Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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L iam had spent his time since Aiden's revealing

visit on research into the man's early years. It

was easy when you were Wahjee; well it was easy

when you were Wahjee with talent and had some help

from an unexpected source. He knew that the birthday

night wasn't going to be all that Daniel and gang

thought it might be.

Watching from his room at Lisa's through his

abilities as Wahjee, Liam felt rather than heard the

outrage Aiden was feeling. He had to commend the

man. He never used an ounce of his Wahjee abilities

or even a touch of magic. Had they done something

like this to him, he would have had a box of toads

hopping around the apartment.

He rolled his eyes when Aiden was dragged to a

funeral home and chucked in a coffin. It was at that

moment; Liam could tell his lover was about to

explode. He waited for everyone to leave the room.

He knew their schedule; they were bringing in the

cake. It was then that Liam popped Aiden out of the


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coffin and into the apartment. "Hey." He said

wrapping his arms around the confused man.

"Magic, loft, no." Aiden began.

"Magic, loft, occasionally." Liam grinned.

"Thirty is a birthday that kind of marks a rite of

passage. I want this to be special for you."

"Finding myself in a coffin isn't special enough

for you?" Aiden huffed. He strode into the kitchen

looking for a bottle of water. "What's all this stuff?"

he asked surveying a table full of carefully wrapped


"Your life." Liam bounced over to him and

handed him a bottle of cold water. "Now sit down and

humor me."

"Will it get me laid later?" Aiden huffed, Liam

always made him smile.

"Many, many times." Liam took his hand and led

him to the sofa. "This is about your life and in a way

it's about another persons as well. I took the liberty of

borrowing, with her permission, this book." He

handed Aiden a well-worn book.

"With whose permission?" Aiden asked, turning

the book over and over in his hand.

"Your mother."

"I'm not reading anything that bitch has written."

Aiden threw the book on the table.

"Fine, I'll read it. I went to a lot of trouble to get

her to admit this even existed and to let me read it.

You do know she's quite powerful; you get your own

powers from her side of the family. If she didn't allow

us access, there isn't a chance in hell you could even


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open the cover." He looked at Aiden who was sitting

on the sofa, arms crossed tightly on his chest, bottom

lip out in a definite pout.

Ignoring him, though he couldn't help but smirk

slightly, Liam sat as close as he could to Aiden, so

close that Aiden was forced to put one of his arms

around Liam's shoulder.

1970 - April 5th

Aiden was born an hour ago. He's everything I

dreamed of in a baby. Jack of course, has no idea the

strength my child has. And he never will, at least not

while I have a breath in my body. Aiden will be the

good in the Mac Ruaidhri clan. Jack can never find


I know that in order to keep Aiden's abilities to

myself, I am going to have to make some hard

decisions. I love this boy with my whole heart and

soul. I will die before I will allow Jack to turn him to

the dark side so my tears will remain hidden as he

grows. I can't allow Jack to know how much Aiden

means to me.

This will be my gift to my child, should he want

to receive it.

Aiden, your birth was an easy one, you were

placed on my chest, moments after you took your first

breath and I looked into your eyes, seeing all my

hopes for you reflected there. You have flashing green

eyes and the most beautiful hair, thick and wavy with

a hint of red that surely comes from my side of the

family. I know that you will be even more powerful

than I had imagined. I have to put a small spell on


226 Magical Moonlight

you, just to make sure you don't show your father the

strength you have inside your sturdy body.

Liam reached out and patted Aiden's knee before


1971 - April 5th

My darling baby, you are one-year-old today.

How you've grown. I made you your first and I'm

afraid your last birthday cake. It was a mistake to

show Jack this love I have for you. I thought he'd be

away long enough for you to enjoy the blue bear. I

love you dearly and I will not have him attempting to

harm you before you are able to defend yourself. I will

never put you in this position again. Tonight when I

placed you in your crib, my heart broke, for I'll never

again see the joy you'd shown at the sight of your

birthday cake. My birthday wish for you is for you to

grow strong and be filled with goodness and light.

1972 - April 5th

My brave boy, having to be with that bitch of a

mother in law, but I'm ill with this next pregnancy and

can't cope with life itself. At least she's blind as a bat

and will not notice your powers. They are developing

nicely and though I have you in a binding spell, I

know they are stronger on this anniversary of your

birth. Perhaps with the birth of your sister, it will take

some of the attention off of you. Your father

occasionally looks on you with suspicion. It's

sometimes all I can do to deflect his thoughts. I was so

surprised when I called to talk to you tonight, that you

were able to project your thoughts to me. Much as I

would love to help you develop this talent, I must


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suppress it for now. We can't allow any Mac Ruaidhri

to know. My birthday wish for you is to grow strong

and be filled with goodness and light.

Aiden pulled the book from Liam's hand and

began to read the words himself. His heart was filled

with something he'd never expected to feel. He'd

always wanted his mother's love and had been

envious of Daniel and Lisa. He had to read for himself

what she'd written.

1973 - April 5th

Aiden, you are three today. Imagine that. You are

tall and so very strong. I tucked you into your bed

tonight without the kitten I know you wanted. You are

Wahjee after all and all Wahjee should have a familiar

by the age of three. But of course, with the Mac

Ruaidhri's as evil as they are, I don't dare allow it. It

would be too easy for them to work their blackness

through your golden kitten. My birthday wish for you

is to grow strong and be filled with goodness and


Aiden looked at Liam and then at a parcel on the

table that began to wiggle and move. "What the fuck

Liam?" he asked. He picked up the box and the top

fell off. Out jumped an orange kitten about 7 weeks

old with a tag around his neck. "My name is Tyrone F

Horn Eye" Aiden burst out laughing. It was a name

from his favorite seventies show, Laugh In. Liam

hated that show, but Aiden had all the seasons on

DVD and watched them to relax. The kitten jumped

up on Aiden's shoulder and settled down, draping

himself there like it was his favorite perch. "So I now


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have a cat and a Wah cat no less. I want to hear how

you managed that." Aiden grinned. He never thought

of himself as a pet person, but Tyrone seemed

somehow right.

1974 - April 5th

Aiden began to read; each birthday there was an

entry. Some of them were long and some were short,

depending on what was happening in their lives. With

each birthday, another gift he'd wanted appeared on

the table in front of him. There were transformer cars

and books. On his eighth birthday, another of the gifts

began to wiggle. "Fuck Liam, not another cat." He

sighed and reached forward.

"I believe you were after a big assed dog that

would perhaps eat your father." Liam giggled. "Meet

your dog." The dog wagged his tail and jumped up on


"Uh Liam, he's got giant feet for a puppy." Aiden

leaned down and patted the dog on his head. "What in

hell is he and what's his name?"

"He's a poodle." Liam admitted. "I thought

maybe you might have a name for him."

"I was going to call my dog Killer." Aiden looked

at the puppy. "I'm not some kind of a fag that wants a

fucking poodle."

"He's a standard poodle. He'll end up about a

hundred pounds and he's real smart, aren't you

Killer." Liam scratched him under the chin.

"A fucking poodle Liam?" Aiden shook his head.

"You do know this isn't going to work don't you. I'm

not capable of looking after Ty here much less Killer.


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I do work, long days by the way. I don't want to come

home to dog shit and piss all over the apartment. Even

if I did agree to keep him." Killer was now on back on

Aiden's lap. Ty leaned down and patted the dog's foot

that was sticking up close to him.

"I have that covered." Liam laughed. "I made him

a run out on the roof. He can do his business there and

the best part is, no more unwelcome guests in the loft.

Between him and Ty, no one would dare come

through the door unless they were invited."

Aiden decided to ignore the now sleeping dog and

continued to read.

"I didn't know how to do much about your

penchant for masturbation, so I got you some stroke

books." Liam said when they'd reached his eleventh


Aiden snorted with laughter. He leafed through to

the last page.

2000 - April 5th

Today Aiden's friend came to see me. He knew

about this book. I suppose it's because he's Wahjee

and that he loves my son. Aiden, if you've read these

pages I want you to know. There isn't a day that goes

by that I don't think about you. Liam tells me that you

have not only become what I wished for you each

birthday, but much more. I am so proud. My birthday

wish for you is to grow strong and be filled with

goodness and light.

Aiden was silent for a few moments. "I'm going

to read this again." He whispered.


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"All the way through, there's some interesting

stuff when you were in your teens. And once you left

home, she never missed your birthday. Your mother

has always loved you. She just wasn't able to show

you. Not because she didn't want to, but because she

was protecting you."

"But why let you have this now?"

"Maybe because Jack is damn near dead. Maybe

she feels safe." Liam shrugged. "I think it's something

you should talk to her about."

"Not today." Aiden sighed. "Liam, when I was

eight, a dog was a great idea. What in hell am I going

to do with him at thirty?" he'd been rubbing the dog's

tummy while it slept on his lap. Ty was now draped

around the back of his neck. Aiden turned to Liam,

"Really the only thing I needed was this." He held up

the book.

"Killer is cute, can't we keep him?" Liam asked,

batting his eyelashes.

"We?" Aiden snorted. "You don't even live


"That's not my fault. That was your decision, not

mine." Liam stood up. "Let's take Killer up to the

roof. And don't worry, I made sure that the outside

stairs are safe and that the puppy won't fall through."

"I'm worried about you and I falling through."

Aiden eyed the long window that led to the iron railed

fire escape. It went both up to the roof and down to

just above the bottom floor. "What's to stop Killer

from going down instead of up."


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"He's smart and Ty won't let him. Ty's in charge

of his training."

"Maybe it's escaped your notice, but Ty is a cat, a

small cat." Aiden smirked. The cat was still perched

on his shoulder.

"Watch. Oh, I had to put up a kind of ramp for

now. Killer is too short for the steps, but he'll grow


Aiden and Liam watched as the puppy sniffed

around and then walked up the short ramp to stand at

the dog door Liam had built into the window. Ty

jumped down from Aiden's shoulder to land behind

Killer, he stuck on paw out nails extended and the dog

jumped through the door. Ty following, he and Killer

ran up to the roof.

Aiden stepped through the window and then

turned to hold out his hand for Liam. "Maybe we

should put a door here instead."

"We can do that." Liam mumbled a few words

and there was a door in place of the window.

"Magic, loft, no." Aiden said shaking his head.

"Ahhhh, it's your birthday." Liam whined in

imitation of Daniel.

They reached the roof and looked around. Liam

had put in a grassy area. There were a couple of lawn

chairs and some interesting things for the animals to

investigate. Aiden noticed that the red head had

thought of placing a fence around the roof in case

Killer was tempted to jump over the side. He knew Ty

would be fine. The cat was one he recognized from a

line of Wahjee familiars. He'd known a number of


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others with cats from this particular strain. "How did

you manage to get one of the Wah cats?" Aiden asked.

"I thought they were spoken for at the birth of their


"They are. You have the one that was to be yours

as a child. Of course not actually the one, but you

were still on the list, if there's a list. I don't know how

this kind of thing works."

"Why don't you have one?" Aiden asked.

"Not everyone gets one. Your mother made sure

you were going to get a Wah cat, mine didn't." Liam

shrugged. "I'll share Ty." He had to giggle. "I sort of

do have one. I have a turquoise and white stuffed cat. I

pretend he's a Wah cat. I've had him forever."

"I don't think they share well." Aiden laughed. "I

can't believe I have two damn animals in my life. You

certainly make things interesting Brat." He did recall

seeing the turquoise cat off and on. In fact it was

almost unnerving when he popped into Liam's

bedroom to see its glittering eyes watch his every

move from its various perches.

"I aim to please." Liam pulled Aiden down onto

the sturdy lawn chair and then sat on his lap. "Look,

you can actually see a few stars if you squint in the

right way."

"I only see one." Aiden was gazing at Liam. He

wiggled his eyebrows making Liam laugh. "I have to

admit this was a damn good birthday, or parts of it


"Hey you didn't get any cake."

"After seven - carbs." Aiden began.


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"Shut up, it's your birthday." Liam kissed him.

"Should we go to the cake or have the cake come to


"I suppose I won't hear the end of it, we might as

well find the gang." He looked over at his new

roomies and said. "We're going out - the two of you

behave. Ty, keep an eye on Killer and remember he's

young and a dog." Ty was the same age as the dog,

but he was a Wah cat after all.

"Shit, they brought the cake back to Lisa's."

Aiden and Liam stood on the porch after Liam had

magicked them to the cake.

"Might as well get it over with." Liam walked

into the house, his hand in Aiden's. "Hey guys, hope

you saved us some cake."


ASSHOLE." Daniel shouted.

"You didn't invite Liam. I had to find him."

Aiden drawled and walked inside. "Nice cake Rick."

"It isn't everyday someone turns thirty." Richard

laughed. "Liam, after licking the icing bowl and eating

the left over cake batter, I'd think you'd be tired of it."

"No way, I love it." Liam sat at the table, his eyes

on the cake. "Come on Aiden, sit down. The birthday

boy should cut the cake."

Aiden rolled his eyes, but he had to admit, after

Liam's birthday surprise, he was rather enjoying the

attention. He had been loved all these years, somehow

knowing that, made him accept the love from others

much easier.


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Daniel watched, eyes closed in slits of anger.

Evan was happy to find plates for the cake. Bob was

looking for ice cream.

"Where did the girls go?" Liam asked.

"They figured Aiden had disappeared for the

night, they went home." Evan answered. "But I knew

that he was going to find his Liam."

Liam glowed with the words. "Aiden always

knows where I am."

"That's because you're a fucking stalker." Daniel


Liam grinned at him and stuck out his tongue

before turning to his plate. "Hurry up and cut the

cake." Liam urged Aiden.

"Don't you have to fit into a tux tonight?" Aiden

laughed as he leaned forward to cut the cake. "Dakota

is going to want her date to look good."

"I always look good." Liam smirked. "I still think

you'd look amazing in a tux, especially if you showed

up at the prom."

"Not going to happen Brat, Aiden doesn't need

that kind of shit and publicity. He does work you

know." Daniel glared.

"No shit." Liam leaned his head against Aiden's

shoulder. "You would look amazing." He whispered

loud enough for them all to hear.

"You'll do just fine with Dakota." Aiden said. He

forked up a piece of cake and placed it in Liam's

mouth. "One for the road."

The next day as Liam was getting ready for the

prom, he began to feel uneasy. He wasn't sure why,


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but with each advancing minute, the uneasiness

increased. He called Dakota but she was full of bubbly

excitement about the upcoming night, so he didn't say

anything. Whatever it was had to be nerves, or at least

that's what he put it down to.

He spent the day getting ready. Not so much for

Dakota, but for his anticipated night with Aiden. He

knew that while the man had no intention of showing

up at the dance, he'd still plan something great for the

rest of the evening. He and Dakota spent the day

having pedicures and manicures and generally being

pampered. But try as he might, he just couldn't get rid

of the feeling of impending doom. Even the weather

wasn't cooperating. Heavy clouds dark and forbidding

rolled around the skies, making the day seem grey and

heavy. The air smelled of city fumes that couldn't

escape because of the cloud cover and everywhere he

went, tempers were frayed.

But it was prom day and Liam was determined

that his best friend would have an amazing time. He'd

actually convinced himself that it was a fitting end to

the school year, being with his best friend. After all

that's how they'd begun, as two kids attending

kindergarten hand in hand.

The evening for Liam seemed to happen like a

slow motion movie. He picked Dakota up and they

arrived fashionably late at the hotel where the dance

was being held. He parked close to the hotel entrance

and walked her inside. The atmosphere was heavy

outside, but it didn't carry into the brightly lit hotel.


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Once inside it was easy to forget and let the magic of

the evening overtake the two of them.

They danced and laughed for almost two hours

when the music seemed to fade and Liam turned to see

Aiden walk in, as handsome as he'd imagined. No one

noticed red glowing eyes that sparkled like rubies here