The Devil by Samantha Nicole - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Four


She's Back


Justin had finally come back from Valdora, once he shimmered in he grabbed me by my waist and I smiled at him. He rested his forehead against mine and I felt his breath hit my face. He moved his head down to my lips and grabbed me by the back of my neck pulling me closer as his lips were placed on mine. It started off nice and sweet everything was perfect. He bit my bottom lips and pulled at it as his tounge slid into my mouth and moved mine. I felt myself being lifted off the ground and was placed on the counter. He spread open my legs and stepped between them still moving his tounge against mine. I reached up with my hands and tugged on his hair. He pulled away from the kiss and I felt my breath trying to go back to normal as he kissed my neck. I leaned my head back on the cabinet and tighten my grip on his hair. A moan escaped my lips as he started to suck and bit where he kissed. He moved his hand from my neck down my arm rested it on my thigh. I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer.

"Justin?" I whispered to him making him stop his actions.

"Yea?" He said looking into my eyes.

"Your hands are cold as fuck" He laughed and moved his hand up higher.


"I have no idea what your talking about Cass" He said moving it higher. I heard the door open and close.

"About fucking time your done. I'm surprised you haven't ripped her clothes off yet" I looked up to see Travis with the others holding in the laugh.


"We shimmered in to see you to almost having sex in the kitchen. Honestly Cass, I would've expected you to be the bedroom type of girl but if the counter works for you than that's fine too" He said with a laugh. I held my hand out and had a fire ball in my hand. His eyes widened and he stopped laughing.

"Put it out Cassie" Justin said closing my hand.


"I'll deal with him later, but don't go setting people on fire in the house. Take him outside for that" I nodded and he kissed my cheek.

We walked to the living room and I sat on Justin's lap. We were all relaxing for the day. It's getting closer to the battle time but I'm not worried about that. I know that we will win because I need to save Penelope. I need to have her in my future I just have to. But I'm also happy because it's getting close to Christmas and it's always been my favorite holiday. Lola and Yasmine are the same as me, we love Christmas. I laid my head on Justin's chest when the doorbell rang. I picked my head up and got off his lap to answer the door. I opened the front door and almost choked on my own spit. What the fuck is she doing here? She pushed me out the way and stood infront of him with a smile on her face. Everyone seemed to be in shock and she sat down next to him. He turned his head to me with a confused look on his face but I was too angry to even look at him.

"What are you doing here Melissa?"

"I came to see Justin" She said as if it's the most obvious thing in the world


"He's my boyfriend" I looked at her as if she was dumb and Justin got up from the couch. He walked over to me and placed his hands on both sides of my head.

"I need you to breath, I can still hear your thoughts and your giving me a headache" I sighed

"I'm sorry, it's just--"

"I know, I'll tell her to leave ok" I nodded and looked down. He picked up my head and smiled at me.

"Hey, don't go all sad on me. I like when you smile" He said and pecked my lips before turning around.

"Melissa I think you should leave" She turned her head to him and had a sad face on

"What? Why?"

"Because not to long ago I told you that we weren't in a relationship and that I was with Cassie now"

"Well, she's going to die anyway so I guess I would come back as of now"

"What do you mean I'm going to die?" I said to her. She smirked and got up from where she sat. She walked closer to me and stood infront of me.

"It means exactly this" I felt myself being pushed and she opened her bag. I stared at her with a annoyed expression as she looked for something.

"I know it's in here somewhere, just one second" She said turned around to get it out of her bag. I looked at Justin and he stared at me.

Can I kill her now? I thought making him laugh but nod.

"Got it, now where was I?"

"No more like where was I" I said picking up my hand making her knife fly out her hand.

"That was mine"

"Oops I don't care" I held a fire ball in my hand and threw it at her. Her screams were heard as her body started to become nothing but ash. I sat on the couch and looked at the Tv.

"Well, who wants to watch a Christmas movie?" Lola asked clapping her hands.

"Hell yeah" Yasmine and I said making everyone laugh. Justin waved his hand over Melissa's body making it disappear. He sat next to me and kissed me.

"You did good"

"Think so?"

"Yeah" I moved so I was sitting on his lap facing him.

"Maybe good enough to celebrate tomorrow night?" His eyes lit with excitment and nodded. He grabbed my face in his hands pressed his lips hard against mine.

"Your not going to be innocent Cassie after tomorrow. I'm so happy" I laughed and turned around so I could watch the movie. I laid my head back on Justin's chest and felt his play with my hair. I looked up at him and he smiled at me. I want to tell him I love him but I don't know how he will react to it. He's been so stressed lately that I'm scared to tell him. Don't get me wrong I mean I want to tell him but I don't want to be a distraction to him.

"Cass? You alright?" I snapped out of my thoughts to see Justin's eyes with concern

"Yeah I'm good" He nodded and I went back to watching the movie.