Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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Twenty minutes after exiting the main highway the coach was approaching the river Heilora. The long river was close to six hundred metres wide in some of its widest parts. However at the point the bridge crossed the river it was an impressive four hundred meters with an exiting and entry border post on both sides of the bridge.

There was a large parking area at the exiting border posts. Security was very strict at this border due to an intensity of smuggling between the two districts.


The coach parked in the provided parking area and all travellers were told to exit the bus. Only the bus driver was allowed to remain on the bus. Each passenger on the bus was to submit their paperwork as they passed through the security check point. They were scanned for any unauthorized merchandise but none were found with any. They were processed and eventually they were lead to a waiting bay where they could get on the coach again.