The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Eleven


Test One Finally Approaches


I got up this morning at 3:40 am to get ready to be presented to Justin's parents. Apparently they called Justin last night and told him that my "presentation" will be at there families formal party tonight. Lola came to Justin's house at 2pm saying that it took hours for me to get ready. So here I am, at the hair salon changing my hair color from blonde to brown.

"It looks good" Lola said as she got her hair trimmed


"What time is the formal party?"

"It starts at 6:30 but we have a lot to do" I nodded and once our hair was done we paid and left.

"Where to now?"

"Getting a dress" We got in her car and drove to the mall to get a dress for the party.

We walked into the mall and started to walk around the dress department. We walked around for a while and I think she made me try on almost 20 dresses until I found one that I really liked. It fit me perfectly and Lola liked it too. We paid and walked out the mall. We got back to the car. It was already 5:50 pm and we made our way back to Justin's house to get ready. We parked in the driveway and I unlocked the door.

"JUSTIN WERE BACK" He walked out the kitchen with a drink in his hand and I smiled at him

"You look nice"

"Thank you" He nodded once and I walked upstairs with Lola to change. We opened the door and went inside.

"I get the shower ready" I nodded and took my dress out the bag with everything else we bought for me. I laid it on the bed and Lola came out saying my shower was ready.

Once I was finished with my shower I walked into the room and started getting ready.

I was finishing the last curl in my hair when the doorbell rang downstairs. I turned to Lola and she finished straightening the last piece of her hair.

"Ready?" I nodded and we walked downstairs. I looked around and saw everyone in the living room but Justin.

"He's in the kitchen" I turned and saw Brandon with Yasmine on his arm.

"Thanks, and you guys look good together"

"Thank you Mistress" I looked at Yasmine confused than at the fact she called me Mistress. I walked into the kitchen and saw Justin sitting at the table with a glass in his hand looking at a wall.

"Hey" He turned his head to me and moved his chair back. I sat on his lap and looked at him

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, you look very nice"

"Thanks, Come on we should get going" He nodded and we all left the house. I got in Justin's car and we drove for 2 hours until we were infront of a beautiful mansion.

"Oh my god" He turned to me and I was in pure shock as to the house that was infront of me.

"I think you'll like the inside too" He said as he helped me out the car. I didn't even notice that he opened my door.

We walked through the front door and I held onto Justin's forearm as we walked in. We were the last two people since Justin told the others to go first. Mostly because I was almost shitting in my pants. As the doors closed everyone's heads turned to us and I wanted to pass out and die. He walked past everyone as we got to an open spaced room.

"Wow" I said as everything around me was nicely decorated and beautiful. I heard a whistle be blown and we walked back to the foreir.

"Lord Bieber and his Mistress" The guy moved out the way and a guy walked in with a woman linking arms with each other.

"Are those your parents?"

"Yea" I tightened my grip on him and he looked at me

"Your gonna be fine, just remember the past 3 weeks" I looked to see his parents walked slowly up to us. His mother was short, but beautiful. She had soft eyes and a light smile that screamed welcoming but she's still Justin's father's mate. Justin's dad had cold eyes, and a straight line across his lips. He's scary as fuck.

"Hello Justin" The guy said with a darker voice.

"Father, Mother. I'd like for you to meet Cassie Weston" He moved away from me slightly and his father circled around me when he let go of his mom.

"Tell me Cassie, what is your age?"


"And your an only child?" I gulped remembering I can't tell them about Rebekah


"And what do your parents do?"

"There dead" He stopped walking and looked at me

"How long?"

"Since my 8th birthday"

"Who took care of you?"

"My aunt"

"How much do you know about my son?"

"Enough to know that if I fail this test my family line will seize to exist"

"You will have my ruling at the end of the night" I nodded and he walked away with Justin's mother. I felt a hand on my lower back and looked at Justin

"The hard part is over, now for the second part"

"Second part?"

"This part is to see how well you get along with my kind. All these people here are old Devil's" I looked around and saw that everyone here was young, they look like they were teenagers.

"But they look so young"

"We don't age after the age of 29. We stay like that forever"

"How old are you exactly?"

"I'm 19"

"I feel like I'm in a fucking twlight movie"

"Except I'm not a vampire and there are no gross werewolves" I laughed and he took my hand

"Come on I want you to meet a few people" We walked through the crowd until we got to a circle of people. There was an eldery couple but also two young couples. Justin coughed and the others turned to us.

"Cassie this is my sister Jazmyn, my brother Jaxon and my grandparents. And this is Jazmyn's mate Calvin and Jaxon's mate Alyssa"

"Nice to meet you" Jazmyn smiled at me along with Justin's grandmother and Jaxon's mate Alyssa.

"I like your dress" Jazmyn said with a smile

"Thanks, I like your shoes"

"Is this her first test?"

"Yes, she gets dad's ruling at the end of the night"

"Oh, well if we get along I'm sure he'll say yes" I nodded and looked around for Lola.

"She's in the backyard with the others" I looked at Justin and he smiled

"Really? Stop going in my head"

"Your such a dick Justin" Jazmyn said with a laugh

"Not my fault that she had interesting thoughts"

"Can we go see the others?" He nodded and took a hold of hand as we walked to the backyard.

It was coming to the end of the night and the same guy from the beginning blew the whistle again getting everyone's attention.

"Lord Bieber and his Mistress have come to a decision on the ruling" We walked up to his parents and I felt as if someone stabbed me in the heart. A rush of cold was seeping through my veins through my blood working it's way to my heart.

"W-what's happening?" Justin looked at me with a straight face

"It's the ruling" I felt my heart racing my blood was going cold. I felt everything that I never felt was hitting me all at once. Than everything stopped. I felt as if everything around me stopped moving than went into fast forward. I felt as if I was floating on air, my eyes became heavy and they slowly closed. And that was it.

"Cassie, wake up" I heard a voice say in my ear. I turned my head slightly opening my eyes slowly.


"Hey" He said smiling lightly

"What happened?" He leaned down a little and pressed his lips on my forehead

"You passed, Casie were officially mates" My eyes widened and I felt a rush of cold air go through my body.