Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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V ans, where's your better half?" Aiden asked. He

was sitting on the bleachers that had been put up

for the annual Pride Parade. Vancouver's parade was

usually more than three hours long, Aiden knew to

stake out his claim on relatively comfortable seating

early. Liam had disappeared in an attempt to get them

a cold bottle of water and he was waiting somewhat

impatiently. He smiled at Shay who was sitting in his

stroller. He had a stuffed version of Dawg in his hand.

"She's in the parade." Vanessa tried to sound

upbeat. "On that damn motorcycle of hers."

"Ahh, yes, the famous Dykes on bikes." Aiden

grinned. "Rosie going topless?"

"I don't know."

"Why aren't you with her? I mean, isn't your

place to be with your hubby?"

Vanessa thought for a moment. "Yes it is." She

picked Shay up out of his stroller and handed him to

Aiden. "Here you go daddy." She picked up the


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stuffed kitten. "And here's Dawg 2" she snickered. "I

still can't believe we have a kitten at the house."

"Have fun." Aiden waved. "Wave at mommy,

Boyo. She's going to show her tits to the world. It's an

annual ritual that all lesbians do."

Vanessa rolled her eyes heavenward, but said

nothing as she went to find Rosalie.

"Shay, how cool." Liam had found his way back

to Aiden.

"Li." Shay held out his stuffed version of his Wah

cat. "Doug." And instantly the stuffed cat was a real

one, purring loudly.

"Shit." Aiden mumbled trying to shield his son

from prying eyes. "Do something Boyo."

"Uh Shay, that was really cool. But parades aren't

a great place for Wah cats. Dawg should stay at home,

just like Ty does."

Two pairs of innocent looking eyes looked back

at Liam. One pair green with gold flecks much like his

father's and one pair gold with green flecks. "K."

Shay said. He put his nose on Dawg's and whispered

something to the cat. The cat appeared to answer him

back and then a small pink tongue appeared to lick the

end of his boy's nose, a small pop was heard, and

Shay was once again holding the stuffed version.

Aiden looked at the stuffed cat with suspicion.

"Liam, did he just talk to Dawg and did the damn cat

answer back?"

"Uh, looked that way." Liam said, also eyeing the

stuffed version with suspicion. "Uh Aiden, how come


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this toy has the exact same eyes as Dawg? Where did

you find it?"

"I didn't get it for him. I thought you got it for

him." Aiden was poking the stuffed cat with his


"Da, no poking." Shay pulled his toy away.

"Doug hates poking." He bent down and kissed where

Aiden had poked. "All better."

"Please, please tell me it's a toy." Aiden asked no

one in particular.

Liam giggled and patted Aiden on the arm. "Hey

good one Shay, can I see Dawg?"

"No." The boy cuddled his toy. "Shay loves you."

He batted his eyelashes, making Liam giggle.

A roar of motorcycle motors moved into their

hearing and soon all three, or is that four of them,

were enthralled with the intricate movements of the

Dykes on Bikes as they roared up and down, around in

circles and generally performed for the audience. "Ma,

Mamma, tits." Shay yelled out, waving Dawg.

Liam glared at Aiden who snickered. But he said

nothing as they watched the parade.

Shay stood on his father's knees, content that his

father would hold him steady and safe. No one moved

in front of them, thanks to a bit of Wahjee influence,

so their view was unobstructed of the parade and its

participants. When the PFLAG contingent rounded the

corner. Liam kissed Aiden and ran out to join his


"Da, Uncle Danny." Shay pointed to the well

disguised Daniel dressed in full drag. "Looks funny."


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He said as he waved his hand and Daniel, still in drag,

looked decidedly like himself. There was no chance

he wouldn't be recognized by any and all who saw


To make things worse, the unsuspecting Daniel

ran up to one of the parade watchers and kissed him

thoroughly, before laughing and running back. "Shit,

Danny is going to be pissed." Aiden mumbled, though

he couldn't help but grin. His son was definitely

interesting to be around.

Lisa laughed and continued to parade with her

son. She hadn't noticed any difference, because she

had always seen him as he really was. Liam had

noticed immediately what had happened. He

continued to grin and snicker for the rest of the

parade. It was a great day.

Later, when the parade was over, Liam joined

Aiden and his son in the park. Shay was content to sit

in his stroller holding tight to his toy while watching

all the action. The giant sized Inuksuk that faced

English Bay fascinated him. There would be stories

told later about how the Inuksuk seemed to form a

face that smiled with benevolence at the happy crowd

of parade watchers. Shay was content once the spirit

of the living rock had smiled at him.

Liam pushed the stroller and Aiden walked beside

him. They stopped and chatted with friends and Aiden

bought Liam a hot dog. Shay didn't want one for

which Aiden was grateful, Vanessa would have killed



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They found Daniel sitting at a picnic table

surrounded by his mother and other PFLAG ladies. He

looked miserable. "What's up Danny?" Aiden asked.

"Hey Aiden." Daniel looked at Liam and Shay,

but didn't acknowledge them. "I want to go home and

change but I can't get away from them." He nodded at

the women who were all talking at once.

"You look kind of cute." Liam said. "Stick

around dressed like that. There's going to be a dance


"Fuck off." Daniel growled.

"Watch your language Danny, Shay is here."

Aiden drawled. "Pretty brave of you coming out like

you did."

"What are you talking about?" Daniel asked,

looking from Aiden to Liam. "I'm not out at work."

"You are now. I mean kissing your boss kind of

did it for you." Liam snickered. "Talk about cool."

"He won't know who kissed him." Daniel

sneered. Liam pissed him off. "Hey, the kid is

sleeping on that toy. He reached forward to take the

toy cat away from Shay. "Holy shit, the thing bit me."

He shook his hand, staring at his finger.

"Good one Danny." Liam laughed. "A biting toy

cat." He reached down and tucked the kitten in closer

to Shay and folded a light blanket around them.

"Every kid should have one."

"I'm telling you, it bit me." Daniel looked at his

finger, but Aiden had removed the small spot of

blood. "I know it did."


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"Daniel, Daniel." He turned to see who was

calling him. It was Susan from work.

"Fuck." He whispered, looking around to see if

there was any way he could hide.

"Hi Daniel. You look pretty good dressed like

that." She gushed. "Boy, was the boss surprised when

you kissed him." She giggled. "I hope he liked it."

Daniel buried his head in his hands. But then

looked up surprised when Susan grabbed one of his

hands and pulled him to his feet. "Come on Danny,

let's get something to eat. I should be so lucky to look

as good as you do in a dress." She looked around,

spotting Lisa with a camera. "Is that your mom? You

look like her, can she take our picture?"

Before Daniel could say anything, he found

himself posing with Susan, Liam and Aiden; his

mother beaming like she'd won the lottery.

Later that night, Aiden and Liam walked down a

crowded Davie Street. The street has been closed off

earlier to traffic and was filled with vendors under

white tents happy to sell everything from food to

plastic rainbow hued beads. Music filled the air and

people were dancing in the street in front of

Celebrities. "I don't think I want to stay much longer."

Liam began. "But you stay and have a good time."

"Too much excitement for you, magic boy?"

Aiden twirled Liam around to the sound of the music.

"You dance funny." Liam laughed.

"Perhaps." Aiden hunched down to kiss the man

he knew he loved, not that he'd admit it. "But right

now I want to dance funny with you."


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"Me?" Liam asked, but he could see the truth in

Aiden's eyes and his heart filled with joy. The night

was filled with the magic and excitement of gay men

and women heady with the day. He let himself be

swept up in Aiden's arms as they swayed and moved

to the music. Liam threw up a handful of his sparkling

electric puffs to crown the both of them, for they were

truly kings tonight.

It was one of those special nights when dark

shadows could be forgotten, when red eyed strangers

glaring from deep recesses of mist filled alleys could

be ignored and dismissed as tricks of the mind.

Liam and Aiden both knew that they were living a

dream that could be turned into a nightmare at a

moments notice. But with Davie Street surrounded by

music and filled with goodwill and love, it was easy to

forget for a moment or two.

Unaware that they were covered in a web of

protectiveness, the two men danced as if it were only

the two of them alone on the noisy street.

Perched on a ledge that was sheltered by three

well placed and rather ornate black cast iron flower

pots filled with red geraniums, it was Davie Street

after all, sat Ty, ends tucked in, ears alert and

listening, eyes, round, missing nothing. A beautiful

picture if someone should glance up. But what was

unusual, was sitting tall and regal, most definitely a

tad royally, was a larger than life turquoise and white

cat, his eyes golden with violet sparks, his lips curved

in a definite smile while he directed the protection

spell he held in place around two dancing men. There


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was a certain satisfaction in the smile, for the two men

had been bound together from the time of their births,

though others had done their damndest to keep them


"The master and his prince dance well together."

Ty ventured, not sure of his place when Regis, the

high king of all Wah cats, showed himself in person,

rather than the toy version who watched over his red

haired charge.

"As twin flames should." Regis acknowledged,

his head nodding in satisfaction. His tail flicked and

another hidden in black shadow vanished. "The dark

forces are out in strength tonight." He sighed. "I

suppose it was inevitable, happiness causes them


"And the child?" Ty asked, not sure if he should

remind the high king of Aiden's kit.

"The child is well guarded tonight, as he is for all

nights. My daughter sees to that." A brief glare from

gold and violet eyes told Ty he'd over stepped his


"Your Highness." Ty bowed his head in apology.

He looked up, not surprised that the high king had

vanished. He was being tested. It was up to him to

guard the two lost in each other as they danced.
