Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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She could feel it in the air. As she left the station area and passed a couple of grocery stores, she heard what she thought were a couple of gunshots. She froze. Failing to take another step for she knew that if she did she might be walking into a street gunfight (and you don't want to be doing that if you don't have a gun or an alliance).

As she stood there wondering what to do, a car screeched into the main the road that divided the dock area and the string of grocery shops she was passing. The headlights were a sharp white with blue streaks, she could immediately tell that it was an expensive car that was leaving what she was sure to be the same place the gunshots came from.


The vehicle was a good four hundred metres away and was accelerating, the engine creating a thunderous sound as it sped up. She was petrified but she knew that if she didn't act now she was going to be seen by whoever was fleeing the scene.