here, in this apartment, I

can't imagine my life without him. How fucked is


"Fuck" Shay looked at Aiden; the green in his

eyes clearly showing the fact that he was a Wahjee

child and one with considerable inborn power.

"The kid has a round ass and can't sit up without

pillows, but he can repeat words?" Aiden snorted. "It

figures my kid would have to be different."

"Shay, you have to listen to me." Liam was on his

knees in front of the baby. "You can't say things or do


164 Magical Moonlight

things like that anywhere else but at your daddy's

house. It has to be a rule."

"K" Shay grinned, pushed himself forward until

he lay on his belly. "Da." He reached for Aiden's foot.

Aiden looked up at Liam as he picked up his son.

"This can't be a good thing can it?" he asked Liam.

"Why is the kid talking?"

"Probably because he can." Liam shrugged. "I

know I could at his age. I just didn't do it around

people. He probably trusts us. Don't worry; the

penetration spell around the apartment building is

pretty strong. Anything he does here won't be

monitored by anyone. I've made sure of it."

Aiden didn't say anything. He knew Liam had

done his best, just as he had reinforced the spell so

that Shay was always protected no matter where he

was, the apartment or at home. It was one thing to not

to actively practice his craft, yet another to put his son

in danger just for a principle that really meant nothing

to anyone other than himself. "Hey there Shay." He

kissed the boy on his nose. "He's one smart kid." He

said to Liam. "Takes after his daddy."

"That he does." Liam stood up. "I should go. I

have homework to do and I was going to Dakota's to

work with her."

"It's leather night at The Odyssey, I was hoping

you could watch Shay for an hour or so."

"Like you'd be only gone an hour." Liam snorted.

"Isn't leather night kind of not your thing?"

"Everything is my thing" Aiden laughed. "I really

won't be long. I thought I'd stay for a couple of


ER Bryant 165

drinks. It's always fun to watch Bob parade around

bare ass in leather."

"Ewww, a visual I didn't need." Liam pretended

to shudder. "No problem. Shay and I'll get along just

fine." He went up on his toes to reach Aiden's cheek

and kissed him. "We'll order in pizza and beer. Isn't

that right Shay?"

The baby laughed out loud and waved his hands.

He reached for Liam who took him from Aiden's

arms. "Li." The baby gurgled. "Da, Li"

"Come on big boy, we're going to give you a bath

and get you ready for bed while your daddy gets all

beautiful for the men at The Odyssey." Pretending not

to see Aiden flush with pleasure at the compliment,

Liam and Shay headed for the bathroom. To make

extra sure that Aiden would notice what he was

missing, the red head pulled off his tee shirt before

starting the bath. He made sure his skin was rosy

under green-eyed scrutiny.

Shay clapped with pleasure as he was lowered

into warm bubbles.

"He can't even sit up and you're putting him in

the tub?" Aiden couldn't help commenting.

"He isn't alone. I'm here. I won't let him go.

That's why my shirt is off. Shay tends to splash a lot

in his bath."

"You've bathed him before?"

"One of my favorite things is naked and wet Mac

Ruaidhri men." Liam giggled at the look on his lover's

face. "I've bathed him lots of times. Who do you think

the girls get to babysit."


166 Magical Moonlight

"I never thought of it. I've actually never thought

about them ever leaving him alone."

"They never do. But they wanted to do work out

in the yard and he's a bit too little to help. As he

expertly washed the baby, Liam missed the smile of

recognition and giggle Shay gave at the arrival of a

certain turquoise cat. The cat smiled at the baby,

looked around to assure himself that all was well,

before popping away.

"Look, maybe I should stay home." Aiden began.

"No, go out and play with your little friends.

We're fine here." Liam grinned and then popped

Aiden to an alley near the Odyssey.

Aiden had been gone an hour. Liam and Shay had

both eaten and were now sitting on the sofa together,

the baby nestled in Liam's arms, but sitting up, both of

them watching television. The room became darker

than usual, a green mist swirled around behind Liam,

but he didn't notice, as he was caught up in the movie

on television.

Shay could feel something wrong. He wiggled to

catch Liam's attention. But Liam only kissed him on

the forehead and continued to watch the television. He

hated that Liam and his daddy had put restrictions on

what he could do. Didn't they know he had to protect

the two of them? They thought they were in charge,

but they weren't. So many things were happening in

the world that he knew about but they didn't. He

didn't like being so young. He couldn't speak properly

and had no control over much of anything he wanted

to do.


ER Bryant 167

Green mist began to climb the walls. Shay knew

it was something sent by someone who meant his

daddy harm. He was sure of it. He turned in Liam's

arms, moving so that he was facing the back of the

sofa. Liam pulled him up on his feet and let him hang

on as if standing on his own. That's all he needed to

mutter a few words in the ancient tongue that

effectively banished the evil green mist.

"Shay, were you talking old Wahjee?" Liam

asked, turning the baby to face him. "I'm pretty sure

you aren't supposed to do that."

Grinning at Liam and using all the charm

inherited from his father, Shay tried his best to look

cute and make Liam forget what he'd heard. It helped

that the buzzer sounded on the intercom.

Liam jumped, not expecting anyone. He stood up

taking Shay with him. "Mac Ruaidhri residence." He

said into the speaker.

"Where's my Boyo?" a drunken man slurred into

the speaker. "Let me in."

"Sorry, Aiden isn't home." Liam answered. There

was something about Jack Mac Ruaidhri's voice that

told him not to let him in even if the man managed to

get up to the loft.

"Who are you?" Jack asked.

"No one." Liam said into the intercom before

walking away, ignoring the buzzer that bleated over

and over again.

He turned the television up loud, but still the

buzzer could be heard. Liam sighed; he hated using

magic in Aiden's loft. The man always knew when he


168 Magical Moonlight

did it. Just as he was about to zap the buzzer and

silence it, the damn thing exploded into dozens of

pieces. Shay laughed with glee, his one hand out

pointing to the intercom unit that used to sit on the

wall by the door. "Bang." He giggled. "Gone."

"Shit Shay, I can't believe you did that." Liam's

eyes were big. "I thought I had all this magic stuff

covered as far as you were concerned.

"Bad man." Shay said, laying his head on Liam's

shoulder. "Da?"

"Your daddy is out playing. He'll be back soon."

Liam assured the baby. He was unnerved by the

combination of Aiden's father demanding to see his

son and Shay's abilities that forced themselves out

despite his strongest spell to keep them under wraps. It

was as if he'd done nothing, but he knew he had.

"Shay you are an interesting baby. You have to

stop doing these things though. It'll freak your

mommies out. They're human you know and you are

Wahjee through and through." He carried the baby up

to the bathroom to wash him and change him for the

night. Soon the baby was clean and dressed in

midnight blue footed sleepers. The Calvin Klein logo

was on the chest. Liam couldn't help but grin at

Aiden's need to dress his son in designer clothing. He

carried him back to the kitchen while he heated up a

bottle. Turning the lights on low, as well as the

fireplace., Liam settled on the rocking chair to give

Shay his last bottle of the night. He set a few of his

twinkling electric sparks to dance for the baby to the

lullaby he hummed. It was quiet and peaceful, too nice


ER Bryant 169

to think of anything mean or evil that might be outside

the loft wanting to get in and do either of them harm.

The baby had finished his bottle and Liam had

him with his head resting on his shoulder as he rubbed

his back to make sure any air bubbles cleared. When

the apartment door opened, and Aiden walked

through, his father stumbled in after. "Ten minutes old

man, that's all you're getting out of me." Aiden said.

When he'd felt his son and Liam were in danger, he'd

immediately popped back from the Odyssey. It was

the truth, but he'd also felt that he shouldn't leave his

family tonight, now he knew why.

Liam could tell Aiden was tense and so could

Shay. The baby had been close to sleep when the door

opened. Liam felt him tense up when Jack Mac

Ruaidhri's presence was felt by both of them.

Not sure what he should do, Liam mumbled a

quick invisibility spell. He knew that Aiden's father

shouldn't see Shay, he'd know as Liam had known,

that Shay was Zyndaix.

Jack Mac Ruaidhri stepped into the loft. "Not a

bad place you have here Boyo." He said gazing

around. "You live here alone?"

"No, I have someone living with me." Aiden

found two bottles of water in the fridge and handed

one to his father.

"Don't you have something better than that to

give to your old man?" Jack asked looked at the water

as if it were poison.


170 Magical Moonlight

"No." Aiden opened his bottle and took a drink.

"Now what the fuck did you want to say to me that

you had to come here in the middle of the night?"

"Where's your room mate, he answered the

intercom?" Jack was walking around peering into


"No doubt he's asleep." Aiden said pleased that

Liam had hidden himself as well as Shay. He saw the

rocking chair move slightly and he knew where they

were. It was time to get his father away from the

fireplace. "You've got five minutes left before I throw

your ass out the door."

"I've got cancer." Jack blurted out. "I'm dying."

"What do you want from me, applause?" Aiden

turned away. He turned back having made a decision,

"I'm gay and we're all dying sooner or later."

"You're a fucking faggot and I'm the one dying?"

his father spat out. "This isn't how I planned my life.

You were never supposed to have been born for fuck


On the rafters above a turquoise stuffed cat glared

down with red eyes. Below Aiden could see the spot

where Liam and Shay were beginning to glow red. He

knew his young lover was pissed and might even

reveal that he was there. "That's it dad, you had your

chance. Get out of my fucking home." He took Jack

by the arm and pushed him through the door. "I'm

sure my mother will let me know when you're gone."

He said as he slammed the door and locked it. He put

a protection spell on the lock just in case. Aiden


ER Bryant 171

leaned his forehead on the cold metal of the door

while he tried to gather himself together.

Liam and the baby watched from their place by

the fire. He wanted to run over to Aiden, but he knew

that he had to give the man a few minutes. He dimmed

the lights again that Aiden had turned on and began to

sing the lullaby he'd been singing to Shay earlier. His

voice clear, the notes true, with just a hint of calming

magic in them, barely perceptible but still there. He

projected his voice so that Aiden was included in the

lullaby, making up the words as he sang. His eyes

trained on Aiden, his arms full of baby, Liam watched

as he sang. First Shay relaxed under the combination

of music and love, and then Aiden too began to relax,

he could tell by the set of his shoulders.

Seamus, lulled into sleep, his belly full, his daddy

close, was content for now and he nestled into Liam's

arms. Liam stood up and placed the baby in a crib that

had appeared earlier in the night. Aiden's bed was

large, but the red head knew the man wouldn't sleep

properly with Shay between them. When he was sure

the baby was safely settled, he walked over to Aiden.

"Hey." He said quietly, knowing Aiden had

watched him with the baby. Without waiting for

Aiden to answer, Liam took his hand and led him to

the bedroom.

"Thanks for keeping Shay from him." Aiden

shuddered. "He did his damndest to ruin my life, I

don't want him touching my son in any way." Slowly

he removed his c