The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Seven


Devil Mansion


We walked into the house and I was in sudden awe as to everything that was seen before me. The living room had white couches, a coffee table, plasma Tv, the walls were painted white with black stripes. We walked into the kitchen and I smiled at it. The counters were black and there was white cabinets along with a black and white backslash. I felt someone take a hold of my hand and we walked up the stairs.  I walked up the stairs to a door. I turned to Travis and Brandon as they nodded as if to say to go in. I closed the door behind me, the lights were off but as I made my way inside a same lamp was turned on.

"Take a seat Cassie, I've been waiting for you" I gulped and sat in the seat infront of a desk. He wasn't facing me but I could feel the intense air around me as the chair turned around slowly.

"Welcome to my house, I hope you like it"

"I-it's beautiful"

"You don't have to be afraid right now Cassie, I'm not going to hurt you" I nodded still alittle nervous as to why he wanted me here.

"Follow me Cassie" He said as he got up from his chair. The door was opened and I got up walking out infront of him. I felt a hand on my lower back as we walked down the hall.

"I know your heart is racing Cassie, you don't need to nervous. I don't have any reason to hurt you at the moment. Do I?" He said and I shook my head.

"W-why am I here?" I coughed hoping he didn't notice my studder

"You are here for more than one reason" I looked at him with a confused face.

"Give me your arm" I handed him the arm with the letters on them and he opened a door.

"Walk inside and I'm sure all your questions will be answered" I stepped inside and noticed he wasn't with me

"Aren't you coming?"

"I am not allowed in the room until you figure out why you are here. I will stand out here until the room goes green" I walked away from the door and looked around at pictures that were around the room.

The first one was of a man and woman holding a baby in there hands. The woman had the letter's RB on her left arm. I walked down the way and saw another picture of a woman and man. The woman had the letter's JB on her neck. I am guessing those are Justin's parents. She was holding a baby boy with the letters JB on his right leg. The floor started to shake and I turned to see Justin walk into the room. He made his way to me but I didn't move from this picture.

"Is that baby you?" Knowing he was behind me


"Those are your parents?"

"Yes again"

"I still don't understand what the marking means"

"Walk with me and I will answer the questions you have" He held out his hand and I took a hold of it making his picture glow red

"What is that?"

"It means i've found you"


"My family isn't like your's Cassie, I was born in the middle of the battle between good and evil. At the moment I was born everything around me with glowing red and green. But as I opened my eyes for the first time I saw a little girl with a purple glow around her body. She had on a red dress, two pigtails and black sandals"

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Because the girl I saw was you Cassie , I have always been watching how you were supposed to grow up, the heart breaks you would go through, the death of your parents, all because I was born all those bad things that have happened to you is because of me"

"I don't understand, so because you were born my parents died, i've had my heart broken by guys?"

"Yes, if your parent's hadn't died when you were 8 than your sister would not taken care of you making you stay in Florida where you grew up. But when they died and your sister got that job for the company she works for, you wouldn't have been here"

"What would've happened?"

"If you hadn't come here, the day you turned 18 there would've been a fire at your house killing you, your parents and even Rebekah" I felt like I was in a fucking horror movie

"But that doesn't make any sense as to why I am here. Why you wrote JB on my arm, ANSWER ME WHY THE FUCK AM I HERE?" I felt as if my arm was on fire and felt a cold hand hold onto it.

"Look at me" I turned to him and felt my heart rate go down

"Why is this happening to me?"

"I never meant for you to go through this pain. But, it's my turn to take over the thorne and I need my mistress by my side or I lose it"

"What throne?"

"Everyone thinks the Devil lives in hell. Which is partly true, because he does. But what they don't know is that everyone in this town. This town is hell"

"Does that mean I'm dead?"

"No, everyone here is alive. But, ever since the first generation of my family line we have been the cause of every death, hurt, pain, scar, tear every bad thing that happened to anyone is because we have caused it"


"Were close" He moved a curtain out the way and I saw tv's all around of shadows around every person in this town

"What are those things?"

"Those are the shadows of each person, there inner demons in this case. They make sure that anything bad that happens to the person is because they cause it. If they trip or break a bone it's because the shadows are doing there job.

"So i've had a shadow following me this whole time?"

"Yes, but I have given you a shadow that I know since I came to this place"

"Who's my shadow?" He turned and looked at me

"I am" I felt a rush of cold air go through the room and saw a black figure next to Justin

"Go get that mirror from the corner" I nodded and picked it up.

"What now?"

"Hold it up to your face" I held it up to see myself and my eyes widened

"What do you see?"

"I-I see you" I turned and saw the shadow with glowing red eyes looking at me

"I've been watching you ever since the day you were born"

He closed the door and placed his hand on my lower back

"Is that is?"

"I have one more thing that you need to see" I nodded and we walked downstairs. I heard laughter coming from the living room and turned to Justin.

"I believe you met Bryanna and Yasmine"

"What about them?"

"Go into the living room" I walked into the living room and my eyes widened.

"Holy shit" I saw them sitting on the couch with there arms glowing blue and yellow.

"They were make sure that I could trust you"

"What do you mean?"

"They were your first test. Friendship"

"What's the second test?"

"There are three test to make sure that I can have you with me by the throne. Your next test, Family"


"Your test is to meet my family, if they like you than you move onto the last test"

"Which is what?"

"Pleasure" I blinked to him


"I was the one to make you were a virgin for the last test"


"You have 3 weeks until your first test. Lola and Yasmine are going to help you with my family" I nodded and he looked at the girls

"Take Cassie home, make sure that no one sees her mark"

"Yes sir" They got up from the couch and made there way to me. Lola pulled my sleeve to my jacket down and turned to Travis.

"Her mark stands for Travis Dillion and Yasmine's stands for Brandon Hanson"

"What happens now?"

"You go home, and talk to Rebekah. Tell her what Todd did to you and don't worry. I'll be around" He said with a smirk

"My mirrors"

"Exactly, be safe" I nodded and walked out the house with the girls.