Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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H ey." Aiden said a thousand different things in

that one small word when he looked at Liam.

He slipped into the booth where his lover was sitting.

It was Liam's favorite, the one at the front of

Hamburger Mary's where the windows could be

rolled back in nice weather exposing the diner to the


"I didn't expect you here today." Liam said,

leaning into Aiden's shoulder.

"Yeah, well I had a free lunch hour and figured

you'd be here. Did you know that Rosalie proposed to


"Proposed, like in asking for her hand in

marriage?" Bob asked. No one had noticed him come

in. He didn't ask, just sat on the bench seat opposite

Aiden and Liam.

"Or her twat." Aiden drawled.

"Nice, a wedding. I wonder if they'll let Even do

the catering." Bob was always trying to promote his



284 Magical Moonlight

Aiden looked around. "I don't suppose we can get

some service here? I need coffee and some food

would be nice too."

"You can share mine." Liam offered.

"I want to live without clogged arteries." Aiden

drawled, but turned and kissed Liam. "Good coffee

needs more sugar." Liam had just taken a sip of his


"Get your own coffee, don't you dare put more

sugar in mine." Liam put his hand over the top of his

coffee mug. "Hey guys." Daniel and Evan had walked


Daniel grunted something and Evan smiled,

blowing a kiss in Liam's direction as they sat down.

"So Robert, why so gloomy?" Aiden asked,

ignoring Liam.

"Nothing." He looked at Liam, not wanting him

to say anything.

"I think Bob needs a change of pace. He needs to

move forward with his life. I mean just because he

isn't working, doesn't mean life should stop. What do

you guys think he likes to do best to relax?"

"Wack off." Evan, Daniel and Aiden said

together. "Wack off to porn." Evan looked at Liam.

"Bobby has the biggest porn collection ever. He even

has some eight-millimeter stuff, not to mention Beta

Max. You know, ones where the guys wear black

socks and masks."

"Black socks and masks?" Liam looked at Aiden.

"You guys are kidding, right?"


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"We kid you not." Evan grinned. "Oh Bobby, you

have to invite Liam over for some old porn viewings.

No gay boy's life should be without."

"I didn't know there was really old gay porn?"

"Depends on what you mean by really old."

Aiden said. "Gay boys had movie cameras just like the

straight boys. Makes sense that they'd make porn."

"I never thought about it." Liam admitted. "Can I

come over and see some of the old stuff. Maybe I'll

learn something."

"Sure you can come and watch." Bob shrugged.

"But you already have an old boyfriend, I'm sure he's

taught you everything you need to know."

Aiden contemplated zapping Bob with some kind

of spell that would make his dick shrink, but before he

could do anything Liam elbowed him in the side.

"Play nice Aiden." He whispered.

The food that had been ordered was delivered just

then. Aiden managed to order a salad and while he

waited for it to arrive, he began to eat Liam's fries.

Daniel watched in astonishment. "Aiden, you're

eating French fries." He finally managed to say.

"No shit." Aiden snickered.

"But you don't eat fries."

"I don't?" Aiden looked at the fry in his hand and

then popped it into his mouth. "Oh."

Liam, one hand under the table, sent a fast itching

spell toward Daniel's crotch while looking innocent.

He let his fingers stroke Aiden's cock. "I think I like

Armani." He said to Aiden. "The material is so thin,

it's like you're wearing nothing much at all." He


286 Magical Moonlight

looked over at Daniel who was squirming

uncomfortably. "What's up Daniel?" he asked.

"Nothing." Daniel said wiggling around.

"If you have to pee Daniel, just go." Liam shook

his head. "You shouldn't put so much pressure on

your bladder. You'll regret it someday."

"I don't fucking have to pee." Daniel spat.

"Then sit still." Aiden answered. "You're jiggling

the table."

"Daniel dear, if you've got crabs or jock itch, I

have just the thing. My great aunt Milly used to say

that the down under critters just couldn't handle a

mixture of white vinegar and baking soda. You make

up a paste and spread it around. I bet I can get Tanya

to make some up for you right now."

"SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP." Daniel screamed,

silencing the entire diner. He was wiggling even more.

One hand was obviously scratching furiously below

the table.

Aiden looked at Liam and shook his head. Liam

flushed red and withdrew the spell. "You were saying


about playing nice?" Liam asked


"You just wait until I get you home young man."

Aiden grinned and shook his finger at the red head.

"Ahhhh, do I have to wait?" Liam whined in a

perfect imitation of a certain someone who was now

slumped in his seat, relief on his face, one hand in his

pants. He did not see his mother descending like the

gorgon from hell on her hapless son.


ER Bryant 287

It was two weeks later when Aiden asked.

"Where are you going?" Liam was heading out the


"I told you before. I'm going over to Bob's to

watch porn." He held up his messenger bag. "I'm

bringing the popcorn." He looked at Aiden. "You

know what's kind of weird though, Bob hasn't

stopped watching, well except for very brief bathroom

breaks, for almost fourteen days. I mean how many

blow jobs can you watch?"

"Apparently a lot of them." Aiden was sitting at

the table using his laptop. Ty was perched on his

shoulder and Killer was stretched out on the floor, so

large and flat he looked like he'd been run over. He

turned around. "I don't think it's good to encourage


"I'm not. I was sick of the stuff after the first

hour. Do you have any idea how many trolls make

porn?" Liam shuddered. "Trust me, a lot more trolls

than hot guys. I've seen so many weird looking dicks I

could write a fucking book. And don't get me started

on assholes."

Aiden snickered. "So what pray tell are you doing

going over there and bringing popcorn?"

"I'm trying to get him to focus on something else.

I mean if he has to eat popcorn, maybe he'll stop

pumping his dick. The place reeks and he never has

the drapes open."

"Buttered popcorn?" Aiden asked, getting up to

wrap his arms around Liam.


288 Magical Moonlight

"Gross, don't even think it." Liam laughed.

"Seriously, Bob has a problem."

"Maybe we all should go over and have an

intervention." Aiden suggested.

"I don't know." Liam doubted having Aiden and

the gang over would do much for Bob other than piss

him off. "Give me today to see if I can convince him

to stop watching porn."

"Maybe you should take Ty with you." Aiden's

hand went to his shoulder and he stroked the cat.

"Why?" Liam asked. He had never had his own

Wah cat. He'd never needed one, his powers were

strong enough or at least that's what he'd figured. No

one had explained why he didn't get one. It was a

question he was going to have to ask his mother


"Ty suggested it." Aiden shrugged. "He's a cat,

how do I know why?"

Liam snickered and looked at Ty. "Why do you

want to come with me? I mean, it's not like I can just

walk down the street with you perched on my

shoulder like some damn budgie."

"I'll come with you, Ty can sit on my shoulder."

Aiden made a move.

"No, that's okay, I'll take him." Liam opened his

messenger bag for the cat to jump in. "Don't put any

cat hairs on my mints."

"Don't put loose mints in your bag." Aiden

laughed. "Watch him Ty."

"Can I drive your car?" Liam asked. "There's

more cat room than mine."


ER Bryant 289

"No." Aiden huffed, kissed him on the nose and

moved back to the table. "Don't be late, we're going

to the girls' for dinner."

"Yum, dinner after dealing with the jack off

king." Liam snorted. "I have learned some cool

techniques though."

"Somehow the thought of Robert's jack off

techniques doesn't really intrigue me." Aiden laughed.

"Go young man, go and complete your mission."

"Ha, funny, ha." Liam laughed and left the loft.

He pounded down the stairs, landing with a thump at

the bottom. "Oops, sorry about that Ty." He said to

the disgruntled cat.

"Watch it kid." The cat muttered to himself. He

didn't notice that Liam snickered. One of Liam's

inherited abilities allowed him to understand animals.

He tried to block it out most of the time. Animals

tended to depress him; they didn't have the greatest of

lives. But he'd always listened to Ty and Killer. Not

that he'd ever let them know it. Perhaps that was why

the Wah cats had refused to allow him to have one of


"Okay, I hope you don't mind cars. I don't want

to take the bus or walk. Bob's place isn't far, so it

won't be a long ride." Liam unlocked his car and

placed the messenger bag on the passenger seat.

"Make yourself comfortable."

Liam ran around to the driver's side. By the time

he was belted in and ready to go. Ty was sitting in the

rear window, watching the world. "Damn, I wish I got


290 Magical Moonlight

out more." The cat muttered to himself. "This is better

than watching that stupid dog day in and day out.

The red head snickered as he started the car. "Hey

Ty, want a quick tour of English Bay before we head

over to Bob's?"

Ty, being a cat, refused to answer directly. But he

did jump into the front seat to stand up with his front

paws on the dash, watching as Liam drove the four

blocks to a riverside park.

Parking under a low hanging willow tree, Liam

smiled at the cat's excitement. "Cool tree, eh Ty?"

Liam commented. The cat jumped onto the passenger

seat and put one paw on the window release button, in

seconds the window rolled down and Ty jumped up

into the tree. "TY YOU DUMB CAT, WE DON'T


getting out of his car.

"Fuck off." Ty hollered back in cat. He'd been

watching trees on movies and television for months.

This was his first real tree. His little foray to Davie

Street had been work, this was for fun. How could he

resist? Ty scampered higher and higher. The air was

filled with scents he'd never processed before. There

was a heady river smell of rotting vegetation lightly

scented with fish, both dead and alive. It was

intoxicating. He ran to the top of the tree and back

down again over and over until he was dizzy and

panting and grinning ear to ear. On his last trip down

he jumped into the window of Liam's car.

"You are one really, really weird cat." Liam

grumbled as he got back into the car. "Cats can't just


ER Bryant 291

run up and down trees in the park. Something could

get them."

Ty glared at Liam and put one leg up over his ear

and began to wash the base of his tail. The cat answer

to someone who pissed them off.

"Now that you've got that out of your system,

we're going to Bob's. He actually could use some

kind of distraction. Maybe if you have a session of the

cat crazies at his place he'll stop pulling his dick. It

might fall off." Liam snickered. "Now that would get

his attention."

The car started its journey again. Ty, satisfied

with his adventure, preened on the front seat.

Anything else that happened today would be gravy as

far as he was concerned. He'd climbed a tree, reached

for the sky over and over. Life was good for this Wah


"Hey Bob." Liam said when he walked into his

friend's place. The apartment was dark as usual, lit

only by the glow from the television set.

"Hey." Bob answered, barely looking over at

Liam. The kid had been there on and off for a few

days, maybe a week, he wasn't sure, but he was used

to having him around.

Liam picked up some of the garbage on the island

counter top before putting his messenger bag down.

Ty poked his head out and looked around. His

whiskers twitched at the funky smell. "This human is

a pig." He merowed.


292 Magical Moonlight

Liam smothered a snicker. "Bob, you have to stop

watching the porn. It isn't good for you. Besides, I

think it's time you found yourself a project."

"I can't stop watching. It's fascinating, almost

magical." Bob leaned forward. "It's, it's kind of like

potato chips, you can't eat just one."

"I don't' know whether you've noticed or not, but

your dick is kind of looking not so good. I mean you

have damn near rubbed it raw." Liam shuddered.

"How are you going to explain that to your doctor?"

"I'll be okay, it's nothing a hot bath won't cure."

Bob turned up the sound and the room was filled with

simulated sex sounds.

"Uh, speaking of basic hygiene. You could maybe

use a boost in that department." Liam looked down at

Bob. "I'll run you a bath."

Bob waved him away. Liam shook his head and

headed toward the bathroom. If he couldn't get Bob

back to relative normalcy, he was going to have to

resort to magic.

Ty strolled over to where the smelly human sat.

He jumped up on the arm of the chair, shaking one

foot when he stepped in something unpleasant.

Watching Bob for a moment, the man's hand always

moving. "You are one sick human." Ty said clearly,

enunciating in case Bob didn't understand him. "I

mean that in a very definite way. You are supposed to

be intelligent and yet you sit in the dark and watch

humans breeding over and over, while they make

sounds that are not real. It makes no sense. A cat, if

unable to do something the cat desires, finds another


ER Bryant 293

way to find completion even if it is supervising the

learning of a stupid overly large dog."

Part way through Ty's scolding, Bob had stopped

moving. He continued to stare at the television, but he

saw nothing as his eyes glazed over with something

close to fear. Slowly Bob's head turned to the arm of

his chair to stare directly into the round eyes of an

orange tabby cat. He didn't have a cat. He didn't have

a talking cat. He hated cats, in fact he couldn't stand

them, they were sneaky and sly. "A cat, there's a cat."

His voice was squeaky and filled with fear as he tried

to make himself smaller.

Ty stood up and bushed himself out in full bristle,

his tail like a bottlebrush. He grinned at Bob showing

all of his teeth. "Get your act together you stupid

human. I have better things to do than get my fur

dusty and sticky in this cave you live in."


screamed as he leapt up and ran over the top of his

chair to the bathroom.

"What the fuck is wrong?" Liam asked looking

around, not sure what to expect.

Bob ran around to hide behind Liam. "There's a

cat, a cat in my apartment. He talked to me."

"Riiiight." Liam said while he was thinking he

might strangle Ty. "Cat's do that a lot, talk I mean.

Hey, your bath is ready."

"Yeah, yeah, I need a bath. Could you call my

cleaning service? The place is a mess." He started to

strip off his robe all the while looking left and right

for the talking cat. Maybe he'd been hallucinating.


294 Magical Moonlight

Maybe he was sicker than he'd thought. "I've been

thinking, maybe I could start up my own porn site. I

mean I sure know enough about what would sell. It

can't be that hard to learn how to build a web site."

"Good idea Bob. I'll make that call. Let me know

what happens." Liam was backing out of the bathroom

not wanting to see any more of Bob's naked body than

he had to. "I'm heading home. Should I feed your


"I don't have a fucking a cat." Bob looked

around; there had been a tinge of hysteria in his voice.

"Make sure the door is closed tight. Maybe it got in

somehow through a window or a door or something."

"You never know." Liam shrugged. "See you

later Bob." He wiggled his fingers as he left the

bathroom. A quick phone call to the cleaning crew and

then he scooped up Ty and headed to the car. "I'll take

you to another cool place as a reward for getting Bob

off his ass." Liam said. "But you have to promise to

behave and not act like an idiot cat."

"You mean not act like a dog." Ty snickered in


Liam ignored him as he drove outside the city. He

figured Ty might like the chance to hunt field mice

and the day was a great one to sit out in the sun and

sketch. Aiden wouldn't miss him because he'd figure

he was still with Bob. So he wouldn't have to worry

about his usual Irish watchdog. He laughed to himself.

"Hey, I'll get us some take out at Mickey D's, you'll

love their filet of fish or would you prefer chicken?"


ER Bryant 295

An hour later, Liam and Ty lay on a blanket in the

sun. They'd established themselves in the middle of a

field filled with tall sweet smelling grasses, daisies

and some yellow flower that made Liam and Ty

sneeze. There was a tree beside their blanket that

spread a canopy of green over them, shading them

from the sun.

Ty and Liam's bellies were too full, but it was a

nice too full. They'd eaten more than they should of

chicken and burgers, fries and apple pie, each one

having a milk shake to top it off. Life was good.

Ty could hear the rustle of field mice not too far

away. He rolled over on his belly, eyes like slits while

he contemplated hunting, but his full tummy and the

warm sunlight, lulled him to sleep.

Liam too rolled onto his stomach, his sketchbook

in front of him as he sketched the long length of lazy

cat, asleep with buzz of bees and other insects

serenading them both. His eyes began to drift shut, his

hand relaxed and the pencil rolled along the

sketchbook. Soon the sound of the cat and Liam, both

snoring lightly could be heard above the grasses.

As they slept, curious inhabitants of the field

moved closer and closer to look at the interlopers.

Only to be surprised when with a pop, another human

and a great huge, black fuzzy dog appeared.

Aiden had been waiting for Liam to return from

Bob's and when he didn't return with Ty, he began to

worry. Only after an hour or so of worry, did he

realize that all he needed to do was to concentrate and

he'd be wherever Liam was. He hoped it was


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somewhere that no one would notice his appearance.

Just as he popped to Liam's location, Killer leaned

into him, his head on Aiden's knee. So they both

ended up sitting in the grass and staring at Liam and

Ty sleeping on a blanket, debris from MacDonald's

tidily placed in a large bag at one end.

Aiden watched for a moment. Liam and the cat

were unbelievably relaxed; too relaxed actually, they

should have noticed him arriving. Killer whined,
