The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine


Lola's House


We pulled into her driveway and saw Travis's car parked by the sidewalk. I guess he came to help us or something. We walked inside and he went into the kitchen saying he needs a drink. I sat on the couch with Lola and she turned on the Tv to a movie I guess they were watching before. Travis walked into the living room and sat next to Lola . He had his arm around her and she was laying between his legs. I sighed and looked out the window.

"Cassie are you alright?" I heard Lola say, I turned my head to her and nodded slowly

"I'm fine, uh where am I sleeping? I'm kind of tired"

"Upstairs first door on your left. The bathroom is the door by the Tv and the closet is the one next to the bed"

"Thanks" I grabbed my bags from the door and walked upstairs. I opened the door and turned on the light to see a purple and gray room. I plugged in my charger and my phone since it was dead. I changed into my pajamas, laid on the bed and turned on the Tv along with my phone.

I started flipping through channels and ended up watching Pretty Little Liars on ABCfamily. I turned off the lamp and saw my phone light up. I looked over and saw a random number was calling. I bit my lip wondering if I should answer and reached over to it.


"It's me" His voice sounded calm over the phone. As if he was finally relaxed and not hating me for an unknown reason.

"How'd you get my number?"

"I have ways"

"Let me guess, your Shadow"

"Correct, I just wanted to make sure your alright"

"I'm fine, It's weird being here though"

"Want some company?"


"Open your window" I heard a something hit my window and walked over to open it. I unlocked the window and saw him standing on the ground looking up at me.

"Hi" I hung up the phone and he started to climb up the side of the house to get to my room. Most people would find this romantic but I'm still a little scared of him so I'm inbetween romantic and scary. But I'm warming up to him as the days pass. He got into my room and I sat on my bed.

The bathroom door closed and he walked out in his boxers since I told him I didn't want a show. He put his clothes in a bag that was in his hand when he came and laid beside me. I turned to him and questioned if I should lay my head on his chest like Lola did to Travis.

"It's fine" I looked at him and he smirked

"Stay out my head"

"Can't help it" I laid my head on his chest and he put his arm around me rubbing my back lightly.

"Can you tell me about your parents?"

"What do you want to know?"

"What to do and not to do when I see and meet them"

"Don't tell them about Rebekah or Kelsey, you can talk to my mom about food, or anything about the kitchen. My dad is hard because he will judge on appearance so don't wear shorts, or a tank top and he hates heels. He likes when the girl is comfortable with herself so i'd say no makeup. Basically just wear jeans and shoes with a comfortable shirt" I nodded and felt my eyes start to close

"Night" He whispered before kissing the top of my head.

"Cassie get up, it's time for school" I moved my head under the pillow and threw up my middle finger telling whoever it was to fuck off but that didn't work considering I felt pressure on my ass and knew it was Justin.

"Go away" He chuckled and I felt a warmth on the back of my neck and felt my shirt being lifted up. I felt the same warmth leave my neck and move to my back and knew he was kissing my back. I rolled over and he smirked at me.

"Go get ready, we have to leave soon" I got up, walked into the bathroom took a shower and got dressed.

I got in Justin's car and he drove to school. Once we got there he opened my door and I felt everyone's eyes on us. I looked around and everyone looked away as my eyes landed on them. Are people scared of me now? I mean I know that I was marked to Justin but is it that scary that they can't talk to me now? We walked inside and I saw a guy by my locker with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. Justin had his hand on my lower back as we walked making the guy glare at him. We reached my locker and I saw a guy I didn't know.

"Carter" Justin hissed at him and I moved away to open my locker

"So this is your girl Bieber?"

"Fuck off" I turned and saw the guy was dressed in white. Uh ok? Won't he get dirty? I shrugged it off and got my book.

"Aren't you going to introduce me?"

"No, now leave" The guy smirked and looked at me

"Hey, I'm Carter"

"Hey, I'm not interested" Justin smirked at me and put his arm around my shoulder. The bell rang and he turned to face me.

"Are you sure your ok to walk alone?"

"I'll be fine, Todd's dead which means I'm fine" I felt the guys eyes on us and looked at Justin's eyes.

Kiss me. He looked at me as if to say you sure? and I nodded at him. I pulled him by the jacket and he leaned down since he was taller. I felt his breath his my lips and saw them getting closer. I closed my eyes slowly and felt his lips press against mine. I moved my hands to reach around his neck and entangled my fingers together as he moved his left his to my neck and his right hand moved my shirt up a little and I felt his cold hand rubbing my side. I heard a cough but ignored it. His lips were unbelievably soft and gentle. I felt his tongue move against my lip and slid mine against his. He pushed me against the locker and I heard his growl. I felt my head be pulled away from his and turned to see Lola and Yasmine with a smirk on there face holding in a laugh.

"Are you done?" Brandon said with a chuckle

"Sorry" I looked at Justin and he winked at me

"Were late for class now" Travis took my arm and dragged me to class. I turned my head and smiled at Justin. He nodded his head once and walked off with the others.

"Late again Ms.Weston" I heard the teacher say. I looked at her and she turned around quickly to the board. Travis and I laughed as we made our way to our seats.

"Some make out session Weston"

"Shut up Dillion"

"I noticed that you met Carter"

"Yea, who's the douche?" He looked around before looking back at me.

"He's from the opposite side"

"So what? He's like an angel or something?"

"Yes, and he will try to ruin every chance you have of taking the throne with Justin"


"There will be more tests coming your way. That is why you have the girls and us. We are to protect you and help you in every way we can"

"Is that what Todd was?"

"No Todd used to be a shadow" I looked at him confused and he sighed

"Todd's one thing to do was to keep track of the other shadows, but he took over someone's body. The person that was very close to Justin, that's why he was happy I guess you can say when you killed him. He always wanted him dead but he didn't have enough power to do it himself"

"I don't understand?"

"You have a lot of power when your with Justin. Even without him you have a power that none of us can even bare to control"

"What is it?"

"I can't tell you, Lord Bieber will tell you if you pass the test"

"Late again Ms.Weston" I heard the teacher say. I looked at her and she turned around quickly to the board. Travis and I laughed as we made our way to our seats.

"Some make out session Weston"

"Shut up Dillion"

"I noticed that you met Carter"

"Yea, who's the douche?" He looked around before looking back at me.

"He's from the opposite side"

"So what? He's like an angel or something?"

"Yes, and he will try to ruin every chance you have of taking the throne with Justin"


"There will be more tests coming your way. That is why you have the girls and us. We are to protect you and help you in every way we can"

"Is that what Todd was?"

"No Todd used to be a shadow" I looked at him confused and he sighed

"Todd's one thing to do was to keep track of the other shadows, but he took over someone's body. The person that was very close to Justin, that's why he was happy I guess you can say when you killed him. He always wanted him dead but he didn't have enough power to do it himself"

"I don't understand?"

"You have a lot of power when your with Justin. Even without him you have a power that none of us can even bare to control"

"What is it?"

"I can't tell you, Lord Bieber will tell you if you pass the test"


"Justin's father"

"Oh, wait you call him Lord Bieber?"

"That is his name"


"No, but that is what we call him. Only the lucky ones get to know and call him by his real name"

"Makes sense"

"Eva, you need to stay as far away from Carter and anyone in white as possible. It is extremly dangerous if you communicate with them. They will turn you to there side and Justin will not get the throne making the war of Good and Evil end"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"If Justin doesn't get the throne and Good wins there will be a world of no sex, drugs, drinking, nothing that his family worked hard for will be ruined and destroyed. We can't and won't let that happen"

"Ok" The bell rang and we walked out the room. We walked to Math and Lola was waiting for me inside.

"See you at lunch" I nodded and walked inside, I sat beside Lola and saw Justin in the back with his hood on

"Is he ok?"

"He's just worried about you"


"Carter, he's the most dangerous out of all the angels"


"Because he was one of us, and the love of his life as others say had turned his against us. He worked for Todd but since he's dead he will stop at nothing but to take you"

"I won't let that happen"

"I hope not" We paid attention in class and next thing I knew we were in lunch. I sat at the table with Justin and the others talking about the test I have with his family. I"m nevous and right now I feel like I'm going to throw up but Justin said that I'll be fine and he will be there for the whole thing which relaxed me a bit.

I looked at Justin and saw him relaxed with me on his lap, his hand on my back. And to think that when I first met him he was a complete dick. Now he is really caring and gentle.

"Wow thanks Cassie" I looked at him and smiled innocently


"What'd she think?"

"She said I was a complete dick" The others laugh and he flipped them off but turned his head to me

"I just had to make sure that you can handle the rough side of me because it comes out a lot"

"I can manage it" He leaned down since I was still shorter even on his lap and I felt his lips on mine.

"REALLY?" He laughed and pulled away laughing with the others.