Narkal: Genesis by Emmanuel Chikoti - HTML preview

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She noticed his sudden change of attitude.

"Thanks for the ticket, you really came to my aid back there." She figured it was high time for a thanks.

"Well, you're welcome. I guess it was your lucky day." He wasn't sure whether to be happy that she had thanked him or irritated by the fact that she had only thought of saying thank you four and a half hours after they left Triccoli. She smiled at him, almost telling him that she wasn't with the whole idea of the free ticket and that she could've bought it herself. She withheld her words, it seemed the better reaction at that point in time.

Scotty put his headsets back on as the coach continued to weave its way into the valley of Jaroka. The town of Jaroka was the first town every traveller passed through as they entered Rivine through Mobilia. Jaroka was situated at the bottom of the Jaroka valley.

The valley was well known for its agricultural production. The valley produced all the food for Rivine as well as 48% of the fruits that were