Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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The tone in his voice was cold but he needed it to be that way to get the message across.


Irene left her apartment and was heading towards the station to get on the train to Valeria.

"We have moment people." Adria spoke through the comms the second she noticed that the camera outside the apartment caught her leaving.

"Copy that," Presto replied. "Hena and I will keep tabs on her from now on." Hena and Presto woke Greg and Kew up as they were leaving to follow Irene up North. They left the room and were walking at sturdy pace as they made sure that they kept out of sight.

"N.Squad come in." Adria was calling the N.Squad to alert them of the situation in the South.

"Piettro speaking."

"User K.O is on the move and she's heading your way. She is being followed by Presto and Hena. Relay with them to keep track of any updates. It will be the six of you up north, all the best."