Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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H is birthday day was turning out perfect. Liam's

breath quickened when he walked down the

steps from the bedroom. He'd never seen quite the

openness of Aiden's soul in the man's face before. To

make him smile, Liam turned around, modeling his

outfit. "Do you approve?" he asked with a smile.

"You'll do." Aiden shrugged as he struggled to

keep from ripping the clothes off the young man who

stood a foot in front of him.

"That's it?" Liam laughed. He leaned up and

kissed Aiden quickly before moving to the birdcage.

"Hey Frances, any ideas yet about what we should do

with you?"

Frances was lying on a makeshift bed fashioned

from a pile of tissue. He was eating pieces of apple

and watching a movie on Liam's IPod. "Keep the

fucking cat away from me." He said with a glare.

"I let you visit with your wife."

"She's pissed with me. She had no idea what I

was doing, so don't bother bringing her here again."


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Frances refused to turn from the movie to talk to


"Okay, fine with me. It was a pain in the ass

anyway." Liam turned. "We're going out. I'm sorry,

but Ty will be guarding you."

"That fucking cat is psychotic. It spends hours

staring up at the cage from the counter or down at the

cage when it's in the rafters. It's just weird."

"It's a cat thing. He knows he's not supposed to

eat you. So get over it and think of this stay as a short,

but not too comfy, vacation from real life."

Liam linked his arm through Aiden's. "This date

thing is kind of cool. Have you decided where we're

going for dinner?"

"Of course I've decided. I made the reservations

myself." Aiden couldn't resist and swept Liam into his

arms for a mind-melting kiss that left them both

breathless. "Maybe we should stay home." He

whispered his voice husky, but he knew he wouldn't.

This night was all about Liam. "Come on witch boy,

your night awaits." He pulled open the door to the

apartment to let them both out. Closing and locking

the door, Aiden made sure to put a spell to keep out

any intruders. Magic was occasionally justified.

When the two couples arrived at the concert, you

could almost smell the excitement in the air. Neither

Aiden nor Liam were particularly interested in a

stringed instruments concert. But the whole idea of a

night out, as a date with Vanessa and Rosalie, was

what kept the excitement up.


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"The guy with the flamenco guitar thinks he's

pretty damn special." Aiden snorted behind his hand

to Liam who shushed him with a look. They sat in one

of the better seats in the small concert room at UBC. It

enabled them to have a clear view of the stage, though

Aiden envied the ones who had managed to get seats

behind the support pillars. At least they could sleep.

The concert was longer than the boys wanted.

Liam amused himself sketching the guitarist on the

edge of his program. At least he looked interested

which was more than Aiden did. The man didn't even

pretend he was listening to the concert. Instead with

closed eyes, he quietly snoozed the evening away.

When the concert was over, Liam said. "How did

you do that?"

"Do what?" Aiden asked puzzled.

"Sleep without sleeping and wake up the moment

everything is over."

"Ahhhhh, years of practice when I was forced to

attend my mother's version of worship of her

imaginary friends at the local Church." Aiden

laughed. "I could catch up on my sleep and yet play

the role of the dutiful son."

"You were a brat, it's a wonder she still puts up

with you." Vanessa laughed overhearing Aiden and

Liam. "I'll have to ask her what you were like as a

small boy. No doubt Shay is like his daddy."

"But he's tempered with you." Rosalie smiled and

kissed Vanessa's cheek. "So he won't be all that bad."

"Gag me with a spoon." Aiden muttered. "We

have dinner reservations."


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"We can't leave now, we need to talk to the

guitarist, Ashley." Vanessa said.

"Who in hell is Ashley?" Aiden asked.

"Ashley Hicks, the guitarist." Liam giggled,

sending shivers down Aiden's spine. "Remember, we

were at his concert."

"Oh, him. He's hinky." Aiden dismissed the


"Hinky?" Rosalie snorted. "Meaning he isn't

interested in you?"

"No, meaning there's something about him that

gives me an uneasy feeling." Aiden glared. "I don't

like him."

"You don't even know him." Rosalie began; they

didn't notice that Liam was talking to the artist in


"I saw you watching me." Ashley began.

"I was drawing you." Liam showed him his


"Hey, you're good." Ashley beamed. Everything

was unfolding the way Brad Chambers had predicted.

The red head was under the spell of his guitar music.

Ashley smiled, his smile filled with evil, but an evil

that Liam couldn't perceive. Zane Chambers was a

powerful Wahjee and while he'd been banned from

using his powers on humans or Wahjee, he hadn't

been banned from using it on things such as guitars.

"Can I see that?" Ashley asked, reaching for the

program. Chris had told him it was necessary to get a

piece of Liam's art, preferably something he'd done

while under the guitar's spell. Liam put his heart and


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soul into any artistic endeavor. Zane's spell would be

more powerful if he had a piece of the red head.

"It's just a few doodles." Liam said as he handed

the program to the musician. "I can do better."

"I like it. Can I keep it? It's the first time anyone

has cared enough to put my face on paper." Ashley

was already tucking the program into his guitar case,

not waiting for an answer.

"Sure." Liam shrugged.

"I've come to claim my boyfriend." Aiden said,

his voice smug as he put his arm around Liam's

shoulder. His eyes found Ashley's and he almost said

something when he looked into the blankness that was

the musician's soul.

"Aiden." Liam beamed, his smile lighting up the

room. Aiden had called him his boyfriend. He'd never

done anything like that before. The black magic that

had been woven with Ashley's guitar music retreated

under the onslaught of Liam's joy. "Ashley, this is

Aiden." He introduced.

"Lee, your music was rather interesting." Aiden

said between gritted teeth.

"Ashley, Ashley Hicks." The musician glared.

"Whatever." Aiden steered Liam around away

from Ashley. "Time for dinner, birthday boy." He

kissed Liam thoroughly, feeling the glare of hatred on

his back from the slimy banjo player.

Liam could never resist Aiden's mouth; all

thoughts of guitar music left him as he melted into the

older man's mouth.


350 Magical Moonlight

"There you two are." Vanessa said. "Rosalie and I

were looking for you. Aiden, didn't you say

something about reservations."

Aiden looked up from Liam's lips., his trademark

smirk in place. "I'm ready."

"Me too." Liam said, but it was apparent that

what the two of them were ready for wasn't dinner.

"You two can do that anytime. I want to eat. And

Liam, it may be your birthday, but you should expand

your horizons to more than Aiden's cock." Rosalie's

acid words didn't bother Liam, he was used to her.

"I would like to finish this date." He said looking

up at Aiden. "I'm not sure when I'll get another one."

The four left the concert room. Rosalie, Vanessa

and Liam, unaware of the glare of hatred from the

guitar player. Aiden on the other hand, was all too

aware. He was going to have to keep an eye on his

witch boy, because for some reason, Liam had no clue

how dangerous Ashley Hicks was. But in time he

would find out.

Two days later, Liam took a short cut through the

music building on his way to the main office of UBC.

He hadn't been planning on seeking out Ashley Hicks,

but as soon as he crossed the threshold, the haunting

strains of guitar music caught his attention, pulling

him up to the second floor to stand in the music room

door and watch the young musician play.

"Hey." Ashley said with a sly smile when he

caught sight of Liam. "I wasn't expecting to see you



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"I wasn't expecting to be here." Liam grinned. "I

liked what ever it was you were playing."

"I was thinking of you. You inspire me." Ashley

let his hand linger on Liam's arm.

Liam shivered and moved away. There was

something strange about the man.

Ashley couldn't help but be pleased that his guitar

had once again worked its magic on the beautiful red

head. He hadn't believed Brad Chambers about this

magic stuff, but now he did, or at least now he

somewhat believed. Magic was a thing of fairy tales

and bedtime stories, not real life.

Real life consisted of pain and anger and drunken

abusive parents who did their best to sap the very life

out of him. He'd hungered for serenity when he was a

child; only discovering as he approached his teens that

he could become lost in the mysterious music a guitar

was capable of. Taking music as an elective in his

ninth grade had introduced him to the power that

could be woven with the right talent and touch.

On his way to the music scholarship that had led

him to UBC, Ashley Hicks had lost all ability to love,

to be kind, to even care about anyone other than

himself. If getting ahead and becoming rich and

famous, meant stomping on Liam Taylor and

destroying him, then so be it. That's what would

happen. The Chambers family had guaranteed that

Ashley would have the richness and recognition he so

desperately craved.

"We could go for coffee." Ashley began, his

voice suggesting much more than the black liquid. "I


352 Magical Moonlight

know of a good place that's quiet, we could talk and

get to know each other."

"Yeah, right." Liam looked at him curiously.

"You did notice my rather handsome boyfriend the

other night didn't you?" He asked. "I'm not so sure

Aiden would be all that thrilled with our getting to

know one another."

"Oh, he controls you does he? I mean in this day

and age, most young men, as talented and good

looking as you are, would certainly be able to speak

for themselves." He shrugged and turned away. "To

each his own." He muttered.

"Aiden doesn't tell me what to do." Liam glared

at the guitarists back. "I'm my own man." He thought,

well sort of, I just don't like to piss Aiden off, much.

"Then we can go for coffee." Ashley beamed,

though the smile never reached his eyes.

Liam, who noticed everything about everyone, it

was the artist in him, wondered how someone could

walk and talk and breathe and have eyes as dead as

two pieces of coal.

And yet there was something that made him want

to stay. He knew that Ashley wasn't Wahjee, so it

couldn't be magic. "Uh look, I have to go." Liam

began to back out of the room. Maybe we'll have

coffee another day."

"If your daddy lets you." Ashley mocked.

Liam only shrugged, turned and walked out the

door. He wanted to run fast, just to get away from the

man in the music room. But he refused to show he was



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Aiden knew something was wrong as soon as

Liam walked through the door. He didn't say

anything; Liam was unable to keep secrets for long.

He knew it was only a matter of time. "Hey." Aiden

said from the treadmill where he was just cooling

down. "You have a parcel."

"I do?" Liam headed for the counter where a

brown paper wrapped box sat. "What is it?"

"Much as I'd like to have x-ray vision, I don't."

Aiden huffed.

"Asshole." Liam muttered absently as he studied

the package.

"Open it." Aiden commanded.

"I'm going to. What if it's a bomb?"

"Considering it's from the hotel we stayed at

when we were at the White Party in Palm Springs, I

highly doubt it. They'd never get return guests."

Liam glared at him as he carefully removed the

tape that closed the ends of the parcel. "Oh cool, it's

the bouquet I caught. You told me it was lost."

"Well it was lost, but sadly it's been found."

Aiden turned away from the red head to hide his


"You have a fucking wedding bouquet?" Frances

snorted. Ty was lying on top of the cage, perfectly

relaxed, an arm dangling inside only inches from

Frances. Since Aiden had ordered the cat to not injure

their captive, Frances knew he was safe. A Wah cat

never disobeyed its owner. "What a waste of flowers,

two men don't get married."


354 Magical Moonlight

"Well, we could, it's legal in Canada, we could

have a marriage ceremony like Rosie and Vans." Liam

volunteered, dreamy eyed as he stared off into space.

"Don't hold your breath cousin. Aiden Mac

Ruaidhri is not the marrying kind no matter what the

High Council might demand of him." Frances stood

up to pace the length of his cage, but a cat claw tapped

him on the head making him sit down again.

"No one tells me what to do." Aiden glared,

taking the bouquet from Liam's hand. "Who the fuck

do you think asked the hotel to find this and send it to

Liam? I knew it was important to him. It represents an

ideal that he and yes, me, that we need to have to live

in this crazy world. I don't know if we'll ever be

married, but I do know this, we'll always be together.

We don't need rings or public vows of devotion to

love one another."

"You love me?" Liam asked in awe.

"Just what the fuck is love Liam?" Aiden asked as

he turned the bouquet over and over in his hands.

"Can it be found in a bouquet of flowers, or two bands

of platinum?" he shook his head. "Love is so deep

inside you it's part of your genetic make up. You

either have it or you don't. It's like hearing or seeing.

Only it's small, so small it can't be seen and it needs

to grow into something. It needs nourishment while

you grow into a man; it takes years of soft touches,

kind words and all around peace to grow from that

tiny spark. Some of us aren't so lucky. We don't have

that in our lives and the spark of love almost dies out,

in some cases it does and once it's gone, it can't ever


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be lit up again. My spark was dying when I met you

Liam, though you tell me I'm wrong. All I know is

that since you came into my life, I find I am capable

of love. It might not be a raging flame yet, but it's a

hell of a lot bigger than an almost extinguished spark."

Liam stood stunned and then he ran and threw

himself into Aiden's arms. "I am so happy I think I

might explode." He whispered into Aiden's neck.

"Don't explode, it would be messy." Aiden

teased, but his arms went around the boy and he held

him tight, as if afraid he would disappear.

"Give me a fucking break here." Frances yelled

from the cage. "I want to go home. I don't need to

watch this endless soap opera that's your life." Ty

yeoweled. "And get this fucking cat off the cage. He

knows he's not supposed to be this close to me."

"Right, I forgot about you. Mom said she'd keep

you for a while. After all, you're more her relative

than mine." Liam snuggled closer to Aiden if it was

possible to be closer. "She'll come and get you later. I

think she's taking you back to your wife. After all the

two of you did exchange vows, you know, for better

or worse, tiny dick or big one." He snickered. "Don't

worry, mom's working on a spell that will keep you

quiet and out of my hair. And then she's going to go

to the council about the watcher system. You do know

they aren't supposed to kill the Wahjee that they're

watching, don't you. Because apparently you managed

to get the rules wrong."

Aiden snapped his fingers and turned on some

music. He dimmed the lights in the loft as he began to


356 Magical Moonlight

dance Liam around. Catching on to what Aiden was

doing, Liam let his small spark lights loose like he had

on the last night of the White Party; when together;

they'd caught the bouquet.

"Remember that night?" Aiden asked, his lips

close to Liam's ear as they danced to the beat of

familiar music. "You were radiant all in white. Who

knew silk gauze fabric could be such a turn on?" he

licked Liam's ear before kissing it, followed by a


"I thought you were an angel." Liam grinned. "I'll

never forget how you looked in those white linen

trousers. Your cock was outlined perfectly. All the

guys there wanted to taste it like it was some kind of

lollypop." He snickered remembering. "And you said

that it was my lollypop for that weekend, no one

else's. Which when you think about it, was kind of a

romantic thing to say, considering."

"Or I wasn't thinking right because of the booze."

"You weren't drunk Aiden. You never get drunk,

you can't get drunk. You pretend you do, but you

really don't. Cause if you did, you'd be like your

father and you refuse to be like him. I do know your

secret identity."

Aiden continued to dance with his red haired boy.

What Liam said was true, but Liam was the first and

only person to actually discover his act. What did that

say about the family and friends who had been around

him since he was a teen? "You know what witch

boy?" Aiden purred into Liam's ear. "If anyone is


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going to know my secret identity, you are the one I'd

want it to be."

