The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirteen


Jazmyn and Jaxon Bieber


 I was still upset about yesterday but Justin is kissing my ass to make me happy again. I got up today with no feeling of lust but of sadness. Mostly because today is the anniversary of my Parents death, which means I was born on midnight tonight. I haven't told Justin about the anniversary or the fact that it was birthday at midnight since he was busy in a meeting. Plus he was stressing over the fact that his siblings are coming at 5 pm. I was going to walk  downstairs to help Priscilla and Liana set up for dinner when I heard a crash from Justin's office. I knocked on the door but heard yelling which meant they didn't hear me knocking. I opened the door and saw Justin glaring at a guy I didn't know, I looked down and saw a shadow. Oh no, might as well see what the noise was considering I'm already in here.

"Justin?" His head snapped to me and his face softened as his eyes went back to that sexy chocolate brown that I like. 

"What are you doing in here? I thought the door was closed"

"It was but I heard a bang and wanted to make sure you were alright"

"I'm fine Cassie" he got up from his chair and made his way over to me. He put his hands on my waist and rested his forehead on mine. He kissed my forehead and smiled at me. "Why don't you go downstairs while I finish in here. I'll be down in a few minutes" 

"Ok" I mumbled and he kissed me quickly as I walked out the office. I closed the door behind me than walked downstairs to help. 

I haven't seen Justin since I walked into his office which was at 3 pm and his siblings are coming here in 5 minutes. I heard a cough from behind me and turned to see Justin standing there with a smile on his face. 

"Everything alright? No more shouting?"

"Everything's fine"

"What happened?"

"One of the shadows disappeared and lost its host making them free to the angels. We had to track him turns out he was in the woods hiding behind a tree." I nodded and the doorbell rang, I heard the sound of heels hit the floor and turned to see Jazmyn with Calvin. She hugged Justin and than me while Jaxon walked in with Alyssa by his side. She looked about 14 maybe but that's only because they are still young. I think Jazmyn is 16 and Jaxon is 14. I'm not sure though. 

"Hey Cassie, Justin" Jaxon said nodding his head

"Nice to see you again Jaxon" 

We sat at the table and starting eating when I heard a voice in my head

"Are you alright?" I knew it was Jazmyn since she was looking right at me

"I'm ok"

"Wanna go upstairs to talk?"

"Sure"  she nodded and we got up from the table.

"Where are you going?" Justin asked me

"Gonna talk to Jazmyn, I'll be back" he nodded and we walked upstairs to Justin and my room. We sat on the bed and she looked at me.

"What's up?"

"Today's the 10 year anniversary of the death of my parents" her eyes widened but than her mouth dropped 

"But that means-"

"My 19 birthday is at midnight"

"You need to tell Justin" 

"And have him go into a heart attack? No thank you" she laughed 

"This is great news, it means that you can do your third test"

"I don't want another one. I just finished my first two"

"There's only 4 so your almost done"

"This sucks ass"

"I know but at least tell him. Maybe he can see if my dad can change the date" I heard footsteps coming fast up the stairs and the room door opened showing Justin with wide eyes

"Your birthdays in a few hours" 

"Yes" he smiled grabbed me from the bed, he spun me around as Jazmyn laughed

"Justin your making me dizzy"

"Cassie this is great news"

"No it's not, I don't want another fucking test" he put me on the floor and looked at me "What?"

"I. Don't. Want. Another. Test"

"So you don't want me to get the Thorne?"

"Justin that's not fair,you know I do. You know I'd do anything to help but the last test made you so angry. I'm just... I'm scared."

"Cassie, nothing is gonna happen. This is one test that you wanted to do"

"What is it?" He came closer to my ear and whisper it to me


We all sat in the living room talking and laughing about there old family vacations and how there childhoods were when the clock hit 11:59 pm. They looked at me with a smile on all of there faces. Too say I'm nervous is a understatement I mean I'm gong to be 19 in one minute and only a minute after I will be losing my virginity to someone that I hardly know.  "6......5.....4......3......2" I heard a loud Ding from the clock and saw that it was midnight.  "Happy Birthday Cassie" I looked at Justin and he smirked at me. I got up, walked to the kitchen and gulped down a glass of water. 

"Feel any different?" I heard a voice from behind me. I turned to see Jazmyn

"Nervous but no"

"We're leaving, I wanted to say bye"


"Hey, I'm sure that he won't pressure you into this whole thing. After all, he is my brother I think I know him pretty well" I smiled at her and hugged her.

"Thanks for coming and talking to me. It helped a lot"

"Your family now, I can't have you getting hurt for stupid shit" I laughed at her choice of words but nodded.

"See you soon?"

"I'm a shout away.... Literally"

"JAZZY LETS GO" Jaxon yelled from the living  room 

"Bye" she walked out the kitchen and I heard the door close.

I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen and knew it was Justin.

"Hey" I smiled at him and started the dishes since I told Priscilla and Liana I'd do them tonight.

"What are you thinking?" He said as he put his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder

"I'm scared that's for sure. We haven't know each other for that long and this is my first"  "Cassie, we don't have to do this if your not comfortable" I turned around and looked at me

"Are you sure?"

"We're together for our lives. I'm sure that I can wait for when your ready. Not like we're going anywhere."

"When and how did you get so sweet?"

"Sweet to the ones that deserve and need it"

 "Can we go to bed?"

"Sure" we walked upstairs to our room and I changed into my pajamas. I turned off the lamp and laid my head on his chest

"Night Cassie"
