Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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"Copy that Veep." Piettro gathered the N.Squad around and gave a briefing of how they were going to maneuver the tracking of Irene.




The coach from Paridosa was heading towards the river Heilora which was North of Mobilia and ran along the Mobilia-Rivine border. The large river was the second longest in the colony with its source in the heights of Mt. Magna in Paridosa. The trip had become a lot more comfortable for Scotty, Kyle, Brianna and Lisa after the brief stop in Brestille.


Their stomachs were not empty and the sun wasn't too hot, the cloud cover continued to allow for a cool breeze to circulate in the atmosphere. Soon the bus was headed off the main highway that circled the district and down dual carriageway that would get the travellers to the border between Mobilia and Rivine.