Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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L iam and Aiden were walking through the park on

the way to visit Shay. For a Vancouver winter

day, the weather was relatively mild and not raining.

"I think that's Vanessa and Shay." Liam pointed

toward the swing.

"It's not a bad day for swinging." Aiden

commented but began walking a bit faster. He enjoyed

playing in the park with his son. "Hey Vans." He

shouted to get her attention.

"Aiden, Liam, how nice to see you two." She

smiled as she shook her hair from her face. "Look

Shay, it's daddy."

"Daddy, Daddy," Shay shouted obediently,

waving his arms.

"He said Daddy not just Da." Liam grinned.

"How cool."

"That's my Boyo." Aiden beamed. "Little chilly

to be out here on the swings, isn't it Vans?" Aiden



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"We had to give Rosalie some peace. Your son

insists Rosalie is pregnant with a girl." She shook her

head. "You know how superstitious Rosalie is, we

haven't had a confirmation that she's even pregnant.

For the last few days, well ever since the night Liam

donated, Shay has been happy as a clam with the

upcoming birth of his sister." She rolled her eyes. "I

was sure we'd never discussed anything regarding

getting pregnant in front of him. I don't understand

how he found out we were trying."

"He's always been smarter than the average

bear." Aiden was smug.

"Liam, Mama has baby growing in her uterus."

Shay patted his belly indicating where.

"Uterus?" Aiden mouthed at Vanessa who


"He's been like this for the last few days. It's like

he's swallowed a dictionary." She laughed. "It's

actually a tad unnerving."

Shay held his hands up for Liam to lift him out of

the swing. "Up Li, up." He demanded.

Liam pulled him out of the swing and twirled him

around making the child laugh. He walked a few feet

away from Aiden and Vanessa so that he could talk to

him. "Shay, it's nice you're going to have a baby

sister." Liam began. "But your momma is human and

she won't know for sure for a few more days."

"Human?" Shay asked and then thought for a

moment. "Doug says dat too."

"You should listen to Dawg. That's why you have

a Wah cat, so that you have someone to talk to and


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guide you when your daddy or me aren't around. You

should do what the Wah cat says and not talk about

the baby just yet."

"But me like my baby." Shay's bottom lip

quivered. "Baby like me, baby talks to me." The last

was said in a whisper with Shay looking over his

shoulder at his mother. "Baby is growing and

growing. Baby looks funny, but will be pretty one


"How do you know what the baby looks like?"

Liam asked, rather curious. He'd had no idea about

Molly when she'd been conceived.

"Books." Shay laughed. "Mamma's books on

table." He clapped his hands. "Big books, don't touch

Shay, books." He giggled. "Shay touch."

"Books are a good way to learn things. Liam

agreed. "I used to read my parent's books all the

time." Liam kissed the boy's forehead. "Just don't

believe everything you read. What you are reading are

the ideas of the author who wrote the book. It's up to

you to form your own ideas."

The child looked at Liam and then leaned forward

and kissed Liam's forehead. Liam smothered a grin.

"Okay Liam, Shay knows that." He snuggled into

Liam, tucking his head under Liam's chin. "Me


"Liam, let's walk Vanessa and Shay home."

Aiden suggested. "I want to see Rosalie."

"You do?" Liam asked, eyebrows rose. "Okay."

Aiden and Vanessa walked ahead of Liam and

Shay. Vanessa pushed the empty stroller and Liam


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carried the now sleeping boy. He was heavy but he

wasn't, in that special way someone you love becomes

weightless at times such as these. Of course having

Wahjee strength also helped.

The park was barely a block from their home so it

didn't take them long to arrive. Doug was waiting

patiently at the door for his boy to return,

merrorowing in her quiet indoor voice when she saw

her person was asleep. "I'll take him up to bed." Liam


While Liam was putting Shay in his crib, Aiden

sat in an easy chair, stretching his long legs out in

front of him. "Hey Rosalie." He said when she

appeared in the kitchen doorway. "How are you


"Why do you ask?" she looked at him with


"It's conversation, small talk, the kind of thing

friends do." He explained with a shake of his head.

"That might work if we were friends, but we

aren't." she turned and headed back to the kitchen.

But Aiden knew, he could see the aura of Wahjee life

that surrounded the small woman. Liam and Shay

were both right, she was pregnant. Not that he'd

doubted them or his own inner feelings for that matter,

but it was nice to know for sure. He stood up,

following her into the kitchen. Placing his hand on her

belly he said. "Any sign of a baby Liam in there?"

Rosalie slapped his hand away, not sure if he'd

meant to give her a small shock or if it was an

accident. Either way, she didn't want Aiden Mac


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Ruaidhri's hands on her. Aiden turned away. It had

only been a second or two, but it was enough. He'd

branded the new life with his mark of protection, a

small star shape that would appear as a birthmark in

the same way Liam's mark had appeared on Shay.

Only this time, the baby would be under his protection

from here on in. He knew that he needed to offer this

safeguard now and not wait for the child to be born.

"Ready to go?" Aiden asked Liam when he

walked down the stairs.

"Go?" Liam looked confused. "Didn't we just get


"Yep. Now it's time to go. Shay is sleeping."

Aiden took Liam's hand and pulled him to the door.

"Later Vans, Rosie." He said, disappearing out the


"What in hell was that all about?" Liam glared at

Aiden, barely able to keep up with his long strides.

"The kid, the baby, it's barely three days old,

barely more than a fingertip full of cells. But she's

strong, she's powerful. Liam, for fuck sake I think you

performed Zyndaix. You've made a pure Wahjee with

your sperm, there's nothing of Rosalie in that baby.

She's all yours, each and every cell. Fuck Liam,

there's going to be hell to pay when the High Council

finds out. She'll be put down like a fucking injured

dog. Why did you do it? You know it's forbidden; it's

like ten times forbidden. It's so forbidden no one even

knows anyone who'd ever done it or if it's just a

fucking legend." Aiden was terrified for Liam and his

daughter. And he was terrified for Shay for he realized


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something he'd been denying to himself since his son

was conceived. Shay was also Zyndaix. He'd done the

forbidden as well and had no one to blame but


"Are finished with your rant?" Liam's voice was


"No." Aiden glared.

"Aiden, think about Shay, come on, really think

about him. He's Zyndaix too. I knew it, your mother

knows it. Why the fuck didn't you know it. I thought

you realized that's what we were doing. I mean, there

is no such thing as a half breed Wahjee." He took a

breath. "I don't suppose you ever gave it any thought

as to why Shay is a perfect miniature of you. Of why

there is nothing of his mother in him."

"He's a baby, how should I know what babies

look like." But the words sounded false in the air,

even to Aiden.

"You seem to have some idea about mine."

"That's different, you're different, I l.., I care for


"You know for someone with strong Wahjee

control over the force of life, you're kind of stupid."

Liam shook his head.

"So all that talk about half Wahjee, half human

was what, talk?" Aiden walked backwards; the better

to see Liam's face.

"Aiden, I had to know. I had to know what you

knew. This stuff that's happening. The babies, it's all

been foretold. You know the legends as well as I do. I

had to really know what you were thinking. Our lives


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depend on it, the lives of our children, and our

children's children."

"I thought you knew me. I thought you said you

could read me."

"I do and I can, but not all at once Aiden, not all

at once." Liam looked miserable. "And we never

really talk. I mean we talk but not really. You know

what I mean."

"No Liam, no I don't know what you mean."

Aiden was pissed. He'd thought Liam loved him,

trusted him, knew him. He thought he'd finally found

a man who could see through his brash ways to what

he was inside.

Snow was beginning to fall; the night skies had

chased away the hazy winter daylight when the men

entered the deserted park.

"Aiden, stop." Liam called to Aiden's back.

Aiden heard him but didn't stop. He needed to

think, to reconsider his relationship with Liam.

"AIDEN, STOP." Liam called out and this time a

ring of small dancing flames sprung around the taller


Aiden brushed them away, not caring if they

stung. Liam was powerful, but he was too. He

prepared to move when suddenly Liam stood in front

of him larger than life, his skin blazing with a glow so

warm, Aiden could feel the heat melt the snow that

had landed on his shoulders. "Aiden, I love you. I

would never do anything to jeopardize that love."

Liam put a hand out to touch Aiden's cheek, but

Aiden pulled away. "You are my heart, my breath, my


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life." He whispered. "I thought you knew Shay was

Zyndaix. I thought it was just something we wouldn't

talk about because it was dangerous. I didn't have any

idea you didn't know. I mean fuck, you made him. If

you think about it, you'll know I'm right, you'll know

you performed the ritual just like I did the other night.

You said nothing then. I thought you were part of it.


KNOW." Liam cried out, tears washing over his face.

Aiden shut his eyes, he couldn't look at Liam

knowing the red head was in pain because of him. He

didn't know what to say or how to act. This was all

new to him. He needed to talk to his mother. Now that

was something he'd never thought he say or do. "I

need to talk to my mother." Aiden's voice was quiet.

"I know you do. I need to talk to mine too." Both

women were powerful in their own way. Both women

would protect their children and their grandchildren

with everything they had.

"Liam," Aiden said, this time looking deep into

Liam's eyes. He needed to see into the other man's

soul. "What have we done?"

"We've loved." Liam's voice was quiet. "Wasn't

that part of the Legends of Wah, that two powerful

Wahjee would come together in love. In a love so

powerful it would transcend time. Didn't you ever

wonder why the legends said they would make

Zyndaix children when it was forbidden? The legends

say that the Zyndaix children will mate and become

rulers of the planet and the planet will prosper in

peace and health for many generations. The black arts


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will perish and be forgotten and those practicing them

will be banished, stripped of their abilities."

"I didn't listen to that shit." Aiden admitted. "I

was too busy keeping away from my father's fists and

when I was older, too busy making money."

"Well, wake up Aiden. The legends have a basis

of truth. You and I are it. There's no such thing as

either you or I becoming pregnant, but we can make

Zyndaix and we have." He looked gloomy for a

moment. "I think maybe we should have actually

given it more thought."

"No fucking shit." Aiden slumped in his jacket,

looking vulnerable and almost scared. Something that

was foreign to his nature. Liam let himself drift into

the welcome embrace of the older man. "I guess we

need to talk more Witch Boy."

"I think that's going to be a reoccurring theme in

our lives." Liam smiled into Aiden's chest.

