Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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A shley stood on the corner across from

Hamburger Mary's diner and played his guitar.

He didn't need to be a busker, but it was a great way

to let his musical instrument find Liam. If the red head

was anywhere in the vicinity, the music would find


The atmosphere was especially good for sound to

travel and it did with the help of the magical spell the

Chambers family had placed. Music drifted up and

around, overcoming traffic and other city noises. It

travelled a block, even two, until it was able to work

its way into the open window of the top apartment in

the Bradley Building. Eventually finding Liam's ears

as he knelt on the floor, Aiden's cock in his mouth.

Aiden knew immediately that something was

wrong. He didn't hear guitar music. But rather, he felt

an evil miasma fill the room. Liam stopped what he

was doing and stood up, his eyes glassy. He could

hear the siren call of the guitar. "I've got to go." He


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mumbled, turning away from Aiden. "I, I need to go

to the diner."

"Liam, stop." Aiden put his hand on the red

head's shoulder. He knew Liam was under a spell,

though he couldn't figure out how in hell anything had

reached him, now and in the penthouse apartment.

And then he noticed the open window and Ty and

Killer, both staring at it and growling deep in their

throats. Leaving Liam, he ran over and slammed it

shut. "Liam." His voice soft, but strong.

"Aiden?" Liam said looking confused, as he stood

in the bedroom, naked, the taste of Aiden's cock in his

mouth. "Why are you over there?"

"We need to talk." Aiden said. He looked over at

Killer, who was pacing back and forth in front of the

window, unsure of how to guard his owner against the

evil he could smell and taste. Ty glared from his perch

on the window ledge, on guard as always, but unable

to act against an invisible foe.

Ashley growled a primeval sound when he felt

the string of persuasion snap and his music reeled

back toward him. He stopped playing in a cacophony

of wild sound, earning him glares from nearby

walkers. Not daring to linger, in case he'd been

discovered seeking Liam out, Ashley quickly gathered

his things and prepared to leave.

"Oh Ashley, did we miss you playing?" It was

Vanessa and Rosalie, pushing Shay in a stroller.

Shay glared up at the guitarist. "Bad man, hurt my

Liam." He said clearly, though as usual, everyone

ignored him except his Wah cat. Doug bristled,


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prepared to defend his young charge against this evil

human. No one noticed that the stuffed toy Shay had

been carrying was now alive and on guard.

"I like to practice with an audience." Ashley said.

"This works for me. I can practice and earn a couple

of dollars at the same time. I never did thank you

Vanessa, for coming to my recital the other day.

"We were going to come anyway, but it was

Liam's birthday, the red head we were with, do you

remember him?"

"Of course. Liam attends UBC with me. Well not

really with me, since I'm a music scholar and he's an


"You're both artists in your own way." Vanessa


"What a cute kid." Ashley said, leaning forward

to touch Shay.

Doug reached out, slashing the man's hand with

all of his strength, claws extended. What happened

next was almost too fast for anyone who was


Ashley reached out to grab Doug, his hand

dripping blood, his voice filled with venom. He

accidentally knocked Shay to one side, while Daniel,

who'd come out of the diner, began to talk to Vanessa

and Rosalie, distracting them from the melee. There

was an audible pop and all was silent. Doug stuck her

pink tongue out and licked Shay's finger, shaking her

head no. Ashley and his guitar were gone. Doug went

back to being a toy and Shay began to cry. He'd been

bad and he knew it. His daddy was going to be angry.


380 Magical Moonlight

"Oh baby, what's wrong?" Rosalie asked, picking

her son up to comfort him. She looked around,

"Ashley must have had to leave." She said, though

Vanessa wasn't really listening; she was too busy

checking Shay over.

"He's very fast, I didn't see him go." Vanessa

looked at Daniel. "Daniel, did you see Ashley leave?"

"I think Shay sent him away." Daniel looked at

the child. "I bet he's in some birdcage. It's been

happening a lot lately."

"Very funny, Daniel." Rosalie glared. "We don't

need your sarcasm." She looked at Vanessa. "I told

you he wouldn't work."

"Wouldn't work for what?" Daniel asked, looking

from on to the other. "Hey, what's wrong with the

kid? Why's he screaming like that?"

"He's crying not screaming. He's upset about


"Ma would give him a smack." Daniel said. "She

always did for me. Daniel, if you're going to cry you

might as well have something to cry about." He


"Reason number two why it won't happen."

Rosalie said. "Don't you have to be somewhere

Daniel, hassling Aiden or something?"

Putting a now hiccupping Shay back in the

stroller with his stuffed cat, the two women headed for

the diner, leaving Daniel standing on the sidewalk

beside a rather shabby looking empty guitar case.

Ashley slammed onto his back, doing his best to

protect the guitar he held now in both hands. For a


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moment he was dazed, then he looked around. "Where

am I?" he asked.

"For fuck sake, this is getting old." Frances

muttered. "Is this the only thing you guys know how

to do?" He screamed in the direction of the ceiling of

the cage.

"Where am I?" Ashley repeated. Wherever it was,

it was strange. He could hear a car motor and the room

felt like it was moving. It was round and there looked

to be bars closely spaced around the circumference.

"Where do you think?" Frances giggled, slightly

hysterical. "You're in a fucking birdcage where all the

boys who piss off Mac Ruaidhri and his gang go."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Ashley

stood up, though the floor he was on was tilted

slightly. "Who are you? How did I get here? I have

some pretty powerful friends. You better not be

fucking with me. When my friends, the Chambers find

out I've been kidnapped, you all are going to be


"Oh, you know Brad Chambers and his father

Zane?" Frances almost laughed. "It fucking figures."

"Frances dear, if you're trying to talk to me, I

really can't hear you over the motor. You'll have to

wait until I stop the car." The words were loud in the

small cage.

"Who is that?" Ashley whispered, looking


"That would be Liam's mother." Frances

snickered. "My auntie Morgan. She's taking me back

to Victoria. Hey, can you play that thing?" he pointed


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to the guitar. "Play me a tune. It's fucking boring in

this cage."

"I'm not some freak who plays on demand for

just anyone." Ashley glared, his bravado in full force.

"I don't believe you that we're in a bird cage. For one

thing I'm five foot ten, I wouldn't fit."

"Five foot ten, in your dreams banjo boy. Five

seven maybe, in heels." Frances snorted. "So ever

seen Victoria?"

"Of course I have."

"But have you ever seen Victoria from a bird

cage?" he snickered. "The facilities are meager I have

to admit. And other than swinging on that swing up

there, there isn't much to do unless you can talk

someone into loading movies into the IPod. I've seen

the one in there at least a dozen times. I don't

recommend it."

"There's no bathroom." Ashley looked around.

"There has to be a bathroom, every apartment has


"What part of bird cage didn't you understand?"

"I refuse to fall in with your delusions." Ashley

turned up his nose and stood, looking away from his

fellow captive.

Morgan, suspecting something, pulled over at the

next rest stop. She was almost afraid to look. This

undertaking wasn't supposed to be fun. But she

shouldn't have to be faced with humans being popped

in and out of the damn birdcage. When she got back,

Liam and Aiden were going to feel the wrath of her

tongue. She didn't want to look under the cover so


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instead she listened. Sure enough, there was definitely

someone in there with Frances.

Her lips set firmly closed in displeasure. She once

again got out of the car and called Aiden. "Aiden Mac

Ruaidhri, why is there someone else in the damn

birdcage with Frances. This is not funny."

"Morgan, I have no idea what you're talking

about." Aiden still had his hands full with a confused

Liam. He'd been trying to explain to the red head that

someone was still out to get him.

"Then I need to find Liam. Obviously he wasn't

satisfied with just making his cousin's life miserable."

"Morgan, he's right here with me. Neither one of

us has gone anywhere. Even Ty and Killer are here

watching us as usual."

"I don't understand Aiden. There truly is another

person in with Frances. I don't know what to do. I

think he's human too. I get no feeling of Wahjee from


"What does he look like?" Aiden asked, his

curiosity aroused. He hoped Daniel hadn't somehow

managed to get popped back with some kind of weird

human ricochet effect he didn't know about.

"I'm afraid to look." Morgan admitted. "This is

becoming too much for me. Perhaps I should just

bring them back and let the two of you deal with what

ever or who ever is under the cage cover."

"Morgan, please look, but be careful. It could be a

trap that Frances has somehow set."

Morgan sighed heavily to show her displeasure.

Aiden grinned to himself. No doubt Liam had


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received his drama queen tendencies from his mother.

"Hold on, I'll look."

It wasn't going to be easy, so Morgan thought to

herself fuck it and ripped off the cover, to find herself

looking down at a screaming hysterical young man

with a guitar, lying on his back and an amused


"Good one Auntie." Frances giggled. "Now I'm

stuck with an even more annoying asshole than

before. You might want to mention to Liam that he's

going to get into trouble if he keeps doing this."

"Bite me Frances." She said, covering up the cage


"Aiden, there's a scruffy looking young man

inside with some kind of fuzz on his chin. He's

holding a guitar and he's not taking it well that he's in

the birdcage. I did mention he was human, didn't I?"

"Fuck that's Ashley Gold, he goes to UBC with

Liam." Aiden looked down at Liam who was wrapped

around him listening to the phone conversation. "Did

you put him in the cage?"

"When would I have done that and better yet, why

would I?" Liam was confused.

"Morgan, we'll have to get back to you on this. I

hope your nephew's wife doesn't mind two birds. At

least this one can make some kind of music." He

snickered. "If you don't mind cat squalls."

After he hung up., Aiden said to Liam. "As much

as I'd like to fuck you, I think we'd better go find out

why the fiddler is in with Frances. It doesn't make any

sense at all."


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"I know it doesn't, but let's face it Aiden. If we

spend half an hour fucking, what difference will it

make to Ashley and we'll both be in a better frame of

mind to be detectives." Liam looked at him and batted

his eyelashes while wiggling suggestively against

Aiden's towel wrapped body.

"Good point witch boy." Aiden swept him up in

his arms to Liam's delight and carried him to the bed

where he dropped him.

"Hey, you could break me dropping me like that."

Liam protested.

"I never break my toys." Aiden's grin was

mischievous. He pounced on Liam like he was Ty.

"They're doing it again." Killer said to Ty,

looking up for the cat that seemed to haunt the rafters.

"Hey where are you?"

"Right here." Ty jumped down from the back of

the sofa. "For a dog, you aren't very observant." He

looked toward the bedroom that was filled with deep

moans and heavy breathing. "Want to have some

fun?" he asked Killer.

"Okay." Killer was always ready for something to

break the boredom of living in the loft.

"Shay is coming to visit."

"Oh I like Shay, we play horsy." Killer's ears

perked up and he ran to the loft door and back again.

"Calm down, you stupid dog. He's not here yet.

Doug says he was the one who put the bad guy in with



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"You talked to Doug, where is he?" Killer began

to search, nose to the ground. Ty rolled his eyes before

finding a patch of sunlight to lie down in.

Killer, finally convinced there wasn't another cat

in the loft, lay down beside the now stretched out cat.

"If you're done making an idiot of yourself, I'll

continue what I was saying." Ty said with a sigh, his

eyes closed, he loved the warmth the sun brought in.

"Shay and his mothers are on their way. They'll

be here any minute. I thought we should unlock the

door and let them watch those two." He moved his

head toward the bedroom. "It should be fun."

"I can't unlock the door." Killer said, his black

fur absorbed the heat quickly, he spread himself as

long as he could on his belly, rear feet behind him,

front ones extended. In his favorite frog pose. "I don't

know how." He sighed. "I don't think it's fun

watching them breed. They do it all wrong most of the

time and the little one never gets to be the top dog.

Ty climbed on top of the now hot dog fur and

stretched full length on him. He was useful as a heat

source and Ty rather enjoyed it when Killer

cooperated as a mattress.

"I can unlock the door. Shut up and watch and

listen. And don't move. It's only Shay and his

mommies coming through the door. Top dog" he

muttered under his breath. "Dumb dog is more like it."

"Why aren't they answering?" Rosalie asked. "I

can hear them in there."


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"Maybe they're busy." Vanessa leaned over and

tried the door. "Oh, the door's unlocked, we might as

well go in."

Shay put his hands over his eyes. Didn't they

know his daddy was having private time with his


He was wheeled over the threshold and he looked

up for the familiar birdcage to see if both his little men

would be there, fingers spread but still over his eyes,

but the cage was gone. Eyes wide, he knew he was in

big trouble, worse than before.

Vanessa, being especially dense about the noises

coming from the bedroom, walked up the stairs. "OH

MY GAWD" she squealed, running back down, but

when she did, she turned toward the window, stepped

on Killer's tail and fell against the large cat covered


Rosalie stood there stunned as she watched Aiden

and Liam, both naked, sweaty and panting, run down

to see why Killer was ki yiking, Vanessa was

screaming, and Shay was bawling.

Aiden removed all of Ty's claws from Vanessa,

patted Killer on the head, patted Vanessa on the

shoulder and walked back to the bedroom to find

some pants.

Liam picked up Shay, realized he was naked,

thrust the baby at Rosalie and bolted for the bedroom

to find pants. Both Aiden and Liam stared at one

another as Aiden fumbled to remove a filled condom

from his now half-mast cock. They stared back at

Shay who was crying loudly and pointing to the empty


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hook that had held the birdcage and Frances. He used

to like to play with his little man toy.

"SHAY." They shouted as the realization hit that

it was Shay who had somehow managed to put Ashley

in with Frances.

Dressed, they strolled down to the still crying

baby and slightly hysterical Vanessa, Ty and Killer

who stood glaring at each other. Rosalie had an open

beer in her hand, already half gone.

Aiden picked up his Wah cat. Liam picked up


"So Ladies, what's new?" Aiden drawled as he

placed Ty up on top of the bookcase.

Shay leaned into Liam's neck. "Bad man hurt my

Liam, me put him in bad man cage." He whispered.

"Me sorry."

"That's okay little guy." Liam smiled, pleased

with the strength of force his protégé had and his

instinctive good. Rather than make Ashley a grease

spot on the pavement, his little Wahjee had chosen to

do something less harmful. Liam kissed baby's

forehead. "Liam and Daddy will fix things."

"We want Liam's sperm." Rosalie managed to

say between swallows.

"Oh." Aiden looked at Liam who looked back at

Aiden. "Oh." Both were speechless.
