Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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I think it's disgusting." Rosalie said when another

deeply sexual moan could be heard from the spare


"Well it certainly isn't my cup of tea either."

Vanessa had her pillow pulled and pressed against her


"We're just pandering to Aiden's perversions by

allowing this to happen under our roof." Rosalie

began but quickly stopped speaking when both men

shouted each other's names. "At least Margaret has

Shay for the evening. He doesn't have to listen to


"Do you think they're always this noisy when

they have sex?" Vanessa asked. "I mean they never

stop. I can't believe it feels that good."

"Men are very physical and apparently very

vocal." Rosalie snickered. "Thank gawd they're done.

Oh my gawd, they're at it again." She sighed

dramatically and pulled the duvet up over her head.


404 Magical Moonlight

Half an hour later, Aiden wandered into their

bedroom. "I've got what you guys wanted." He smiled

a self-satisfied smile. "It wasn't easy doing it with the

two of you listening. Liam was rather reticent but then

I suppose we all have to make some sacrifices."

"Well, where is it asshole?" Rosalie demanded.

"Here you go." Aiden dropped five well-filled

condoms on the bed, all tied off nice and neatly.

"They're numbered in sequence. I rather liked number

three, but feel free to use them all." He turned on his

heel and left the room.

"Five, he did it five times?" Vanessa looked with

disbelief at the condoms.

"Hey, sorry guys, Aiden forgot this one." Liam

bounced into the room with another one to add to their

collection. "Have fun making a baby." He blew them

a kiss. "Aiden, hurry up, I want to do it in the

backroom before it gets too skuzzy tonight." He called

out to his boyfriend waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

"He's going to kill Aiden." Vanessa said.

"With any luck at all." Rosalie replied, her voice


Two hours later, Aiden and Liam were dancing,

foreheads together, oblivious to the rhythm of the

music, caring only for each other when Liam grinned.

"It took. I made a baby."

"It's awesome isn't it?" Aiden grinned back. "I

remember what it was like with Shay. Of course the

hardest part is waiting for a couple of weeks while the

girls figure it out."


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"Humans are so slow sometimes." Liam agreed.

"I'll buy you a drink."

"Water for you witch boy." Aiden pulled Liam's

body closer for a searing kiss. "The boys are up on the

catwalk. Let's take them somewhere to celebrate."

"Where?" Liam asked as they made their way to

where the gang was standing.

"Hamburger Mary's." Aiden snickered, "Where


Liam giggled and rolled his eyes. "Carbs after


"It's past midnight, so we're working on the next

day's carbs." Aiden reasoned.

"Aiden, I'd like you to meet Stan." Daniel

introduced Aiden to the large, overly pec'd man who

stood possessively near Daniel.

A flash of recognition between the two men and

then Aiden held out his hand. "Hi Stan, this is my

faithful companion of late, Liam Taylor."

"Nice to meet the both of you. Liam, aren't you

the creator of Fury?" Stan looked closely at the red

head. "I'm impressed with your story lines as well as

the art work. You've got yourself quite the comic


"Thanks, I can but try." Liam blushed. "I'm

working on the third issue right now. It should be

printed by the end of the month. I just have a couple

of things to work through storyline wise. And the first

issue, as well as a couple of shorts, are coming out in

hardcover in two months. Apparently there's a market

for it."


406 Magical Moonlight

Aiden beamed, proud of Liam's success. "And he

gives great head too." He bragged, making Liam flush

an even deeper red. "Oooph" he gasped when Liam's

elbow connected with his side.

"Be nice Aiden and I might let you practice your

blow job techniques later." Liam said sweetly. Evan

laughed with joy, Bob looked appalled and Daniel

horrified. "Aiden and I were wondering if you'd like

to go to Hamburger Mary's with us. We're celebrating

an achievement."

"What achievement?" Daniel asked with a glare.

"On being celibate for the last thirty minutes."

Liam said sweetly. "Ooops, sorry Aiden, I can't wait."

He began to drag Aiden away by his belt loops.

"Damn and I was wanting that cheeseburger."

Aiden protested. "Can't you wait?" he pretended to

whine as Liam dragged him toward the backroom.

Liam and Aiden both turned to look at the faces

of the guys they had just left. The looks were priceless

and instantly cracked them up to the point they were

almost doubled over with laughter.

"What did you take?" Daniel demanded of Aiden.

"I know you've taken something."

"Well I did take Liam's cock up my ass a few

times this evening. I guess it makes me giddy." Aiden


"I'm hungry, I want to celebrate." Evan declared,

not wanting to go where no man had gone before,

though apparently Liam had. "Let's go to Mary's."

Laughing and jostling one another, the group of

friends all left The Odyssey. Stanly wasn't sure he


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was expected to go along with them, but Daniel took

his hand and led him with the gang out the door and

down the street to the diner. All of them oblivious to

the envious stares of the unlucky masses that weren't

part of the A team on Davie Street.

When they tumbled into Hamburger Mary's and

found their places at the largest booth in the corner,

Daniel dared to ask again. "What are the two of you

celebrating? I mean it has to be pretty special for

Aiden to eat something this late at night."

"Life Danny, we're celebrating life, its beginnings

and its middle. We refuse to think of its end." He

crushed Liam to him, kissing him until the others


"Are they always like that?" Stanly asked Daniel.

"Most of the time, when they aren't fighting or

fucking." Daniel sighed. "It's sickening."

"Now Daniel, don't be like that." Evan cooed. He

waved his hand in the air, loving the way his bracelet

sparkled in the diner's lights. "If Jimmy was here,

we'd be giving them a run for their money."

"Ewwe, old people sex." Bob teased.

"Bob Schmidt, I can't believe you said that."

Evan looked at his friend and glared. "Jimmy isn't any

older than you in his mind. Years don't matter, it's

what's inside that really matters."

"Baby, don't worry about it." James had appeared

beside their table.

"JIMMY" Evan squealed. "How did you know

we were here?"


408 Magical Moonlight

James exchanged a look with Aiden who winked.

"I have a sixth sense when it comes to you Baby."

James sat beside his lover. Bob stood in front of the

table, not sure how he'd gotten there, he didn't

remember moving.

"Bobby, sit down." Evan laughed; his face was

flushed with pleasure at seeing his lover. "I thought

you were in Toronto."

"Things happen." James said. He looked at the

rest of them. "I hope you boys don't mind, but I'd like

to take Evan with me now."

"Oh, where are we going?" Evan asked.

"To our place." James whispered to Evan who

blushed at the implication.

In a few minutes Liam and Aiden found

themselves alone. Once Evan and James disappeared,

Daniel and Ben decided they needed to spend some

alone time. Leaving Bob alone with the celebrating

couple. It didn't take long for Bob to find his way out

the door. "I feel like we've got some kind of germ or

disease." Liam said. "Everyone disappeared so fast."

"No kidding." Aiden grinned. "So you're going to

be a dad."

"Yeah, it's kind of cool." Liam relaxed into

Aiden. "Aiden," he began hesitating to say anything.

"Of course I'll be your daughter's guardian."

Aiden smiled.

"You know she's a girl?" Liam laughed. "I

thought I wouldn't know for at least another couple of



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"I know. It's a gift, what can I say." Aiden

laughed. "We'll go over when the girls confirm the

pregnancy has taken and I'll put my seal of protection

on her."

The food they'd ordered arrived. "I feel somehow

older and wiser." Liam joked.

"Oh, and why is that?" Aiden asked, reaching for

one of Liam's fries. "I mean all you did was fuck me

way too many times."

"I told you, it only works if I'm the top." Liam

batted his eyes and tried to look innocent.

"Now I know why you're feeling older and

wiser." Aiden reached his down and gave Liam's cock

a squeeze. "Don't think I didn't know what you were

up to Witch Boy."

While Aiden and Liam were in the diner, James

and Evan had taken a cab to their hideaway home.

Evan had never been there before. There'd been no

need; he was content to just know that it was there.

"Do you have your key?" James asked when they


"Always." Evan patted his chest before taking the

key out from under his shirt. "Jimmy, this place is

amazing. Is it really ours?" Evan stood on the

walkway looking at the large white house in front of

him. The landscaping was filled with plantings that

would be incredible in the summer.

"Open the door, it's all yours you know. It's in

your name."

"I own all this?" Evan turned around. "I never

realized this is what you meant."


410 Magical Moonlight

"I want you to be comfortable when I'm gone."

James looked down. "I don't want to worry about you.

You'll see that the kitchen has been made to

commercial standards in case you decide to pursue

your dream of having your own catering business."

"Jimmy, you remembered." Evan sniffed and

wiped away a tear.

"None of that Baby, inside, I don't have much

time and I need to show you a few things."

Inside the house Evan was taken aback at

everything that he saw. He trailed through the various

rooms, not noticing that James wasn't with him.,

finally ending up at what had to be the library or den.

"Jimmy, where are you?" he called out, looking

around for his lover. All he found instead was a letter

with his name on it.

Evan walked slowly toward the desk and sat

down in the leather chair, his eyes never leaving the

letter. He reached out to touch it and then pulled his

hand back. The emptiness he felt deep inside of him

told him more than that letter ever could. His

grandmother had always said he had the 'sight'.

Tears fell silently wetting his shirt, as Evan

grieved for the man he loved. As the sun cleared the

horizon indicating dawn, he reached for the heavy

vellum paper, slowly opening it.

My Darling Evan:

When you read this, you'll know I'm no longer

living. Tonight was a night of beginnings and endings.

A new life began for one of my kind and my life has

ended. By now I'm sure you've realized that it wasn't


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really me with you this evening. But rather it was my

love for you that allowed me those precious moments

with you to say goodbye and to show you what I've

left you.

You are the trustworthiest and most honorable

human being I have ever met. And because I love you

unconditionally and you have given me the best time

of my entire life, I leave to you my journals. Read

them, guard them. You'll understand what I'm saying

and things will make more sense to you when you do.

Your friends Aiden and Liam will need your

support and friendship. Watch them carefully

Evan Baby, don't allow anyone know what I've

written and believe me, there will be people around

wanting to know how close the two of us were. You

are a good man, with a good heart and I love you with

all of mine. Take what I have left you and enjoy it,

knowing that it will give me pleasure from wherever I

am when you do.

Your loving man - Jimmy

Evan didn't need any kind of official notification

of James's death. He'd always known that there was

something special about the man and the fact that he'd

visited him the night he'd died, wasn't so far fetched

to Evan Bunce of Alberta. Raised as he was on tales of

even stranger happenings.

He didn't begin reading the journals right away.

First he called Bulge and resigned, apologizing for not

being able to give notice. And then he called his best

friend Bob Schmidt at a time when he knew the man

would be out of the house to leave a message that he


412 Magical Moonlight

was fine, that he knew of James's death and that he'd

be unavailable for a week or two.

No, the first twenty-four hours Evan walked

through the house from the basement to the attic,

seeing, touching and feeling the love his man had put

into making the place perfect for him. Everything was

as elegant as money would allow. Everything was the

best of the best, far more than Evan would have

accepted had he known about the construction of the

home. He could see James's hand everywhere and

every now and then he'd find a little handwritten note

explaining why this was used instead of that. Or how

James had matched something to Evan's eyes, or how

his smile had inspired something else.

It was a house that love had built and it was Evan

Bunce's. On the second day, a lawyer came to the

door. Not the lawyer that James used for his company

business, but one who had been a personal friend and

one time lover of the man for the past fifty years. He

assured Evan that the house was indeed his and much

more and that it would never be touched by any

family, wives, or general money hungry vultures who

where now flocking to pick the Vanderhaven Estate

clean. He left after having Evan sign more papers than

he thought possible. It had been a mind-altering


Evan had to sit in the solarium at the back of the

house for the rest of the day; he held the small plastic

covered passbook from a national bank. The small

insignificant pieces of paper and plastic held a king's

ransom in the numbers on the pages and Evan was


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stunned speechless. He'd never want for anything

again. James had seen to that. His Jimmy had loved

him enough to protect him from the grave.

He cried a few tears and smiled and laughed at

things James left him. They'd had a short time

together, but it had been a good for them both. On the

third day after James's death, Evan began to read the


