Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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M om I'm not going." Liam lay on the sofa; his

mother stood over him glaring down at her

stubborn son.

"Of course you're going. It's his first birthday.

You have to be there for him as well as his father. You

are, in effect, his Wahjee godfather. It is up to you to

see that his age progression is suitably honored for

what he's accomplished in the previous year."

"It is also up to me to make sure he lives for

another age celebration." Liam closed his eyes. The

past few months had taken a toll on him. The

Chambers clan never seemed to give up in their quest

to take down anyone Liam loved. "I'm not so sure my

being there for his birthday celebration is going to

help accomplish that."

"Liam, this is not negotiable. You will be at

Shays birthday." Morgan Taylor knelt down beside

her son. She was no sooner down when Killer

bounded over from his observation post on the steps

up to the bedroom. He had grown taller than most


266 Magical Moonlight

dogs. His long legs seemed almost foreign to his body

and Liam was sure he had an extra joint in them. He

was a gentle giant though and was under the

impression he was the size of Ty. So he constantly did

his best to sit on anyone who paused long enough.

"Killer, go sit down." Morgan said with a smile.

She waved her hand to magic him tenderly back to his

perch. Killer thought of this as a game he could play

with Liam's mother, so he rarely stayed long wherever

she put him. "You know Liam, Aiden should take that

dog to obedience school."

"You tell him, he won't listen to me." Liam rolled

over on his stomach. "Don't you have something to

do? I mean, better than hanging around the loft

bugging me?" The buzzer sounded and Liam groaned.

"I bet that's Dakota to take over nagging. You can

leave now."

"Liam, that's no way to talk to your mother." She

walked over to the intercom to see who wanted in.


"Hi, can Liam come out and play?" Dakota

answered, way too bubbly for Liam's taste.

"Come on in, Dakota." Morgan laughed. "Would

you like a cup of tea or something Liam?" she asked,

heading for the kitchen.

"Mom, what is with this penchant for hanging out

here?" Liam sat up exasperated. "I mean I don't see

you for weeks and then all of a sudden, I can't move

without tripping over you."


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Morgan laughed. "I like to see you Liam, you are

never available. Aiden suggested that I beard you in

your den so to speak."

"Aiden, you asked Aiden?" Liam's mouth hung


"Of course I did. He is your partner after all." She

put the kettle on to boil.

The man in question walked through the door that

he'd had built on the far side of the loft, Ty perched

on his shoulder as usual. It was barely noticeable and

led not only up to the roof, but to a private and rather

hidden office area. "Hey Morgan." He kissed her

cheek. "Is the Brat giving you any trouble?"

"No, of course not Aiden." She smiled up at him

not, surprised when he headed for the loft door to pull

it open to a surprised Dakota who'd been about to


"Dakota, what a surprise." Aiden smirked. "I see

Morgan has called in reinforcements." Aiden and

Morgan had been working on Liam to attend the

birthday party for the last couple of days.

"For what?" Dakota asked, looking at Liam and

then back at Aiden and Morgan. "Liam, you said we

were going shopping. You aren't even ready."

"That was yesterday Dakota. When you blew me

off for some guy, I figured you didn't want to go."

"Get over yourself." She snorted. "You know I

had to do that project with Sean. You could have


"I have my own projects." Liam did bounce over

and give his friend a quick hug, before turning and


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giving Aiden one of his famous smiles. "Okay, I'll go

to Shay's birthday party."

"Just like that?" Aiden turned to Morgan who


"Cool, we're going to a birthday party." Dakota

clapped her hands. "When?"

"This afternoon. It's for Shay, he's one today."

"Oh my gawd, I can't believe he's one year old

already." Dakota beamed. "Did you finish that…" she

didn't get any further before Liam had claimed her

lips with his to silence her. "Are you out of your

mind?" she asked, wiping her mouth with the back of

her hand.

Aiden snickered and Morgan shook her head.

"He's young and impetuous." Aiden offered.

"He's crazy." Dakota, her original thought

forgotten. "You know Aiden, it's kind of weird how

you let that cat sit on your shoulder all the time."

"I agree." Aiden said with a shrug. "But have you

ever tried to teach a cat to not do something? It's

damn impossible. Ty decided from the start that this is

where he should sit when I'm home. It was cute when

he was younger and smaller, but I swear now he

weighs twenty pounds. I'm going to be permanently


"Why doesn't he sit on Liam?" she asked,

scratching the cat under his chin.

"Because he's my cat." Aiden smiled as if his

words explained everything. "So Dakota, do you want

to come to Shay's party with us?"

"Sure, but let me go and find him a present first."


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"He's one, he won't care if you don't bring him

anything." Aiden said.

"But I'll care." Dakota looked over at Morgan.

"What do you think he should have at his age?" she


"Well, that depends I suppose, on the child."

Morgan looked thoughtful. "I bought him a game to

develop his motor skills."

"Liam and I have something for him that he'll

grow up with." Aiden smirked. "But you'll both have

to wait until its time for presents to see it."

"You guys are no fun." Dakota pretended to pout.

"I'm going to get him a book. Kids like books."

"You'd better find a book with an interesting

story. I think he's gone through all his real baby kind

of books." Liam laughed. "He's like ready for War

and Peace."

"Slight exaggeration there Sunshine." Aiden

ruffled Liam's hair.

Three hours later everyone trooped into the back

yard of Shay's home. The party was in full swing.

Evan, dressed in his best idea of garden party finery,

was fluttering around making sure everyone had

drinks or food.

"It's about time you got here." Rosalie started.

Liam gave her a quick hug. "Sorry we're late

Rosalie, but we really couldn't help it.

"DA, Li" Shay shouted from his place on the

grass where he'd been playing with bits of paper and

ribbons. He stood up on uncertain legs and began to

toddle toward his two favorite men.


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"Hey there Sonny Boy." Aiden smiled as he

watched his son make his way to him. He squatted

down, but made the boy walk all the way on his own.

Shay needed the practice. Shay finally made it and

threw himself into his father's arms.

Aiden lifted him up and swung him around. "One

year old Seamus my boyo. Imagine that." He kissed

him on the forehead, making the child giggle.

Liam leaned over and kissed his young friend.

"Happy birthday Shay." He touched the heart shaped

mark he'd placed a year ago, reinforcing the

protection power for another year. "You will be safe

and you will be loved." He murmured. His ward

laughed with the warmth that flowed through his body

at Liam's touch. Aiden flushed with pleasure knowing

Liam felt about Shay the same way he did.

"Nanny." Shay said, wiggling in Aiden's grasp.

"Hello Master Shay." Margaret Mac Ruaidhri

said, walking up to Aiden and Liam. She kissed her

grandson and issued his birthday blessing, her words

fast and sure in the ancient language of the Wahjee.

Seamus was twice blessed on this special day. Aiden

relaxed for a moment knowing his son was sure to be

safe for another year.

"Mom, you were able to get away." Aiden said.

"Nice to see you Mrs. Mac Ruaidhri." Liam

kissed her cheek. Aiden, despite the past year and his

knowledge now of his childhood and the part his

mother played in it, still had some issues not resolved.

"Liam." She smiled. "I wouldn't have missed this

birthday blessing for anything. I understand you and


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Aiden have gifted Shay with his own Wah cat. When

is the gifting ceremony?" she looked around. The yard

was filled with humans. No gifting ceremony would

take place this afternoon.

"Good question." Aiden glanced over where

Vanessa and Rosalie were arguing about something.

"What's their problem?"

"I'm not sure." Margaret glanced their way.

"They've been rather testy with each other all

afternoon. It didn't help that the two of you were late."

"Blame our lateness on the drama princess here."

Aiden hip checked Liam who laughed. "Go diffuse the

moms, why don't you Liam my boy."

"Aye, aye Captain." He saluted before heading in

the direction of the food table and Rosalie and

Vanessa. "Hey guys." He said. "Nice party." He

reached for a plate and began to put some of the food

on it.

"Liam, thank you for the painting." Vanessa

gushed. "It's brilliant."

"Not bad Liam." Rosalie admitted. "Though I'm

not so sure about the cat in it. We don't have one."

Liam suppressed a groan. He should have known

the new Wah kitten would assert his presence as soon

as he'd been chosen. Cats have no idea of discretion.

"I'm glad you both like it." The painting had been a

family portrait done from a series of photos. It was of

Rosalie and Vanessa with Shay and apparently, the

damn Wah kitten.

"I really can't stand cats." Rosalie shuddered.

"They're so sneaky."


272 Magical Moonlight

"Shay loves Ty." Liam tried. "The two of them

play all the time. They even seem to talk to one


"It figures Aiden would have a sudden urge to fill

his loft with animals." Rosalie glared. "He probably

knew Seamus would want to have his own menagerie


Liam sighed; this afternoon's gifting of the Wah

cat was going to take some doing. And then there was

going to be the little problem of Rosalie. "A child

should have something to care for and love." He


"Don't give me that shit." Rosalie snorted.

"Aiden Mac Ruaidhri just wants to make my life

miserable." She turned and walked away.

"That was pleasant." Liam smiled, helping

himself to a sandwich. "Yum, egg salad" he bit into it.

"Don't mind Rosalie, she never had pets when

she was growing up." Vanessa began. "Well neither

did I. I'm not so sure having a pet would be a good

thing for Shay. We aren't around to look after it


"Cats don't need a lot of looking after." Liam

defended. "I mean, look at Aiden. He's like the poster

boy for being a workaholic, but he has Killer and Ty."

Vanessa giggled. "I still can't believe you got him

a poodle."

"Killer may be a poodle, but he's a big one."

Liam grinned up at her. "And he's good for Aiden. He

gives him something to think about besides himself


ER Bryant 273

and forces him to take a bit of leisure time that doesn't

involve heavy drinking at The Odyssey."

"Liam, Vanessa." They looked over at Morgan

who had joined them.

"Hey mom." Liam said.

"Morgan." Vanessa smiled. "I'm so glad you

could come. It's important that Shay has all of his

family around."

"He looks like he could use a nap." Morgan

observed. Shay had his head on Aiden's shoulder, his

thumb in his mouth.

"It's been a busy day." Vanessa admitted. "I

should maybe put him down for an hour or so."

"Let me. I don't get to see him that often."

Morgan offered. "You stay out with your guests."

Vanessa was content to allow Morgan to put Shay

down for his afternoon nap. With one thing and

another, she didn't notice that Aiden and Liam, as

well as Margaret Mac Ruaidhri, all disappeared into

the house with her son.

In Shay's room, once he was changed and made

ready for sleep, the Wah cat gifting ceremony began.

Part of that ceremony would be the naming of the

kitten. But that could only be done by Shay.

The birthday boy sat in his crib, interested in the

proceedings. One by one everyone came up to him

and blessed his birthday with their wishes for him.

Then they formed a circle with Shay and his crib as

part of that circle. The room darkened and then in the

center of the circle, seven Wah kittens appeared with

their mother.


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"The joining of Wah cat and Wahjee is a special

rite of passage. It can only happen once in one's

lifetime and must be equally the choice of kitten and

child. Rare exceptions have been made, but in this

case the power of Wah has come to request a gifting

to this child of the Mac Ruaidhri clan." The words

were whispered through the room, though not by

anyone who stood there.

Aiden glanced at the mother cat wondering if,

strangely enough, it was the cat that uttered the words.

"Seamus, will you choose your life companion."

The words resonate through them all.

"Wah, step forward." The kittens all stood up and

began to walk to small boy who watched them with

big round eyes.

"Dawg." Shay said and waved his hand. One of

the kittens immediately appeared in his crib. "Dawg."

He hugged the kitten to him. He had named his kitten

Doug, but to those watching, it sounded like Dawg.

"Dog, he called him dog?" Aiden looked at Liam

who shrugged. They looked down but all the Wah cats

and kittens were gone.

"Seamus, you made a wonderful choice." Morgan

said. "But to call him Dawg."

"Girl kitty." Shay grinned. "Dawg." He lay down

and closed his eyes; one arm around an orange kitten

that looked satisfied with her new person. The kitten

watched them for a moment before closing her eyes.

Though from the tilt of her small head, it was apparent

she was in guard cat mode.
