Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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Liam snickered at the headline in the paper. He'd

seen Johnson at the club the night before dancing with

his shirt off, high on E. Twice the man had let himself

be dragged into the backroom. It was when he was in

there the last time, the police raided the club to close

the room where so much fun could be had. Imagine

their surprise when they found their Premier, pants

around his ankles, bent over and taking it up the ass.

Liam about had a seizure laughing when he heard.

"Did you see this, apparently Johnson was

undercover last night." Liam waved the paper at


"I heard." Aiden removed his suit coat and threw

it on the back of the sofa rather than hanging it up

right away. He was tired from his day dealing with the

repercussions of Johnson's little walk on the wild side.

Not that he hadn't been expecting it; he did, after all,

wield the spell that put the man there.


436 Magical Moonlight

"How long is Johnson going to be gay?" Liam

asked. He kind of enjoyed the way Aiden had turned

the human's deeply hidden fears against him. It was

rather ironic that what Johnson feared the most was

what he was now. He was lucky he hadn't feared

spiders or rats.

"He's always been gay. He just repressed it."

Aiden shrugged. "It makes things rather interesting

don't you think, considering his stance on all things

even slightly rainbow colored."

"Interesting is good." Liam agreed. He stood up

to wrap his arms around Aiden. "You look kind of


"I resigned."

"You resigned what?" Liam was confused.

"I resigned from Vancity." Aiden rubbed his

fingers through Liam's hair before tipping up the red

head's chin to kiss him on the end of his nose. It was

something he did often when he wanted comfort rather

than passion. But it was just as much a turn on to

Liam as the most passionate of kisses might have


"Okay." Liam replied, not actually sure what he

was supposed to say to those words. "Uh, what did

your boss say?"

"Not much." Aiden sighed and held Liam a bit

closer. "It was time Liam, to leave there. I couldn't be

the man I was meant to be, working for such a large

corporation. It was good while it lasted and hell, I've

made a lot of money. I'm good at what I do without


ER Bryant 437

having to resort to any Wahjee ways. It was important

to me to know I could succeed without them."

"Okay." Liam said again. "I guess that means

we'll have more time together." He looked up at

Aiden and smiled.

"Or not, Witch Boy." Aiden walked over to his

desk. "I've been thinking about this for awhile. I'm

going to start my own business. We're going to start a


"We?" Liam looked confused. "I'm a school boy


"You're a Wahjee school boy. You can multi

task. Look at this. We can set up our own mortgage


"And I want to do this why?" Liam wasn't really

interested in working at anything other than his


"Because you're my love slave." Aiden snickered

"And you need to redeem yourself for shrinking


"Hey, that wasn't just me." Liam leaned into

Aiden. "You kind of helped."

"I'm not sure how you rationalized that, but what

ever floats your boat." Aiden indicated his computer

monitor. "Now look at this; what do you think?"

"I think the name sucks and the logo needs

work." Liam sat down and began to work the laptop

keypad. "There, what do you think of that?" On the

screen were the words Mac Ruaidhri & Associates in

a deep blue.


438 Magical Moonlight

"I like it." Aiden grinned. He knew he could get

Liam involved if he put his mind to it.

"Yes, it has a good ring to it. I'll design some

business cards and stationary. You should think about

having the name registered and buy the domain.

You'll need a website." Aiden retired to the bedroom

where he changed before throwing himself on the bed

to relax. The day had been filled with stress. But now

Liam had things under control and Aiden could relax.

He could hear Liam clicking away in the other

room, deeply involved in designing a website. He was

sure by now that the kid had bought the domain and

registered the company. It was amazing what he could

do on a computer. Hands behind his head, the older

man let his mind relax while he thought about what

the next few months were going to bring the Mac

Ruaidhri Taylor household.

His relaxation was short lived because with a loud

and very audible pop, Morgan Taylor was in his

bedroom, hands on hips and standing beside her was

his mother, Margaret Mac Ruaidhri. Aiden opened

one eye and stared at the two very pissed women.

"Where is he?" Morgan managed to get out.

"Well, he's not here." Aiden could tell that Liam

must have somehow managed to pop himself

anywhere but here, leaving him to face the mothers.

"We are aware that he left rather suddenly Aiden.

Neither of us are amateurs." His mother's voice was

clipped. "I can not believe that you allowed him to

make Zyndaix."


ER Bryant 439

"Uh moms, I don't have control over the lad. He's

Wahjee and a Wahjee Prince on top of everything. It's

not too damn likely he's going to listen to me." Aiden

sat up; he didn't like the feeling of the women

standing over him. "Besides, check your history. He's

only doing what's been foretold."

"What has been foretold is a story, a legend. He

didn't have to make it happen. You didn't have to

make it happen." Morgan glared at him. Ty jumped on

the bed and faced her, his fur at full bristle. Killer

slowly crept up the stairs, fangs showing, a low growl

in his throat.

"Seamus is my responsibility. And frankly, I

didn't give it much thought at the time. I didn't plan

on making Zyndaix. I'm not even sure it was all my

doing. I've thought about it a lot and I'm sure there

was some other hand in the whole Zyndaix thing."

"Aiden, only you could have done it. It isn't a

group participation thing." Morgan smiled. "I would

have thought that Liam might have mentioned that

little part."

"Liam and I deliberately worked Zyndaix on his

child." Aiden admitted. "It was apparent to both of us

that Shay was and we knew the legends. He needs a


"You're taking a risk making a female partner."

Margaret said quietly. "I mean you and Liam wouldn't

appreciate it if either one of you were female."

"Shay wanted a sister. Who were we to argue

with him. You know how powerful the boy is." Aiden


440 Magical Moonlight

took a chance and moved past the mothers to get to

the kitchen. He needed something to drink.

"Aiden, don't you run away. We need to discuss

how these Zyndaix children are going to be supervised

as they grow. You know that the High Council will be

doing what they can to euthanize them."

Aiden turned and faced the women. Ty was on his

shoulder and Killer by his side., all of them glaring.




his hands together, forming a ball of energy. "There

will be no easy life as a six inch tall doll, they will be

gone from this planet." The ball of energy expanded

until Aiden released it through an open window, a

falling star for the uninitiated.

"There was no need for theatrics Aiden." His

mother chided, her voice soft. "We were merely

relaying what we know to be true. Your child, your

children will be in danger until they are able to control

the power that is part of them. And even then, danger

will stalk them the rest of their lives." She nodded at

Morgan, who continued.

"I'm not sure the world is ready for these two yet.

But yes, we both, as mothers, knew with your own

births that the path leading to this point had been set."

Morgan paused. "It isn't something a mother wants

for her child. Children live longer, quieter, easier lives

when they stay under the radar of those with a hunger

for power."


ER Bryant 441

"Aiden, Morgan and I will be doing what we can

to have your Zyndaix children remain cloaked from

the views of those who mean them harm, and from

those who will wish to latch onto their coat tails as it

were, for Zyndaix children are mighty."

"There hasn't been any in centuries, surely it's

been forgotten. Legends are just stories your

grandparents tell you before bedtime. They are

supposed to be true. They were never supposed to be

true. When Shay was born and I held him in my

hands, it was only then I knew that he was special,

that he was different and that he had nothing human in

him. It was only then the legends came rushing into

my mind and I knew in that instant that he was

Zyndaix. I racked my brain for indications that I had

said the words, done the ceremony when he was

conceived, but damned if I can remember doing

anything other than jacking off in a cup."

When Liam had popped out of the loft he hadn't

had any particular destination in mind. Instead he let

his heart take him wherever it would and ended up in

front of Vanessa's house. Shrugging, he walked up to

the door and rang the bell. "Hey Vans." He said with

what he hoped was an engaging grin, "just thought I'd

stop by and say hi."

"I shouldn't be surprised." Vanessa laughed.

"Shay said you'd be tucking him into bed tonight. I

think he may be psychic."

"Nah, little kids get ideas, though I heard they're

kind of in tune to people they love. It wears off as they


442 Magical Moonlight

grow up." Liam followed Vanessa inside the house.

"Where's Rosalie?"

"She's laying down. This pregnancy is having a

rather calming effect on her. I really don't understand

it and I never actually thought it would happen." She

smiled. "Shay, Liam is here."

"Liam." Shay tottered over to Liam and grabbed

him around the knees. Doug, sitting on the back of the

sofa watched the boy, an indulgent smile on the small

cat's face. "Gramma's mad at Da." He giggled.

"They aren't too happy with me either." Liam

whispered to the boy as he picked him up for a hug.

"Mamma sleeping." Shay settled on Liam's lap.

Doug draped herself over Liam's shoulder. "Phoebe

says Mamma needs to rest. So mamma rests."

"Phoebe?" Liam looked up at Vanessa who had

come into the living room with a tray of drinks and


"Yes, Shay insists the baby's name is Phoebe."

She laughed. "If Rosalie does have a girl, no doubt

we'll call her Morgan Rebecca to honor your mother

and Rosalie's. We could call her MR for short or

maybe Becca."

"Mom would be pleased." Liam beamed.

"Phoebe says no." Shay shook his head. "Phoebe

likes Phoebe." He smiled his winning smile so much

like his father's. "Liam is Liam, Daddy, is Daddy,

Mommy is Mommy, Momma is Momma, and Phoebe

is Phoebe. Me is Seamus." He tried to get his mother

to understand.


ER Bryant 443

"Hey Lil' Guy, let's just wait for the baby to

hatch." Liam grinned. "We'll decide then."

"The decision has been made." Vanessa's voice

was firm. "Much as I love Shay's input, it's really

Rosalie's decision as to the baby's name. Besides, it

could be a boy just as easily as a girl. I can't imagine a

boy answering to Phoebe." She laughed.

"Seriously, how is Rosalie doing?" Liam asked.

"Not bad." Vanessa smiled. "It's her first child

and she is over thirty, there's always a risk. But it's

early and she has good prenatal care."

"Phoebe will watch her." Shay whispered in

Liam's ear. "Don't worry."

"Seamus, you know whispering isn't polite."

Vanessa admonished. "If you have something to say,

you can say it out loud or keep it to yourself."

"Yes Mommy." The boy said but he didn't

volunteer to tell her what he'd whispered to Liam.

Later that night when the house was quiet and

everyone was sleeping, well the adults were sleeping,

Shay and Doug quietly crept out the bedroom window

and onto the roof of the back porch. Slowly the boy

crawled toward the big oak tree with branches that lay

against the top of the porch. He'd done it before and

he found each time it was easier to do. Doug led the

way, for he was a Wah cat after all and had no

problem seeing the way. Shay, who by now was

almost three, didn't hesitate to make his way deep into

the heart of the oak, losing himself among the

branches and leaves.


444 Magical Moonlight

Only when he was satisfied that he was hidden

from the view of anyone who might for some

unknown reason glance in the back yard of his home

did the boy relax. Liam had, without realizing it,

placed his spell without making it clear that Shay

should be restricted in his magic anywhere, not just

the house. It was a loophole that the boy used to his

advantage whenever possible. Holding Doug close to

his chest, Shay popped himself to the roof of the

Bradley building. He landed as he always did, in the

center of the small deck Liam had built. Ty and Killer,

who had been sitting to the side waiting, quickly

joined the other Wah cat and his person.

"The fire fur one is preparing for bed, master is

closing down the box with sound." Killer volunteered.

"Then we're just in time." Shay was satisfied. His

father and his father's partner were powerful in

different ways, but more powerful than most, if any,

other Wahjee. When they combined that influence

during the moments before sleep, when they wrestled

on the bed, it increased by ten, sometimes even more,

forming a power point cone exactly where he sat now.

Ty had told him about it more than a year before. The

other Wah cat had often come to visit him in his room.

Or perhaps to visit Doug who was a rather beautiful

female Wah cat. "Phoebe has my father's protection

and that of her own father, but she fears it won't be

enough. Too many know of us and that we are


"Young one, only your fathers and the mothers of

your fathers know you both are Zyndaix." Ty said. "It


ER Bryant 445

is a small circle and one that is protected by their very

lives." The large orange cat wound his way around the

child, joined by Doug who did the same, their noses

meeting in the front, their tails in the rear of the boy

who sat cross legged and stiff backed in a pose that

radiated his inborn power and majesty.

"Phoebe requests this spell." It was all that was

necessary to say. For in a matriarchal society, the

word of a highborn priestess, even one in the womb,

was something to take note of and obey when


Killer, sitting on guard at the edge of the small

deck, tried not to whine, but a small sound escaped

from his throat. He hoped the cats didn't notice. Being

the dog and just a regular canine occasionally put him

at a disadvantage in their company. But not now, not

at night when the smells of the city could come up to

this secret lair without hindrance and the sounds, even

that of the smallest mouse, were easy to detect. No

cat, Wah cat or otherwise, had a better security system

than Killer's big black nose or his floppy ears covered

in black curls. He was rather proud of this.

Shay stood up in one fluid motion that belayed his

age. The cats remained in place only now if looking

down from above, one could see how the furred

creatures formed a circle of protection around the

small child. He raised his hands to the sky and moved

them as if wiping the shadows from the moon and

allowing the moonlight to wash down on him,

spotlighting his performance.


446 Magical Moonlight

Words in a language that hadn't been heard in a

thousand years were whispered in the night sky.

Killer's hackles stood on end as he felt forces from

above and below as well as each side, move to the

child, enveloping him in a soft glow of energy. The

amulet, its black jade carvings alive with movement,

appeared in Shay's upheld hands from where it had

been hidden by Liam. Killer could hear sounds

matching what the child whispered, coming from the

scary thing and he wanted desperately to cower, but

didn't, because he was dog and he took his duties as

dog seriously.

Colors fluoresced and pulsated until gradually,

one by one they came together, eventually fading from

view. Shay sank back down in his former cross-legged

pose, the amulet returned to where it usually rested,

his hands on the heads of both Wah cats, fingers

kneading their fur. It was then that Killer noticed the

purrs of the cats matched the child's heartbeat and he

realized that his heartbeat as one as well. His tongue

lolled as he grinned, happy to be part of this wondrous

group who allowed dog to be dog and accepted him

for that.

"You did well young one." Ty said with a

merrorow. "Your fathers and Phoebe will be safe from

those who wish them harm at this time."

"The one with red head fur is coming." Killer


Shay blew Killer a kiss and with a pop, he and

Doug were back in the oak tree.


ER Bryant 447

Killer lay down where the boy had been and

began to roll around on his back, the better to dissipate

the slight smell of ozone that would betray the recent

magic. By the time Liam cleared the top step, Killer's

head was on his front paws in an imitation of rest. Ty

sat on the edge of the roof, a red gold pillow of

watching fur. "Hey guys, you can't stay up here all

night. We want to lock up now."

Liam looked around, something seemed different,

but he wasn't sure what. "What have the two of you

been doing?" he asked, not really expecting an

answer, before turning and heading down to the loft

and Aiden's arms.

Back home, Shay and Doug made their way back

to his room. He had only just crawled under the covers

and shut his eyes, when his mother looked into his

room. She tiptoed over and closed the window and

then pulled the duvet up over his shoulders.

"Was he sleeping?" Rosalie asked.

"Yes, but I closed the window. I really don't like

to leave it open even if we are on the second story. It's

dangerous with a small child."

"I don't think Seamus can even reach it." Rosalie

patted Vanessa's hand. "I miss the days when we had

the monitor in there."

"I do too. I can't understand why they keep

breaking. We'll have to find a better quality one when

the baby comes." Vanessa snuggled into Rosalie's

arms, one hand protectively over the growing child.

"It's funny, for some reason tonight I feel so safe and


448 Magical Moonlight

loved. I mean more than usual. It must be the nice

weather we're having."

In Aiden's apartment, Liam crawled into bed with

his lover, snuggling close.

"Fuck Liam, I was just about asleep. Your feet are

like ice. Where did you go?"

"I was checking