Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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S o Jimmy, what do you think?" Evan asked his

older boyfriend and love of his life, as they lay

entwined on James' large bed. It was his favorite time

of the day, when they would take turns telling each

other about their daily exploits.

James was glad Evan couldn't see his face; he'd

known immediately what had happened. Everyone

was talking about Frances in the birdcage and no one

quite knew what to do about it. Liam hadn't broken

any Wahjee laws, but Frances had. There was the

possibility of a tribunal to settle the whole thing. "I'm

sure your friend thinks he was in a birdcage Baby, but

really, it isn't all that likely."

"I know, but to have a nervous breakdown, well

to think he was in a birdcage," Evan didn't know what

to say.

"Strange things happen to the mind when one is

under stress." James patted Evan's shoulder. He

thought of his own wife and smiled to himself. Some

women learn their lessons and some don't.


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"Jimmy, you're so good for me." Evan sighed. "I

can well and truly say, that the time I spend with you

is the best ever."

"I wish it would never end." James' voice was

sad. "I'm not getting any younger, I'm afraid I won't

have much time with you."

"Don't talk like that." Evan shivered. "My old

auntie always said to never look a gift horse in the

mouth. And I for one don't plan on it. You are mine

for as long as we have together. I expect it will be a lot

longer than you think."

"Baby, you are such a romantic young thing."

James smiled as he pulled Evan closer. "I wish we'd

had years and years together. I've been waiting my

whole life for someone like you."

"I'm glad you waited." Evan smiled. "We make a

lovely couple, don't you think?"

"Yes we do." James couldn't help but think how

much he'd missed with the boy in his arms. "I'll look

after you even after I'm gone Baby, don't you worry

about anything."

"Jimmy, you know I'm not with you because of

your money don't you?" Evan sat up slightly to look

at his lover directly. "I could never do something like


"I know Baby, and that's what makes you special.

You're the one person in my life who loves me for

me." He reached out and cupped Evan's chin. "That's

why I want to make sure you're looked after. I have so

much money, there's going to be one hell of a fight

after I'm gone. I've transferred a few things into your


ER Bryant 373

name now, just to be on the safe side and I want to

give you this." He took a chain from around his neck

that held a key.

"The key to your heart?" Evan joked.

"The key to the real me." James said. "I want

you to have the house and its contents. This key is to

the front door. The address is inscribed on the key.

I've made all the arrangements for the place to be in

your name. When I'm gone, I want this place to be the

refuge for you as it was for me. No one other than you

knows about this, well my lawyer, but he's been a

friend since childhood. If there are any problems, you

be sure to contact him."

"Jimmy, I don't like you talking this way."

Evan's eyes were filled with tears as he fingered the


"Just take it. The place meant everything to me

and so do you. I want you to have it. If you're not

comfortable going there now, wait until I'm gone.

And then when you want to feel me, you'll be able to

do so at our special place." James smiled a lopsided

smile and kissed Evan's tears away before placing the

chain around the younger man's neck.

"Let's dance Jimmy, I want to dance and forget

all of this talk about leaving. I'll never leave you

ever." Evan jumped off the bed and headed for the

entertainment center.

"I'll always be with you too Baby, even if it's

from another plane." James wrapped his arms around

Evan as they swayed to the music.


374 Magical Moonlight

In Aiden's apartment the conversation wasn't

going the way he wanted it to. "Aiden, why did you

put Daniel in with Frances?" Liam asked. "Mom

about had a cow."

"He pissed me off. It seemed like a good idea at

the time." Aiden leaned forward; he was shaving and

hated being distracted by a certain naked red head.

"Well he's freaking all over about it." Liam

continued to dry off, making sure he was extra slow,

knowing Aiden was watching him through the mirror.

"Would you stop that?" Aiden asked after an

especially suggestive wiggle that resulted in a razor

nick. He turned and glared at Liam, who went to him

and hugged him tightly, his tongue licking the spot of

blood. "Don't do that, it could be dangerous."

"You're negative." Liam purred. "I saw your last

test results and you've only been doing me ever since.

I'm negative because I've only ever done you."

"That's not true." Aiden began.

"Which part, me or you?" Liam asked, his hand

now cupping Aiden's balls, tugging on them gently.

"Both." Aiden gasped.

"I don't fuck around Aiden." Liam's tongue

circled Aiden's nipple, nipping at it, causing him to

shiver. "I don't want to, so I don't. Besides why have

someone less than the best when I can have the best. I

do have the best."

"You're very sure of yourself." Aiden moaned,

his head back, his cock rock hard and thrusting

forward; eager to be surrounded by Liam's hot mouth

or even better, his ass.


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"I know you." Liam said as he sunk to his knees,

taking Aiden's cock into his mouth at the same time.

And he did know his lover, more than the green eyed

Wahjee could ever imagine. He knew that from the

moment they came together, it would only be them

from that moment on. He knew that Aiden was slowly

coming to realize this and was frightened. He knew it

put both of them in danger more so than he was

willing to tell his lover, who King of the Mac Ruaidhri

clan or not, really was naïve about a lot of things.

