Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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A iden, I love Shay to death, but I'm not ready to

be the father of anything. You did notice I don't

have a Wah cat, you do. Did you ever think that

maybe it's because I'd make a lousy caregiver?" Liam

looked up at Ty who had moved to his favorite spot on

the rafters overhead. He almost wished he could be up

there with him.

The girls had left an hour before, leaving Shay

with his father. Liam knew it was to make him want to

have a child of his own. They said nothing more after

explaining just why they had picked Liam to father a

child with Rosalie, feeling that Liam needed a few

days to think about their proposition.

"Liam, sit down." Shay said. "Make Shay

wiggly." He patted the sofa where he had been sitting,

watching Liam's dramatics.

"Make Aiden wiggly too." Aiden grinned. "And

not in a good way."

"Shut up." Liam said and then sighed. He'd used

every argument he could think of but all he got from


390 Magical Moonlight

Aiden and Shay were identical foolish grins. "Okay

I'll do it, but you and I both know that mom will shit

bricks when she finds out. Wahjee are NOT supposed

to mix with humans. Look what can happen." He

pointed at Shay, who was now playing with his Wah

cat Doug.

"I admit my superior genetics helped make a great

kid that you no doubt won't be able to match." Aiden

leaned over to kiss his son, only getting a mouth full

of cat ear instead, making Liam giggle. He went to

push Doug to the floor but stopped when the cat

growled and put her ears back to let Aiden know what

she thought of that idea.

"Hey Sonny Boy, control your cat." He looked up

at Ty. "Ty, I thought you were supposed to watch over

me. You were going to let this little girl cat scratch me


"Da, no touch Doug." Shay laughed as he pulled

the cat's ears making her purr. He pushed Doug to the

floor himself and stood up on the sofa so his eyes

were level with Liam's. "Li, make baby for Shay;

Doug says make baby for Shay."

"Dawg says that, does she." Liam laughed. "I'm

your own personal baby maker kind of guy so you can

have some one to play with." He rolled his eyes and

laughed again.

"Maybe you should practice baby making later on

me." Aiden whispered and wiggled his eyebrows.

Liam at first looked startled and then beamed

Aiden a smile that was blinding. "I'll see what I can

do." He said solemnly.


ER Bryant 391

In Victoria, Morgan finally found a parking

space. The commotion inside the birdcage had settled

down. The two hours spent on the ferry to Vancouver

Island hadn't been pleasant for any of them. She had

to give Frances some credit for helping. Perhaps she

could make his life a little more pleasant. Maybe a

larger birdcage or perhaps a dollhouse of some kind

with working facilities. Morgan was sure she'd seen

something like that somewhere. She'd talk to Frances'

wife about it.

Not sure if she should approach the woman with

the birdcage in hand, Morgan headed up to the house,

leaving it in the car.

"Aunt Morgan." Marcie opened the door. "Where

is Frances? I've been worried sick. Liam called and

said he was hung up and couldn't come home for a

while. And then he told me some rather bizarre story.


"I'm sorry, I need to talk to you about that."

Morgan stepped inside the tidy house. "I'm afraid that

Frances was rather naughty and let his love of money

supersede his love of family." It took Morgan nearly

an hour to make Marcie understand what had

happened and why Frances was now being held in the

birdcage. "I know Frances will appreciate you

watching over him."

"Aunt Morgan, I still don't understand why my

husband would do something like this. He knows the

consequences of going to the dark side. It doesn't

make any sense."


392 Magical Moonlight

"Well dear, you'll have a lot of time to ask him.

And Marcie dear, please don't reverse the spell Liam

has placed on him. It wouldn't bode well for either of

you. The position of watcher is one that has been

established and revered, Frances did forsake his vows.

Liam is the next in line for Grand Wizard no matter

what; Cecil was merely acting in his place until he

came of age. Grand Wizard is a heredity position.

Cecil has overstepped too many times. I've long

suspected he was siding with Zane Chambers."

Marcie was unnerved by what Morgan had said.

Married to a watcher of someone as high up as Liam

Taylor, she was well aware that what a member of that

family said and what actually was meant were often

two very different things. They were all masters of the

understatement. She feared for her foolish husband's

life. Liam would never go to the dark side and take

Frances' life, but he'd make him miserable enough

using white light and magic. It was all in the


"Aunt Morgan, I'm not sure what you expect of

me. I apologize for my husband's actions. I want you

to know I had no idea whatsoever what he was doing.

I like Liam and I like Aiden. I think they make a great

couple no matter what the High Council says."

"Marcie, I wouldn't bring Frances back to you if I

thought otherwise." She sighed. "So often messes are

left to the women to clear up. It's like that with

Wahjee and I suspect it's like that with humans." She

paused. "And there will be another small

complication. Apparently one or the other of my boys


ER Bryant 393

has managed to give Frances a companion in his

captivity. A human companion who doesn't

understand the complexities of Wahjee punishment. I

haven't heard the whole story behind this small

complication, but I'm afraid you will have two birds

to contend with. Will you be able to handle it?"

"A human, Aunt Morgan. Isn't that forbidden?"

she looked over her shoulder expecting to see a

member of the High Council listening.

"Yes of course it's forbidden, but I can't picture

either of the boys doing this unless there was a good

reason. It's going to be up to you and perhaps Frances

to discover that reason. You might talk to your

husband, it would be a way of redeeming himself if

this human has been up to no good with Liam in


"I like that." Marcie beamed. Perhaps she could

spring her husband from his caged hell, with his help.

"Now about the two in the cage, do you want me

to arrange for something larger, less austere than what

they have?" Morgan was all business.

"Oh, I can do that. It'll be like when I was a little

girl playing dolls."

"Keep in mind Marcie dear, these dolls can bite."

Morgan laughed. "Come on out to the car and get

them. I need to return to Vancouver and have a talk

with my son."

