The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Twelve




This morning was strange, I walked into the bathroom and didn't see the shadow looking at me. Instead of him I saw my reflection, I didn't have a burning ache in my arm and I felt my heart beating normal. I got in the shower and felt as if I was a new person. Once I got out I walked back into the room to see Justin on the bed with his hands behind his head watching Tv.

"Hey" He turned to look at me and smirked.

"Well hello" I walked to my drawer that he gave me and took off my towel to put on my bra when I felt a hand on my back moving to my stomach

"What are you doing?" I gulped wanting not to show that I had a burst of what felt like fire go through my stomach

"Just relax" I felt his breath on my ear. I was about to fall to the floor just from his hand placed on my stomach. He moved his hand up and I felt my heart racing.

"I can sense your excitment" I quickly turned around and pressed my lips against his. Forgetting that I was completely naked I jumped on him wrapping my legs around his waist. He moved backwards to the bed and fell back making me hover over him.

"I can get used to this" He said as I pulled off his shirt. I felt as if I had no control over my body, everything about him made me want to jump on his and rip his clothes off. He leaned up and kissed me. I felt his tounge slide in my mouth making everything much more heated and felt my body tempture rising.

"Why am I feeling like this?" I said as he moved to kissed my neck

"It's your instinct" I moved my hands down to his jeans and unbuckled his belt. He moved my hands higher and I felt his hands roam from my stomach to my boobs and back down to my ass. I couldn't help but feel the sexual tension. I took of his jeans and was about to reach for his boxers when the doorbell rang.

"That's probably the others"

"Such great timing they have" I said with a sarcastic tone. He laughed and kissed my lips quickly before I got off him. He put his clothes back and I put on my bra and underwear walking to the closet to get my clothes.

Once I was dressed we walked downstairs to the living room. Everyone was sitting around the couch and I sat with Justin on the couch by the window. I was still pissed that they came to the house without being invited and ruined my fun time with Justin. The others looked at me and I saw Travis smirking

"Say something and I swear I will cut your dick off" His eyes widened and he covered himself with a pillow

"What's up your ass?"

Yasmine said with a laugh. I glared at her and got up from the couch, I walked into the kitchen opened the fridge and took one of the beers that Justin had for his guys nights. I huffed and sat on the counter with three bottles next to me. I heard laughing coming from the living room than heard the sound of footsteps coming towards the kitchen. I lifted the bottle towards my lips and saw the girls walk in the kitchen

"Were sorry that we ruined your first chance at him"

"Is that what there laughing about?"

"Well you know Travis"

"Douche" I heard footsteps coming from the hall and Justin walked in the kitchen

"Are you ok?"

"Just fucking amazing" He pointed towards the exit and the girls walked out. He walked up to me and picked me up off the counter.

"What's wrong?"

"I wanted my fun time"

"We have eternity Cassie, or did you forget that?"

"I'm a fucking virgin, and I wouldn't be at this moment if those dick heads didn't fucking come here without telling us" His eyes widened and he coughed

"I know, but they are also a part of my family. It's something you have to get used to"

"No, I don't have to do shit. Or did you forget that?"

"Cassie, be reasonable"

"No, either get them out or I'm staying with Lola" He looked at me with his dark shades of his eyes but I wasn't backing down

"You don't tell me what to do"

"I believe I just did" He stepped closer and to be honest I found his very sexy when he was pissed off with me.

"I don't think you know who your talking to Cassie"

"Your sexy when your mad" I said holding onto the loops of his pants.

"Stop it, I'm mad at you right now"

"Oh come on, you know you can't stay mad at me" Where the fuck is this coming from? I've never said or done anything like that.

"Cassie stop it, it's just lust taking over"

"I want it to take over, please Justin?"

"Cassie I said stop" I leaned closer and placed a kiss on his neck.

"I will make it fun"

"Cassie that's enough" I kissed his neck a few more times until I was pushed against the counter.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Your acting like a complete slut" I looked at him in shock and put the bottle on the counter. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and his face softened

"No Cassie I didn't mean it like that"

"FUCK YOU" I ran out the kitchen with tearing running down my cheeks and went upstairs to the room. I laid on the bed and stared at the window. I can't control this shit and he thinks he has the right to say I'm a slut? Maybe he should try feeling like this and than tell me how me feelings.

The door opened to the room and I turned to see Lola and Yasmine with a sad smile on there faces. They closed the door and locked it behind them. They sat on both sides of me and didn't say a word.

"He called me a slut" Lola snapped her head towards me with her mouth dropped

"What? Why?"

"I can't control my actions, it's like something takes over my body and I was trying to seduce him in the kitchen. I didn't mean to, but something took over me and it just happened"

"I'm sorry Cass" Yasmine said

"It's not my fault that I feel like this"

"We know, but they don't know how it feels when we transition. When I turned into Travis's Mistress I ate cartons of ice cream for 4 weeks straight"

"And when I became Brandon's I grew an obsession with cats. I had him get me a new cat every 10 minutes"

"Why does this have to happen to me?"

"We each go through different stages, your happens to be lust. Justin's family is the most high Devil which means everything hits you 10 times as hard as us."

"I didn't ask for this, I just want to go back to being Cassie Weston, the sister of Kelsey and Rebecca" The door opened and we turned to see Justin holding a key in his hand

"Cassie? Can we talk?"

"Wanna call me a slut again?"

"No, look I was out of line when I said that"

"Were just gonna give you guys some privacy" The girls left the room and Justin sat next to me

"I can't control the feelings in my body anymore"

"I know and I should've understood. It's just you were very damanding and I forgot that this was one of your struggles" I turned my head to him and he whipped a tear away from my eye.

"I didn't mean to make you feel like this"

"It's not your fault"

"I'm still sorry that I made you cry" I looked at him and rolled over so I was laying on him.

"What are you doing?"

"I want a hug" He chuckled and I felt his arms wrap around my waist

"I sent the other's home. We have the house to ourselves. Still up for fun time?"

"After what you said to me? Hell no, now you have to work for it"

"Knew it" I laughed and we laid like that for a few hours until dinner at least.