Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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S pring had arrived and with it the excitement of

the school year ending. In this case there was the

added anticipation of graduation for Dakota and Liam.

Liam knew he would be attending a local university

and Dakota still hadn't decided on staying close or

going out of state to school. Now the prom was the

focus of their attention.

Liam couldn't care less about yet another dance.

They were boring and the jocks generally got drunk,

making them more annoying than usual. Which

sucked as he couldn't use magic and turn them into

the pigs they really were. It required more strength of

will than he wanted to expend just to spend a few

hours with bad dance music and Dakota.

Of course he hadn't reckoned on Lisa, a romantic

of the highest order.

"I'll take you." Liam said to Dakota one sunny

afternoon. "Lisa insists I go and we've been friends

forever so why not go with me."


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"Well if you put it like that, how can I say no."

Dakota punched him on the arm. The two of them

ended up wrestling on the sofa in Lisa's living room.

"Break it up you too." Richard yelled from the

kitchen. He was happy though that Liam had decided

to attend his prom. He suspected the boy secretly

wanted to go with Aiden. But that never would have


"It's Aiden's birthday in a week, he's going to be

30." Liam confided in Dakota. "I think he's freaked

about it."

"You would be too." Dakota laughed. "What are

you getting him for his birthday?"

"I've thought about a lot. I mean Aiden doesn't

even acknowledge birthdays much, he says he

celebrates achievements and being born is the luck of

the draw."

"He won't be happy then if you give him

something for his birthday." Dakota leaned back on

the sofa. "What do you think Richard, should Liam

get Aiden something for his birthday?"

"Aiden has always been funny about birthdays.

Even when he was hanging around here as a teenager,

he would never let Lisa make him a cake. Birthdays

are usually important when you're young, not so much

when you get older."

"Thirty isn't old." Liam defended. "Aiden has had

a bunch of shitty birthdays when he was a kid. I'm

going to fix it if I can."


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"How can you do that? I mean you don't have a

time machine." Dakota snickered. "You don't, do


"Sure, it's in the basement."

"So that's where I left it." Richard chuckled. "I

want to go back to when I was twenty one and no

cares in the world."

"Sorry Rick, only Aiden gets to ride on my

machine." Liam wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

"Ewwwwe. You're so gross." Dakota said.

"Well I know that Daniel and the gang plan on

giving him a surprise party complete with gravestone

cake. I'm baking the cake." Richard looked at the two

kids. "It's a surprise so don't say anything."

Later that night when everyone in the house was

asleep, Aiden popped into Liam's room and snuggled

close. "Hey there." He whispered to the sleeping red

head. "I wanted to say goodnight and let you know I

have to go out of town for a couple of days on


Liam moved so that his head was under Aiden's

chin. "Do you remember your first birthday?" It

wasn't an unusual question, for Wahjee had excellent

early childhood memories.

"Yes, a bit." Aiden sighed. "I remember a cake, I

think it had blue icing and it looked a lot like a

lopsided bear."

Liam giggled. "What about your second


"I was staying at my grandmothers. She was a

miserable old bat. I remember my mother phoning and


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wishing me happy birthday. It was the first time I'd

ever talked on the phone. No cake that year, blue or


"What about when you were three, do you

remember that birthday?"

"What's with the questions, my childhood wasn't

all that pleasant, I don't particularly want to remember


"I just want to get to know you better. I mean you

never tell me anything, but you usually answer direct

questions." Liam kissed him under his chin.

"I don't remember much about birthday number

three, except I had it in my head that I was going to

get a kitten for some reason. Which was ridiculous, as

I might as well have asked for leopard. There was a

hell of a fight between my parents about it. I think a

neighbor family had kittens to give away. I liked an

orange one. I think it was a male."

"Of course it would be a male." Liam snickered.

"You would have been the right age for a Wah cat."

"Don't bother asking about the rest of my

birthdays. From that point on there were no

acknowledgements of my passing age." Aiden

shuddered. It was barely perceptible, but it was there


"But you must have known when your birthday

came around. Did you ever maybe kind of hope for


"Fuck Liam, I don't want to talk about it." Silence

filled the small bedroom. "I remember when I was

five I just wanted my mother to tell me she loved me


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and maybe kiss me goodnight or something. When I

was six I lusted after a car, one of those ones that

transform into something else. At seven I wanted a

book, one about Egypt. At eight I was determined to

get a dog. One who could defend me and bite Jack's

head off. The bigger the better." He snickered. "I

spent a long time weaving fantasies about that. I even

went so far as to try and entice any dog that wandered

by to come into the house."

"At nine I was back to books, at ten I discovered

the joys of pulling on my dick, so I didn't really want

anything that year. Other than privacy to play with my

toy." Aiden kissed Liam on the forehead.

"At eleven the other altar boys proved interesting,

at twelve I wanted to get picked for the soccer team, at

thirteen, I panted in my room after Tommy James, he

was the captain of the soccer team. By the time I was

fourteen, I gave up even thinking of my birthday other

than when Lisa or Danny bugged the shit out of me

about it. It was a constant battle to convince them I

wasn't interested in a fucking birthday cake or useless

gifts that I couldn't bring home even if I wanted


Again silence filled the room, Liam felt a tear

drop onto his forehead. "I'm sorry I brought this up

Aiden." He whispered.

"No, no it's alright. I do it a lot you know. Think

of my early years. It keeps me honest. It reminds me

of what I've become and how I got there."


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"You are one of the kindest, most gentle men I

know." Liam said. "Are we going to have sex


"I think I'll just hold you until you go to sleep."

Aiden whispered. "It isn't my birthday, but that's what

I want to do tonight."

"I love you Aiden." Liam wiggled until he was

wrapped under Aiden, the older man's legs over his.

"I know you do." Aiden sighed. "It's the only

thing that gets me through the day." His eyes shut as

did Liam's and they drifted off to sleep.

Aiden was gone when Liam woke up. It was

always like that. He'd come in the shadowed night and

disappear back to his loft lair before dawn, like some

kind of Wahjee vampire. The boy felt more anger for

Aiden's parents than he did pity for his lover. It

strengthened his resolve to make Aiden's 30th

birthday something special.

"Hey Rick, something smells good." Liam said as

he bounced down the stairs already dressed for school.

"I made waffles with raspberry sauce." The older

man put a plate of waffles on the table. "I noticed you

haven't seen much of Aiden lately. Is everything okay

between the two of you?"

"Yeah, I have school and stuff and Aiden is busy

with work. I'm seeing him on his birthday though.

He'll need to be rescued from his well-meaning

friends. You know how much he'd hate what they're


"I know, but after Danny's party, I think this is a

kind of get even thing."


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"Well it sucks and I don't like it."

"What Aiden did for Daniel sucked too Liam."

Richard's voice was quiet.

"He was trying to get your stupid nephew to grow

up and admit who he is. And to stop mooning over

what he's never going to have."

"I know, but there could have been a better way."

Richard sat down at the table, putting a full mug of

coffee in front of Liam and one for himself.

"Yeah, any ideas?" Liam snickered. "I don't want

to fight Rick. Aiden is important to me. I think

sometimes I'm the only one who really gets what he's

all about. There's a lot more to him than what

everyone sees."

"Hey, any waffles left for me?" Daniel asked as

he walked in the front door. He looked at Liam,

"Don't you have to get to school?"

"I'm eating my breakfast." Liam was almost

finished, but he slowed down just to annoy the other


"Uncle Rick, have you got the drawings for the

cake?" Daniel asked, ignoring Liam.

"Bob brought them over the other day." Richard

confirmed. "It seems a shame to make something I

know no one is going to actually eat."

"I'll eat it." Liam grinned.

"You aren't invited Brat, this party is adults

only." Daniel sneered.

Liam threw his head back and laughed. "I

wouldn't dream of being part of your scheme to piss

Aiden off about his age. But I will be glad to eat


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Rick's cake. He's the best cake maker I've ever

known and trust me, my family are kind of cake nuts,

I've had cakes from famous bakeries all over the


"That's some compliment." Richard was grinning

ear to ear. "Thanks Liam."

"Just telling the truth." He got up and grabbed his

backpack. "See you after school Uncle Rick." He

kissed the older man on his cheek.

"I put your lunch in your bag." Rick said as Liam

ran out the door.

"You make his fucking lunch?" Daniel was


"Why not, he has to eat you know." Daniel's

Uncle began to clear away breakfast. "Don't you have

to go to work?"

"I'm on the late shift. I work until nine tonight."

Daniel mumbled. He was eating the left over waffles.
