Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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L iam preferred to ignore the talk around him as

Rosalie and Vanessa hashed out the ins and outs

of his sperm donation with Aiden. Instead he and Shay

sat in the kitchen while Liam drew his latest Fury

storyboards. He was using Daniel's story about the

birdcage in this issue. He'd even assigned Daniel the

position of super hero sidekick; Zand was the name he

came up with. Maybe when Daniel realized he was a

sidekick, he wouldn't mind the birdcage story.

"Unca Danny." Shay grinned and pointed to the

page Liam was drawing. "Unca Danny in cage like

bad man. Bad man hurt my Liam. Shay fix."

"Yeah, about that Shay. Don't put any more guys

in with Frances. The cage wasn't meant to hold a

bunch of guys."

"K." Shay smiled. "Me play wif them."

"No, Grandma Morgan took them to Victoria.

You can play with Ty and Killer though. And my

friend Dakota is coming over this weekend. You can

play with her too."


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"K." Shay was satisfied for a moment. "Liam

make baby wif Mamma now?"

"Eweee, that would be a no." Liam shuddered.

"But I suppose I will one of these days."

"I heard that." Vanessa laughed. "Seamus baby,

it's a bit much for you to understand. You'll know

more when you're older."

"I doubt he'll want details." Aiden drawled. "That

is unless he takes after Liam and in that case, he'd be

nosey as hell."

"Or she." Rosalie laughed. "The baby could be a


"The baby is still a figment of your imagination."

Liam began. "Don't count your chickens or your

babies before they're conceived." Liam was beginning

to feel like he was only there because of his sperm

"You never did explain why Aiden's little swimmers

wouldn't work."

"I know it sounds strange, but I had a dream

about the children. They grow up together, very close,

so close they remain together as adults. I'm not sure if

this dream means anything, but my grandmother

always said, better safe than sorry. I'd rather that the

children be raised as siblings, but not genetically

actually be siblings." Rosalie flushed and looked

embarrassed about what she'd said.

"I'd always heard that those of the Jewish faith

were a tad superstitious." Aiden said. "But then so are

the Irish. So I can't argue with you on that one." He

stood up. "Come on witch boy, time for bed. You


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need to save your strength for the big jerk off


"Aiden, don't be disgusting." Vanessa said with a

shake of her head.

"Well I suppose he could do it the old fashioned

way." Aiden grinned an evil grin.

"Fuck off Mac Ruaidhri." Rosalie muttered under

her breath.

"Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off." Shay chortled,

pleased with himself. "Why dat da?" he asked.

"That's one for your mommies." Aiden laughed

as he picked up his son to kiss him goodnight. "One

for Liam too." He leaned the boy over to kiss Liam.

"And Doug, da kiss Doug."

"I'm not kissing a damn cat." Muttered Aiden

though he picked up the cat gingerly and handed her

to Liam.

"Why are you giving her to me?" Liam asked as

he cuddled Doug close, smooshing his nose into her

fur. He loved cats, especially Wah cats.

"Because you like pussy better than I do." He

smirked. "Your friend Dakota is a point in fact." He

looked over at Vanessa. "I have to watch him like a

hawk. Every time I go away on business, I come home

and find the two of them in bed, curled up like


"Ah, how sweet." Vanessa beamed at Liam. "It's

lovely that you and Dakota are still so close, even

though Aiden is so much a part of your life."

"How else would I be able to keep sane, having

Aiden as a boyfriend? I can whine and bitch to


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Dakota, not to mention, discuss him in detail." Liam

ducked as Aiden took a playful swat at him.

Doug climbed to Liam's shoulder and glared at

Aiden daring him to try it again.

When Liam and Aiden were driving home later,

the red head was uncharacteristically silent. Finally

Aiden pulled over in front of Hamburger Mary's.

"Why are we at the diner?" Liam asked looking

around. It looked different at this time of the evening.

Moonlight filtered down from the sky and the

streetlights had halos around them. "There's hardly

anyone on the street."

"All good little fags are tucked safely in their

beds." Aiden joked.

"Hardly, it's barely nine." Liam snorted. "Are you

hungry?" his hand was on the door handle.

"No. I wanted to talk and I wanted your

undivided attention." Aiden stared in to Liam's eyes,

knowing that words he'd spoken would definitely get

Liam's attention. He rarely volunteered to talk.

"What's up?" Liam asked, his hand creeping up

Aiden's shirt, buttons being released so he could touch

the fine hairs on Aiden's chest. He loved those auburn

bits of silken thread.

"I want you to be one hundred percent sure about

doing this thing for Rosalie. I know we've kind of

snowballed you into it. But I have a feeling it's an

important decision on your part."

"An Irish thing?" Liam asked.

"No, a Wahjee thing." Aiden's hand captured

Liam's wandering one. "I want you to be sure. To do


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this for you and only you. I want it to be your decision

and no one else's. It's a big undertaking, with more

consequences than either of the women know."

"Is that what you did, take your time and think

about making Shay?" Liam asked.

"I thought about it a lot. For many reasons and

not just because I'm Wahjee and Vanessa is human.

The fact that it's forbidden didn't really bother me.

Usually things are forbidden by the elders to benefit

the elders and no one else. I knew that if I had a child,

I would have to be part of its life and I didn't know if I

was capable of loving someone other than myself.

Fuck, I don't even love myself that much."

"That's okay, I love you." Liam snuggled as close

as he could considering they were in the Lexus. "I just

keep thinking about what Rosalie said about her

dream and what Shay said. I keep thinking about why

it's forbidden to mate with humans. Let's face it, no

one ever actually says why. They just say we can't. I

think about the future, the future of the world and

whether we should even bring another child into it

with the state things are among the Wahjee, not to

mention the human race. I mean look at you. Do I

want my kid to think his or her father is no good

because he's gay?

The Odyssey is all but a tea house right now,

thanks to Johnson." Liam paused for breath. Johnson

was the Dutch Canadian Social Credit Premier.

Aiden laughed. "Tell me how you really feel." He



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"I'm going to do it." Liam said in a small voice.

"I can't help but think that maybe if enough good

Wahjee, the ones who have generations of white light

behind them, mate with humans, that maybe, just

maybe they can change the world for the better."

"Watch it witch boy. There have been a lot of

dictators in the world under the same delusions.

Maybe not Wahjee, but still you know what I mean.

Breeding a better human race." Aiden tilted Liam's

chin up with one finger. "Is that what you're


"No, not that." Liam paused, was he thinking

such megalomaniacal thoughts? "I'm not sure what

I'm thinking. I just know I want to do this. I want to

do it for me and for Shay."

"And the girls?" Aiden asked, looked deep into

the blue depths of Liam's eyes.

"The girls are human. I'm not doing it for them in

particular." Liam admitted. "I can't help but feel this

birth will benefit Wahjee. And if Wahjee are

benefited, then humans will be too, it only makes


Aiden pulled him into an embrace. He wasn't sure

he agreed with Liam's logic, though there was a

certain amount in sense in what he had to say. "Let's

go home." He whispered.

Liam let himself be held. He always felt a rush of

pleasure deep inside of him when Aiden called the

apartment home. "I'd like that."

"And better yet, we don't have the fucking

budgie." Aiden said turning back to drive.


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Liam snickered. "Mom sure is pissed about


"I doubt Leah is too pleased either." Aiden

hesitated. "We need to talk about that too. Shay did it.

Shay sent the banjo player into the birdcage."

"I talked to him about it already. He thought he

was sending him to the apartment. He didn't know

Frances was being moved. Shay was under the

impression that when someone is doing something bad

that we deal with it by sending them to the birdcage in

our home. You have to admit, for his age, its pretty

good reasoning."

"Whatever." Aiden was lost in thought. "We're

going to have give him some instruction. Are you sure

you have him in a tight enough spell to control him?"

"The thing is Aiden, if I control him any more, I

risk ruining his development. As it is, I have already

hindered him with what I've done. If he was being

raised Wahjee, this wouldn't happen."

"Well, it's not possible. He's in a human

household. We'll think of something."

