Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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S o birthday boy, what do you want to do tonight?"

Aiden asked as he traced circles on Liam's bare

skin. Had it really been more than a year since their

first night together?

"Recover from my birthday morning?" Liam

laughed. He loved it when Aiden touched him.

"No, I was thinking of something else." He

looked over Liam's shoulder. "Ty, why don't you go

find Killer and stare at him for a change instead of the

bird. You can watch him grow."

"He's not going to grow anymore."

"Promise?" Aiden asked with a laugh. "Because

he can reach things off of the counters in the kitchen

without even straining."

"I kind of like how he rests his head on the table

when's he's sitting on the floor." Liam giggled.

"I don't." Aiden glared. "Now back to tonight.

Vanessa and Rosalie have some kind of idea that they

want to take you to a concert being held at UBC. I was


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thinking that maybe you and I could go with the


"You mean like on a date?" Liam's eyes were

wide. "A double date?"

"I'm not into classifying things by stereotypical

words." Aiden looked away, much like Killer did

when he didn't want to admit he was wrong.

"So we're just going to be going to a concert,

something you aren't remotely interested in, nor am I,

with Rosalie and Vanessa. And coincidently, it's my


"That's right and maybe, because it's late, we'll

all have dinner at a restaurant a tad classier than

Hamburger Mary's." Aiden huffed. "I mean I should

feed all of you since we'll be out late."

"Of course, I'd expect to be fed." Liam bit the

inside of his lip to keep from laughing.

"I thought maybe mom could watch Shay, that

way we don't have to worry about him." Aiden looked

up at the ceiling.

"A concert really isn't a good place for a child."

Liam agreed. "Especially a child who tends to pop

things in and out of the air just for fun."

"So you'll go with me?" Aiden asked.

"How could I resist?" Liam giggled.

"We could go shopping this afternoon and find

something hot to wear tonight."

"Whose birthday is this?" Liam laughed. "Yours

or mine? Cause shopping is kind of your thing."

"But I'd be shopping for you." Aiden laughed.

"And since it's your birthday, you can't refuse."


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"I was hoping for a rent boy with a bow around

his dick." Liam joked.

"I considered that, but thought I'd save that for an

alternate universe Aiden and Liam."

"Good plan, big boy." Liam nuzzled Aiden's chin

before he began to work his way lower down the older

man's body.

Later that day:

"How did we end up with Shay again?" Aiden

asked as Liam pushed the heavy stroller into the

men's store. "Not that I'm complaining." He peered

under the stroller's hood to reassure Shay with his

smile that he didn't mind having him.

"The girls wanted some quiet time and since

we're all going out tonight, they didn't want Shay to

be left with a sitter, even your mom, most of the day."

Shay sat in his plush designer stroller, Doug

tucked safely at his side. He chatted and giggled with

his feline companion, explaining the amazing things

they were seeing.

"Oh, I like that." Blue cashmere, the color of

Liam's eyes when passion overtook him, was

displayed on a manikin.

"We'll take it." Aiden signaled to the hovering

sales clerk. "And one just like it in black. He looks hot

in black."

"Two?" Liam's left eyebrow raised.

"It's your birthday." Aiden justified as he held up

a pair of fine woolen trousers, a perfect compliment to

either sweater. "Silk boxers under these and you're all



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"You mean you're all set." Liam laughed. "Wool

makes me itch if it's next to my skin."

Aiden sighed with drama. "I'm not buying


"We have something very similar in a wonderful

linen." The sales clerk volunteered. "And there are

some rather nice fine cottons."

It took them almost an hour before Aiden was

satisfied with Liam's birthday clothing. Liam vetoed

almost everything he was shown and only the

stubborn set of Aiden's jaw and the flash of anger in

his eyes, made the red head agree on a few of the

man's choices.

Shay and Doug watched the proceedings with

interest, only commenting to each other in a rather

secretive way that made Liam slightly suspicious

though he said nothing.

Aiden paid for their purchases ignoring his son

and Doug. He'd been listening to the two of them

though he hadn't wanted to alarm Liam. Apparently

they were planning on visiting Ty and Killer at the loft

and were plotting how to get them all there. It didn't

sound good. Shay was barely a year old and his

judgment wasn't the best, working as he did more on

impulse and less on good sense. "That's it for

shopping." Aiden began, immediately sorry he'd

spoken, as they were all popped back to the sidewalk

in front of the apartment. He hoped the sales clerk

hadn't noticed their disappearance.

"Shay." Aiden began from his position directly in

front of the stroller. "If you want to go to the loft, you


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only have to ask. I've explained that we can't use our

powers just for any old thing. They are too important

to waste on unnecessary things. There might come a

day when you'll need all the strength and force you've

ever possessed. You don't want to find yourself

running on empty."

"Da, Doug and I want to go to the apartment."

Shay grinned up at him. His Wah cat had a similar

grin on its furry face.

"Did you hear what I said?" Aiden tried to make

his voice gruff not to mention ignore the fact that his

son spoke without his usual baby lisp.

"Yes Da, Doug and me heared you." Shay smiled,

indulging his father. "We luv you, grouchy Da. No

more popping." He made his eyes go sad, but the

twinkle in the corners gave him away.

Liam snickered, leaned over and kissed the top of

Aiden's head. "I'll go back and pick up the Lexus."

He offered. "You two can have a daddy, son bonding


"Bye Liam." Shay waved. "Bring ice cream."

"No, don't bring ice cream." Aiden said. He

looked at his son. "No popping ice cream into the


Liam waved as he jogged down the block. The

Lexus wasn't that far away. He'd stop and get some

frozen yogurt. It wasn't defying Aiden, it wasn't ice


Upstairs in Aiden's apartment, he settled, cats,

dog and child at the kitchen table. Shay had his own

specially designed chair that was a combination high


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chair and dining room chair made to match the rest of

the adult sized chairs. Doug took up the chair next to

Shay and Ty preferred to settle on a bar stool, it made

the birdcage easier to see inside of. Killer was content

to lie on the floor under the table, his head next to

Shay's chair.

Aiden sat down opposite his son. "Seamus, I want

to have a serious talk with you." He began.

"Da?" Shay said and stuck his hand in his mouth.

"Don't give me any of that baby crap, I know you

understand more than you want me to know. You

can't keep using your powers indiscriminately.

Popping the cats and Killer here and there whenever

you want them is not allowed."

"But Da, Li needs help. Bad things in the air,

black things, teeth things. Dawg and Ty can see them,

even Killer can see them. I know they're there, but I

can't see them. Nothing comes close when Dawg and

Ty and Killer are with us." He sighed. "Regis has to

watch Li now 'cause he's all by himself."

"Who in hell is Regis?" Aiden asked. This was a

new one as far as he was concerned.

"Regis isn't real, he's a figment of myth and

magic. He's supposed to be the High King of all Wah

cats and immortal. He only appears every seven

centuries and then only to guard a Wahjee meant for

greater things." Frances was leaning out of the

birdcage fascinated by the fact that Shay at little more

than one year had such a vocabulary. Something

wasn't right with this kid.


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"Shut up bird." Aiden barely glanced up. "Is what

he says true Shay?"

"Kind of." Shay admitted. "But not the part where

he isn't real. Ask Ty, he knows he's real."

Ty wasn't about to admit to anything with the

small man within hearing distance. He leapt up on the

cage, setting it swinging wildly, throwing Frances out

so that the man was holding on for dear life to one of

the struts.

Aiden stood up, grabbed the screaming Frances

and shoved him unceremoniously back into the cage.

He reached for Ty, but his cat for once refused to

perch on his shoulder, preferring to continue his climb

to the sit on the rafter over the cage, one arm dangling

as a threat of things to come.

Aiden was about to say something when Liam

bounced in through the door, a brown bag in his hand.

"Hey guys, the weirdest thing just happened."

Liam placed the bag on the counter. "One of those big

old maple trees by the Sylvia Hotel, decided to fall

right where I was standing, except just as it was

falling some asshole bumped into me and knocked me

backwards into the hotel doorway. I could have sworn

it was Betty, but she's in the same place she was when

we left. Not to mention that this thing was damn big."

"Two things, why were you walking by the Sylvia

Hotel, and who the fuck is Betty?"

"I like the frozen yogurt they make in their

restaurant and Betty is right there." Liam pointed to

the rafters where his stuffed turquoise cat sat.


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"Though I'm not sure why she's there, but she's been

there for days."
