Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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F or the third night in a row, Liam found himself

walking with Ty along that endless road under

violet skies. Each night Ty wore a different vest, they

were all rather elegant and this one was no different;

fashioned as it was out of gold and silver fabric with

ribbons of purple and pink. It complemented his fur

color and brought out the shine of his eyes. "We've

been walking forever and I still don't know where

you're taking me." Liam began as he had for the last

three nights. He looked down and saw he was wearing

not much of anything; his feet were clad in silver

sandals though. He rather liked the way they glittered

despite the dusty road. "I'm pretty sure Aiden isn't

going to be at the end of this road." He knew those

particular words would elicit a response from the Wah


"The King is, of course, at the end of the road.

But he's surrounded by, well challenges for lack of a

better word. It's going to take a Wahjee of


314 Magical Moonlight

considerable strength and talent to actually get to him

and capture what is rightfully yours."

"No shit." Liam continued to walk while he

thought about what the cat said. "Why do you always

get good stuff to wear and I never get anything but


"This is the land of Wah, of course I'd have a

choice of clothing." Ty waved his hand at the six

hundred and ninety three Leprechauns who

surrounded them on either side of the road. A black

cloud rose on the horizon and all eyes turned to see it.

"Don't worry, it happens all the time. If it isn't

one thing it's another. Everyone wants a part of King

Aiden, but they don't see the real King, only the King

they want to see and when they do, well it hurts him

deep inside. The cloud is just a part of it. It seeps

inside of his heart."

"That's the first thing you've said that makes kind

of sense." Liam sighed. "I fucking hate how everyone

has the wrong idea about Aiden."

"Liam, Liam, wake up." Aiden nudged him and

then kissed his lips. "Hey Sleeping Beauty." It was

almost sunrise, they had at least an hour before they

had to start their day, but Liam's mumbling in his

sleep had woke him up.

"Aiden." Liam smiled and rolled into the warmth

of his partner. "What's up?"

"You were talking in your sleep." Aiden pulled

him closer and kissed the top of his head. He smiled

when Liam nuzzled into his neck with small kisses.


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"I was dreaming." Liam wiggled until he could

throw one leg over Aiden, cock to cock. The warmth

of their bodies almost steamy in the coolness of the

morning dawn. Killer groaned. He was sleeping at the

end of the large bed. "Your dog takes up a lot of


"He doesn't seem to understand that his bed is on

the floor." Aiden smiled. He didn't really mind Killer

wanting to be close. Though he preferred him to stay

out of the bedroom when they had sex. The dog

watched with such interest, Aiden was sure he was

taking notes.

"Aiden, I was wondering something?" Liam


"It's too early for one of your philosophical

conversations." Aiden almost groaned and wished

he'd moved out of the bed sooner.

"It isn't anything like that." Liam had his bedmate

pinned. He knew the man hated talking about anything

too serious. "Have you ever seen this?" he reached

under his pillow and pulled out the black jade amulet.

"No, what is it?" Aiden asked squinting, because

Liam was holding it too closely. He captured the red

head's hand to hold it still. To Aiden, what he saw

was only an intricately carved sphere. He didn't see

the many spheres' inside. He didn't see the small

speck of golden power. "Weird, you found a black

pendant." He shrugged and dismissed the thing in

Liam's hand.


316 Magical Moonlight

"It's an amulet." Liam replied, confused at

Aiden's answer. "Can't you see the beauty and power

of it?"

"It's a fancy pendant, rather feminine if you ask

me. Though I suppose with the right chain, maybe a

black satin cord or something heavy and platinum, it

could work."

"Doesn't it mean something to you? I mean don't

you feel something when you look at it?" Liam moved

so he was staring into Aiden's eyes. There wouldn't

be chance of the man hiding anything from prying

blue eyes.

"Does annoyed count? I mean it's too early for

these kind of talks. All I want to do is piss and then

fuck you or fuck you and then piss."

"Ever the romantic." Liam sighed. "Ty knocked

this down from the bookcase by your desk."

"So it's a cat toy." Aiden pulled Liam on top of

him. "Throw it to the cat."

"No." Liam said, putting the amulet back under

the pillow before allowing himself to drown in

Aiden's morning love making. The touch of Aiden's

lips didn't take away from the heat of the amulet that

he could still feel on the palm of his hand. Or from the

pulse of the inner golden spark of force that matched

the beating of his lover's heart.

Killer stood up and shook his head making his

ears flap. It was a morning ritual. He watched for a

moment the antics of the two men in the bed. Another

morning sleep ruined by his master's incessant

breeding habits. Sighing heavily, he jumped onto the


ER Bryant 317

floor. Maybe Ty would play with him, or perhaps

even let him sleep close. Since the red haired one had

made his fur funny, he was cold.

Ty was on the rafter directly over the birdcage

that held Frances. He laid full length, one paw

hanging over the side, idly hitting the chain, making

the cage swing gently. Inside Frances groaned as he

lay on the floor of the cage wrapped as best he could

in a thick red facecloth Aiden had put inside for a


"Whatcha doin'?" Killer asked, his front paws on

the kitchen island hoping for a better look.

"Nothing." Ty answered with a yawn. "Just

relaxing. "

"It looks like you're playing with the prey. "

Killer observed. "Aiden said no playing with the


"Ah, but I don't think of it as playing. I'm

guarding the prey, it could escape."

"Okay." Killer said jumping down. "I'm going

outside; do you want to come?"

"Maybe." Ty laughed as he jumped from the

rafter to the cage to the counter top and then to the

floor. This left the cage swinging wildly and Frances

screaming. "It's boring up there."

The dog door slapped shut. Aiden was finally able

to get out from under Liam. Sex always put the red

head to sleep. Actually, almost anything put the red

head to sleep. He reached under Liam's pillow and

pulled out the black sphere, studying it closely. It did

look familiar, but he wasn't sure why or how. He


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rolled it over and over in his hand, but nothing came

into his mind though it was damn cold. Shrugging, he

placed it back where he'd found it. Maybe he could

look it up on the net or something. The carvings

looked like some kind of language.

There was no sign of either Ty or Killer for a

change, no doubt they had both headed for the roof.

Aiden padded into the bathroom and relived his

bladder, thankful that for once he didn't have a doggy

audience. His next stop was the kitchen and the coffee

maker. He stopped short for a moment when he saw

the birdcage. "Shit." He muttered and continued on to

the kitchen.

"Aiden you have to be reasonable. You can't keep

me in here." Frances shouted as he leaned through the


"Actually I'm not keeping you there. You did it to

yourself. You know as well as I know that you would

never have been in the cage if your magic hadn't been

able to turn back on you. Liam is good, but he has no

desire to turn to the dark side. He merely turned what

you did to yourself back on you." Aiden finally

managed to get the coffee maker to work. "I'd make

you a coffee, but I don't have a thimble."

"You can't keep me here. I'll starve to death or

that damn cat will eat me. You've no idea what he's

been doing to me all night."

"Okay, maybe I'll find something for you to drink

some coffee out of. You look a bit stressed." Aiden

rummaged in the refrigerator for something to eat.

He'd forgotten to pick up the bagels Liam had


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requested the day before. It was ridiculous, the kid

expected him, Aiden Mac Ruaidhri to actually go to a

grocery store and shop. What was wrong with take

out? It had served him well for years.

"Hey." Liam stumbled out into the kitchen. "I'm

starving." He opened the refrigerator, stared inside

and closed it again. "Aiden, you have to pick up

groceries. I emailed you the list three times."

"I don't eat them, why should I pick them up?" he

asked, trying to be reasonable.

"Because you're the daddy." Liam smirked. "It's

the daddy's job."

Aiden rolled his eyes. "Then as the daddy, get rid

of the damn bird. He stinks and it's hard to feed him.

Not to mention, I'm not changing his fucking litter."

"Birds don't have litter." Liam snickered. He

stood on a kitchen stool to look in on Frances. "Hey

Frances, sorry about this but until I figure out what to

do with you, I kind of have to keep you around."

"Liam, I'm sorry. I didn't mean things to go as far

as they did. I had no idea the Chambers were going to

be so vicious."

"The thing is Frances, when you threatened me it

was one thing. But I've been checking with some

friends. You and the Chambers clan had Aiden and

Shay targeted. You crossed a line and can't go back. I

will not allow either of them harmed either mentally

or physically. If Ty has a bit of fun with you, I'm not

going to lose any sleep over it. Not now, not ever. I'll

talk to my mother and to Aiden's mother, we'll come

up with something to better your lot in life."


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"My wife…." Frances began.

"Yes, that's a problem." Liam sighed. "I'll talk to

mom and let you know."

"What are you saying to him?" Aiden asked. He'd

been checking on the animals on the roof.

"Just commiserating with his problem." Liam

jumped down off the stool and into Aiden's arms.

"Yum, you smell like a fresh morning sunrise with

coffee breath."

"I understand it's an aphrodisiac." Aiden replied,

sweeping Liam up in his arms. "Let's check it out."

"Aiden, I'm hungry." Liam whined, but he

wiggled in anticipation in Aiden's arms.

"We'll go shopping together." Aiden sighed. "I

can't believe I've offered to do that, but for you I


"You mean for you. I notice you eat everything I

make." Liam laughed. "I want to go to Hamburger

Mary's. I want some waffles."

"What are we going to do about the bird? We

can't leave him to starve. I'm sure someone must be

worried about him."

"You mean beside you?" Liam stared up at the

cage. "I'm going to talk to my mother about it and

maybe your mom. They'll have some ideas, they

always do."

Getting to the diner took longer than Liam had

anticipated. A wet and naked Aiden, fresh from the

shower, demanded that they change that status. And

sweaty Aiden was always fun.


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"Why did the one with fire hair give the tiny man

a piece of my food?" Killer asked. He hated it when

Liam and Aiden left him alone in the apartment with

Ty. But today at least they had the caged man to add


"I don't know." Ty lay on his back in a patch of

sunlight. He could keep warm and watch the cage at

the same time. "Come over here, I want to sit on you."

"Okay, but don't suck on my ear fur. It makes it

stick and the fire hair one hurts me when he brushes


"I don't suck on your ear fur." Ty tried not to

look guilty. He loved the long soft black curls on the

dog's ears. Sometimes he pulled an ear over him like a

blanket. It was a guilty pleasure.

Aiden and Liam were pleased to find the diner

almost deserted. Aiden slouched into the corner of the

rear booth, one leg on the bench seat. Liam laughed

and sat opposite him, but not before nudging Aiden's

foot back to the floor.

"It's peaceful in here." Liam sighed.

"Give it time, it's early." Aiden snapped his

fingers to get the attention of the waitress, Tanya.

"Coffee sooner rather than later." He called.

Liam flushed. "Don't pay any attention to his

majesty. He thinks he's a King."

"Oh don't worry dear, I've learned a long time

ago that Mr. Mac Ruaidhri is all bark and no bite."

Tanya placed coffee mugs on the table and then filled

them. "The breakfast special is nice this morning.

"Two eggs, bacon, sausage, two pancakes and toast."


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"Geeze, heart attack on a plate."

"I'll have it, but I want an order of blueberry

waffles too. Aiden likes his toast unbuttered, and we'll

have an extra plate for when he takes part of my

breakfast. Oh, and two glasses of orange juice, the

fresh squeezed stuff not the frozen stuff."

"Is that everything dear?" Aiden asked in a

falsetto voice.

"For now." Liam smirked as he brought his foot

up and put it in Aiden's lap.

"Good morning." Evan bounced into the diner,

followed by an older gentleman. "Aiden, Liam, I'd

like you both to meet my very good friend Jimmy."

He took the other man's arm and snuggled close.

Liam and Aiden both recognized James as

Wahjee, though neither one could remember seeing

him around. "James." Aiden said with a nod of his


"Hey James." Liam smiled. "Are you two here for

breakfast? Why don't you join us? I'll move over and

sit with Aiden." Liam immediately changed places,

freeing up the seat. Evan slid in followed by James.

James too, recognized Aiden and Liam as

Wahjee. The two of them were almost legends in

Wahjee circles. The daring move Liam had made to

lose his virginity to Aiden, when he knew full well he

was to remain virgin. It had been unheard of to defy

the Grand Wizard and to do it so blatantly and with

the son of Jack Mac Ruaidhri, James still chuckled

about it. When he'd last seen Liam Taylor, he'd been

barely two weeks old. His curiosity regarding the boy


ER Bryant 323

whose fate he'd bound with that of Aiden Mac

Ruaidhri in the weeks before Aiden had been born,

had taken him to the park where Morgan Taylor

walked her son.

"You kind of look familiar." Liam said. "I don't

know why. I'm pretty sure I've never seen you


"Perhaps when you were a child." James smiled.

"I have met your parents on a number of occasions."

He didn't say at Wahjee functions, but Liam knew

what he meant.

"I suppose." He leaned against Aiden. "How did

you and Evan meet?" he asked, surprised when James


"Oh, Jimmy was one of my best ever fans." Evan

wiggled. "He finally got up the nerve to get in touch

with me. And what can I say, it was love at first

sight." He kissed James' cheek. "Isn't he the best guy


Aiden groaned and Liam elbowed him in the side.

"Sure Evan." Liam laughed. "Of course I have the

best guy ever, but I suppose it's a matter of

semantics." He giggled when Aiden beamed his

approval. "You're such a compliment ho." He said as

he kissed under Aiden's chin.

"So James, what have you been up to all these

years? I thought I knew all of the A-gays." Aiden

asked. He leaned forward to hear James' story.

"I'm afraid when I was younger, I allowed a

manipulating woman discover something about me

that she held over my head. I ended up marrying her to


324 Magical Moonlight

keep her quiet. I know now I should have gone to

someone." His look at Aiden told him more than he

was saying. It was obvious to the other man that the

woman was human and had somehow discovered he

was Wahjee. James looked lovingly at Evan. "When I

saw this beautiful young man, I knew that at this time

of my life, it was time to start living it."

"What do you mean?" Liam asked. "I mean if she

knew about you, how could you…" he looked at


"I guess, a little bird made it possible." James

grinned. He put his arm around Evan and gave him a


"Hey, do you still have that bird?" Liam asked.

"Cause we have one too that's kind of cluttering up

the place. Maybe we can make a deal, share custody

or something." There were no flies on Liam, he knew

immediately what James had meant.

Aiden snorted.

James looked startled. "I still have the bird." His

words were cautious. "Occasionally it's necessary to

have the thing at company functions, dinners at the

mayor's, etcetera."

"And you can control this bird?" Aiden asked.

"Because we can't do that with ours, he must be a

different breed."

"I can control my bird, or its back in the cage

with her."

"What in the world are you boys talking about?"

Evan looked confused. "Jimmy, I don't remember you

having a bird."


ER Bryant 325

"It's ugly, I don't keep it out much." James

patted Evan's hand.

"And Aiden, you have a dog and a cat and now a

bird. I never thought I'd live to see this day." Evan

fanned himself. "My, my, that perfect apartment with

all those pets."

"The bird is temporary." Aiden glared. "And

Killer and Ty know better than to make a mess."

"Well, perhaps the dog does. I mean no dog

intentionally makes a mess. Once they learn what's

expected of them that is. But a cat on the other hand

answers to no man. Cats do as they please." James

smiled. "Or at least that's what I've found over the

years. I can appreciate how you wish the bird to be

temporary. Believe me, if I knew of any way to make

mine temporary, I certainly would."

"Breakfast boys, we need sustenance." Liam

waved Tanya over. "Food Tanya, please."

"It's all under control. Don't worry, your food

will be up in a second or two." Tanya bent close.

"Word of warning, Lisa is on her way in."

"Thanks." Aiden smiled. "But we're used to her."

"Not since her precious baby threw over his dear

boyfriend." Tanya snickered. "You'd swear to god the

world had ended."

"Danny and EJ3 were never really meant to be."

Aiden answered. "She'll figure it out eventually."

"Until then, your ass is grass." Tanya laughed,

heading to the kitchen.

"How can Lisa blame you?" Liam asked.


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"Honey, no one knows how Lisa's mind works."

Evan patted Liam's hand. "Oh my goodness, what a

delightful breakfast." Tanya served Liam, Evan and

James the same food Liam had ordered. Aiden

received a refill of coffee and a plate of dry whole-

wheat toast.

"I thought you looked hungry Evan." Tanya

simpered. Evan was one of her favorite friends.

"You thought right. A boy needs to keep his

strength up."

Aiden rolled his eyes as h