Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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L iving with Aiden was a lot of fun, but it was also

somewhat precarious. The man had lived alone

all of his adult life. And until Liam had come along,

he'd never even had a fleeting thought of anyone

living with him.

Generally Liam was able to avert most drama

queen moments and semi hysterical crises with well

timed sex, or perhaps a bit of magic strategically

worked in the background.

But he suspected it was going to take much, much

more than a well-timed blowjob to fix whatever had

happened when a month later Liam parked down the

street from the apartment and noticed a police car

parked at an angle to the curb lights flashing.

Interesting, he thought as he made his way home, for

the apartment was his home now for all intents and

purposes. As he approached the elevator, two

policemen got off. Liam's curiosity was definitely

piqued. It seemed the drama that revolved around he

and Aiden was never going to stop.


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He took the elevator instead of the stairs for once,

but one look on Aiden's face as he stood in the

doorway made him want to turn around and head back

down the stairs. "Hey what's up?" He asked looking

from Aiden to Daniel, who stood there looking smug.




Aiden shouted in his face, furious that his precious

apartment had been desecrated. He knew he was being

unreasonable, but an unfamiliar black haze filled his

mind and he couldn't think straight.

"But" Liam began as he looked around. "It can't

be." He'd set the spells himself. And no one could

break them, no Wahjee that was. It didn't feel like

Wahjee, the damage was too random and what was

stolen really wouldn't interest any of the Wahjee.

After all, they could pretty much have what they

wanted if they were inclined that way. No, it had to be

human and he hadn't set any spells against humans.

But he had set the alarm. It was the one thing he made

sure of before he left for school each day.

"Get your shit together and get the fuck out of my

apartment and my life." Aiden's words were so

deadly; they might as well have been bullets.

"Nothing of yours was stolen." His voice was bitter.

The whole time his mouth was moving, he knew he

was wrong, yet he couldn't stop himself from saying

the cruel words.

It was as if everything they'd been through had

been only a figment of Liam's imagination. Tears


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sprang to his eyes, but he refused to let Aiden see

them. Instead he walked with dignity into the

bedroom. It was there he saw the ravages of Aiden's

closet. "Fucking asshole." He muttered. "It was just a

few fucking suits. Get your fucking priorities


He magicked a piece of paper and wrote down


5 designer suits + 10 pairs of designer boots or

shoes + sundry electronic shit = one man who loves

you for yourself and not for what you have or who you


He pinned it to the closet door with the gum he

had in his mouth, knowing Aiden would hate that. In

less than three minutes he managed to gather together

things he'd need to survive out of the loft. He

contemplated taking a clean school uniform and then

realized it was unlikely he'd go back there right now.

But he did take Aiden's favorite sweatshirt out of the

laundry basket. He'd worn it the day before at the gym

and it smelled of Aiden in a good, if funky, way.

Aiden refused to look at him when he walked

past. Instead, the man pretended interest in the phone

call he was making to his insurance company. Daniel

on the other hand, gloated. Liam couldn't resist, he

muttered a quick spell of impotence on the other man.

It would only last for a couple of weeks and wear off

gradually, but it would give him something else to

think about.

Taking the stairs down to ground level because he

wanted to delay leaving as long as he could, Liam's


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mind was reeling with what had happened a few

minutes before. He couldn't believe how quickly his

life could change. It had always been like this. He

shouldn't be surprised. If it wasn't one thing, it was


At the street, Liam looked one way and then the

next. He couldn't decide where he should go. Dakota

was always an option, but his old home was definitely

not an option. He made a quick decision and headed in

the direction of Vanessa's place. He needed to say

goodbye to Shay before he left town. It was really the

only thing he could do. Maybe Aiden needed some

space to find out just what in hell he wanted. Liam

knew what he wanted, he wanted Aiden. But he also

knew that Aiden was going to have to fight for him in

order to appreciate him. It wasn't going to be an easy

battle and the red head hoped they both managed to

survive it.

"Hi." Liam said when Vanessa answered the

door. "I'm going to be away for awhile, and I was

wondering if I could see Shay before I leave."

"Of course you can Liam." Vanessa held the door

open. "He's in his room. It's almost time for him to

wake up from his nap." She looked at the boy curious

and had to ask. "I thought you were staying at


"I was, but he kicked me out." Liam shrugged.

"His apartment was broken into. He blamed me for

not setting the alarm. I did set it, but he wasn't about

to listen, or to believe me for that matter." He sighed.

"It doesn't matter. I love him, but we do have twelve


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years difference in our ages. I think it bugs Aiden

more than it bothers me. I mean right now it seems

like a lot. I'm eighteen. But when I'm twenty eight, it

won't be as bad."

"Interesting theory." Vanessa laughed. "You are

rather young Liam. You have so much ahead of you

before you should even think about settling down with

one man."

"I know, I hear that a lot." Liam's voice was

bitter. "I'll just go up to Shay, I think I hear him


"He does that a lot." She smiled. "I don't

understand him, but he seems to spend a lot of time in

conversation with his toys."

"He's smart like his dad." Liam said. "I bet Aiden

talked a lot when he was Shay's age. He must have

gotten it out of his system. Now he only talks when

he's at work doing a presentation. He hardly says

anything at home."

"Aiden has always been somewhat taciturn."

Vanessa agreed. "If you don't mind, change Shay's

diaper. I'll get his bottle ready."

"I'll change him." Liam agreed as he took the

stairs two at a time. "Hey Shay." He said, walking in

the door.

The baby was sitting up in the middle of his crib.

"Li." He laughed and held out his arms to be picked


Liam picked him up out of the crib. "Boy, you do

need a change of pants." He laughed. "Shay is all

stinky." He put the boy on his change table and began


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the process of changing and cleaning him up, talking

to him all the while. "It's like this buddy, I have to go

away for a bit. I'm thinking maybe Toronto. I mean it

isn't far and it's a big city, kind of easy to get lost in."

he wiped Shay up with the baby wipes, powdered him

and slipped him into a clean diaper. "I thought maybe

I'd check out the art scene. I've always liked the

museums there. It's not like I won't graduate or

anything. My grades are in the top five of the school."


"I know, I hate to leave him, but he's being kind

of a bitch right now. You'll understand when you're

older. Don't worry; I'll still keep an eye on you and

your dad. I mean I might be gone for a while, but I

won't completely desert you. I am your watcher of the

first order. We're bonded for life Shay." He kissed the

boy on the cheek and picked him up holding him

close. "Your mommy is making you a bottle of

something. Let's go down and see what she has."

"Ba" Shay said and grinned. "No Li" he looked

sad, reaching out to touch Liam's face.

"I'm probably going to stay with my cousin at his

Toronto place or at least somewhere near him. It's not

like I'll be all alone." They'd reached the bottom of

the stairs just as Vanessa was coming from the

kitchen. "Here he is, all sweet smelling and clean." He

handed Shay to his mother. "Later Vanessa. I love you

Shay." He kissed the boy again and then wiped a tear

from the corner of the baby's eye. "Don't cry little

man. I'll always be there for you."


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With those words, he disappeared out Vanessa's

front door and managed to pop himself to Toronto and

to land in front of his cousin's condo. Liam had

learned he had an identical one in Victoria. No one

noticed, not Vanessa and not anyone in the big city.

It didn't take long for Aiden to hear about it. He'd

been sitting at his bar attempting to make a list for the

insurance company; Liam's note engraved on his

memory and folded up in his wallet, when Vanessa

and Shay walked in the door. "Not closing the door

anymore?" she asked sweetly, handing her son to his


"Da." Shay beamed. "Li ba"

"What?" Aiden looked around.

"He keeps saying that. I think he's saying that

Liam is gone. Which, no thanks to you, I suppose you

are well aware of. He's gone to Toronto to do gawd

knows what. Aiden, he's only a boy."

"He's an adult, he's eighteen. He can look after

himself." Aiden was taking off the layers of clothing

Vanessa seemed to always have his kid wrapped in.

"You threw him out on the street Aiden. I thought

you were better than that." She took the baby from

him. "It's cold in here."

"So shut the door." Aiden stood up to find some

coffee; Vanessa was giving him a headache.

"Aiden, you have to do something. You have to

bring him back. Seamus misses him, I miss him."

"I'm not his fucking keeper." Aiden muttered.

"He let someone steal all my stuff."


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"That's a lot of bullshit and you know it. Liam is

very responsible. I really don't believe he left the

apartment unprotected and I think you know it. You're

just using this as an excuse to push him away. He was

good for you Aiden and believe me, I wouldn't say

that about just anyone."

Aiden's next encounter with demands that he find

Liam happened later that night. He and Daniel, Bob

and Evan were at Celebrities before heading to The

Odyssey, when an irate Dakota walked through the

door and up to him, punching him soundly in the arm.

"You shit, you made him leave. He's gone to

Toronto to be a go go dancer. You have to bring him


"What the fuck are you talking about?" Aiden

demanded as he rubbed his arm, though he knew full

well what she meant.

"Liam, you have to bring him back." She said

before bursting into tears and wrapping herself around


"Would you stop it? You're getting snot and tears

on my new silk shirt." Aiden clumsily patted her back

as he looked into his friend's eyes, helpless for once.

"Serves the little shit right. He left the apartment

unlocked, Aiden lost all of his stuff." Daniel began,

only to find Dakota in his face, her fist clenched.

"You, you, dickless weasel, you know darn well

Liam didn't leave the apartment unlocked. I bet it was

you. He said you were always over there snooping in

Aiden's stuff. I bet it was you who left the place that


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way." She kicked him in the shins and stomped out of

Celebrities, leaving all of them staring after her.

"Is that true Danny, do you go over to my place

when I'm not there?" Aiden asked, his voice so low

that Daniel barely heard him.

"I go there sometimes. But it's not like you think.

I mean I have a key, I know it's for emergencies, but

sometimes things come up and I need a place to rest."

"But you don't have a key, I took it back if you'll

recall. My place isn't that far from yours Danny, why

don't you just go home?" It was obvious to them all

that Aiden was pissed. He knew immediately that

Danny had made copies of his key. It was time to

change the lock.

Evan and Bob looked at each other. "Well, I do

believe I hear the call of The Odyssey." Evan waved

his hands. "Tally ho Bobby." He grabbed his friend by

the arm and pulled him toward the exit.

"Daniel it was you, wasn't it? It was you that left

the door unlocked and you let Liam take the blame."

Aiden had never been quite so angry in his life and

that was saying a great deal. "You were my best

friend. I trusted you Daniel. I trusted you with a key to

my apartment, my home. I trusted you not to lie to me

and I trusted you not to hurt someone I care about."

Aiden turned on his heel, ignoring Daniel's pleas to

wait. In seconds he was out the door, striding down

the crowded street. He needed to think about what he

could do to make things right. To make things right

between him and Liam. Aiden Mac Ruaidhri didn't do


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apologies and he didn't do regrets. He guessed it was

time he learned how.
