Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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Y ou picked him up, didn't you?" Liam asked. He

was laid out on the hardwood floor in the center

of the loft. Ty was on his belly and Killer was for

some reason perched on the back of the white sofa,

almost reaching from end to end, he was stretched out

so long. He was referring to Bob who had been

through three months of rehab trying to get his life


"Yep." Aiden kicked off his shoes, doing his best

not to ask what in hell Liam was doing. "Evan was

there to welcome him home."

"Do you think he'll persuade him to go to the

Fairie retreat with Daniel and him?" Liam asked, his

eyes closed, enjoying the feel of the cold wood on his

back and the warm cat on his belly

"Not likely. I can't think of a more unlikely place

for Bob to go. It's cold, smelly, bug infested and

attended by fruitcakes dressed in funny clothes with

even more ridiculous names."

"Wanna go?" Liam asked.


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"Not a chance in hell." Aiden snorted. He began

to look through the mail he'd picked up.

"It would be fun, the ad on the Internet says it's a

magical place."

"Anything is magical if you eat enough of the

right mushrooms."

Ty reached out with one paw and touched Liam's

nose with his paw.

Aiden had to ask. "Why are you naked on the


"I'm a rug for the cat." Liam explained.

"Well you certainly qualify for the role of

fruitcake who would head to the fairie wilderness to

get your ass bitten off by mosquitoes."

"So, are you going to come with me?"

"I always come with you." He snickered.

"It's just that I have this awesome idea to fuck

with Daniel's head and it would be cool if you'd go

along with it."

"Danny's my friend."

"And your point is?"

Liam put Ty carefully to one side before standing

up. "If I can make you cum just by kissing you, will

you go with me?"

"I'm thirty…..ish, it's not too damn likely, but

sure, why not, do your best witch boy and speaking of

that, no witch moves."

"I don't need magic to make you cum." Liam

grinned as he stepped closer.

"Are we going to the bedroom?"


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"I don't need the comforts of the bedroom, but if

you'd like to, we can go to the bedroom."

"The dog is watching, I'm never going to cum."

Aiden snickered, figuring he'd won the bet already.

Liam only smiled as he reached up with one hand

and cupped the back of Aiden's head. He let his eyes

twinkle, knowing that Aiden was watching, and then

slowly lowered his lids halfway as he fell into the

spell that was Aiden Mac Ruaidhri. It was something

that happened every time they kissed. The man who

touched him, whom he touched, enthralled Liam.

A slight hitch in his breathing was all it took to

match the breaths he took to the beat of Aiden's heart.

His lips touched Aiden's softly, tenderly, as his eyes

asked permission for more. The older man's heartbeat

sped up, his skin flushed, as he read the love in Liam's

eyes. His lips craved more, but this was Liam's show

and he resisted pulling the red head closer.

Liam's lips became more insistent, his tongue

began to move of its own violation, searching,

touching, feeling. Aiden could feel the younger man's

fingers on the back of his head, moving ever so softly,

warm, firm, strong. The very touch somehow

comforting, filled with the secure feeling of love.

Liam broke the kiss, barely, and he nibbled on

Aiden's bottom lip, his body, his cock, thick with

desire, pressing against Aiden's body leaked precum,

warm and sticky, a low moan of desire, uttered

unconsciously from Liam's mouth and Aiden, hard as

he tried not to, gave himself up to the lips of the man

he loved, no matter how hard he tried not to admit it.


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"Fuck Liam." Aiden breathed, his knees weak.

"How do you do this to me?" the question didn't need

an answer, he knew that he was lost, or was he found?

It was a something he couldn't answer, as his body

responded to Liam lips, to the other man's breathing,

to his smell, to his touch. And as the kiss intensified,

he let himself release the orgasm that had been

building. Not because he couldn't hold back, but more

because he loved the man in his arms and would do

anything to make him happy, even attending a stupid

weekend fairie farm.

"I want to get there before anyone else." Liam

breathed, once he could speak.


"I have plans."

"What does one wear to this kind of place?"

"Oh don't worry, I have that under control.

Remember, we're going to fuck with Danny's head."

"I can't wait." The words were dry with sarcasm.

"No problem." Liam grinned and popped the two

of them.

Aiden looked around. "Where the fuck did you

take me? It looks like I'm in a tree."

"You are. We're at the fairy retreat."

"Liam, you have fucking wings on your back and

you're naked."

"So do you and so are you." He giggled.



"Of course we are." Liam giggled as he tested his

wings and hovered somewhat like a pale well-


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endowed hummingbird. "Don't you just love how

your cock feels in the breeze?"

"No." Aiden was trying to pull leaves over

himself, but they were in a willow tree and the leaves

were narrow and rather sharp. No one was going to

see Aiden Mac Ruaidhri with fucking wings. "Would

you kindly reverse this spell please, before I kill you?"

"Fairies don't kill, remember Tinkerbelle? I mean

Tinkerbelle is a gentle fairy, like you and I. Not

something out of a Tim Burton movie." Liam flitted

from branch to branch enjoying the freedom of flight,

flying past Aiden every now and then to kiss him

quickly, even though the older man did his best to

elude him on each pass.

"If this fairy gets his hands on you witch boy, you

are fucking dead." Aiden's teeth were gritted as he did

his best to control his temper. He had a lot more

sympathy for Frances now that he was even smaller

than the six-inch man. Ashley he didn't give a shit

about; let him stay small.

"Don't be a bitchy fairy." Liam made himself

twinkle. "Come on, fly with me. We've got a few

hours before Daniel and Evan get here. It'll be fun."

Liam flew close and Aiden lunged for him, falling

off the branch. He started to scream when his wings

fluttered and he was flying. And just in time, because

he'd almost landed on some guy's head. The man

swatted at him. Aiden glared and flew in front of the

bearded man's face. "Look asshole, this is a fairy

retreat. I'm a fairy and retreating, so lay off." The look

of horror from the bearded man before he fell


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backwards in what only could be described as a

swoon, had Aiden laughing out loud.

"See, I told you it'd be fun." Liam laughed.

"Come on, let's go find the rest of them."

Aiden, getting the hang of flying, chased after

Liam, catching him up in his arms, they kissed, arms

tangled but still flying. Not noticing that they were

attracting attention from some of the campers before

they disappeared in a flutter of wings deep into the

leaves of the willow tree.

"Did you see that?" someone asked, rubbing his


"I think I did." Another person answered with a

laugh. "This shit you gave me has a righteous high."

Willing to accept the high from the drugs as an

explanation for what had happened, the retreat

organizer went back to checking the campers in for

the weekend.

In a down filled birds nest, Aiden kissed Liam.

"You are a rotten little shit and I'm going to punish

you like you won't believe." He began.

"Promise?" Liam laughed, "But after the

weekend." Not waiting for Aiden to answer, Liam

pulled him closer. There was something almost

wickedly sinful and definitely fun about being naked

outside in the evening twilight. Sex should be


Evan and Daniel had been driving for two hours,

been lost three times, found their way again and now

that it was dark, had a suspicion they were lost once

again. Neither one was speaking to the other.


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Finally Evan said. "I really don't understand why

you think we should both spend the weekend here. I

don't want to be here and neither do you. Let's just

turn around and go home."

"We can't even if we wanted to. I'm almost out of

gas." Daniel's voice was bitter. "We're almost there, I

saw a sign about five minutes ago."

"You never said one word." Evan glared, not that

Daniel could see him.

"This is the turn."

It took them almost an hour to check in, be

assigned a place to stay and to reluctantly put together

their costumes that were to reflect their inner fairy. By

then they were both exhausted and agreed to sleep and

deal with the retreat in the morning.

Aiden left Liam sleeping in the nest at the top of

the tree. He hoped it was a deserted nest not wanting

to deal with the aftermath of what might happen

should the owner appear. Liam had a rather bad

temper when disturbed from what he figured was

much needed sleep.

He would never admit to the red head that he

rather enjoyed being able to flit around like a bird. He

watched Evan and Daniel arrive and the looks on their

faces entertained him as they became initiated in the

rights of the fairy retreat. He followed them both

inside their cabin, sitting in the rafters watching and

listening to the two of them.

Daniel held up the clothing he'd chosen. "I'm

glad no one I know is going to see me in this. I hate



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"But you look lovely in drag." Evan simpered as

he modeled what he'd chosen. "It's all in the genes.

You carry yourself very much like a lady. Your

mommy would be proud."

"Whatever." Daniel looked over at Evan. "Are

you going out? It's late. I thought we'd just go to bed

and check things out in the morning."

"Jimmy would have wanted me to have some fun.

I know he's attended one or two of these soirées in his

time. I've read about it in his journals. He loved these

weekends. He could spend a whole 48 hours being the

man he longed to be. If he can't attend, then I'll do it

for him." Evan put the final touches to his fairy

costume before heading for the door. "You really

should come out too. I mean your beau would want

you to have some fun."

"I'm not so sure about that. Stan wasn't all that

interested in the weekend."

"So that's why all the doom and gloom, you

wanted the delightfully buff Stanly to come. Well

honey, there's no time like the present. Why don't you

call him and tell him what he's missing. Maybe he'll

come up tomorrow."

"I doubt it, he has a seminar tomorrow." Daniel

threw himself down on the rather hard camp bed.

"Ouch, this bed is like sleeping on the floor."

"Exactly why you need to find yourself a nice soft

manly mattress." Evan giggled, disappearing quickly

out of Daniel's sight. As soon as the door shut behind

him, all semblance of mirth disappeared. He missed

his Jimmy with a desperation he wondered if he'd


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ever get over. Everywhere he turned he was reminded

of the man. He knew he needed to let go. Even

Jimmy's journals had told him that. But try as he

might, he just couldn't. Now that he knew about

Wahjee, he kept watching everyone for signs that they

might be from that race. He was pretty sure Liam and

Aiden were Wahjee, but he wasn't sure how Shay

came into the picture and now Rosalie was pregnant.

James said that humans and Wahjee didn't interbreed.

Maybe he'd be able to ask Aiden some day.

