Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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L iam, his mind trapped in a body that was stuck in

a hospital bed, broken and aching, raged silently,

eyes shut. He'd been blindsided by Brad Chambers

and he knew it. By letting his guard down for a few

seconds to show Aiden the love he felt for him in the

presence of the humans that he'd attended school

with. He couldn't believe he'd made such a stupid

mistake. He should have known things were going too


He could hear sounds that indicated he was in a

hospital. It made sense. To a human, he'd look like

he'd been assaulted. His head hurt, no doubt where

Brad Chambers had lobbed the spell to kill him. If he

could have laughed he would have. Brad must be

pissed. Liam was protected by more than just his own

hereditary powers, he had Aiden and Shay aligned

with him now. Love alignments were more powerful

than any other kind. Not that it was doing him a lot of

good right now. Of course being alive was a good

thing. Being alive and in a state resembling a coma,


244 Magical Moonlight

was a bad thing. Liam wondered how he was going to

get out of this. Or better yet, how Aiden was going to

get him out of this mess. He knew without a doubt that

Aiden would be doing everything he could to find

Chambers and reverse what had been done.

"Li, Li." The words filtered into his conscious

mind, relaxing him slightly. It was Shay. "Li, don't be

sad, Da fix." He heard. "Shay sing sleep song for

you." And then Liam began to hear the words of the

ancient lullaby he'd once sung to the baby. The words

accented correctly, though the voice was only learning

how to speak. A haunting melody woven with healing

power filled Liam's mind. The red head that had

discovered the love of a child at such a young age,

gave himself up into the baby's hands, knowing he'd

be safe while he slept.

In the waiting area near Liam's hospital room,

Lisa arrived with lunch for anyone who might be

there. She was hoping that she'd see Aiden; she knew

how much he must have been beating himself up over

what had happened. Liam's bashing, for that's what it

was now being called, had affected a lot of people in

the community.

A quick peek inside Liam's room told her he was

alone except for a stuffed toy, a turquoise cat on the

pillow by his head. She'd been surprised right from

the start that his mother wasn't around. Lisa had a

warm feeling for the young boy lying in the sterile

room. She couldn't leave him in there alone. Looking

back over her shoulder to check on the others, Lisa

slipped inside. "Hey there Baby." She spoke softly,


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afraid to make any noise. Though the machines that

beeped and groaned and sloshed didn't have the same


Lisa pulled a chair up beside Liam's bed and took

his hand in hers. "You're doing good, well pretty

good. You've given us all quite a scare. Aiden is out

trying to be his usual super hero self, you know how

he gets. Richard is going home soon to bake. I bet

your nurses will get sick of all the cakes and cookies

he ends up bringing in." she smoothed Liam hair back

off of his forehead and then leaned in to kiss him

gently. "Your temperature is fine." She smiled and sat

back down. "You sleep baby and get better, let your

body heal. I'll just sit here and watch over you."

She ignored the tear that ran down her cheek as

she began to pray the prayers of her youth. While she

prayed, she was sure she could hear singing in a

language she didn't know. The words were somehow

comforting. They made her feel safe and secure,

though she wasn't sure why. The words of the song

wove in and around her, making the room seem like it

was filled with cotton wool, and Lisa's eyes closed,

her head lay on the bed beside Liam's hand. She slept

the sleep of the just, knowing she was safe, though

from what she never knew or even wondered about.

Aiden realized as he made the rounds searching

for Brad Chambers, that this fight between the

Chambers' and Liam was going to be something that

wouldn't end now or easily. The best he could hope

for would be to find Chambers and secure him enough


246 Magical Moonlight

that Liam's body and mind could be released from the

thrall the kid had put him into.

He was walking out to his Lexus, Killer on a

leash, when Daniel seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Hey Aiden." Daniel said. "Mom said not to worry,

she's staying with Liam today."


Daniel looked in horror at his pant leg that was now

firmly in Killer's mouth, a deep very grown up growl

coming from the large puppy.

"Biting your pant leg." Aiden drawled as he

looked down. "Hey Killer, your job is inside not

outside." The dog stopped what he was doing and

looked up at Aiden. "I'm not worried about Liam, he's

in good hands." He bent down to pat the dog. "I have

to take Killer for a short walk and then I have things to


"Who owns the dog?" Daniel asked, walking well

away from sharp puppy teeth.

"He's mine."

"You don't like dogs."

"I like you, why wouldn't I like dogs?" Aiden


"You've never had a dog before."

"I have one now."

"Where did you get it?"

"What is this, twenty questions? He was a present

from Liam." Aiden had walked the dog to a grassy

area down the block while Daniel followed along.

"I should have known." Daniel sounded pissed.


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"Don't go there Danny." Aiden warned. He

leaned down and cleaned up after Killer before turning

to head back to the apartment. His stride was long, but

the puppy kept up. He might have been young, but he

didn't mind running after his master.

"Aiden, have you spoken to the police yet?"

Daniel continued as he ran after his old friend.

"About what?" Aiden asked, of course he knew

about what, but he wanted Daniel to say the words.

"About Liam's bashing. I mean you could have

been hurt or even killed. I don't understand why you

went there anyway. I mean, it was just a dance with a

bunch of kids. You didn't even go to our prom."

Aiden could see Liam's point. There were

certainly times when Daniel would make a great toad.

"Can't talk now, Danny." Aiden said, letting himself

and Killer into the building and then doing something

he wouldn't normally have considered. He put a quick

spell on the door making it unable to open for two

minutes. Long enough for Daniel to become

discouraged and leave.

"Hey Ty." Aiden said, once he and Killer were

inside the loft. The cat had jumped up to his shoulder,

his favorite perch. Aiden wasn't sure how the small

cat managed to do this trick without him feeling

claws, but it was rather reassuring once he was there.

He felt a momentary sadness that he'd been unable to

have a Wah cat when he was eight, but glad he had

one now. "I know for sure now that it was the

Chambers family who poisoned their son's mind

against Liam. And because of that Brad felt he should


248 Magical Moonlight

do something to destroy the boy. I'd like to think he

hadn't meant to use enough force to kill him, but I

don't know that for sure. If Shay hadn't intervened by

warning me, there might have been an all out war

declared. It isn't how I've lived my life. I've never

knowingly harmed anyone and I don't plan on starting

now. I need some help from you Ty, in figuring out

how we're going to handle this. I need Liam back and

I need him back now and in good shape."

Aiden found talking to Ty somehow comforting.

He was glad Daniel wasn't around to see or hear him.

He'd think he'd lost his mind. There were times he

wondered himself if he hadn't done just that. Times

when he held a red headed boy twelve years his junior

with laughing blue eyes and an insatiable desire for

sex and wondered how he'd come to love him. Aiden

shook his head to clear it.

He sealed the door to his loft and headed for the

shower. For what he had to do, he needed to be

prepared. His knowledge of spells and magic and all

the other rigmarole that went with being a wizard of

the highest order was nothing he'd ever needed

lessons to learn or an apprenticeship to fill. Things

like that were for those who knew bits and pieces of

Wahjee lore, not really understanding that there was

truth in legend.

Aiden Mac Ruaidhri was from a long line of

powerful Irish based Wahjee. Some even said that the

Mac Ruaidhri's had been part of the first High

Council and leaders of the little people, the elves and

leprechauns, fairies and pixies. It didn't matter to


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Aiden right now. He knew what he'd been born to do.

What his mother had wanted for him from the moment

of his birth and perhaps even longer than that. He was

meant to keep Liam Taylor safe and out of harm, for

the young red head was meant for great things in his

lifetime. And he was to do so, by using white light and

white light only, nothing that would harm Zane

Chambers or his son Brad. He needed to find a way to

turn the evil Brad had unleashed back on the boy, for

it would return doubled or more.

Brad Chambers would be stopped by his own

hand, not by Aiden Mac Ruaidhri or Liam Taylor's.

And so began Aiden's all night vigil on the roof

of his apartment building. Tonight, like every night for

the next twenty-one days, Aiden showered, cleaning

his body. When he was done, he and the two animals

would walk up to the roof under the cover of darkness.

Killer would pace around the grassy area three times

before settling down just right of center. Aiden was

sitting directly in the center of the grass, his legs

folded in the lotus position. Once they were settled.

Ty would make the circle counter clockwise seven

times, taking care to stop and listen at the four points,

north, south, east and west, before he would walk to

Aiden and sit on the cross his legs made.

On the other side of the city, Shay would be

rocked in his grandmother's arms while she, and in

turn he, would sing the protection lullaby that kept his

mother's calm and accepting of the nightly visits from

Margaret Mac Ruaidhri and his Liam safe. Two things

that were necessary for his father to pull in white light


250 Magical Moonlight

from himself and from Liam to form a barrier to return

that which meant harm to Brad Chambers and his


And each night for twenty-one days, Liam lay

sleeping in his hospital bed, a turquoise toy on guard,

its eyes sparkling. His superficial injuries healed, but

he was still trapped inside himself, unable to speak or

even open his eyes. He could hear the care and

concern in the voices of those who continued to visit

him day after day. He knew they were worried that he

wouldn't regain consciousness. And he knew that one

and all were unhappy that Aiden didn't appear to ever

visit the hospital.

But he wasn't, because each night, just before

midnight, Aiden popped into his room to kiss him

goodnight and tell him he was loved. He would rub

lip-gloss into his lips and smooth lotion into his skin.

It was only the barest of moments, but it was enough

to keep Liam from lapsing into despair, as he knew his

Aiden was taking care of him.

Twenty-one nights of sitting naked under the star

strewn sky, in all weather. Protected by those who

loved him, guarded by a young dog, that by the twenty

first day had tripled in size. And by a Wah cat, golden

and sleek, eyes as green as glass, mentally connected

to Aiden, and in turn with Liam, as Aiden's true love.

In this time, with the help of Wahjee all over the

world, Aiden focused on Liam until finally on that last

day, he'd located the exact point where the black

forces Brad Chambers had used, were hidden inside

Liam's still body.


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Aiden used all that he had to get around the

hidden spot, not noticing the clouds above his head

that threatened to come lower and eventually smother

the life force from his body.

Killer was the first to be aware of the evil

pressing down. He might not have magic in his body.

Or be from a long line of Wah cats. But he was a dog

and dogs throughout time, have forged a bond with

their pack, of which Aiden was the leader. He gave

one quiet woof, uttered low enough not to startle

Aiden, but loud enough to warn Ty. Ty had grown as

well during the past three weeks, but not to the same

extent as his roommate. But he'd grown inside as

well, developing his inborn powers so when the dog

warned him, he was able to ward off the evil that

threatened to envelope them all.

All this drama in the city of Vancouver was

taking place while life around them went on. The

defeat of the heavy evil above the Bradley building

snapped back to the lump of evil placed inside of

Liam, causing it to vibrate with such strength that in

seconds, with Aiden guiding it, the evil ricocheted

back to Brad Chambers. It exploded around him with

enough force that he'd be dogged by bad luck in all

aspects of his life for the next seven years. All brought

on through his jealousy of Liam.

At dawn, Aiden rose to his feet. He shook off the

stiffness in his body, smiling when he saw Killer and

Ty doing much the same. "I'm going to get my boy

back." He announced to the two animals.


252 Magical Moonlight

Killer loped around the roof jumping and hopping

like some kind of multi jointed clown dog. He was so

excited about hearing Liam was returning. Ty watched

him for a few minutes and then lifted his leg to wash

the base of his tail. The dog irritated him some of the


Sun peeked over the treetops facing Liam's

hospital room. As it gained in strength, the positive

rays shone in the window, touching his skin. Closed

eyes fluttered open to stare into hazel eyes filled with

longing. "Hey there, Liam. It's time to come home."

Aiden leaned down and claimed his lover's lips. He

never noticed the absence of Liam's guardian stuffed


"Aiden." Liam murmured. "I knew you'd save


"I had to. You know I can't sleep without you

beside me." He joked.

"But you have Ty." Liam grinned a wobbly grin.

"I'm just not into pussy." Aiden laughed. "I think

I should call someone to come and check you out. I

want to take you home as soon as I can."

"I want to go home." Liam said quietly. He

looked into Aiden's eyes, "That is if the loft is my


"For now it is." Aiden sighed. "After this latest

attempt by Chambers, I wouldn't feel right to leave

you at Lisa's. For both of your sakes. You know how

these black lights work. If they can't get to the one

they want, they get the one's close to the one they



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"That sounds too complicated to think about."

Liam rubbed his head. "Fuck, I have a scar."

"It adds character to an otherwise too perfect

twink face." Aiden said as he kissed the scar.

"Asshole, you'd be screaming if it was your

face." Liam grumbled as he snuggled closer to Aiden.

"My head hurts and I'm starving to death. Don't they

feed you when you're in a coma?"

"No such thing as coma burgers." Aiden rang for

the nurse. "He's awake and hungry." Aiden

announced when she walked into the room.

"Mr. Taylor, do you know what day it is?" she


"How would I know? I've been in a coma." He

looked at her with suspicion. "I want out of here. So

get me unhooked from all this stuff." He indicated his

lap, where he had a catheter.

"First your doctor has to see you. After that, he'll

give me instructions for your continued care." She

bustled around.

"When is he coming? I don't want to wait." Liam

wiggled in the bed and then fell back. He was weaker

than he realized but didn't want to admit it to anyone,

least of all the nurse. He could tell by her eyes that she


"He'll be in before eleven." She said. "But I'll

call him and see if I can remove some of the more

intrusive things."

Aiden held onto Liam's hand, squeezing it gently.

"Don't be so impatient Brat. I want you home fast too.

You have no idea how much trouble those two


254 Magical Moonlight

birthday presents are. You deserve half the fun of

looking after them."

Liam looked at Aiden and saw he was being

teased. "You love it and you know it." He giggled. "I

can't wait to see Killer. I bet he's gotten huge. Did

you know that standard poodles are really, really big


"Oh, is that what's wrong with him. I thought

you'd put a spell on him or something witch boy. The

damn dog is bigger every time I see him. I swear he

grows an inch or more a day."

"I love you." Liam whispered.

"I know you do." Aiden smiled and kissed the top

of the red head's head. "Don't change the subject.

Why did you get me a dog that is going to grow to be

as large as a small moose?"

"He was cute and he needed a home. I found him

at the pound. Even though he was a purebred, he'd

been surrendered because he chewed up some kind of

designer shoes. I mean, who puts a dog in the pound

just because he was being a dog?"

"Apparently someone who doesn't own a Wah

cat. Ty would beat that dog's ass if he did anything

like that in the loft." Aiden huffed. "I've seen him do


"I've missed a lot." Liam looked downcast. "How

is Shay?"

"Shay is doing just fine." Aiden walked over to

the window and looked out. "And so is my mother.

You do have a way of making things happen don't


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you? Even if you are unconscious. You're good, damn


"Of course I am, I'm kind of an apprentice High

Council head guy."

"Hmmm, is that the official term?" Aiden asked

with a laugh. "All joking aside, mom has been

keeping Shay safe. There had been some idea by

Chambers to do something to the kid. But she's on the

top of her game and headed off anything dark,

redirecting it back to the originator."

"Hey, is Vanessa okay with your mom hanging


"She doesn't seem to mind." Aiden shrugged. "I

suspect that either Shay or mom has something to do

with the ease of her being there."

"Good, I'm glad." Liam looked thoughtful.

"Aiden, your son is going to be very powerful when

he comes of age. More powerful than either of us."

"I know. That's why I need you to recover, to

help keep him safe. He's going to be a handful

growing up. We have to keep him from harm until

he's able to realize what he's going to be." Aiden

sighed. "Now, can I trust you to behave while they see

if you're going to implode? I promise you that I will

take you to the loft immediately, once you're


"And fuck me?"

"Maybe." Aiden smirked. His long legs took him

back to the bed and in seconds Liam found himself

thoroughly kissed before seeing Aiden disappear


256 Magical Moonlight

through the door on his way to what ever it is that he

felt he