The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten


Fight with Lola


 It was finally the weekend and so far staying with Lola wasn't that bad. We usually hang around her house and watch movies or joke around. Today the others had to be here since I have to start getting ready for my first "test". Justin is already here taking a shower in my bathroom since he stayed over again just like he has since I first got to Lola's. The bathroom door opened and I smiled at him as he stepped into the room in a towel. Normally, other girls would feel a hint of Lust as they watch there "Match" walk out the bathroom in a towel but Justin said that I won't be able to feel lust, or as other people call it "horny" until his parents approve. He says that when I have there blessing everything that comes with it is: Relaxing on my outburst, Feelings of lust, and he said sometimes Hunger. Which I don't really get but if he says it does than I have to believe him since I'm still new to this. He dropped his towel and I just stared at him while he got dressed.

"It's not gonna work so stop trying" I heard him say. Fuck him and his ability to read my thoughts.

"Will you stop going in my head, one day I'm gonna think something that is going to hurt your feelings"

"Oh wow I'm so scared, what are you gonna think? About a dead dog or something? I don't feel hurt or did you forget that I have no feelings"

"You have love"

"No, I only get it if my family approves of you until than I'm a black hole of nothing"

"You suck"

"Whatever you say" I groaned and threw my head back on a pillow.

The doorbell rang and I heard talking as we walked downstairs. We reached the last step and walked into the living room where everyone was.

"Hey" I said as I sat next to Justin on the couch. I put my feet on his lap and leaned back waiting for them to start talking. I looked around and didn't see Lola or Travis anywhere though. I looked at Justin and he shrugged.

"Didn't I tell you stop going in my head"

"It's fun messing with you" I heard a crash from upstairs and looked around before we all ran to Lola's room. We opened the door and I saw Lola on the floor holding her face with tears running down her cheeks. I stepped to her and knelt down and hugged her.

"Are you ok?" She nodded and I looked at Travis who had a red face and looked like he was about to kill someone

"What did you do?"

"None of your concern"

"Lola is my best friend so it does concern me. Now what did you do?"

"The fuck does it look like I did? Maybe if the bitch listened next time this won't happen" I felt my heart start to race and saw the other run to get Lola. Justin looked at me but I snapped my head to him

"If you touch me I will kill you myself and there will be no throne" He backed away knowing that I wasn't kidding and I turned back to Travis

"Your going to tell me what the fuck you did before I get more angry"

"She was getting annoying and started asking questions and shit, I told her if she didn't stop that i'd hit her but she kept going so I pushed her" He shrugged acting like it was no big deal but I felt even more angry and felt my body start to shake.

"What? Gonna hurt me? Sorry princess but you can't" Next thing I knew I was looking at the back of his head and had a whip in my hand. I lifted it up and hit him in the back making him fall to the floor.

"WHAT THE FUCK" I hit his leg and repeated the process over until I saw blood on him.

"Did you like getting hit?" His body started to shake and he shook his head




"Y-yes" I could sense the fear on him and I bent down to him

"If she comes to me telling me you hit her again I will make sure that I leave you in a hospital bed. You don't put your hands on a girl I don't give a fuck if she is your mate she could be your fucking dog and I wouldn't give a fuck. If I find out this happened again I will make you regret it"

"Y-yes Mistress"

"Now go clean your face and meet us downstairs for the meeting" He quickly got up and ran into the bathroom.

We walked back downstairs and I sat down on Justin's lap while Lola sat next to us.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, Thanks for coming upstairs"

"I wasn't gonna let that douche hurt you" She laughed and he walked downstairs with open cuts on his arms and his jeans were ripped.

"SIT DOWN" He sat on the floor and Justin spoke first.

"We have 2 weeks until she meets my family. If they approve she will not be attending school or seeing anyone other than me or Lola due to the fact that she will start to have her symptoms of becoming one of us. If any of you see Carter Wilson within' 5 miles of her I want you to find a shadow and cause as much danger for him and get her somewhere safe" They nodded and he turned to Travis

"You are going to stay at the cabin on Wheeler Avenue until the trail is over. I do not want you contacting Bryanna or any one in the group or on the outside unless it me. You are not to leave the cabin even if it is burning on fire. Am I understood?"

"Yes" He mumbled

"Lola is going to stay with Yasmine and Brandon at there house while Cassie stays with me. If anyone contacts you tell me right away. I don't want anyone talking to someone outside of our group. If I find out or see you talking to someone outside of this group you will be put to death on the spot"

"What about your parents? They show up at random times"

"It is only 2 weeks until the trail which means that my mother is in Brazil with her friends and my father is in Peru with the council. My sister and brother will be coming next week but are staying in my family's mansion. Any other questions?" They shook there head no and Justin looked at me

"Get your things and let's go" I nodded and walked upstairs to start packing.

Justin pulled into the driveway and we walked inside the house. He turned on the light and led me upstairs past the room he had showed my when I first came here. We walked past his office and he opened a room two doors down.

"This is our bedroom" He walked inside, turned on the light and took my bag from me. I walked into the room and my eyes widened as I stepped inside.

"Through that door by the bed is the closet and through the door by the dresser is the bathroom. If you want to shower than go ahead. I will go tell Prisicilla to start dinner"

"Thank you" He nodded and closed the door as he walked out the room. I walked into teh bathroom which was just as beautiful as the bedroom and turned on the shower. I took my time as I relaxed when the hot water hit my body and changed into my pajamas. I walked downstairs to the dining room and saw Justin sitting at the table with a plate of food infront of him.

"Take a seat Cassie" A lady pulled out my chair and I sat down as she pushed my chair in. A plate of food was brought to me along with a knife and fork.

"May I get you a drink?" A guy asked with a polite smile

"Sure, I'll take anything thank you" He nodded once and walked to the kitchen I guessed. I turned to Justin and smiled at him


"You have a nice house"

"Thank you, it's my grandparents old house"

"Where are they now?"

"At the moment I don't know. But you will meet them when my parents and siblings come" The guy bought me my drink and we ate.

"Am I still going to school next week?"

"Only on Monday" I nodded and they took my plate when I was done.

"Would you like to go to sleep?"

"Yes" He took my hand and walked upstairs to the room. I laid down beside him when he laid down in his boxers. He turned the lamp off and I laid my head on his chest slowly falling asleep.