Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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H ello Frances dear." Morgan had let herself into

the loft. "Killer, you are such a good boy." She

let the exuberant dog wag his tail in greeting until she

was sure it would fall off as she scratched behind his

ears. "Such a good boy you are, guarding the loft from

all the bad guys."

"The mutt sleeps most of the day." Frances said.

"If anyone guards anything, it's that stupid cat."

Ty, who had been sleeping on a cross beam in the

ceiling stood up and stretched. First his front legs,

followed by a back stretch and arch finalizing in rear

legs and tail. It was a ritual he loved. His days of

guarding Frances were over and he was glad. The man

never shut up. He was constantly trying out spells in

an attempt to get out of the cage. At first it was

amusing, but after awhile it was like the buzzing of

bees, annoying to the tenth power. He jumped onto the

cage setting it rocking wildly before daintily landing

on the kitchen counter. "Meroww." He said and butted

his head against Morgan's hand.


360 Magical Moonlight

"You are such a bad boy." Morgan laughed. "I'm

taking your prey with me, my furry little friend." She

unhooked the birdcage from the ceiling. "I'm taking

you to Victoria. I'd let you out Frances, but after what

you were up to, I really can't take the chance."

"Morgan, you can let me out of here and make me

large again. You know my powers have been reduced

if not taken away. I'm your relative for crap's sake."

"Yes you are dear and you were going to attempt

to destroy my son. So I'm not really inclined to give in

to your pleas. In fact, if I was given the choice, you'd

be setting up camp in one of the out villages on one of

the planets in the next universe." She chuckled.

"Unfortunately my sister objected."

"You're a very hard woman. I can't believe you

told my mother about this." Frances said. "Liam, well,

I wouldn't have killed him."

"We'll never know how far you'd have gone, now

will we." Morgan said pulling a cover over the

birdcage. "If I were you, I'd keep quiet until we reach

your home. If I hear one word from you, I'll truly

make you into a bird, perhaps one of those nasty little

green ones." She glanced around to make sure

everything was in place. Killer looked somehow guilty

sitting where he was in the bedroom doorway. "Killer,

what are you up to?" Morgan asked. "You look guilty

about something." She walked across the hardwood

toward the dog that lay down with his front paws over

his eyes. "Don't hide from me Killer, I know you're

up to something."


ER Bryant 361

Morgan had to step over the dog in order to get

into the bedroom. She stood still looking around,

nothing seemed out of order. Killer crawled along the

floor until his nose rested on her foot. "What is it?"

she asked the dog. And then she saw it. The tell tale

glow in a dark recess near the head of the bed. "Oh

my gawd." She picked up the amulet. "Liam, when

did the amulet find you?" she asked out loud. The

black jade was warm in her hand, she could feel the

pulse of the heart of thing and she knew it would be

matched to her son. Yet the amulet was supposed to

belong to Aiden. Everyone knew that.

"Killer I wish you could talk. I'd sure like to

know when this happened. Morgan placed the amulet

under the pillow she knew was Liam's. "This is an

interesting development."

She leaned down and patted the dog. "Thank you

for letting me know. I'm sure it was hard for you to do

this to Liam." She patted his head again and Killer

whined softly. "But you have to understand. Liam

didn't find the amulet. The amulet found Liam." She'd

known immediately that Liam was linked with the

amulet. It had his aura all over it.

"We need to let the amulet do its work in bringing

Liam and Aiden together. I'm sure that's what's

happening." Though Morgan wasn't sure. The amulet

had never been out of the Mac Ruaidhri Clan's line,

yet here it was apparently linked closely to Liam.

She picked up the cage and making sure the

animals were inside the loft, Morgan left. She was still

working out what she was going to do about Frances.


362 Magical Moonlight

And the first thing was to get the little rotter out of the


Not too far away, Aiden read a report he'd

received from the legal department at his firm. He'd

asked them to have one of their investigators look up

Ashley Hicks. He hadn't trusted him from the moment

he'd first met him. And he especially didn't like the

way Liam seemed pulled in each time he heard the

banjo player's music. Considering he wasn't Wahjee,

Aiden ruled out magic.

According to the investigators preliminary check,

Ashley Hicks was a student on a full music

scholarship. His parents had both died in a fire a

month before he'd graduated from high school. The

fire investigation had shown arson and while the

house was insured, as were the lives of the parents, the

insurance companies were still looking into it.

So if all goes well, little Ashley Hicks will be

rather wealthy. Aiden pondered the idea. Maybe he

should look into the fire and also find out some

information on Hicks' parents. He'd ask legal to check

into their background as well.

He was startled when Daniel walked into his

office. "Hey Aiden." He threw himself into a chair.

"The door was closed. When a door is closed it

means you either knock, or you stay the fuck out of

the room." Aiden glared, closing the file folder in

front of him and carefully placing it in his bottom


"Aiden, I think that as your friend, your best

friend since high school," Daniel began, ignoring


ER Bryant 363

Aiden's previous words. "That you need to stop doing

what you're doing and get your life back. It isn't right,

what's happening."

"Danny, I don't have any fucking idea what

you're talking about." Aiden stood up. "I have a

meeting in five minutes. I'll talk to you later."

"But that's just it, you won't talk to me. You say

you will, but you won't."

"You need to get a life Danny. I know you and

the boyfriend aren't a couple anymore, but you need

to find yourself someone."

"That's just it Aiden. It's always been you and me

against the world. Since Liam came along, you've

forgotten your family, your friends. You've forgotten

what we mean to each other."

"I remember everything Danny. I know vividly

what you and the family think about me and what I

want and need. And I know what Liam knows about

me. See there's a difference. He knows me Danny,

knows me and he has since the first night we were


"Fuck Aiden, what does he know? He's just a

damn twink who doesn't know enough to go home.

He's using you. He should have damn well died. At

least you'd have gotten over it." Daniel's last words

faded and he found himself face down on the floor of

something that was rocking wildly. He thought it was

an earthquake and looked for Aiden, only to find

himself in a strangely round tent that reminded him of

a birdcage, staring into a face that looked a lot like an

older Liam.


364 Magical Moonlight

"Welcome to my world." Frances said with a


"Where am I?" Daniel stammered, holding on to a

support wire in his rounded prison.

"Beats me." Frances grinned. He wasn't going to

make things easy for the human. He was Wahjee after

all. The stink of fear permeated the birdcage. "What

were you doing last?"

"I, I was talking to my friend, Aiden, in his office.

Am I dead? Was there an earthquake?" Daniel looked

around. "This place, it smells like my mom's old

canary cage."

"Interesting that you'd know what a canary cage

smells like." Frances snorted "And to think that until

now, I managed to go without that knowledge."

Morgan felt the added weight and smelled the

slight smell of ozone when Daniel had appeared. She

knew that it wasn't going to be something good.

Cautiously she peeked under the cage cover. It was

Aiden's friend that had been slung into the cage. She

pulled her car over and jumped out. She didn't need to

be overheard when she called the handsome boyfriend

of her son.

"Aiden, it's Morgan Taylor." Morgan began.

"You didn't happen to have zapped your friend in

with Frances did you?" she tried to smile, but it wasn't

showing in her voice.

"Shit, I'm sorry Morgan, he just pissed me off

and I reacted. I know better." He paused. "How did

you find out?"


ER Bryant 365

"I'm taking Frances to Victoria, I thought you


"Shit," he repeated. "I'll zap him out of there.


"I suggest you do so quickly. He is chatting with


"I'll do it. And Morgan, thanks for the warning. I

don't suppose you can keep this quiet can you. Liam

will never let me forget."

These words made Morgan smile. Aiden did care

about what Liam thought. "I always found dear, that

keeping secrets never works out. I'd suggest you tell

him when you get a chance."

"Point taken. Thanks." Aiden hung up, sighed and

leaned back in his chair before concentrating and

zapping Daniel back to where he'd been sitting.

"Daniel, I don't want to hear you say shit like that

again. Liam is important to me and if you want to stay

my friend, you'll remember that fact." Aiden carried

on as if nothing had happened.

Daniel, sprawled on the chair he'd been sitting

on, looked around Aiden's office, terrified. He jumped

up and turned around, his voice squealing deep inside

of him like some kind of wild teakettle boiling on the


"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Aiden asked,

doing his best to look concerned. "Are you having

some kind of seizure?"

"I was in a birdcage." Daniel began. "With, with

that cousin of Liam's."


366 Magical Moonlight

"Daniel, when was this? Last night? This

morning?" Aiden's voice was soothing.





"Jesus, when you flip out, you don't fool around."

Aiden got up and went to his friend. "Maybe you've

been staying up too late getting the comic book store

off the ground. Do you want me to call Rick or

someone to come and get you?"

Daniel shut his eyes and allowed himself to be

steered back to the chair he'd been in. He sat down

gingerly; his ass still ached where he'd landed on the

floor of the birdcage. "I was there Aiden, it really


"Daniel, you've been in my office for the last

fifteen minutes ranting about my boyfriend."

The word boyfriend was enough to distract

Daniel. "You don't do boyfriends." He began.

"Actually I apparently do." Aiden was satisfied

he'd changed the subject. "Liam is my boyfriend,

though I do think that since I'm long out of high

school, another descriptive word could be found.

Though I'm not sure I like partner; it sounds rather

business like, and what I have with Liam is much

more fun that business." He grinned at his friend.

"But he's so much younger than you are." Daniel

began again, all thoughts of birdcages faded from his

mind. "He's a kid, for gawd sake."


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"He's mine." Aiden's words were final. He

walked around his desk and sat back down. "I'd

suggest you remember that Danny." The warning

again was made very clear.

When Daniel finally left, Aiden sat back in his

chair and closed his eyes. He never used magic for

just the reason that had happened. He'd learned at a

very early age that he was more powerful than most

Wahjee and the forces he could summon to do his

bidding were potent.

Daniel headed to the diner when he left Aiden's

office. He was still shaken from his daymare, as he

was beginning to call what had happened to him.

Bulge loomed ahead so he stopped in to see Evan. His

friend was always cheerful and full of life.

"Hey Daniel." Evan cooed as he gave him a brief

kiss before hanging up something bright and purple

with red streaks. "My, don't you look a fright. Sit

down and take a load off, Evan is here and willing to


"I just saw Aiden." Daniel began. "He says Liam

is his boyfriend."

"Interesting, but old news." Evan picked up

another shirt to hang, this one see through and bright


"He doesn't do boyfriends." Daniel grumbled.

"That's because he never found anyone

interesting enough to be his boyfriend." Evan grinned.

"Though there were plenty in the wings waiting, moi

included." He pointed to himself. "Ah well, a gay boy

can but dream."


368 Magical Moonlight

"I was in a birdcage." Daniel blurted out. "With

Liam's cousin."

"Oh, really?" Evan looked at Daniel and shook

his head. "Dear, you shouldn't do drugs from someone

you don't know. You just don't know what's in that


"I didn't." Daniel looked gloomy. "I was in

Aiden's office and we were talking and the next thing

I know I'm lying on the floor of a stinking bird cage

and then I'm back in the office."

"Sounds like some bad acid to me." Evan shook

his head. "I heard there was some going around, but I

didn't think you actually took acid. Who knew you

were so daring." He smiled and patted Daniel's


"It fucking happened." Daniel's voice had taken

on an air of desperation.

"Of course it did." Evan gave his friend a hug and

rolled his eyes. "Now why don't you go to the diner

and get yourself a nice cup of tea. I'll stop in on my

break and we'll talk."

"Okay." Daniel stood up and headed out the door.

"It did happen." He mumbled to himself.

By the time Evan was able to break away from

Bulge, Daniel was in full voice at the diner. He

walked in to hear. "And I was in this giant birdcage

with Liam's cousin. He was all covered in feathers. I

could feel the cage swinging; it was almost like being

on a ride at the carnival. And then the next thing I

know I'm back in Aiden's office on the chair." He

paused for breath.


ER Bryant 369

"Hi Bobby, I see Daniel is telling you about his

little adventure." Evan pushed into the booth beside

his friend. "Lisa." He smiled up at the waitress who

was looking at her son with concern.

"Daniel honey, maybe you should take some time

off." She began. "You've been working too hard." She

felt his forehead.

"Boys." Aiden said as he strolled through the

door. "Lisa." He kissed her cheek. "Move Danny, I

want to sit on the inside."

"Why do you always have to sit there?" Daniel

whined like he always did.

"Because I've been sitting there for sixteen years,

why change a good thing?" Aiden drawled, settling

himself. "The usual Lisa." He ordered.

"Aiden, did you notice anything unusual when

Daniel was in your office?" she asked.

"Other than he had a spaz attack, no." Aiden

leaned forward. "And you have to admit guys, that

isn't unusual." He chuckled.

"This isn't funny Aiden. It really happened."

Daniel looked on the verge of tears.

"Of course it did Danny." Aiden patted his hand.

"Now can we get some lunch here? I don't have all

day." He was sure Liam would never let him live this

day down and wondered just how long the news of

Danny's visit with Frances would take to reach his

lover's ears.

