Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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D ays passed uneventfully for most of the people

in Vancouver. Oh there was always some kind

of drama happening on Davie and Denman Streets,

but that in itself was uneventful. Liam had immersed

himself in his studies at UBC, or that's the impression

he gave. He still found time to drop in and visit Shay

daily, if only for a minute or two. Because of Shay's

penchant for breaking through all the various and

sundry binding spells Liam, Aiden and his

grandmothers continued to come up with. Liam found

a few minutes of grounding the boy was essential for

his peace of mind and Shay's safety.

It was the time of year when sunshine and great

weather had the real estate market in a tizzy, so Aiden

was also kept busy maintaining his status as top

mortgage broker in the city. Which meant working

long hours every day of the week. It left Liam time to

interact with Aiden's friends that seemed like most

humans, gay or straight, to have interesting day-to-day

lives. Interesting that is to a Wahjee.


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Even had begun a relationship with an older man,

one who was rumored to be wealthy. Bob was busy

with his new business venture, and Daniel, well

Daniel continued to work for London Drugs, his status

elevated among the women now that it was known he

was gay. The men on the other hand stayed well away

from him.

In an attempt to complete a school project, Liam

was trying to reason with Ty and Killer. Aiden was at

work and Liam needed two more things for his class.

He was attempting to do a portrait of the animals but

they were not cooperating. "Ty I'm telling you for the

last time, sit still. You tell Killer that if he doesn't

behave I'm freezing him solid and I can do it."

"He's embarrassed." Ty grumbled. "You shaved

his fur off and made him look stupid." Ty had given

up the pretense that Liam didn't know what he was


"I wanted him to look like a classic standard


Liam had to admit the dog did look rather

ridiculous, but the painting was a take off on one done

that he'd seen years ago in a museum. "Killer you

look okay, see here's a picture of another poodle. See

he's got the same hair cut." Liam tried to show Killer

a picture in a book about dogs.

But Killer refused to look. He was humiliated and

he just knew that his human was going to laugh at

him. He wasn't going to go outside ever again. Or at

least until his fur grew back. Ty had assured him his

fur would grow, but he didn't know that for sure.


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"It'll grow back Killer." Liam cajoled. "I really

need you to sit up properly."

An audible pop and Frances was in the studio

with Liam and the animals. "Shit Liam, you

humiliated him. He's never going to live this down.

What are all his doggy friends going to say?" Frances


"Who invited you?" Liam asked. He looked at the

dog. "Killer doesn't have any doggy friends. He lives

in an apartment for fuck sake, where's he going to

meet someone."

"Maybe that's the problem. You need to

introduce him to a nice girl doggy." Frances looked

around. "How did you get Aiden to let you build a

studio in his precious apartment?"

"I didn't, this is a compacting spell enlarged.

When Aiden comes home it goes in my messenger

bag. Just a basic spell, nothing fancy." He shrugged.

"Aiden doesn't know."

"Yeah, right he doesn't know." Frances couldn't

find anywhere to sit so he sat on the floor. Killer

immediately came up to him and buried his head in

the crook of Frances' arm. "He's hiding." Frances


"Dogs are stupid. If they can't see, they think they

can't be seen." Ty stretched and jumped up onto a

nearby bookcase. The magic of the studio meant

nothing to him. "But even I, as a Wah cat, have to

admit he looks uglier than usual."

"I'm not interested in your comments." Liam was

at the end of his rope. "I can't believe what a drama


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dog he is. And Ty isn't helping matters any. He keeps

telling Killer how bad he looks."

"I think you should just put his fur back." Frances

offered. "Paint the picture in your own style, furry

poodle and everything." He looked at Killer's tail,

complete with pom pom end that flicked once and

then tucked itself under the trembling dog's belly.

"I can't put his fur back. I didn't magic it off. I

actually took him to a dog groomer." Liam ducked his

head to avoid Frances' look of incredulity.

"Does Aiden know about this?" Frances asked.

"My man knows nothing." Ty snickered. He

rolled on his back and stretched the length of top

shelf, knocking something off and onto the floor that

bounced and rolled coming to a stop by Liam's foot.

Liam bent down and picked it up. "What is this?"

he asked.

"It is the amulet of Wah." Ty said jumping down

"It's been lost for centuries."

"Apparently it wasn't lost, just misplaced and I

doubt very much Aiden has lived here for centuries."

Liam turned the black jade amulet over in his hands.

The carving was amazing. He couldn't imagine how

the artist had managed to carve a single piece of jade

into something that was as filled with mystery as what

he held in his hand. It was a perfect sphere and inside

that sphere was another and another and another.

From what Liam could tell, each one had the same

engraving on it. He needed a magnifying glass, but the

last tiny sphere looked to have a tiny piece of

something that pulsed with light.


ER Bryant 305

"Can I see it?" Frances asked.

Liam thought for a moment. It had obviously

been hidden and hidden for a reason. He had no idea

why, but he did know that he couldn't let it touch

anyone other than himself, Aiden or Shay. Why he

knew this he wasn't sure. "I don't think so Frances.

It's kind of personal." His voice was a whisper. "If

you are my watcher, you'd know this."

Frances was still. Killer backed up until he was a

foot away from the man. Ty jumped down and stood

beside the dog. Their eyes never left the man sitting

on the floor. A rumbled growl began deep in the back

of Killer's throat belaying the foofy nature of his

haircut. Ty stood on the end of his toes, his back

arched, his fur fully extended on all parts of his body.

Frances looked at the two animals and then at Liam.

"I've been looking for the amulet for a long time

Liam. Give it to me." His voice held a challenge in it,

bravado that he didn't feel under the circumstances.

"Why Frances, I thought you were my friend, my

cousin, my watcher." Liam shook his head. "I've

allowed you access to this loft."

Frances tried to move but Killer's sudden urge to

smile with all his teeth showing, combined with his

growl, kept the man still. He might have had a stupid

haircut, but he was still a formable sized dog and he

wasn't happy. "Nothing personal Liam, but that

amulet has a lot of power attached to it. The one who

holds it can rule the world if they want to. My friends

figured it would show up sooner or later, what with

the stories that have been told about you."


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"It's just an amulet. A nice carving of black jade."

But Liam knew his words were empty. He could feel

the power pulsing through his body from the carved

black sphere. "What friends, what stories?" he asked

more as a distraction than to know the answer.

"If that's all it is, you can give it to me." Frances

held out his hand only to have Ty rake his claws over

the palm. Frances looked at the streaks of blood.

"Fucking Wah cat." He mumbled. He reached out

again, only this time with the mumbling of a spell on

his breath, but before he could complete the sound,

Killer launched himself at Frances, the man's throat in

his mouth cutting off any words. His growls could

turn anyone's blood to ice. The dog weighed almost

seventy pounds. He wasn't a dog to fool around with.

"Hey, the dog is fast." Ty looked at his large

friend with admiration. "Now rip out the prey's

throat." He commanded.

'I don't think so." Liam said quickly, glaring at

the cat. "No throat ripping in the loft."

"Take him up to the roof and then rip out his

throat. We can drag him by his throat." Ty grinned

with glee at the thought. "Let him run for a few feet

and then jump on him."

"No playing with the bad guy either." Liam said.

He folded up his studio and tucked it into his bag,

leaving them all in the center of the loft. Aiden was

due home at any moment. He also put a sealing spell

on Frances' mouth. He didn't need any surprises.


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Taking out his cell phone, Liam dialed. "Hey

Mom, what's new?" he asked when his mother

answered the phone.

"Liam, I was thinking about you." Morgan smiled

as she talked. "I was wondering when you and Aiden

could come to dinner."

"Yeah, well I'm kind of busy right now." He

looked at the amulet in his hand. "What do you know

about a black jade amulet?"

"Amulet?" Morgan said, her voice suddenly


"Yeah." Liam sighed. "And no lies, I can tell you

know something."

"Just that it's been lost for centuries, or kept well

hidden." She sighed. "It belonged to the first king of

Wahjee, that's when we had kings. You know royalty

has been gone from Wahjee society for a long time.

The amulet was handed down, father to son, but there

were rumors that the black forces of evil had seeped

into the Royal family. Because the amulet contained

considerable power, it was stolen by someone close to

the family, perhaps even a family member, who had a

pure soul and couldn't bear to have the heirloom

descend into darkness." She paused. "Why do you


"No reason, the subject just came up." Liam

didn't like to lie to his mother, but something told him

to say nothing about the thing in his hand. "Uh, mom,

about Frances. Are you sure he's my cousin?"

"Of course I'm sure. He's my sister Leanne's



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"Well, I think he went kind of strange. He's here

right now, but he's kind of psycho. I'm going to have

to do something drastic."

"Liam, you know that the High Council won't

allow you to do anything to him. He's family after all,

and he has been assigned as your watcher from the

beginning. It's against Wahjee code to harm one's


"Apparently it's okay for the watcher to try and

fry my ass though." Liam's voice was bitter. "Sorry

mom, but I have enough to worry about with the

Chambers group without worrying about my damn

family. Frances' ass is grass as far as I'm concerned."

"Liam, don't you dare do anything that will put

you in front of the High Council. You know Cecil is

just waiting for a chance to take you down."

"Yeah, well Cecil can bite me." Liam glared at

Frances who was trying to wiggle out from under

Killer. Killer hadn't bitten down on the throat he had

in his jaw, but he didn't release it either, saliva

dripped to the floor. Ty kept hitting Frances with his

paw, one lethal looking claw extended. He liked the

way the man jumped.

He said his goodbyes to his mother and closed the

phone. "I can't have you cluttering up the place. Killer

would like to actually kill you. Ty is all for it and

frankly, I'm leaning that way myself. But I suspect I'd

lose my white light status if I did." Paced up and down

a few times listening to both Killer and Frances whine.

"Okay, I've made my decision. Frances, I need to

place you where I can keep an eye on you. But I'm not


ER Bryant 309

allowed to remove you from this realm. Soooo, I've

decided that I need a cousin in a cage." He conjured

up an elaborate looking Victorian birdcage. "It's not

too comfy, but the other alternative is that box over

there and I might forget to feed you if I put you in

there. This way I can make sure you're up high

enough that Killer can't get you but accessible enough

for Ty to keep you under control." He zapped Frances

into the cage. "Oh, and don't bother trying anything.

The cage has a force field around it. No magic can

come out, but trust me, I can put lots in."

Killer looked around for the prey that had been in

his mouth. He whined and began to look everywhere,

under the sofa, the table, and chairs. "Stupid dog." Ty

grumbled. He reached into the cage to bat Frances, but

the man ran to the other side. Ty ran around and

reached in again. "Hey, this is going to be fun."

"Sorry cat," Liam laughed. "Though I should let

you play with him for a few minutes." Liam stood on

one of the kitchen stools and hung the cage from an

overhead beam. He'd no sooner finished than Aiden

walked into the loft.

"Honey I'm home." He said, tossing his brief case

onto the sofa.

"I can see that." Liam said kissing Aiden


"What's wrong with the dog, his fur fell out."

Aiden looked carefully at Killer. "For fuck sake Liam,

isn't it bad enough he's a poodle. I mean we could

pretend he was something else, a mutt or something,


310 Magical Moonlight

but not when his hair is cut like some freak clown


"It'll grow back." Liam began.

"What's he doing?" Aiden asked. "He's looking

for something, maybe he's looking for the asshole

who shaved his fur off."

Ty had jumped onto Aiden's shoulder, leaning

into his master, rubbing his chin on Aiden's neck.

"Merow" he said and then snickered.

"Did the cat snicker?" Aiden pulled him off his

shoulder. "Am I in some kind of bizarro world?

Maybe I should go out and come back in." It was then

the birdcage caught his eyes. "Fuck no Liam, I don't

want another pet. And I detest caged birds." He

walked over to the cage. "Oh, it's Frances. Frances?"

"Uh about that." Liam said. "Let's fuck." Usually

Aiden could be distracted.

"That would be a NO." Aiden looked from the

caged Frances to Liam and back again. "I went to

work and actually had a decent day. I come home and

what do I find?"

"There's an explanation." Liam began, running

his hand over Aiden's chest. He'd unbuttoned his


"I'm sure there is." Aiden drawled as he removed

Liam's hand. "You can start with mini Frances. And

make that damn dog stop snooping around, he's

driving me crazy."

"He's kind of looking for Frances. He had been

planning on doing him some damage."


ER Bryant 311

"NO TY, DON'T." Liam hollered. Ty had

jumped from the kitchen island to the cage and was

now clinging to the wildly swinging cage. Frances

was screaming for help and hanging on to the opposite


Aiden lifted the cat off the cage. "Ty, don't play

with the bird." He turned to Liam. "You're right, we

need to fuck first and talk later. Because if we talk

first, I might want to put you in with Frances. This

way I get to have some pleasure out of the evening."

He grabbed Liam and threw him over his shoulder,

planning to carry him to the bedroom.

Ty watched from his perch back on the kitchen

counter. He had all night; he'd just watch his prey for

a while.

Killer continued to look for his prey, finally going

to the roof, maybe the prey had slipped out the dog


Aiden threw Liam on the bed. Liam grinned, he

had time enough to think of something good, Aiden

was in for the ride of his life.

"Young one, do not interfere with Prince Liam."

Ty jumped, his fur instantly bottle brushed.

Liam's turquoise toy had once again become the High

King of the Wah cats.

"Sir, I wasn't expecting you." Ty bowed. He was

beginning to lose his fear of the High King.

"I am here when the Prince is here." The regal cat

stood up and stretched, his arched back almost

reaching the ceiling from his perch on the rafters. He

walked over to the hanging birdcage and looked


312 Magical Moonlight

down. "Frances is a disgrace to his family." The

words were muttered and sounded more like a series

of chirps.

"Liam and my master are in the small room

breeding. They do that a lot." Ty shrugged as well as a

cat could. "I think it's kind of strange, but whenever

my master is upset with Liam, they breed."

"Are you cat's talking?" Frances asked as he

looked from the orange tabby to the strange turquoise

and white stuffed cat. He couldn't puzzle out why

Mac Ruaidhri would keep a toy on the rafters.

The Regis reached down and flicked the chain

holding the birdcage, sending it rocking. "That will

keep him busy." He snickered as he and Ty watched

the tiny man figure roll from side to side.

Ty grinned in appreciation. "The tiny Wahjee

wanted Liam's amulet. He was too stupid to see that

the amulet belonged to the Prince." His head cocked.

"But I thought it was in the Mac Ruaidhri clan, this

black toy."

"And is not the Prince part of King Mac Ruaidhri

in every way?"

Ty figured the question was rhetorical and didn't

