Magical Moonlight by Elsa Rose - HTML preview

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R osalie put her hand on her belly. She was three

months pregnant and showing more than she

thought she should be. "I look ridiculous." She glared

into the mirror.

"No you don't, you barely have a bump."

Vanessa laughed as she made their bed. "I've put

some nice clean sheets on the bed. Why don't you lie

down and rest. Your ankles are a bit swollen."

"I need to go into the office." Rosalie declared,

pulling a loose fitting sheath over her head. "My

clothes look stupid with this belly."

"You look beautiful." Vanessa wrapped her arms

around her wife. "There is no reason to go into the

office on a Saturday. Everything will still be there on

Monday and you know the doctor said you ought to

take it easy."

Phoebe was tired of this human mother's constant

whining. She could feel the stress pulling at her tiny

body and she didn't like it one bit. It was time for

some gentle persuasion.


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All of a sudden Rosalie felt an overwhelming

rush of fatigue and the desire to lie down became too

much to resist. "You know, maybe I will have a short

nap." She said, lying on top of the duvet.

"Naps are nice." Vanessa beamed.

"It's almost time for Seamus to have his, why

don't you bring him in here. We'll be company for

each other." Rosalie could feel her eyes getting


"I'll see what I can do." Vanessa pulled a soft

woolen throw off the end of the bed and covered her

wife before tiptoeing out of the room.

Shay looked up from the computer game he was

playing. He was three and rather frighteningly bright

as far as Vanessa was concerned. Doug, his cat, lay

stretched out on the desktop, watching everything his

person was doing. Rosalie and Vanessa often joked

that it was almost as if the cat was taking notes so that

she could do what the boy did. They didn't know how

close to the truth they were. The game he was playing

was a drawing game, testing his skills as a budding


"It's time for your nap, buddy." Vanessa said as

she approached his desk. "What are you making?" she

asked, unsure of what she was seeing.

"Daddy and Liam are fairies." He giggled. "They

fly in the trees. See, they have wings like a butterfly."

"Uh Shay, they have no clothes on. Don't fairies

wear clothes?" She wasn't even going to go into the

fact that he'd made his father a fairy.


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"No clothes, just skin." Shay shrugged. "Fairies

don't like clothes."

"The fairies in your books wear clothes."

"Those are pretend fairies, these are real ones."

Shay made his picture fairies sit in a bird nest before

climbing down from his desk. "Nap now mommy."

Doug jumped down beside him. "Sleep with momma

and Phoebe."

"Shay please don't call the baby Phoebe, you

know it annoys momma." Vanessa had given up

trying to make him stop calling the baby Phoebe

around her. Even though she was sure the baby was a

girl and would be named Morgan Rebecca, she was

beginning to mentally call her Phoebe as well.

"Okay." Shay agreed. He didn't need an annoyed

Momma; she wasn't very nice when she was irritated

with him. She'd tried to spank him once the week

before, but Phoebe had made her arm hurt before she

started. Shay hadn't forgotten his shock at the

realization he was about to be physically struck.

Phoebe was a good friend to him already.

The boy was pleased that his momma was already

asleep. He climbed up on the big bed with his blanket,

laying his head on a pillow. Doug jumped on the bed

and settled between Rosalie and his boy, stretching

out long and lean. Shay carefully covered her up,

leaving only the tip of her nose uncovered. He shut his

eyes, happy to be close to Phoebe. It wasn't often he

could be this near. "Phoebe our daddies are being silly

fairies today." He whispered, his voice soft as a

summer breeze and almost as quiet.


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"My daddy is having fun." She agreed. "Your

daddy is too, but he doesn't want my daddy to know."

"Daddy's are funny." Shay said quietly. He

sighed. "Sleep now Phoebe." His small hand rested on

the mound that was Rosalie's tummy, the warmth of

his hand felt by the small one tucked safely inside.

Phoebe turned over and over in her watery space,

thinking about what the world would be like when she

was born. She worried about her mother's inclination

to work too hard and her refusal to eat properly. She

worried about Shay and his safety, for she could feel

black forces pressing down on the house, despite the

fact that her father had her brother in a protection

spell. It would be another almost six months before

she could be born, though she supposed if she had to,

she could do it in five although it might leave her too

weak physically to be much help to Shay.

The calming lullaby sung by her Grandmother

Morgan filtered into her haven. One or the other of her

Grandmother's always knew when she was anxious

and wove a spell of song for her. Shay's grandmother

knew songs from ancient times, and her grandmother

knew the newer ones. They were all good. Phoebe let

herself relax; she needed her rest as well as her


At the fairy retreat, Liam woke refreshed from his

nap. Aiden was nowhere to be seen, but he wasn't

worried. He suspected the older man was enjoying the

freedom of flying. He shivered, it was colder than

he'd expected. To warm himself up, Liam took to the

air flitting here and there keeping out of sight of the


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other campers but observing them carefully. He was

hoping he'd find Aiden but instead he found Daniel

peering out of the door of one of the cabins.

Flying low, Liam could tell that Daniel wasn't

happy to be stuck in the woods. He was shivering and

dressed in a kilt. Liam laughed out loud as he flew

higher. Daniel heard the sound and turned toward him,

his eyes bugging out at the sight of a red headed

winged human. "Holy fuck, it's a fairy." He

whispered, trying to trace where the Liam flew, but he

was too fast. "I saw a fucking fairy." Daniel ran

outside to tell someone, but everywhere he turned and

anyone he told, wasn't interested. They were in a fairy

retreat after all. Of course he saw a fairy.

Evan didn't hear any of this. He was sitting deep

in the woods in a secluded glen, his back to a large

rock, smoking a joint he'd brought from Jimmy's

stash. He was well and truly high. He watched Aiden

fly into the open glen and then he watched as the man

sat on his shoulder. "Hey Aiden." Evan said as he took

another hit.

"Hey Ev." Aiden leaned in, hoping for a residual

high from the fumes. "What's up?"

"Not much. I miss James." Evan sighed. "Oh, and

I know you and Liam are Wahjee, but I won't tell."

"I'm a fairy, a figment of your doped up mind."

Aiden said. "Blow that smoke my way, would you."

"No problem." Evan blew smoke over his

shoulder. "So why the fairy wings?"

"Liam's idea of a fun weekend." Aiden said when

he let the smoke out of his lungs.


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Evan found this funny and started to giggle.

"Hey don't laugh, I could fall off." Aiden was


"No you couldn't, you'd fly." Evan giggled, this

time offering Aiden a toke. It wasn't easy, but he

managed to suck in another lungful of the powerful


"Fuck, that's either good stuff or it works better

when you're three inches tall."

"I think size does count." Evan laughed "Though

for a fairy, you're not badly hung considering it's

damn cold out here tonight."

"Yeah, no shit. Liam and his fucking ideas. Do

you have any idea what it's like to fuck in a bird's

nest? I mean the fucker could come home any minute

and mistake us for some kind of naked bug."

"It is kind of a strangely ironic idea, I mean you

and Liam as fairies." Evan sighed. "I envy the two of

you. You have so many years left for you to spend

together. My Jimmy and I had such a small amount of


"He loved you Ev. He still loves you. I mean look

how he trusted you with a secret that meant everything

to him. Wahjee take the knowledge of their existence

seriously." Aiden sucked back some more smoke. "Of

course you aren't having this conversation with a fairy


"That's true." Evan sighed. "I mean if I was going

to have you as a figment of my imagination, I think a

full size Aiden Mac Ruaidhri would be more fun than

one big enough to put in my pocket."


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"In your dreams Evan. Don't tell Liam, but I'm a

one man fairy." He giggled. "It's a secret."

"Your secret is safe with me."

Daniel stumbled into the small Glen. He slumped

down beside Evan. "I think I'm having a bad trip." He

closed his eyes and leaned back, but not before

nodding to Aiden.

"Have some smoke." Evan offered. "It's pretty


"Can't, I'm seeing things." Daniel sighed. "I

know it's not good when you start hallucinating."

"Oh, seeing anything interesting?" Evan had to

ask, knowing full well what the other man was

referring to. Aiden was now leaning against Evan's

neck, thoroughly high.

"I saw Liam."

"Oh, I didn't know he was here this weekend.

Was Aiden with him?"

"No, I saw Liam flying. He was a fairy."


"I see Aiden too."


"Yeah, I think he's on your shoulder. I think he's

high. I recognize that look he gets."

"Oh." Evan paused. "Is he a fairy too?"

"Of course he's a fairy. He's been a fairy all his

life." Daniel huffed. "I'm a fairy too. But not as much

as Aiden. I suck at being a fairy. I don't know my

inner fairy." He started to cry.

"Oh for fuck sake, Danny. Get a grip." Aiden

stood up, his legs wobbly. He flew over to Daniel and


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kissed him. "You're fucking useless." Then he flew


"Fairy Aiden kissed me." Daniel sighed. "I'm

tired, really, really tired. I'm never doing any kind of

drugs ever again in my whole life."

"I want what you had. Fairy Aiden didn't kiss

me." Evan laughed.

"It sucks when you can feel and hear your

hallucinations." Daniel sighed, leaned his head on

Evan's shoulder and fell into a sound sleep.

Even looked up at the star filled sky. "Jimmy, I

don't know if this is what usually happens at these

retreats, but I think this will be my last one. I hope you

understand." He smiled when the stars began to

twinkle much like his Jimmies eyes used to.
