The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Eight


Week One Day One


 I woke this morning with a burning in my arm and a massive headache. I got up from my bed and knew that he would be waiting for me in the bathroom before I shower. I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom turning on the light.

"Good morning Cassie"

"Go away, I want to shower" I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed"

"Unless you want me to break my mirror get the fuck out and wait in my room mirror"

"Fine" I waited for him to leave and than took off my clothes and got in the shower.

I got out the shower and wrapped the towel around my body. I walked out the bathroom and into my closet ignoring the fact that he was waiting for me in my mirror. Ever since I had the outburst in school I feel like I don't take shit from anyone and I honestly like it. I feel like I can control everything around me. I got my clothes and got dressed.

I walked over to my mirror to see what he wanted and he nodded in apporval of what I was wearing.

"What did you want?"

"I have a message for you"


"Lola and Yasmine are coming to pick you up for school. Kelsey is taking Rebecca after her doctors appointment"

"Why can't I take my car?"

"Because last night I was in the mirror and someone put something in your car"


"Todd left something in the back seat of your car but I didn't see what it was"

"Ok" I heard a car horn from outside and walked outside and downstairs. I got my keys and got in Lola's car.

"Morning" I smiled at them and Lola drove off to school.

"Has he spoken to you about his parents?"

"No, do you know anything about them?"

"We've never even seen them. We've only seen pictures around his house of them. He doesn't see them unless they appear at his door"


"You'll find out when they get here for your test" I nodded and she parked the car.

"You don't talk to him or the guys at school?"

"We weren't allowed any contact when you first got here. But now that you know, we can"

"Didn't people know your friends or whatever with them?"

"Yes but they knew not to speak or he would kill them"

"Oh" We walked inside and I saw them all by my locker.

"Good Morning Mistress" I looked at them confused but remembered what Justin said.

"Uh Morning?" I felt a hand on my lower back and turned my head to see him standing next to me. I looked up a little and felt a warmth on my cheek.

"Morning Cassie"

"Morning" I opened my locker and took out my books.

"What are we going to do about Becky?" I asked Lola and Yasmine

"You don't need to worry about her"

"What do you mean?" They looked at Justin and he nodded at them

"What's going on?"

"I've sent them on a little I guess you can say vacation"

"What did you do?"

"Let's just say that your sister got a new job in Huntington"

"There gone?"

"Yes, your stuff is being put into Lola's house until your trail is over"

"What if I fail?"

"Than your family line ends"

"What do you mean?"

"Forget it, it's early and you have to get to class" The bell rang and I walked to English with Travis.

We walked inside and I saw people looking at me with fearful looks.

"Why are they looking at like that?"

"Because they know your Justin's Mistress"

"What the fuck does that even mean?"

"After you meet his parents than you will know everything else"

"When will the fucking shadow leave?"

"After the trail is over" The teacher walked in and looked at me.

"Good Morning Mistress" I rolled my eyes and put my head on the palm of my hand bored of this day that had only began. During the class I was joking around with Travis and since I couldn't get in trouble the teacher didn't say anything. The bell finally rang and I got my bag and book.

"See you in lunch Mistress"

"Really Travis?" He laughed and walked off. I walked into my math class and sat in my seat next to Lola.

"So my friend, how's your day?"

"If someone calls me Mistress one more time I am going to rip them in half"

"Damn, someone's on edge"

"I had a massive headache"

"Maybe you should tell Justin, I'm sure that he can help" I put my head on the desk and closed my eyes. The door opened and I felt a hand on my back.

"Are you alright?"

"Her head is bothering her" I heard Lola say.

"Lift your head Cassie" I picked my head up and saw Justin infront of me.

"Look straight at me" I looked at him and he placed his hands on both sides of my head.

"Take a breath" I inhaled and he pushed on my temples and as I exhaled I didn't feel my headache anymore

"How's that?"


"Mind if I take her Lola?"

"Nope, go ahead" He got my bag and notebook. We walked to the back and I sat in the seat next to his

"Doesn't some one sit here?"


"I don't want to take anyone's seat"

"It's fine. Just sit" I felt his hand on my lower back and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Are you ok?"

"Tired but I'm fine. What happened to my headache?"

"You'll find out" The door opened and a girl walked in looking pale holding her hand.

"You gave it to her?"

"Yup, relax she'll be find after this period" I nodded and the teacher walked inside the room with a boy behind him. The guy looked at me and walked to the back table where I was.

"That's my seat" He made it seem as if he was brave and everyone was looking at him. I picked my head up from Justin's shoulder and looked at me

"Excuse me?" I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice. Does it look like I give a fuck if this was your seat? No so go the fuck away.

"I said that's my seat" I was about to say something when Justin looked at him

"Go sit next to Brandy in the second row or else"

"Yes sir" He mumbled and walked off.

Soon enough it was lunch and I saw Rebekah sitting at a table. I looked at the girls confused and they shrugged. The doors opened and everything went silent and I knew that Justin walked in. I felt a hand on my lower back and a warmth on my cheek knowing he kissed my cheek for the second time today.

"What's wrong?"

"I thought you said Rebecca and Kesley left town"

"They did"

"No she's over there" I said point at the fact that she was sitting at a table.

"What the fuck?" I saw the famaliar laugh and turned to see Todd smirking.

"Thought she left huh? Looks like you were wrong"

"What did you do?" I felt Justin anger and I felt all his anger flow in me.

"Let's just say that they aren't going anywhere as of now"

"You know they have to leave town or Cassie and me won't be able to get the throne"

"Oh do I?" Justin stepped forward and Todd stood there with a smirk on his face.

"What are you gonna do? Send a shadow at me?"

"No, something far worse" I felt all the blood boil in my body and looked at the others.

"Holy shit"

"She's gonna kill him" I heard around me.

"I'm not gonna do anything to you" Justin said with a smirk


"I won't have to"

"And what does that mean?" Justin moved and Todd's eyes widened

"Oh fuck" I felt my body shake and next thing I knew I was behind Todd with a bat in my hand. Where the hell did I get that from? And how did I get behind him?

"W-where'd she go?"

"Behind you" He turned and I lifted the bat and hit him in the head. He fell to the floor and I dropped the bat. I felt a cold hand on my lower back and relaxed.

"W-what did I do?" I gulped seeing his lifeless body and blood rushing out his head

"You just killed your first victim"

"What?" I saw Rebecca get up and walk out the door

"Where is she going?"

"She's listening to what I told her"

"She's leaving?"


The final bell rang and I couldn't get over the fact that I had killed someone today. Justin and the other's were happy for me and for some reason I felt as if I was happy too. But, that doesn't make any sense because I know that killing someone is wrong.

"It's not wrong if it's your fate" I turned to see Justin standing with his arms crossed

"Why am I happy that I killed him?"

"Because were connected so if I think something it happens"

"So if you want to kill someone I'm going to do it?"

"No, only if the person hurts you first than you do it. Todd took you against your will, you had hate towards him but my anger combined your hate sent you on the path to make you hurt him"

"Am I gonna get arrested?"

"No, but someone is"


"See for yourself" He said pointing behind me. I turned and saw the girl that he gave my head ache too being shoved into a police car.

"This is going to be a confused 3 weeks"

"Come on, let's get you to Lola's"