Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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M arcie was actually enjoying having Frances

and Ashley six inches tall. Well Ashley wasn't

quite that tall. For one thing, while Frances had been a

great husband, he still had expected her to be the

dutiful wife and pretty much agrees to everything he

said. It was a Wahjee thing she figured. She couldn't

imagine human women thinking subjugation was a

good idea.

Ashley on the other hand, while interesting in that

he at least gave Frances some company while she was

working, was a little bit irritating. For one thing he

whined a lot and then there was his incessant guitar

playing. It hadn't taken her long to figure out that his

guitar had been magiqued. No doubt to do something

to Liam, though she wasn't sure what. He was human

which meant that there had to be a Wahjee out there

who had done the deed with the guitar. It wasn't a

good thing to mix human and Wahjee badness.

The first thing she had to do was provide some

kind of toilet facilities for the two of them. She was


426 Magical Moonlight

damned if she was cleaning up shit no matter how

good a husband Frances had been. It was then she

discovered a wonderful store in Victoria that catered

to miniature everything for elaborate dollhouses that

functioned as well as full sized ones.

Since money wasn't really a problem, Marcie

bought an already constructed mansion that was

delivered intact. She loved it. It was everything a

woman who was a kid at heart could want. Connecting

the plumbing and electric took a bit of ingenuity and a

touch of her powers, but it was soon done.

"Moving days my sweet little birdies." She cooed

when everything was set up in the spare bedroom. She

wondered if maybe she should get a train set and some

of those cute little cars for them.

"What are you talking about?" Frances muttered.

He was heartily sick of living in the birdcage with

banjo boy.

Ashley said nothing; he was in funk because his

magiqued guitar seemed to be out of order. He didn't

realize it was tuned to Liam Taylor, no one else. Even

Brad Chambers and his father weren't stupid enough

to have Ashley Hicks be some kind of pied piper with

a guitar. It was enough they'd tried to fix Liam.

"Smile guitar boy, you'll have a whole house to

sulk in soon. With running water and everything."

"Fuck off." Ashley mumbled. His whole life was

ruined because of Liam Taylor. He was missing

competitions and school. He was never going to

graduate and he was going to be forgotten in the music

world. He fucking hated Liam Taylor.


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"Marcie, I want you to contact the High Council.

I know Cecil Taylor would never condone my

treatment. Everyone is entitled to a mistake. I made

one and now I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry Frances, but unless Auntie Morgan

says it's okay, I'm not going to talk to anyone in the

High Council. I still can't believe you'd try and hurt

your own cousin." She turned and stomped out of the


"Hey, what about moving day? What about a new

house?" Frances yelled.

"Forget it man, even I can tell when a woman is

pissed. The next time you might at least wait until she

moves us before you piss her off." Ashley looked at

his guitar and sighed. He wasn't even in the mood to


"But she's my wife." Frances protested.

"Actually you're her Ken doll." Ashley snickered.

"And even Ken was at least eleven inches tall. I don't

think you're much more than half that. Hell, I've seen

cocks larger than you." Ashley snickered at his joke.

Frances glared at him.


While Marcie was having her problems with Ashley

and Frances, Aiden and Liam were also having

problems. "I just wanted to relax, to dance, to have a

fucking beer." Aiden fumed as he paced in front of yet

another club with a closed sign on the front door.

"What the fuck is happening here?"


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"That guy Johns is closing the queer community

down." Bob replied in his dry way that pissed Aiden

off even more. "I'm going to a friend's place."

"Oh, how is Evan doing?" Liam asked.

"I don't know, he hasn't called."

"I thought that's where you were going." Liam

looked away.

"Evan isn't my only friend." Bob said as he

turned and left.

"Aiden, do you want to come with Stan and I,

we're going back to my place."

"No, I don't think so. It's time to have a little chat

with Jim Johnson." Aiden put his arm around Liam's

shoulder. "Liam's coming with me."

"What are we going to do Aiden?" Liam asked as

they walked back to the car.

"I'm not sure, but I think maybe Jim Johnson

needs to spend at least a week as an out and proud

nelly queen."

"But he's married with kids." Liam laughed. "I

don't think it would work."

"Sucks to be him. He won't be the first gay man

stuck in a miserable hetero relationship." Aiden's step

was light as he worked out the spell that would

effectively change Jim Johnson's life for a week.

Aiden knew he had a meeting with Johnson in the

morning. He'd place the spell then. It was Monday, a

great time to start a new life. The thought of a gay

Johnson was making him horny. "I want to fuck you."

He said in a lust filled voice.


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"It's damn cold, let's go home, we'll fuck there."

Liam was shivering in the car despite the heater

blasting full on.

"Can't wait," Aiden said as he pulled Liam in for

an icy embrace. "Fuck, your nose is cold and wet."

"It is not wet." Liam laughed and wiped it on

Aiden's shirt. "I told you it would be better at home."

"Pucker up Witch Boy, let's see what those cold

lips can do for my big warm cock."

"Better yet, let's see what you can do for mine."

Liam laughed as he wiggled around, placing Aiden's

hand on his tenting jeans. Aiden put his head back and

laughed. Liam beamed because of the free and happy

sound. It wasn't often Aiden was relaxed enough

inside himself to make such a contented noise. "We'll

go home." He nuzzled Liam's neck.

Monday morning, Aiden uncharacteristically

made a coffee for Jim Johnson, smiling to himself as

the other man sat at the conference table and drank it.

Dressed as he usually was in a tightly buttoned collar

and a no nonsense business suit or an undetermined

color, Aiden couldn't wait to see the man loosen up.

The bank President and his fellow executives as

well as Kimberly filed into the conference room. "I

see you two have started without us." The President

nodded toward the now empty coffee cups.

"Aiden, the wonderful man makes amaaaazing

coffee." Jim lisped as he waved his limp wristed hand

in the air.

Everyone stared at him, the room was silent.


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"Yes, well," David Reinhardt looked around.

"Shall we begin?" he handed Jim a folder that

contained the proposal for the latest condo project Jim

Johnson was involved in.

"Oh dear," Jim said as he leafed through the

pages. "This is a just a tad harsh, isn't it." He looked

at Aiden. "Aiden, dear boy, we can't close down all of

the night clubs on Davie and not close the ones in the

rest of the city. Besides, it's not like it's the 20's and

prohibition is the law. These are just people trying to

relax after a hard day."

Their meeting lasted into the afternoon, with

David Reinhardt and Kimberly, his assistant becoming

more and more confused the longer Jim Johnson was

in the room with them. Aiden pretended to notice

nothing. As Johnson was being ushered from the

conference room toward the elevator later, he leaned

in to Aiden. "Aiden, why don't you take a break for

the day. I understand there is a rather nice place near

here that should be quiet in the afternoon. We can

discuss my project."

"I'll have Kimberly clear my calendar." Aiden

said. "Where are we going?"

"A place called Celebrities. I'm sure I heard

mention of it somewhere, I'm not sure where, but I

understand it has a wonderful ambiance. Do you know

it?" he asked.

"I've been there a time or two." Aiden admitted.

"It should be quiet this time of day."

"Wonderful, I'll have my driver take us there."

Johnson beamed.


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Two weeks later, Liam was lying on the floor of

the loft watching television with Dakota who stretched

out on the sofa. Ty laid full length on Dakota and

Killer was cuddled close to Liam. It was one of those

winter days that held a hint of spring in the sunlight

that played with dust molecules in room. The phone

rang and Liam reached for it lazily. "Hey." He purred

into the receiver.

"Liam, is that you?" Vanessa asked.

"Oh, hi Vanessa, sorry." Liam's attention was

still on the movie.

"Congratulations Liam, you're going to be a

father." Vanessa all but shouted.

"Cool. Thanks for telling me. Do you want to call

Aiden or should I?" Liam asked. He wasn't all that

excited, after all he'd known from the first cell


"I'll call Aiden." Vanessa hung up, rather

disappointed with Liam's attitude. She didn't know

what she was expecting, but she figured he should

have been a little more enthused.

"Who was that?" Dakota asked.

"Vanessa, Aiden's friend." Liam reached for a

handful of popcorn.

"What did she want?" Dakota was a female and

curiosity abounded.

"Oh, she just wanted me to know that Rosalie was

pregnant with my baby." Liam put all the popcorn in

his hand in his mouth. "This needs more butter."


shouted, jumping up from the sofa, dumping a slightly


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pissed off Ty to the floor and barely missing Killer's


burst into hysterical tears.

That's when Aiden walked in. "Uh, what's up?"

he asked Liam, who shrugged.

"Vans called, Rosalie is pregnant."

"Duh, rah, rah." Aiden said as he pulled off his

jacket. "Thank gawd that part's over with. I was

beginning to think Shay was going to bust a gut

keeping his mouth shut after your little chat." He

nodded at Dakota. "And this affects your cheering

section how?"

"Beats me." Liam tried to put his arm around

Dakota who pulled away from him, glaring daggers in

his direction.





and sobbed, barely making herself


Liam's eyes grew wide. "Holy shit." He muttered

looking helpless.

"Dakota, Princess." Aiden wrapped the smaller

woman in his arms and she melted into his body. He

had that effect on anyone he held. "This baby isn't for

Liam and me, it's for Rosalie and Vans. Liam didn't

even want to do it. I had to talk him into it. If the day

ever comes when we want to raise a child, we would

be honored if you were the mother. I couldn't think of

anyone else I'd want. You're cute and funny and not

too damn bad looking for a female."


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"Really?" she sobbed, though her sobs were less.

"Really." Aiden said, biting his lips when Liam

rolled his eyes and threw himself on the sofa. Ty and

Killer both jumped on the red head. They hated

women's tears. It made them nervous.

Dakota leaned over and punched Liam's arm.

"Sorry, but I always have wanted your baby, ever

since I was four."

"Four?" Liam laughed. "Fuck, at four babies were

the last thing in my mind."

"You aren't a girl."

"Thank gawd for that." Aiden laughed. "They

have pointy knuckles when they punch. You realize

Liam will have a bruise for days." He let go of the girl

and stepped back. He was afraid she was beginning to

like being in his arms.

"So you really didn't want to do it?" Dakota

asked. "Did you do it in a cup like Aiden?" Liam had

discussed Aiden's attempts at fatherhood at length

with Dakota.

"Nope, I fucked Aiden and gave them the

condoms." Liam grinned, laughing outright when he

saw Aiden's face flush bright red. "Six times." He

held up fingers and counted them off, just to make the


"Ewwwwe." Dakota was impressed but she knew

better than to let Aiden know it. "I hope it's a girl."

She looked at Liam, her head cocked to the side.

"You'd make a cute girl."


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"Thanks I think." Liam didn't like the way the

conversation was going. He'd had enough teasing

from Aiden the night before.
