Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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W here did my master go?" Killer asked the

golden kitten. He was sitting on the floor

watching the kitten push silken pillows on the floor

from the high white mountain that he would later learn

was a sofa and not to be jumped on.

"He's busy." Ty panted. It was a lot of work

making sure this stupid dog had a place to sleep.

"There that's the last one. Now you can sleep here.

Aiden will have a bed for you soon."

"You don't have a bed." The puppy sniffed the

cushions before putting one of his saucer sized paws

on it. It slipped and he fell forward, legs askew. "Very

dangerous." He muttered as he clambered on.

"I am Wah, I sleep where I please." Ty said

jumping back up to the sofa to stare down at the curly


"That's not fair." Killer whined.

"Having to look after a stupid dog is not fair. I'm

not whining about that." Ty glared before settling


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himself on the soft white sofa, his ends tucked under.

"Go to sleep."

Aiden waited until nightfall of the day after

Liam's prom, before he made his first move. He'd

been back to the apartment for a few minutes to make

sure Killer and Ty were fed and to explain to Ty what

had happened. He needed the cat to be aware that his

guardianship of the loft was more needed than ever.

Killer at his young age was more like a typical, rather

dumb dog. Being fuzzy black and larger than he

should be wasn't helping his image any.

Ty had dragged a few cushions off of the sofa for

Killer to sleep on. At least the dog wasn't able to

climb on the bed yet. For that Aiden was grateful.

He changed into black jeans and a black tee shirt

before grabbing his leather jacket and heading to

Shay's place. He needed to reassure himself that his

son was safe and that the security precautions were in

place to keep him that way.

"Aiden, how's Liam?" Vanessa asked when she

opened the door. It hadn't taken long before all of

Davie Street and most of Vancouver knew about the

attack that was being described as a gay bashing.

"Still the same." He said stepping into her house.

"I want to see Shay before I head back to the


"He's in the living room." Vanessa looked at her

friend. "The radio station says no one knows what

happened. They can't get a clear statement from

anyone, just a lot of garbled thoughts. There's

speculation it was some kind of prank that went


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wrong." She lowered her voice not wanting to speak

the words out loud. "Could it really have been a gay


"I wouldn't know. Things happened too quickly

for me to tell what was happening and why." Aiden

lied as he picked up Shay from the swing he was in.

"Hey there Pumpkin, it's been a busy couple of days."

"Li?" Shay asked in a small voice.

"I'm looking after it." Aiden whispered to his son

as he nuzzled the baby's neck. "I want you to stay


Just then the doorbell rang and Vanessa went over

to answer it. "Mrs. Mac Ruaidhri." She stammered,

not quite knowing what to say.

Aiden knew immediately that his mother was

there to protect his son. She was a powerful part of the

Wahjee people, though until a couple of days ago he

hadn't realized just how powerful she was. "Mom, this

is Seamus, we call him Shay." Aiden said handing his

son to his mother. No words were spoken between

them. Vanessa was human and they couldn't discuss

what was needed in front of her.

"Hello." Margaret said to the baby. "I'm your

Nanny Margaret." She kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry to

drop in on you unannounced, but Aiden insisted."

Margaret said to Vanessa.

"I forgot to mention you were coming over,

mom." Aiden said. He turned to Vanessa. "If you

don't mind, mom would like to spend some time with

Shay. I have to get back to Liam."


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"But…" Vanessa began confused as to why

Aiden's mother was there. She'd been under the

impression that Aiden didn't get along with his

mother, and here she was and Aiden was fine with it.

But her WASP upbringing took over and Vanessa

smiled. "Would you like a cup of tea Mrs. Mac


"That would be lovely dear." Margaret said. "I

think Shay and I will sit here on the rocking chair.

What a delightful room you have, from here you can

see every entrance and still look out the windows."

She smiled and sat down. "Aiden, you run along and

see to Liam. He needs you now. Shay will be fine, he

is, after all, your son." And then she said something

Vanessa thought was weird. "With each generation of

hearts filled with white light, the light increases and

thus does the power. That is your gift to your son."

Aiden flushed, kissed his mother on her cheek

and his son on his forehead before moving to the door.

"I'll call you when I know something, Vans." He said

to his friend.
